






Glittery texts by bigoo.ws


01.00-01.30- telefonirati ćete
01.30-02.00- danas će te poljubiti
02.00-02.30- bit ćete skupa ako se nađete
02.30-03.00- razočaranje
03.00-03.30- čeka te velika promjena
03.30-04.00-sviđaš mu se
04.00-04.30- sudar
4.30-05.00- frendica će te iznevjeriti
05.00-05.30- imaš suparnicu
05.30-06.00- imati ćeš iskrenu prijateljicu
06.00-06.30- zakazat će ti sastanak
06.30-07.00- na kraju ćeš biti sretna
07.00-07.30- voli te novi dečko
07.30-08.00- na tebe misli smeđi dečko
08.00-08.30- pismo
08.30-09.00- biti ćeš cijeli dan sretna
09.00-09.30- nezaboravno te voli
09.30-10.00- crni dečko misli na tebe
10.00-10.30- biti ćeš mu cura
10.30-11.00- svađa
11.00-11.30- plavi dečko luduje za tobom
11.30-12.00- frendica ti je povjerljiva
12.00-12.30- netko misli na tebe
12.30-13.00- želi da hodate
13.00-13.30- misli na tebe jer te ludo voli
13.30-14.00- povjerit će ti se
14.00-14.30- mrzi te
14.30-15.00- neočekivani uspjeh
15.00-15.30- zabavljat ćete se
15.30-16.00- netko vam želi zlo
16.00-16.30- vjeran ti je
16.30-17.00- sutra ćeš biti sretna
17.00-17.30- sretan je onaj ko te voli
17.30-18.00- prati te sreća
18.00-18.30- sviđaš se onom na koga misliš
18.30-19.00- nikad te neće zaboraviti
19.00-19.30- samo tebe voli
19.30-20.00- očekuje tvoju ljubav
20.00-20.30- reći će da te voli
20.30-21.00- samo se poigrava s tobom
21.00-21.30- pozvat će te na rođendan
21.30-22.00- užasno mu se sviđaš
22.00-22.30- sanjao te
22.30-23.00- želi voditi ljubav s tobom
23.00-23.30- otkači se od njega
23.30-00.00- obožava te
00.00-00.30- stalno ide za tobom
00.30-01.00- želi da zauvijek ostanete zajedno


1. Slijedi ih svugdje po kući
2. Muči kao krava kada kažu tvoje ime
3. Pravi se da imaš amneziju
4. govori sve naopačke (unatrag)
5. Zabijaj se u zidove
6. Govori da se nošenje odjeće protivi tvojoj religiji
7. Uđi u njihovu sobu u 4 ujutro i govori: "ah, dobro jutro! Kakav divan dan!"
8. Glasno hrči dok se smiješ i onda se smij još jače
9. Dok gledaš film čitaj tekst na glas
10. Iščupaj nekome vlas kose i vrišti :"DNK!!!!!!"
11. Nosi bedž na kojem piše " ja sam retardiran"
12. Pričaj s olovkom
13. "Imaj" 20 izmišljenih prijatelja s kojima pričaš svaki dan
14. Pokušaj se popeti na zid
15. U javnosti viči :" NE MAMA, NEĆU TE POLJUBITI!!!!!!!!!!!!
16. Guraj si olovke u uši i nos
17. neko vrijeme isključuj i uključuj svijetlo i onda usklikni:" Aha.... sad kužim!"
18. Jedi svoju kosu
19. Drži starce za ruku i jezivim glasom im šapći:" vidim mrtve ljude..."
20. Dok se tuširaš ili kupaš deri se:"UTAPAM SE!!! POMOĆ!!!!"
21. Na sve što kažu odgovori sa:"Lažeš!!!!"
22. Pravi se da si telefon
23. Pokušavaj plivati na podu
24. kucaj im na vrata cijelu noć

Živi brzo umri mlad boli te kurac gdje i kad. Puši travu kupaj se u pivi. Jel imaj na umu da jednom se živi!!!!

