
Just one look into your eyes
One look and I'm crying
'Cause you're so beautiful

Just one kiss and I'm alive
One kiss and I'm ready to die
'Cause you're so beautiful

Just one touch and I'm on fire
One touch and I'm crying
'Cause you're so beautiful

Just one smile and I'm wild
One smile and I'm ready to die
'Cause you're so beautiful

and oh you're so beautiful
My darling
Oh you're so beautiful
You're so beautiful
Oh my baby
You're so beautiful
And you're so beautiful
Oh my darling
Oh my baby
And you're so beautiful

In the forest

Now You all know
The bards and their songs
When hours have gone by
I'll close my eyes
In a world far away
We may meet again
But now hear my song
About the dawn of the night
Let's sing the bards' song

Tomorrow will take us away
Far from home
Noone will ever know our names
But the bards' songs will remain
Tomorrow will take it away
The fear of today
It will be gone
Due to our magic songs

There's only one song
Left in my mind
Tales of a brave man
Who lived far from here
Now the bard songs are over
And it's time to leave
Noone should ask You for the name
Of the one
Who tells the story

Tomorrow will take us away
Far from home
Noone will ever know our names
But the bards' songs will remain
Tomorrow all will be known
And You're not alone
So don't be afraid
In the dark and cold
'Cause the bards' songs will remain
They all will remain

In my thoughts and in my dreams
They're always in my mind
These songs of hobbits, dwarves and men
And elves
Come close Your eyes
You can see them, too

Forever More

Been a while ever since
The wildest of the winds
Been whispering
About you again
Been a while ever since
The wildest of winds
Started whispering
About you again

Feel my heartbeat
Like it's just begun
Feel my heartbeat
On this endless run
Feel my heartbeat
Forever more
Feel my heartbeat
Feel my heartbeat
Like it's just begun
Feel my heartbeat
On this endless run
Feel my heartbeat
Forever more
Feel my heartbeat
Once more

Been a while ever since
I let it shine in
Been wandeing
without you within
Been a while ever since
I let it shine in
I've been wandering
Without you within

Still Waters Run Deep

Everytime I hear you breathe
In the still night next to me
And your innocent heart to beat
I feel so complete
Just let me listen
to you gentle breathe
No words do we need
Let your innocent heart speak
Still waters run deep

What you say
what you do
You do it all for me and you
What I do/What I say
I do it all to be this way

Everytime I hear you breathe
In the still night next to me
And your innocent heart to beat
I feel so complete
Just move a little
bit closet to me
No words do we need
Let your innocent heart speak
Still waters run deep

my precious

30.09.2005., petak

sutra putujem...

Eh,eto mene tu,zadnji dan u mom dragom Rovinju,sutra me čeka Rijeka...joooj jedva čekam iako moram priznati da me malo strah faksa...sve novo i teže,svi mi govore da neću imati ni vremena za disati,kamoli za se zabavljati,da je teško,teško,i vraaaški teš opet,možda se snađem,sad ne znam dal da vjerujem il ne da je tako teško,to su mi govorili i kad sam krenula u srednju pa sam se na kraju iznenadila kako je laka,mislim laka baš i nije bila al opet nije ni teška... Uglavnom,falit će mi ljudi here from Rovinj,neki manje,neki će mi bit drago dasam ih se riješila neko vrijeme dok sam gore (the klinkas & the kujas)... I da se pohvalim,jučermi je bilo 5 mjeseci s Lukom,za one koji to ne znaju,Luka je moj prekrasni dečko u kojeg sam luuuudo zaljubljena i baš je bilo ljepo jučer kako je ukrasio sobu svijećama i laticama ruže i baš je bila romantična atmosfera onako "candlelight"...uglavnom,preljepo...Pa tako odohja sad se spremit jer imam party na punti sa meni najdražim osobama i frendovima,jedino će mi jedna jako falit koja ne može doć a to je naša Iva... Pa budem pisala kako je prošlo i kako sam se snašla na faksu,tj. "fuksu"...

