L!k€ @ b()y

yo... dobrodošli na blog... ovo je moj tko zna koji, ali četvrti kojeg sada pišen. yap, pišen ih još 3. ugl. na ovom blogu ću pisat o svojoj "super zanimljivoj" svakodnevnici.
pa ewo. zoven se Andrea i iman "ponosnih" 13 godina. iden u OŠ Smiljevac a.k.a. OŠ Ludnica. no, drago mi je da iden u ludi 7.b razz. živin u Zadru tkz. Gradu Basketa. rođena san zadnji dan u 5. misecu. neam dečka, a i šta će mi. imam pun qrac nadimaka i nekako se već uspjevan snaći u svemu tome. slušan sve i svašta osin jazza. najviše slušan metal, rock, r'n'b, rap i punk. yap, veliki san alternativac.
naslov govori sve. Like a Boy... meni best pisma od Ciare. mislin, ali i pisma govori o onome kako je. samo te riči (koje ćete naći u boxu) super opisuju. bilo bi dobro kad bismo zaminili uloge bar na malo.
eh, baš san danas shavtila da me more rasplakat samo jedna pisma: od Toše Pratin te. nisan bila neka njegova obožavateljica, a nisan niti sad. slušan dvi pisme: Igra bez granica i Pratin te.
pa ewo. u mom životu je škola na mistu (na žalost) samo 3 minute od mog stana. ljubav... pa nema je. nisan bacila oko ni na kojeg dečka, jer (pobogu ljudi) koji će mi qrac. iman ja bitnijih stvari od razmišljanja kojeg dečka upecat i na kraju za njin patit. ma, poludila ga imat. uf...
eh, eh... ujutro san se probudila u 7 ipo kako bi dočekala svećenika koji je doša blagoslovit kuću, tj. stan. i na kraju nije doša. oooooooo majke ti! poludila... u 10 ipo san si rekla da mu neću otvoriti sve i da pozvoni. grrrrrrr ccc što san se ja onda dizala bzvz ujutro??? ha? ha? ha?
a nedavno incidenta u školi. Marija Šestan napisala kako su Pepy, Mara i Ana kurve i to se doznalo. a ona se brani kako to nije ona i da je imala blog prije godinu dana na neke medvjediće. Bože, Bože... ako je ona normalna onda san i ja.
pa, ewo. Kiky se uvijek buni kako ja pišen PREduge postove da bi ih ona čitala, pa je ovaj put nešto kraći.
pozdravljan: Deu, Pepy, Katu i Maru iz 7.A, Karlu, Božonju, Škokija, Lucy, Rolu, Marty, Maju, Domu, Valu, Em'la, Lory, Lelu i Klaru iz 7.B, Kiky, Tinchy, Teu, Marty i Mathiasa iz 7.C, Ljubu, Maru i Anu iz 7.E, Željkicu i Katu moje šestašice, petašice Maju, Katićku, Vlatku i Lucu, osmašicu Saru... Zaru i Karlu iz Stanova... i sve Net frendove i frendice posebmo Selph, Annu, Milu i Lanu. *kiss*

10.12.2007. u 12:39 | | Komentari. (49) | L | K

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Prosinac 2007 (4)


o meni

Ime: Andrea
Prezime: S*****
Godine: 13
Škola: OŠ Smiljevac
Razred: 7.b
Grad: Zadar
Msn: nemo3105@hotmail.com
BF-ovi: Kiky, Niky, Tinchy, Marty, Mathias, Mile i Ax
Datum rođenja: 31.05.1994.
Horoskopski znak: blizanac
Veza: (ne)sretno zaljubljena
Nadimak: Aicha, Riddle, Smooth Criminal, Toxic, Soldanka, Soldo, Zomby
Glazba: sve, osim jazza
Best grupe: Azra & Bullet For My Valentine
Best solisti: Eminem, Thompson i Škoro
Bets solistice: Rihanna, Shakira, Tarja i Ciara

Avril Lavigne - The Best Damn Thing

Free Music

Free Music

Free Music

Let me hear you say hey hey hey!

Hey hey hey!

Alright, now let me hear you say hey hey ho!

Hey hey ho!

I hate it when a guy doesn't get the door,
even though I told him yesterday and the
day before...

I hate it when a guy doesn't get the tab and I
have to pull my money out and that looks bad!

Where are the hopes? Where are the dreams?
My Cinderella story scene. When do you think
they'll finally see......


That you're not, not, not, gonna get any better,
you won't, won't, won't, you won't get rid of me
never, like it or not even though she's a lot like

We're not the same, and yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm a lot to handle, if you don't know trouble,
I'm a hell of a scandal, me, I'm a scene, I'm a
drama queen, I'm the best damn thing that your
eyes have ever seen!

All right, All right, yeah...

I hate it when a guy doesn't understand why a
certain time of month, I don't want to hold his
hand, I hate it when they go out and we stay
in, and they come home smelling like their

but I found my hopes, I found my dreams.
My Cinderella story scene. Now everybody's
gonna see.....


That you're not, not, not, gonna get any better,
you won't, won't, won't, you won't get rid of me
never, like it or not even though she's a lot like

We're not the same, and yeah, yeah, yeah
[The Best Damn Thing lyrics on http://www.metrolyrics.com]

I'm a lot to handle, if you don't know trouble,
I'm a hell of a scandal, me, I'm a scene, I'm a
drama queen, I'm the best damn thing that your
eyes have ever seen!

Give me an A!
Always give me what I want!
Give me a V!
Be very, very good to me!
Are you gonna treat me right?
I can put up a fight!
Give me an L!

Let me hear you scream loud!
Let me hear you scream loud!

Where are the hopes? Where are the dreams?
My Cinderella story scene. When do you think
they'll finally see......


That you're not, not, not, gonna get any better,
you won't, won't, won't, you won't get rid of me
never, like it or not even though she's a lot like

We're not the same, and yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm a lot to handle, if you don't know trouble,
I'm a hell of a scandal, me, I'm a scene, I'm a
drama queen, I'm the best damn thing that your
eyes have ever seen!

Let me hear you say hey hey hey!

Hey hey hey!

Alright, now let me hear you say hey hey ho!

Hey hey ho!

Hey hey hey!
Hey hey hey!
Hey hey hey!

I'm the best damn thing that your eyes have ever seen!

Moji ljudi

ja - wish i had an angel
ja - Heroes story


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Dizajn: Simpa