1. U kafiću iznad školjk:
2.WC je najstrašnije mjesto!mad
Tamo su se i najhrabriji zasrali....
3.autor 1:Srbijo majko, hvala što si me rodila
auror 2:JEBEM TI MATER!!!lud
4.Grafit na crkvi:
5.Ne vjeruj nikome ko krvari 5 dana!!
6.Nadam se da ću umrjeti kao moj djed (u snu),
a ne kao njegovi putnici u autu!!!
7.Ratom do mira isto je ko i jebanjem do nevinosti!!!
8.Nije hrabrost doći u Zagreb, popeti se na kip bana Josipa Jelačića i početi vikati: "Ovo je Srbija!!!
Hrabrost je sići doljezubo





  studeni, 2006 >
    1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30      

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Prosinac 2007 (1)
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Listopad 2007 (3)
Rujan 2007 (3)
Lipanj 2007 (4)
Svibanj 2007 (5)
Travanj 2007 (4)
Ožujak 2007 (5)
Veljača 2007 (5)
Siječanj 2007 (5)
Prosinac 2006 (12)
Studeni 2006 (9)


KomeNtari ..Visish/Nevidish

by Me(N)TaLkA :)


Ej ljudi... za početak da vam kažem kak se zovem. Starci su me nazvali Dorotea zuboNa svijet sam izletila jednog jesenjeg dana tj. 1.10. davne 1993partyfino što znači da imam ponosnih 14 godina!!party Hodat sam naučila samo sa jednom godinom.fino Po horoskopu sam Vaga...ali se osobno ne volim vagat!!! Inače sam čovječeg oblika..imam plavo smeđu kosu i plave oči...od mene ljepše oči ima samo moja best frendica Dorja. Živim u Zagrebu točnije u Prečkom.Idem u O.Š. Prečko. Imam najbolju frendicu na svijetu..Dorju smokin koja ide sa mnom u razred. Treniram odbojku. Obožavam životinje. Imam hrčka Zitu kiss i kornjaču Kornifino.
Vlim dobru mjuzu. Slušam sve kaj mi se svidi.Moj mail je dorci93@net.hr E da i da vam ne zaboravim reć da idem u 8 b razred.
-Pink floyd
-Iron Maiden
-The Beatles
-Linkin Park
-Sistem of a down
-Guns 'n' roses
-Black Sabath
-Crvena Jabuka
-Parni valjak
-Plavi orkestar

zelenu, crnu, ljubičastu, svoje žute starkekiss, ići van s frendicama, plesat, zajebavat se, B.B.B.-ehrvatska, ići u kono, sldolednjami, veliki odmornjamiyes, ljetocoolnaughtycerekmah, telku(bez koje ne bi mogla)deadgreedy, životinje, kupati se, svoju best frendicu Dorjusmokinthumbupthumbup, pizzunjami, janu od jagodenjami, surfat po internetu, izlažavat se na krevetu, ići po blogovima...i još puno lijepoh stvari...ali sad se ne mogu sjetitsmijehwink

Ne volim:
školubang, učitiblabla, sapunice, blesave ljude(mislim svi smo ponekad besavi)lud, povrčezijevzaliven(točnije od njega mi se riga), osječaj kad se prežderem, kad sam bolesna.....i neznam kaj još ne volimwink

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Uvjek sam želio biti heroj
Ne kao James Bond
Prokleti tajni agent
Želio sam biti heroj ulice
Bar jedan dan
Djevojko bar jedan sat

Da je neko drugo vrijeme
Ja bi bio Romeo a ti Juliet
Da je neko drugo vrijeme
Ja bi bio Romeo a ti Juliet

Prisiljen da razmišljam
Ja shvatio sam sve
Nisam rođen da budem heroj
o ne ne ne

Želio sam biti heroj ulice
Bar jedan dan
Bar jedan sat
Da jue neko drugo vrijeme
Ja bi bio Romeo a ti Julijet



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Image hosted at bigoo


Come as you are
As you were and
I want you to be
As a friend
As a friend
As an old anamy

Take your time
Hury uo
Chois is yours
Dont be late
Take a rest
As a friend
As an old memoria
Memoria (3x)

Come dowsed in mud
soake in beach
As i wont you to be
As a trend
As afriend
As an old memoria
Memoria (3x)

When i swere that I
Dont have a gun
No I dont have a gun (3x)

Memoria (3x)
When I sver that I
Dont have a gun
No i dont have a gun (4x)
Memoria (2x)

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Daddy's gone across the ocean,
Leaving just a memory,
A snapshot in the family album.
Daddy, what else did you leave for me?
Daddy, whatcha leave behind for me?
All in all it was just a brick in the wall.
All in all it was just the bricks in the wall.