- 18:10 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #

27.09.2005., utorak

Danas smo ja,angelinabalerina,vale i burić bili u Puli,i terorizirali "ljudove" na cesti. Primjer:666 IS THE ANSWER,UBIJANJE JE UŽITAK A NE PRIVILEGIJA... I tako dok se Burić tako iživljavao na ljude ( i na limun) mi smo umirale od smijeha... Pogotovo kad smo vidjele da ono dijete nacrtano na WC-u od mercatora više liči na kornjaču nego na dijete... I tako ja se ove dane duboko nadam da se KoRn neće raspasti budući da upravo rade na objavljanju Greatest Hitsa a to inače neke grupe rade prije raspada,a gitarist je već otišo isusovim putem pa ne bi htjela da i drugi učine isto što i on,mora da je bio napušen kad je to napravio... a SOAD objavljuju 21.11 Hypnotize,drugi dio od Mezmerize koji će najvjerojatnije isto kao i Mezmerize biti živo sranje...kad sam to čula nisam mogla vjerovati da su to oni...oni albumi prije su im metar bolji...

- 21:09 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

26.09.2005., ponedjeljak

Check this out...
bush aerobics

- 22:21 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

- 15:16 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

25.09.2005., nedjelja

There are signs on the ring
Which make me feel so down
There's one to enslave all rings
To find them all in time
And drive them into darkness
Forever they'll be bound
Three for the kings
Of the elves high in light
Nine to the mortals
Which cry

I'll keep the ring full of sorrow
I'll keep the ring till I die

Slow down and I sail on the river
Slow down and I walk to the hill

And there's no way out now

Mordor Mordor Mordor

Dark land under Sauron's spell
Threatened a long time
Threatened a long time

Seven rings to the dwarves
In their halls made of stone
Into the valley
Into the valley
I feel down
One ring to the dark lord's hand
Sitting on his throne
In a land so dark
Where I have to go

- 20:55 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

Šta je ta spika o koncertu SOAD u ZG???!!!

Prije nekoliko tjedana netko je isfurao da će system imati koncert u zg...i te glasine su dakako došle i do mene...a ja ono...oduševljena,već sam se zamišljala u prvom redu,kad čujem da to ustvari nije istina...možete zamisliti moje razočaranje...i sada je netko izjavio da nije istina da to nije istina nego je istina...heeeey!!! Mislim,ljudi stanite ili nije...??? Šteta šta ne znam tko se to tako poigrava nama fanovima tim spikama o koncertu ali kad se ja tog lika dočepam on neće živ čisto da vratim back to reality sve one osobe koje su u to povjerovale,TO NIJE ISTINA,jer bi negdje pisalo,bar na netu da će se koncert održati...Ah,šteta,a ja se ponadala...

- 19:37 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

24.09.2005., subota

there was christ in the metal shell, there was blood on the pavement
the camera will make you god, that's how jack became sainted
if you die when there's no one watching, and your ratings drop and you're forgotten
if they kill you on their tv, you're a martyr and a lamb of god
nothing's going to change, nothing's going to change the world
there was lennon and a happy gun, there were words on the pavement
we were looking for the lamb of god, we were looking for mark david
if you die when there's no one watching, and your ratings drop and you're forgotten
if they kill you on their tv, you're a martyr and a lamb of god
nothing's going to change the world, nothing's going to change
nothing's going to change the world, nothing's going to change
the world
it took three days for him to die, the born again could buy the serial rights
lamb of god have mercy on us, lamb of god won't you grant us
nothing's going to change the world, nothing's going to change
nothing's going to change the world, nothing's going to change
the world
if you die when there's no one watching, and your ratings drop and you're forgotten
if they kill you on their tv, you're a martyr and a lamb of god
nothing's going to change the world

- 14:56 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #

Heeeey ljudi!!!!

Kako ste mi danas???!!! Ja grooozno,boli me grlo!!!! I još moram gledat po cesti nekog starca s majicom od eminema!!! Hey,where is this world goin'!!! Odvratnooo,lik je imao sigurno oko 70 godina,baš sam se suzdržala da ne puknem od smijeha... Anyway,baš sam jučer pročitala blog od moje frendice na o THE KLINKAS....jooooj,te male su stvarno živa noćna mora...tipične klinke koje se furaju kao da su neke pankerice i to žešće a ustvari u nama najčešće uzrokuju smijeh i ž da kako ne žalit nekog tko se fura da sluša punk a ustvari sluša blink,green day,avril i slič you have any idea of what punk is???!!! te vaše grozne grupe nisu ništa drugo nego komercijalni pop!!!!! A kad ih pitaš za sex pistols,exploited,clash,rancid,bad religion i ostale punk grupe nemaju pojma,ono,nikad čule za njih... Smiješne steee,riknite... Hvala kurcu,idem u Rijeku na faks,valjda ću tamo nać neki normalan rock cafe bez the klinkas inside...brrr...grozota...

- 14:37 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

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Opis bloga
One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to find them. One Ring to bring them all. And in the darkness bind them.