Mother North

13.02.2006., ponedjeljak

My wine is in silence

Evo sutra je valentinovo i svi su onak patetično ushićeni i nabrijani i sl. ko da je to jedini dan kada bi se trebali voljet.Glupost.Ali tradicija je tradicija i postoji jedan dan kad se to obilježava, prije(čitaj:u dobrim starim poganim vremenima) se ljubav obilježavala za solsticije i tada su svi onak bili pomalo u extazi i sl. al sad se sve svelo na ta jadna srčeka i slične gluposti, brijem da bi svaki dan trebalo bit tak "ljepo". Cuh danas u razredu od prijatelja da im je tzv. suša i da ih boli zato, i meni je vec 10 dana (uuu!) i boli me, prosle godine sam bio dobar pogan (koji u biti nisam neg sam ateist) i na oba solsticija bijah s nekim, no ovo više nema smisla.Tak da ovim putem hoću pozdravit nekog "posebnog" (naravno govorim o ženskom rodu)par tisuće km jugoistočno od mene, ali mentalno vrlo blizu, i nekog jako blizu što se tiče udaljenosti,ali (kako mi se nažalost čini) zadnjih dana mentalno dalje neg što je bilo prije!Freya vas čuva :P
A vi koji jadikujete kak vas je ostavio/LA i kak ćete bit sami za valentinovo, nemojte radit tidiota od sebe ak imaš već neke probleme ili nesređene osjećaje odi poslušaj neku glazbu "trpi kurvo" od satana panonskog ak si nabrijan il neš il se odi depresiraj uz MDB ili Anathemu il šta ja znam!
za one uvjek melankolične/nostalgične i sl. evo jedna pjesma od Anatheme da pojača oluju misli (i ak ja govorim-dvostrukog žaljenja za prošlim vremenima)....zapamti: JEBEŠ JOŠ JEDAN GLUPI KRŠĆANSKI BLAGDAN!!!! (isprika kršćanima iz mog razreda koji se takvima smatraju, ali nisu glupi [vec i ostali], brijem da djele moje mišljenje o valentinou il se tak nadam)

Sweet Tears

In each others arms
We cried together
And your tears tasted sweet

All is not lost
And never to be forgotten

Like a shiver down my spine
The lonely nights keep falling
And I still want you

All is not lost
And never to be forgotten

She's passed away but dreaming
Her soul's awake and screaming
The weeping willow is weeping
And beneath our hearts ...
... all joy is sleeping
our bliss is carried away ... sweet tears


The Deepest of all Hearts

Your soul is my desire. Desire I can't control
Be still my aching heart. Each beat you have stole
Your mind calls to me. Calls me closer to you
Be calm my aching heart. The ache drives me to you
Your eyes. The depth I see. So deep
The tears you cry will devour me

A flower to behold
Don't run. Don't blow away
Breathless to my eyes
So bright. Never to fade
Calmness and mystery
Entwines and captivates me
Delicate to the touch
From what I could see

I only wanted to get you close to me
To feel the love inside of me
You turned away from me
You looked the other way
You didn't see my tears for you
I only wanted to take you in my arms,
And lay you down here with me
You tried to turn and flee from my side
You tore out the heart of me
If only you had stayed. What may have been?
We could have been beautiful
Could have walked the earth, flown into the skies,
Swam the deepest of the seas
But you couldn't see anything in me
You strayed too far from my path
Maybe now you'll see everything in me
I'm sorry it had to be this way

Your eyes. Your smile
No more laughter again
We were something
No more. Nothing to me

Now I walk alone. Naked to the bone
My heart has fled far from me
Until another day. I find the one,
Who looks beyond the eyes in me

Sada sam i ja patetičan.....

- 19:51 - Aj nešto napiši (7) - iskleši - #

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Glazba sa sjevera......
....ona hladna strana prirode....
svart metal......
....i poezija hladnoce.......
....mrtva djeca poganih bogova,zaboravljene price
i unistena kultura....
i huk vjetra u planinama...

vizije nekih drugih mozgova...koji neznam sta su..

i pokoja rijec protiv 90% covjecanstva i
ove usrane civilizacije koju smo prisiljeni trpjeti

Evig vil min sjel skue mot nord
Stundom mitt sinn skal reise
Til tid tar slutt paa jord


Mother North

Mother north - how can they sleep while their beds are burning ?
Mother north - your fields are bleeding

Memories...The Invisible Wounds
pictures that enshrine your throne gone

A Future benighted still they are blind
Pigeonhearted beings of flesh and blood
keeps closing their eyes for the dangers that threat...ourselves and our
And that is why
they all enrage me

Sometimes in the dead of the night I mesmerize my soul
Sights and visions prophecies and horror
they all come in one

Mother north - united we stand (together we walk)
Phantom north - I'll be there when you hunt them down