We don't need no education.
We don't need no thought control.
No dark sarcasm in the classroom.
Teacher, leave those kids alone.
Hey, Teacher, leave those kids alone!
All in all it's just another brick in the wall.
All in all you're just another brick in the wall.
We don't need no education.
We don't need no thought control.
No dark sarcasm in the classroom.
Teachers, leave those kids alone.
Hey, Teacher, leave those kids alone!
All in all you're just another brick in the wall.
All in all you're just another brick in the wall.

I don't need no walls around me.
And I don't need no drugs to calm me.
I have seen the writing on the wall.
Don't think I need any thing at all.
No. Don't think I need anything at all.
All in all it was all just the bricks in the wall.
All in all it was all just the bricks in the wall.

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The follow the Moskva
Down to Gorky park
Listening to the Wind
og change

An Agust summer night
Soldiers pas sing by
Listening to the wind
of change

The world is closing in
And did you ewerything
That we coud be sou clous
Like brothers?

The futures in the air
Can feel it every where
I am blowingwith the wind
Of change

Take me
To the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Wher children of tomorow
Dream away
In the wind of change

Walking down the street
Distant memories
Are buried in the past
I folow the Moskva
Down to Gorky park
Listening to the Wind
Og change

Take me
To the magic of the moment
on a glory night
Where the children of tomorow
Dream away
In the wind of change

The wind of change blows strange
In to the faco of time
Like a strom wind thet will ring
The free dom bell
For peace of mind
Let your ba-la-laka sing
What my gitar
Whants to say

Take me to the magic of
the moment on aglory night
Where the children of tomorow
Dream away
In the Wind of Change






We all cam out to Montrex
On the Lake Geneva Shore line
To make records with a mobile
We didnt have much time

On Frank Zap and the Mothers
Where at the best place a round
But some stupid with a flare gun
Burned the place
To the ground

Smoke on the water
A fire in the sky
Smoke on the water

It burned down the an blong house
It died wint an awful sound
Ah Funky Claude
Was runing out
Pulling kids out the ground

Wen it all was over
We had to find another place
But Swiss time was running out
It seemed the we would lose rece

Smoke on the water
A fire in the sky
Smoke on the water

We ended up at the Grand Hotel
It was empty Could and bare
But with roling truck stones thing
Just out side
Ha ma kingor music there

We a few red lights
A few old beds
We made place to sweat
No mether Wat We get out of this
I know
I know we ll never forget

Smoke on the water
A fire in the sky
Smoke on the water

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I am a man who walks alone
And whwn I'm walking a dark road
At night or strolling throught the park

When the lights begins to change
I sometimes feel a little strange
A little anxious when it's dark

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have constant fear that something's always near
Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a phobia that someone's always there

Have you run your fingers down the wall
And have you felt your nack skin crawl
When you're searching fot the light?
Sometimes when you're scared to take a look
At the corner of the room
You're sensed that something's watching you

Have you ever been alone at night
Thought you heard footsteps behind
And turned around and no one's there?
And as you quicken up your pace
You find it hard to look again
Beacuse you're sure there's someone there

Watching horror films the night before
Debating witches and folklores
The unknown troubles on your mind
Maybe your mind is playing tricks
You sende, and suddenly eyws fix
On dancing shado ws from behind

Fear of the dark,fear of the dark
I have constant fear that smeting's always near
Fear of the dark,fear of the dark
I have a phobia that someone's always there

