subota, 15.12.2007.
tomorrow never knows but now
I don't have any hesitations
like the wings
that gets lost in the sunny sky
good bye... thank you...
because you were here
I can start walking
on the path leading to the future
I believe that
my dreams come true...
look into my eyes overcoming the
tears of sadness
I found kindness
on the hill of hope and then the
sun will shine
I become myself
in the passing time
my wish come true
I'll go and see you so
here there everywhere
I feel...
Osoba iza ekrana
Neki mi se smiju zato što sam drugačiji, a ja se smijem jer su oni svi isti :)
"Čovjek pun duha i u potpunoj se samoći izvanredno zabavlja svojim mislima."
Everything will work out in the end. That's the thing I really want to believe in. Even though I know that the time will come when i will suffer, when I will go down, I hope for a bright future. Nothing is yet decided. One must try hard to change the future, even though it's "inevitability". If you don't put enough effort into something, you will lose it, and then it won't come back. For that reason be strong, be ready, be unbeatable, be focused, be brave and you will most definitely achieve your goals.
Who told me that there is a land without any conflicts beyond the dark seas and skies? No one can reach that land, or perhaps it only exists in someone's heart. If only I could wait for a beautiful dawn with a pure heart...
Itsumo, itsuka, kiito
Budite kao baklja na nebu, zračeći ljubav i svjetlost.
Zamislite tisuću takvih baklji na nebu, poput sjajnih zvijezda u
dalekim galaksijama koje možete vidjeti za vedre noći.
Vi imate u sebi istu snagu da zračite ljubav i svjetlo i trebali biste
sjajiti poput zvijezde, od trenutka kad se probudite ujutro pa do
trenutka kad idete spavati.