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O meni:

Zovem se Marijana…imam 14 godina(skoro 15)…i idem u 8. razred,znači,još sam u osnovnoj,ali jedva čekam da izađem iz nje…nisam zaljubljena…još tražim srodnu dušu,lol…
živim u Slavonskom Brodu…u najboljem naselju(na Livadi)…


~to na prvom mjestu,hih
~bez nje moj život ne bi bio isti,lol

~hm,hm…iako sam često u ratnim odnosima s njima
~volim ih živcirati

~jako mi puno znače i ne znam šta bi bez njih

*iskrene osobe
~osobe koje ne lažu i ne glume neku veličinu(nešto što nisu)

*Tree Hill
~prije mi je ta serija bila baš glupa,ali sad ju obožavam
~pogledala sam tek prvu sezonu
~ako neko ima drugu,nek se javi,lol

~iako baš i ne spavam puno
~kad me mobitel probudi,najradije bi ga razbila od pod,lol


~kad se neko pravi pametan,a zna i sam da nije u pravu
~iako i ja to nekad radim,lol

~ljudi koji glume da su ti prijatelji,a kasnije ti zabodu nož u leđa

*umišljene,uživljene i naporne ljude
~kad neko misli da se svijet vrti oko njega
~kad se neko pravi da je faca
~kad ti neko dosađuje,a ne konta da je dosadan

*one koji stalno nešt seru
~lažu ti u facu i prave budalu od tebe
~prave se pametni
~pričaju svašta o tebi,a onda se prave da si im super

*čuvati tajne
~sve me zanima,i obožavam kad mi neko kaže ˝ali nemoj nikom reć˝
~mrzim ih čuvati jer mi često zna nešt izletit
~ljudi,bolje mi ništ nemojte govorit,ako ne želite da to ode u javnost,lol

*grah,med i mlijeko
~niko živ me ne može natjerati da pijem mlijeko
~mrzim med,osim u čaju(to podnosim)
~kad za ručak imam grah,mama mi pravi nešt drugo,lol

Hurt Video
Hurt lyrics - Christina Aguilera lyrics

Music Video Codes by

...evo vam pa malo chatajte...


moja carica
boy 15
martina i livija

neke naše slikice... - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge

Evo to smo se Bera i ja spremale za ples u školi...
Pa se malo fotkale...heh... - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge

Berchy i ja... - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge

Moja Bera... - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge

Carica moja najdraža... - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge

Ja... - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge

Pa opet Bera... - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge

Megica naša... - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge

Berička... - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge

Filip... - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge


A sad malo
ostalih slikica... - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge

Christina Aguilera-Hurt

Seems like it was yesterday
when I saw your face
You told me how proud you were,
but I walked away
If only I knew what I know today
Ooh, ooh

I would hold you in my arms
I would take the pain away
Thank you for all you've done
Forgive all your mistakes
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To hear your voice again
Sometimes I wanna call you
But I know you won't be there

Ohh I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself
by hurting you

Some days I feel broke inside
but I won't admit
Sometimes I just wanna hide
'cause it's you I miss
And it's so hard to say goodbye
When it comes to this, oooh

Would you tell me I was wrong?
Would you help me understand?
Are you looking down upon me?
Are you proud of who I am?

There's nothing I wouldn't do
To have just one more chance
To look into your eyes
And see you looking back

Ohh I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself, ohh

If I had just one more day
I would tell you how much
that I've missed you
Since you've been away
Ooh, it's dangerous
It's so out of line
To try and turn back time

I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself
by hurting you... - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge

*James Lafferty
~moj najdraži glumac
~rođen je 25.07.1985. u gradu Hemetu(California)
~visok je 190 cm
~ima crni pojas iz Tae Kwon Doa
~trenutno nema curu
~i što je najbitnije…presladak je… - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge

*Chad Michael Murray
~rođen je 24.08.1981
~2005. oženio se sa Sophiom Bush, ali su se rastali
~sada je zaručen sa Kenzie Dalton
~da nije postao glumac bio bi pedijatar
~najdraža tv serija su mu Simpsoni
~također je presladak,lol…


story of my life
searching for the right
but it keeps avoiding me
sorrow in my soul
cause it seems that wrong
really loves my company
he´s more than a man
and this is more than love
the reason that the sky is blue
the clouds are rolling in
because I´m gone again
and to him I just
can´t be true

and I know that he knows
that I´m unfaitful and it kills him inside
to know that I´m happy
with some other guy
I can see him dying

I don´t wanna do this anymore
I don´t wanna be the reason why
everytime I walk out the door
I see him die a little more inside
I don´t wanna hurt him anymore
I don´t wanna take away his life
I don´t wanna be a murderer

i feel it in the air
as I´m doing my hair
preparing for another date
a kiss upon my cheek
he´s here reluctantly
as if I´m gonna be out late
I say:˝I won´t be long
just hanging with the girls˝
a lie I didn´t have to tell
because we both know
where I´m about to go
and we know it very well

and I know that he knows...

our love,his trust
I might as well take a gun
and put it to his head
get it over with
I don´t wanna do this

i don´t wanna do this anymore... - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge

The pussycat dolls:

it´s funny how a man only thinks about the...
you got a real big heart,but I´m looking at your...
you got real big brains,but I´m looking at your...
girl,there ain´t no pain in me looking at your...

I don´t give a...
keep looking at my...
cause it don´t mean a thang
if you´re looking at my...
I´m a do my thing
while you´re playing with your...
every boy´s the same
since up in the seventh grade
they been trying to get with me
trying to (ha,ha-ha,ha,ha-ha)
they always got a plan
to be my one and only man
want to hold me with with their hands
want to (ha,ha-ha,ha,ha-ha)
I keep turning them down
but,they always come around
asking me to go around
that´s not the way it´s going down

cause they only want
only want my ha,ha-ha
only want what they want

itś funny how a man only thinks about the...

I don´t give a...

do you know that no
don´t mean yes ,it means no
so just hold up,wait a minute
let me put my two cents in it
one,just be patient
don´t be rushing
like you´re anxious
and two,you´re just too
so try to get your (ahh)
do you know that I know?
and I don´t want to go there

cause they only want...

it´s funny how a man only thinks about the...

I don´t give a...

ooh,you´ve got it bad I can tell
you want it bad,but oh well
dude,what you got for me
is something I
something I don´t need,oh

it´s funny how a man only thinks about the...2x

I don´t give a...2x - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge

Nelly Furtado:

Paint my face in your magazines
Make it look whiter than it seems
Paint me over with your dreams
Shove away my ethnicity
Burn every notion that I may have
a flame inside to fight
And say just what is on my mind
Without offending your might

Cuz this life is too short to live
it just for you
But when you feel so powerless
what are you gonna do
So say what you want
Say what you want

I saw her face outside today
Weatherworn, looking all the rage
They took her passion and her
gaze and made a poster
Now itˇ¦s moccasins we sport
We take the culture and contort
Perhaps only to distort
what we are hiding

Cuz this life is too short to
live it just for you
But when you feel so powerless
what are you gonna do
But say what you want
Say what you want

Hey you, the one outside, are
you ever gonna get in, get in
Hey you, the one that donˇ¦t
fit in, how ya, how ya gonna get in
Hey you, the one outside, are
you ever gonna get in with your
Broken teeth, broken jaw,
broken mojo
Yeah, this life is too short
to live it just for you
But when you feel so powerless,
what are you gonna do

Cuz this life is too short
to live it just for you
But when you feel so powerless,
what are you gonna do... - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge

Emina Jahović:
Početak kraja

Nije mi moglo da traje
od prvog poljupca sam znala to
a ja do kraja se dajem
kao da ostariću sa tobom

Nemaš ti što da se kaješ
nisi me nikada ni voleo
jer ti od prvoga dana
početak kraja si mi nudio

Hajde bar malo sa mnom pričaj
da popijemo kafu zajedno
pa onda spakuj svoje stvari
poljubi me i kaži to je to

Ako se ikad sretnemo ti prođi
prođi ko da se ne znamo
jedino tako možeš mi pomoći
da te prebolim nekako

Nemaš ti što da se kaješ
nisi me nikada ni voelo
jer ti od prvoga dana
početak kraja si mi nudio

Hajde bar malo sa mnom pričaj
da popijemo kafu zajedno
pa onda spakuj svoje stvari
poljubi me i kaži to je to

Kad samo stranci
budemo u noći
znaću da sve je nestalo...

Tanja Savić:

Sedeo je preko puta mene
u kafe baru na peronu
dok čekali smo voz za jug da krene
zalutali u vremenu

Gledao je negde u daljinu
činilo se k’o da sanja
od ljubavi do tuge nit je tanka
a moja je ipak najtanja

Poludela, za jedan dan
sada život dajem ako me se seti
poludela, al’ dobro sam
jer to što srcu prija ne može da šteti

Poludela, za jedan dan
pa ga od tada noću sanjam vrlo često
poludela, al’ dobro sam
i u grudima mu čuvam jedno mesto

Rekao je tiho doviđenja
i pružio mi ovlas ruku
sa tom se slikom svakog jutra budim
na jastuku, na jastuku

Put me vodi na sve čet’ri strane
al’ ko za inat nikad više
tamo gde još jedna kosa plava
na jesenje kiše miriše... - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge

I have seen angels on the sky,I have seen snow fall in july,
I have seen things you can only imagine to see or do,
but still I havent seen anything sweeter than you...

Ako ti ikad zaplače oko,
ako te netko povrijedi duboko,
ako ti ikad zadrhti duša,
ako nema tko da te sluša,
ako ikad vrisneš u snu,
nazovi me i ja ću biti tu...

Baci čašu visoko,past će na tlo,
baci kamen u vodu,dodirnut će dno,
baci granu u vatru,izgorjet će sva,
baci mene od sebe i umrijet ću ja...



Šta je svrha ljubavi
kad tako boli???
Zašto srce slomi se
kad stvarno voli???
Izgubila sam
sav svoj svijet,
ali dalje pitam se...
Šta je svrha ljubavi
kad nemam te???

Ti si svjetlost u tami života,
ti si u mojoj glazbi jedina nota,
ti si beskrajna tema za moje sne,
ti si moj život i moje sve...

Zvijezde mogu pasti,
sunce može nestati,
ali te voljeti neću prestati...
mogu pasti planine,
i stati rijeke,
ali će te moje srce
voljeti u vijeke...

image hosting for myspace

image hosting for myspace

U dobru i zlu,
u javi i snu,
znaj da uvijek bit ću tu,
i kad padne noć,
i kad svane dan,
tu sam ljubav da ti dam...

Jedan poljubac na lice tvoje,
slatko spavaj,sunce moje!
Jedan poljubac na vrat tvoj,
slatko spavaj,anđele moj!
I još jedan poljubac na usta tvoja,
slatko spavaj,ljubavi moja...

Pod santom leda
neka me zalede,
a kad nađu lijek za tugu,
neka me otope...
neka mi sačuvaju
mladost i ljepotu,
jer možda ćeš me voljeti
u nekom drugom životu... - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge

utorak, 16.01.2007.

...neki naslov...

Hey,ljudi...Evo mene i danas...Malo mi je dosadno...
pa ću napisat postić...Eto...kao sto znate...počela je škola...nažalost...
A šta ćemo...moramo se školovati...hehe...
Ajd...jučer je još bilo ok...Imamo novog učenika...Damira...
Kad sam došla kući...ostatak dana sam provela na netu...
De baš mi je bilo zakon...
Ivane i Zola...pozzam vas...
I naravno...pozdravljam sve blogere...ali i one koji
će to tek postati...Jednog dana...mi ćemo zavladati svijetom...Hehe...
Sve vas vojim i pusam...

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