When I'm walking a dark road
I am a man who walks alone






Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me.
Is there anyone home?
Come on, now.
I hear you're feeling down.
Well I can ease your pain,
Get you on your feet again.
I need some information first.
Just the basic facts,
Can you show me where it hurts?
There is no pain, you are receding.
A distant ship's smoke on the horizon.
You are only coming through in waves.
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're sayin'.
When I was a child I had a fever.
My hands felt just like two balloons.
Now I got that feeling once again.
I can't explain, you would not understand.
This is not how I am.
I have become comfortably numb.
Just a little pinprick.
There'll be no more ...Aaaaaahhhhh!
But you may feel a little sick.
Can you stand up?
I do believe it's working. Good.
That'll keep you going for the show.
Come on it's time to go.
There is no pain, you are receding.
A distant ship's smoke on the horizon.
You are only coming through in waves.
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're sayin'.
When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse,
Out of the corner of my eye.
I turned to look but it was gone.
I cannot put my finger on it now.
The child is grown, the dream is gone.
I have become comfortably numb.

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She's got a smile that it seems to me
Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything
Was as fresh as the bright blue sky
Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that
special place
And if I stared too long
I'd probably break down and cry

Sweet child o' mine
Sweet love of mine

She's got eyes of the bluest skies
As if they thought of rain
I hate to look into those eyes
And see an ounce of pain
Her hair reminds me
of a warm safe place
Where as a child I'd hide
And pray for the thunder
And the rain
To quietly pass me by

Sweet child o' mine
Sweet love of mine

Where do we go
Where do we go now
Where do we go
Sweet child o' mine

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This ain't a song for the broken-hearted
A silent prayer for the faith-departed
I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd
You're gonna hear my voice
When I shout it out loud

It's my life
It's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive
(It's my life)
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frankie said
I did it my way
I just wanna live while I'm alive
It's my life

This is for the ones who stood their ground
For Tommy and Gina who never backed down
Tomorrow's getting harder make no mistake
Luck ain't even lucky
Got to make your own breaks

It's my life
And it's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive
(It's my life)
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frankie said
I did it my way
I just want to live while I'm alive
'Cause it's my life

Better stand tall when they're calling you out
Don't bend, don't break, baby, don't back down

It's my life
And it's now or never
'Cause I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive
(It's my life)
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frankie said
I did it my way
I just want to live while I'm alive

It's my life
And it's now or never
'Cause I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive
(It's my life)
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frankie said
I did it my way
I just want to live while I'm alive
'Cause it's my life!

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The wise man said just walk this way
To the dawn of the light
The wind will blow into your face
As the years pass you by
Hear this voice from deep inside
It's the call of your heart
Close your eyes and your will find
The passage out of the dark

Here I am
Will you send me an angel
Here I am
In the land of the morning star

The wise man said just find your place
In the eye of the storm
Seek the roses along the way
Just beware of the thorns

Here I am
Will you send me an angel
Here I am
In the land of the morning star

The wise man said just raise your hand
And reach out for the spell
Find the door to the promised land
Just believe in yourself
Hear this voice from deep inside
It's the call of your heart
Close your eyes and your will find
The passage out of the dark

Here I am
Will you send me an angel
Here I am
In the land of the morning star
Here I am
Will you send me an angel
Here I am
In the land of the morning star

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We passed upon the stair
We spoke of was and when
Although I wasn't there
He said I was his friend
Which came as a surprise
I spoke into his eyes
I thought you died alone
A long long time ago

Oh no, not me
We never lost control
You're face to face
With The Man Who Sold The World

I laughed and shook his hand
And made my way back home
I searched for form and land
For years and years I roamed
I gazed a gazeless stare
At all the millions here
I must have died alone (Alt: I must have died along)
A long, long time ago

Who knows?
Not me
We never lost control
You're face to face
With the Man who Sold the World



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I'm so happy. Cause today I found my friends.
They're in my head. I'm so ugly. But that's ok.
'Cause so are you. We've broke our mirrors.
Sunday morning. Is everyday for all I care.
And I'm not scared. Light my candlrs. In a daze cause I've found god.

Yeah [x bunch of times]

I'm so lonely. And that's ok.
I shaved my head. And I'm not sad. And just maybe.
I'm to blame for all I've heard. And I'm not sure.
I'm so excited. I can't wait to meet you there.
And I don't care. I'm so horny. But that's ok. My will is good.

