Dečko koji obečava

četvrtak, 30.07.2009.


Neki dan sam napisao kako sam u zadnje vrijeme barem što se tiće glazbe fokusiran na hip hop i elektroniku, no, ne mogu ja dugo bez masnih rifova i urlika zvijeri. Tak da svako malo u plejer ubacim i nešto ovako:

Rijetko šta me od metala uopće zaintrigira dovoljno za ponovno preslušavanje, a kamoli ugodno iznenadi. Prošle godine iznimka su bili Jex Thoth, a ove Acid Bath. Za razliku od već spomenutih Jex Thoth koji kako vrijeme prolazi dobivaju sve više pohvala i slušatelja, Acid Bath je bend koji ne postoji već 12 godina, sve otkako je basist benda Audie Pitre poginuo zajedno sa svojim roditeljima u automobilskoj nesreći 1997. Zvuk benda je teško okarakterizirati i žanrovski varira od pjesme do pjesme, sam pjevač Dax Riggs je rekao da sviraju Deathrock, na zvukove prvih par pjesama s albuma Paegan Terrorism Tactics s kojim sam ih i otkrio pomislio sam da ih opišem kao nešto manje depresivni Down. No koga briga za etikete kada to ovako dobro zvuči!

Malo o bendu s wikija:

Acid Bath was a seminal American sludge metal band from Houma, Louisiana that was active from 1991 to 1997. Acid Bath combined sludge metal with influences from hardcore and death metal.

Influenced by thrash metal as well as bands and artists such as Black Sabbath, David Bowie, Alice Cooper, Celtic Frost, Carcass, Darkthrone, they recorded their demo Hymns of the Needle Freak with their manager and producer Keith Falgout in 1993. The strength of the demo earned them a deal with an independent label. They released When the Kite String Pops in 1994, followed two years later by their second and final effort Paegan Terrorism Tactics (also produced by Keith Falgout). Neither gained them mainstream success by any means, but both albums earned a high degree of underground acclaim. Recently in 2005, they released another album composed of their demos, Demos: 1993 - 1996.

Despite only releasing two albums, as well as a number of radio edits and an official bootleg DVD, Acid Bath have gained a strong underground following (especially in Louisiana) owing to the unique, experimental nature of their music.

Acid Bath are best known for blending extreme, grindcore-influenced sludge metal with a mixture of death growls and melancholic goth/grunge-style vocals and acoustic guitar passages, as well as use of sampling and the spoken word. Dax Rigg's vocals were processed, which produced an industrial feel; some other instruments have been processed through industrial effects in their recordings (such as the snare drum on the second half of "New Death Sensation").

Dax Riggs' lyrics often display an obsession with death; he has claimed these inspirations are culled from comic books.

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