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nedjelja, 19.07.2009.

Pierced Eyeglasses

Evo nešto za ljude koji često zaborave ponijeti naočale a trebaju im!

The idea of hanging eyeglasses from a piercing or a combination of piercings or even transdermal implants is something that a lot of us have toyed with — as I was writing this, my old boss Tom Brazda reminded me that almost ten years ago we made a set of them built around a 10ga bridge piercing (with both left and right-handed threading to make it adjustable). That said, I don’t think we ever took pictures, so maybe I’m making it up because I want to steal James Sooy’s thunder. He’s who sent me this gorgeous example of a piercing-mounted set of eyeglasses:

halo halo

halo halo

halo halo

halo halo

halo halo


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