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Mcr The Jetset LIfe Is Gonna Kill You

OvAj EmO KiD WoLjA
OvAj EmO KiD WoLjA:
-AnChcu Lu I KaTu
-EmO DeChKe
-KoCkIcE (RuLz)
-PrUgIce (RuLz)
-TocHkICe (RuLz)
-WaMpIrE (aRrRrRrR...)
-SwOj ChRtAcHi PrIbOr
-SlUsHaTi PjEsMe Od KOJiH JoJ Se ReZhE
-SiNg SoNgS ThAT MaKe YoU SlIt YoUr RiStS
-GuMeNe BoMbOnE
-CrNu BojU (KoMbInIrAnU Sa PiNkY IlI LJuBiCHAsToM)
-GeRaRdA WaYa

Ne WoLJa
-LJuDe KoJI Ju IsKoRiShTaWaJu
-LaZhNe LJuDe
-LaZhNe PrIJaTEljE
-AnONiMnE KOMeNtAtOrE (ZaTo Ih Je ZbLoKaLa)
-AnTi EmOe
-PiNKy U KOmBiNaCijI Sa BIjElIm
-AnTi WaMpire
-WoLtUrrE (GaDpWi Iz TwIlIgHtA)
-Ima JOSh ToGa, NO nE ZhElIm WaS SaDa ZaMaRaTi S TiMe

Moji naj naj blogači

ThE LiTTlE EMOtion PeRSon
VeRy SmArT EmO
FeElINg PoSiTiVeee

My FuCkInG WoRlD

TejČi AnD MaRiNčI- D Kul CuRkE
TeNa a.K.a. MaJ FejVrIt LeOpArDiCa
PePiCa MaJeNa
PuDLa Moja SlAtKiČkA
PePa EnD PuDLa
MaJeNa MaRe
KrEjZi BuBi KOjA ChE WaS UbItI AkO JOj SeRuCkAtE PO BLOGu =))))))
EmO KiD...

Moje Slike


My emo poem
Go to the balcony throw youreslf,
Take those pills drink them all
Load that gun and put it to your head
Sometimes i find that to be the only escape...
But is it?
As the blood dripps from your rists,
making a red stain on the white carpet floor
Will you change your mind
will you wish you havent done any of these things
even if you do, it will be too late
youll die
all thait is left of you will be your blood
will your mother wash it off
what will she do?
youll never know wont you?
cause your dead
and im breathing your oxygen,
im seeing things you woud see
yus if you havent pulled thait trigger
now when we buryed you
i rushed to my home
yes, here it is
theres my razor
will i have the guts, to press it firmly againts my wrists?
your not here to stop me this time
to take the razor from my hands do whatever it takes to stop me
so this was goodbye
this is goodbye
ill slit my wrists and shout goodbye
maybe you hear it
perhaps you dont
who cares anymore
if your brain is already scatterd on the floor.

srijeda, 19.03.2008.

The emo thaughts

Why cant they yust accept me for who i am?
is is so wrong yust to be me?
why cant they live their life the way they do
and leave me alone
why cant they yust let go

they cant, they wont
they all think its so fun to annoy people who
are theirselves?

yeah we cry
and we feel like dieing
but as soon as we find someone
who will understand,
who will love,
we are happy

all the tears we cry
alone in the darkness
become dry
or we keep on crying
but on someones shoulder

holding their hand...

anime emo couple love

malo sam bila tužna. prepuše su opet napale:
-ivona, ti si kurva
-daj si reži žile
-daj se ubi...
ma uostalom to vidite u komovima. al tak mi i treba. do 7. razreda sam samo bila s njima i smatrala ih frendicama. a sad one su za mene ništa. ama baš ništa. They made me fucking cry every day!

But not now
not today
not anymore...

Vidite, imat fkt super frendice.
Na primjer.
Dora - jedna od tako rijetkih ne površnih ljudi. svaki put mi pomaže, u svemu. prepuše su i nju tračale i mrzila iza njenih leđa. zaista dora mi je (kao i ana) velika emocionalna podrška. najbolje je bilo kad je ona obukla jedne kratke crne hlače i crne štrampe i fkt dobro je izgledala a vidiš perpuše:
Joj, daj ju pogle, izgleda užasss, daj kak se može tak brukat, al ja joj ljepo dođem i velim: majke mi super zgledaš!
pa kad fkt je. one su bile ljubomorne gadure.

Ana - maaaaa, tu netrebam nikaj pričat, ona zaista je podrška i s njom se savršeno slažem. ona je jednostavno pomoć mi u svemu.
uvijek je tu za mene

Katarina - ona također. al neznam što je u zadnje vrijeme s njom. sve se više distancira od nas. to mi je tako tužno i bolno. jer uvijek je bila samnom. uvijek mi se jadala u ama baš svemu. uvijek je bila tu za mene. ali sad sve više i više vremena provodi s prepušama. to me zapravo boli. pisale smo zajedno jedan dnevnik. sve smo u njemu napisale. i fkt si otvorile dušu jedna drugoj. ali sad je to sve kao uzalud. nema vremena za mene i sve više izostaje iz škole (zbog klavira). nadam se da će se vratit nazad na ono kaj je bila. jer da mi najbolja prijateljica, doslovno sestra postane gadura ja to nebi preživjela. bol bi me slomila...

if one day you feel crying....Call me.
I don't promise that I will make you laugh,
but I can cry with you.
If one day you want to run away,
don't be afraid to call me.
I don't promise to ask you to stop, but I can run with you.
If one day you don't want to listen to anyone....Call me.
I promise to be there for you...And I promise to be very quite.
But if one day you call...And there is no answer....
Come fast to see me. Perhaps I need you.

ajde ljudi idem sada. xoxo.

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