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Mirna i Monika

Angel of Amy



Can you stop, please?
Can you stop the fire?
You cant stop the fire,
you wont say the words.
Please, Please

Please, please forgive me,
But I won't be home again.
Maybe someday you'll look up,
And, barely conscious, you'll say to no one:
"Isn't something missing?"

You won't cry for my absence, I know -
You forgot me long ago.
Am I that unimportant...?
Am I so insignificant...?
Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?

Even though I'm the sacrifice,
You won't try for me, not now.
Though I'd die to know you love me,
I'm all alone.
Isn't someone missing me?

Can you stop, please?
Can you stop the fire?
You cant stop the fire,
you wont say the words.
Please, Please

Please, please forgive me,
But I won't be home again.
I know what you do to yourself,
I breathe deep and cry out;
"Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?"

Even though I'm the sacrifice,
You won't try for me, not now.
Though I'd die to know you love me,
I'm all alone.
Isn't someone missing me?

And if I bleed, I'll bleed,
Knowing you don't care.
And if I sleep just to dream of you
I'll wake without you there,
Isn't something missing?
Isn't something.......

Even though I'm the sacrifice,
You won't try for me, not now.
Though I'd die to know you love me,
I'm all alone.
Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?

Can you stop, please?
Can you stop the fire?
You cant stop the fire,
you wont say the words...


Hold on to me love
you know i can't stay long
all i wanted to say was i love you and i'm not afraid...
Can you hear me?
Can you feel me in your arms?

Holding my last breath,
safe inside myself
are all my thoughts of you...
Sweet raptured light it ends here tonight...

I'll miss the winter
a world of fragile things...
Look for me in the white forest
hiding in a hollow tree (come find me)...
I know you hear me,
I can taste it in your tears...

Holding my last breath,
safe inside myself
are all my thoughts of you...
Sweet raptured light it ends here tonight...

Closing your eyes to disappear,
you pray your dreams will leave you here...
But still you wake and know the truth
no one's there...

Say goodnight...
Don't be afraid...
Calling me calling me as you fade to black...


All that I'm living for...
All that I'm dying for...
All that I can't ignore...
Alone at night...

I can feel the night beginning,
separate me from the living,
understanding me...
After all I've seen,
piecing every thought together,
find the words to make me better,
if I only knew how to pull myself apart...

All that I'm living for...
All that I'm dying for...
All that I can't ignore...
Alone at night...
All that I'm wanted for...
Although I wanted more...
Lock the last open door-
my ghosts are gaining on me...

I believe that dreams are sacred,
take my darkest fears and play them...
Like a lullaby,
like a reason why,
like a play of my obsessions,
make me understand the lesson...
So I'll find myself...
So I wont be lost again...

All that I'm living for...
All that I'm dying for...
All that I can't ignore...
Alone at night...
All that I'm wanted for...
Although I wanted more...
Lock the last open door-
my ghosts are gaining on me...

Guess I thought I'd have to change the world,
to make you see me,
to be the one...
I could have ran forever,
but how far would I have come
without mourning your love?

All that I'm living for...
All that I'm dying for...
All that I can't ignore...
Alone at night...
All that I'm wanted for...
Although I wanted more...
Lock the last open door-
my ghosts are gaining on me...

Should it hurt to love you?
Should I feel like I do?
Should I lock the last open door-
my ghosts are gaining on me...


It's true, we're all a little insane...
But its so clear
now that I'm unchained...

Fear is only in our minds...
Taking over all the time...
Fear is only in our minds but its taking over all the time...

You poor sweet innocent thing
dry your eyes and testify...
You know you live to break me- don't deny
sweet sacrifice...

One day I'm gonna forget your name,
and one sweet day,
you're gonna drown in my lost pain...

Fear is only in our minds...
Taking over all the time...
Fear is only in our minds but its taking over all the time...

You poor sweet innocent thing
dry your eyes and testify...
And oh you love to hate me don't you, honey?
I'm your sacrifice...

(I dream in darkness
I sleep to die
rase the silence
erase my life
our burning ashes
blacken the day
a world of nothingness
blow me away)

Do you wonder why you hate?
Are you still too weak to survive your mistakes?

You poor sweet innocent thing
dry your eyes and testify...
You know you live to break me- don't deny
sweet sacrifice...

subota, 12.05.2007.


eto mene nakon dugo vremena...
dužna vam ja opisat dvije subote.ajme, stvarno sam lijena...rolleyes

išle smo ivana,kićo,mokica i ja.došle smo u tarkus negdje u pol osam.obećale smo si da ćemo se napit pa smo odmah naručile pive i bambusa.partyi tak nakon nekog vremena već smo počele malo nepovezano pričat i smijat se hehe...zujo i onda je nenadano došla anja.uspjela je u zadnji tren nagovorit staru da ju pusti u grad.pa smo ivana,mokica i ja otišle u wc i tamo smo skoro uletile nekoj curi u wc i vikale joj sorry sto puta hehe...kad je ta cura izašla,mi smo sve tri ušle unutra i tamo se smijale,monika je padala po meni...nutu međuvremenu su u wc ušle neke cure i tjerale nas van..kad smo napokon izašle rekle su nam "jeste vi pijane?" a mi onak "daaaa", hehe.i tak smo negdje oko pol deset otišle u sedmicu.odma smo išle po pivu i plesale ko lude...baš me udarilo to u glavi,zakon feeling.uglavnom, tu smo večer stvarno dost popile a jedna ema iz škole nas je častila. hvala ema!wink
kad sam došla kod sestrične poslije toga, sam sam gledala gdje su vrata,štokovi,bilo šta u šta bi se moga zaletit...deadmislim da je teta skužila da nisam sva svoja al nije ništ rekla.

sljedećeg četvrtka kićo,ivana i ja smo bile u tarkusu oko pol dvanaest.i mi onak normalno sjedimo,pričamo...a dva slatka dečka su do nas igrala biljarcerek. i odjednom dođe jedan od njih,u bijeloj majici, do nas i pita jel hoćemo igrat s njima.a mi onak prvo ostale bez teksta!eeki onda smo ivana i ja igrale s njimai pobijedile ih.hehe!smijeh ja i ivana se onda zacopale u tog u bijeloj majici...

i sljedeću subotu (prije tjedan dana) smo išle opet u grad.išle smo kićo,ivana i ja.opet smo prvo otišle u tarkus.pa smo se odvažile i išle igrat biljar pred svim onim tamo ljudima...nut al smo stvarno igrale ko pijane...ja sam iz trećeg pokušaja na početku uspjela razbit kugle.deadi svi su nam se onak smijali...iza mene je sjedio neki tip i ja čujem kak on govori frendu "idem ja na wc a ti zapamti najvažnije akcije pa mi prepričaj kad se vratim"! jooooooooooooojheadbangi kad smo uspjele završit svi su viknuli jeeeeeeenut.. tak da smo se malo osramotile al nema veze.onda smo otišle u sedmicu i tamo je bio onaj tip u bijeloj majici (pikavi) sa svojim bratićem (pikavi 2).i kad smo išle plesat otišle smo kraj njih... i mi se pomaknemo u sredinu, oni dođu u sredinu,i tak stalno...a onda su oni izjavili da smo mi samo bile kraj njih i da smo ih stalno pratile i išle za njima!grrrburninmadal nek im bude...mi smo se dobro zabavile i baš nam je bilo zakon... danas ne idemo u grad al ćemo valjd ić u sljedeću subotu.

ajd budite mi dobro do sljedećeg puta. bokić!!!!!!!!wave

- 19:52 - Death... SaMo(15) - ...of dark - ...shadows

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