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her days.

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her quotes.

- The people who suffer the most are those who don't know what they want.
- Sometimes, in an effort to spread the most outrageous rumors, we look over the very thing that’s even more scandalous. The truth. And the only thing more shocking than the truth are the lies people tell to cover it up.
- Whoever said that money doesn't buy happiness, didn’t know where to shop.
- Dreams. Everybody has them. Some good. Some bad. Some you wish you could forget. Sometimes you realize you've outgrown them. Sometimes you feel like they're finally coming true. And some of us just have nightmares. But no matter what you the dream, when morning comes, reality intrudes and the dream begins to slip away.
- What have we said about appearances? Yes, they can be deceiving. But most of the time, what you see is what you get.
- Looks like this story might have a second act. let's just hope it's not a tragedy.

her past.


ljeto, sunce, iPod, kamenčići, On, vjetrić, plaža, mrak, mjuza, dim, cigara, svjetlo, alkohol u krvi, blijeda koža,

alternative exits.

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In the brightest hour
Of my darkest day
I realized
What is wrong with me.
Because days come and go
But my feelings for you are forever.

I love the way you talk on top of me.

10.09.2009., četvrtak

Take all of your so called problems. Better put them in quotations.

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Cause I don't want you to fade away.

- 15:28 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #