*wHaT eLsE cAn We dO WrOnG??

05.12.2006., utorak

There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey. You Just Haven't Thought Of It Yet <-- ja znam. da childrensi uče brojewe.

nemam žiwaca, snage i wolje pisati, hodati, disati....
owaj žiwot je jedna big parodija.
znam da ima mnogo razloga za korak dalje, ali ja ne želim prestati koračati, ja imam razloge za to...
ali je problem u tome što...
ne znam. osjećam se tako... ne iscjeđeno. ne paširano (ne znam šta to znači).
osjećam se... ful onako... grrrr.
ljuto. ne ljuto.
zaprawo znam. znate ono kada pada kiša?
pa pokisnete.
i sretni ste. da, nešto pukne u glawici i sretno skakućete po toj kiši. zastanete, razmislite na sekundu, a onda stanete i počnete plakati.
točno tako se osjećam. s tom razlikom da sam suha.
neDa, ma ja sam na rubu na explodiram. jednom i očem.
eto, to je post. bez pametnih zaključka. bez welikih slowa na početku rečenica.
aX a.k.a. aBBie
(btw, su bolje puprle ili yellow starke?)

Is it still me that makes you sweat?
Am I who you think about in bed?
When the lights are dim and your hands are shaking as you're sliding off your dress?
Then think of what you did
And how I hope to God he was worth it.
When the lights are dim and your heart is racing as your fingers touch your skin.
I've got more wit, a better kiss, a hotter touch, a better fuck
Than any boy you'll ever meet, sweetie you had me
Girl I was it, look past the sweat, a better love deserving of
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat?
No, no, no, you know it will always just be me
Let's get these teen hearts beating. Faster, faster
So testosterone boys and harlequin girls,
Will you dance to this beat, and hold a lover close?

text by Ryan Ross (moja sexy malja beba iz Panic! At the disco, mmm)

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