Inace slusam:
Avantgarde Metal (Arcturus, In The Woods...)
Black Metal(emperor i ostalo)
Pagan black metal(Negura bunget, pagan forest...)
Ambiental(Burzum, Desiderii marginis)
Darkwave(In Slaughter Natives,Dargaard)


Negura Bunget-OM
Ved Buens Ende- Writen in waters
Arcturus-La Masquerade Infernale
Drudkh-autumn aurora
Darkthrone-Soulside Journey
Ulver-Predition city
Sun Of the Sleepless/Nachtmahr-Split
Darkthrone-the cult is alive
Emperor-IX Equilibrium
Igor Stravinsky-Le sacre du primiteps
Negura Bunget-'n crugu bradului
Zyklon-B-lood must be shed

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Pagan forest,fenomenalan band

Emperor-An Elegy of icaros

Icaros, I dare you
For I possess the wings of faith
Though, heavy on my shoulders
(No measurement can prove their weight)
Still, a burden they are not to me
I am the challenger of gravity

The fear is not the fate I seek
My destiny will build upon the mighty turbulence beyond
If I fall, I will rise again

Some of envy
Some of fear
Admonish by the graves of those who fell
Praise the fool that pure of heart leaps off your finger
Into grace

Icaros, your voice once melted
Into the choir of the fallen ones
I have heard, I have seen the purity of their song

Your fate embrace
A manifold of angels
I summon thee from shattered graves
And call upon the wind
Receive my bow of reverence
Then spread your wings and fly into oblivion

In The Woods...-In the Woods

Pagan myths from the deep, eternal forests.
A true malancholic atmosphere,
Haunts this hidden world.
Where men, for hundreds of years,
Have immortalized their cult.


When night falls
she cloaks the world
in impenetrable darkness.
A chill rises
from the soil
and contaminates the air
life has new meaning.

Ulver-Wolf & Destiny

Nu har han ey meer sin Drackt
Saa rřd som Viin & Blod
Fro Viin & Blod vaer paa hans Haand
Ved Sćngen der han stood
Hos Liiget aff sin elskede
Dend Stund man fandt de to

Arcturus-Ad astra

I have everywhere sought
and nowhere found
So I lift the bleedin` bodkin
And thrust the grief deepest in

The gleaming bodies of infinite skies
Have for my spirit
The cold charm
Of death`s welcoming eyes
In secret to my soul
They are Ideals of old

Darkthrone-Alle gegen Alle

Demented anemic minions
Fuelled on crack propaganda
It's allright to love yourself
If you hate yourself

Alle gegen alle
Extract magic
Inflict havoc

Iconize yourself
Become a statue
So easily crushed
Watching the spoon glow

Alle gegen alle
Extract magic
Inflict havoc

Slay the dormant
stonesucking leech
Sing along to the bombs

Arcturus-Of Nails And Sinners

("I know that without me God cannot live a moment;
If I am destroyed He must give up the ghost"
-Angelus Silesius)

I beseech you, God to whom many sinners pray
From the depth of the dark abyss where my heart fell
Expelled I was from your tedious grace to the pits of hell

So can please cease to deplore my opposite, may only way
For aeons I descended down
Till I saw the dreadful truths
of which man wouldn't know
I, degraded bearer of thy sacred light
- to which I never again will bow
When I rise to avenge myself with darkness
The anger of the damned shall flow

I was cast out by the retinue of angels weak
Shone to the few who me would seek

A rebel I was, radiant my glow, afar,
My wisdom fathomed by the morningstar

And O your fools, in herdlike fright, stampede
And when creation falls, you must build anew,
With nails that sting My hands -
They grow passionate on a lie
But You know the veracious one was I

J.R.R.Tolkien-Farewell Song of the Elves

Farewell we call to hearth and hall!
Though wind may blow and rain may fall,
We must away ere break of day
Far over wood and mountain tall.

To Rivendell, where Elves yet dwell
In glades beneath the misty fell,
Through moor and waste we ride in haste,
And whither then we cannot tell.

With foes ahead, behind us dread,
Beneath the sky shall be our bed,
Until at last our toil be passed,
Our journey done, our errand sped.

We must away! We must away!
We ride before the break of day!


Olovne i teške snove snivaju
Oblaci nad tamnim gorskim stranama;
Monotone sjene rijekom plivaju,
Žutom rijekom među golim granama.

Iza mokrih njiva magle skrivaju
Kućice i toranj; sunce u ranama
Mre i motri kako mrke bivaju
Vrbe, crneći se crnim vranama.

Sve je mračno, hladno; u prvom sutonu
Tek se slute ceste, dok ne utonu
U daljine slijepe ljudskih nemira.

Samo gordi jablan lisjem suhijem
Šapće o životu mrakom gluhijem,
Kao da je samac usred svemira.

(oh, the melancholy)

Margaritas ante porcos!

drinking with Keep of Kalessin

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