Yeah [x bunch of times]

I like it.
I'm not gonna crack.
I miss you.
I'm not gonna crack.
I love you.
I'm not gonna crack.
I kill you.
I'm not gonna crack. [x2]

I'm so happy. Cause today I found my friends.
They're in my head. I'm so ugly. But that's ok.
'Cause so are you. We've broke our mirrors.
Sunday morning. Is everyday for all I care.
And I'm not scared. Light my candlrs.
In a daze cause I've found god.

Yeah [x bunch times]


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Image hosted at bigoo

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Friendster images


Talk to me softly
There's something in your eyes
Don't hang your head in sorrow
And please don't cry
I know how you feel inside I've
I've been there before
Somethin's changin' inside you
And don't you know

Don't you cry tonight
I still love you baby
Don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
There's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry tonight

Give me a whisper
And give me a sigh
Give me a kiss before you
tell me goodbye
Don't you take it so hard now
And please don't take it so bad
I'll still be thinkin' of you
And the times we had...baby

And don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
There's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry tonight

And please remember that I never lied
And please remember
how I felt inside now honey
You gotta make it your own way
But you'll be alright now sugar
You'll feel better tomorrow
Come the morning light now baby

And don't you cry tonight
An don't you cry tonight
An don't you cry tonight
There's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry
Don't you ever cry
Don't you cry tonight
Baby maybe someday
Don't you cry
Don't you ever cry
Don't you cry






End of passion play, crumbling away
I’m your source of self-destructionVeins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clear
Leading on your deaths´ construction
Tate me you will seeMore is all you need
You’re dedicated to
How I’m killing you

Come crawling fasterObey your master
Your life burns faster
Obey your master

Master of puppets I’m pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can’t here a thing
Just call my name, ‘cause I’ll hear your scream
Just call my name, ‘cause I’ll hear your scream

Needlework the way, never you betray
Life of death becoming clearerPain monopoly, ritual misery
Chop your breakfast on a mirror
Taste me you will see
More is all you needYou’re dedicated to
How I’m killing you

Come crawling fasterObey your master
Your life burns faster
Obey your master

Master of puppets I’m pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can’t here a thing
Just call my name, ‘cause I’ll hear your scream
Just call my name, ‘cause I’ll hear your scream

Master, master, where’s the dreams that I’ve been after ?
Master, master, you promised only lies
Laughter, laughter, all I hear or see is laughterLaughter, laughter, laughter at my cries

Hell is worth all that, natural habitat
Just a rhyme without a reason
Neverending maze, drift on numbered daysNow your life is out of seasonI will occupy
I will help you dieI will run through you
Now I rule you too
Come crawling fasterObey your master
Your life burns faster
Obey your master

Master of puppets I’m pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can’t here a thing
Just call my name, ‘cause I’ll hear your scream
Just call my name, ‘cause I’ll hear your scream


Nosiš modru haljinu, onu meni najdražu, ali znam to nije zbog mene. I u oči gledaš me da mi srce polomiš i da umrem od ljubomore.. Tajno iznad koljena kap parfema nanosiš, ali znam to nije za mene, nočas ideš ko zna gdje samog sebe sram me je kada znam da sam ti kriv za sve.. Ali ja nisam ko oni drugi ja uvijek praštam prvi..

Šteta što, što je kurva kažu svi a ja šutim, štata što, što je kurva ne znaju, a ja šutim..

Nočas ideš ko zna gdje samog sebe sram me je kada znam da sam ti kriv za sve, i u oči gledaš me da mi srce polomiš i da umrem od ljubomore.. Ali ja nisam ko oni drugi ja uvijek praštam prvi..

Šteta što, što je kurva kažu svi a ja šutim, štata što, što je kurva ne znaju, a ja šutim..Štata što, što je kurva kažu svi a ja šutim, štata što, što je kurva ne znaju, a ja šutim..Štata što, što je kurva kažu svi, a ja šutim, štata što, što je kurva ne znaju, a ja šutim

petak, 17.11.2006.

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