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Komentari On/Off

by ljusi14 dizajn

o blogu

zapisi jedne srednjoškolke koja se ne slaže sa svojom četkom za kosu
i voli jesti rajčice , ali najvažnije je :

i love music...

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Lucee- smiješna cura,radi pozadine, bannere i avatare

Mlina- jako dobra cura,sve najbolje

luca-najbolje prevodi fantoma za gluhe,najviše voli deppa...to je luca=)

forgotten 5252-super cura...voli ruperta (zar ga ne volimo svi)

njezin drugi blog

lana croft- cool cura...

lolek i bolek

thea bobby was here

pile hipijevsko....love,peace and else

bez reklamacija....vesela družina

arctic monkeys I AM an AM fan.

the last shadow puppets....pjeva

the fratellis

vampire weekend

the kooks

the rascals

amanda jenssen



La la la

The death ramps poem:

After the fanfare
stopped gushing
and the horns were packed
away in cases cased in
finger marked dust
The flags lay scrunched
having turned their backs
on the breeze.
Arousal dripped, in the shape of
tears congregating in a lumpy
puddle that begged
you to dip your

the death ramps

Arctic Monkeys
I bet that you look good on the dancefloor
Stop making the eyes at me,
I'll stop making the eyes at you.
What it is that surprises me is that I don't really want you to
And your shoulders are frozen (as cold as the night)
Oh, but you're an explosion but you're dynamite
Your name isn't Rio, but I don't care for sand
Lighting the fuse might result in a bang with a bang-go

I said I bet that you look good on the dance floor
I don't know if you're looking for romance or...
Don't know what you're looking for
Well I bet that you look good on the dance floor
Dancing to electro-pop like a robot from 1984
from 1984!

I wish you'd stop ignoring me because you're sending me to despair,
Without a sound yeah you're calling me and I don't think it's very fair
That your shoulders are frozen (as cold as the night)
Oh, but you're an explosion (You're dynamite)
Your name isn't Rio but I don't care for sand
Lighting the fuse might result in a bang with a bang-go


Oh, there ain't no love, no Montagues or Capulets
Are just banging tunes and DJ sets and...
Dirty dance floors, and dreams of naughtiness!

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hilsborough corner
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svoje prijatelje,glazbu,ljeto,snijeg,filmove,top liste na otvorenom,Bajadere, rum pločicefino, majice s kapuljačom,addidaske,praznike,MTV,cd-ove,glazbene časopise,subote,praznike...i još svašta

The last shadow puppets:
Standing next to me
You want to have her
Two years have gone now
But I can't relate to the never ending games that you play
As desire passes through and you're open to the truth
I hope you understand
And your love is standing next to me
Is standing next to me

The one you fell for
But it's seemed you deny
And you laugh at yourself again and again
But as you drink to the thoughts she'll remember you
maybe tomorrow

And your love is standing next to me
Is standing next to me
And your love is standing next to me
Is standing next to me, is standing next to me.
Is standing next to me

You want to have her
Two years have gone now
But I can't relate to the never ending games that you play
As desire passes through, then you're open to the truth
I hope you understand

And your love is standing next to me, is standing next to me
Is standing next to me, is standing next to me

Arctic Monkeys
Too much to ask:

The smiles as she walked in the room
Have all turned into frowns
Am i too quick to assume
That the love is no longer in bloom
The tantrums and the tears play a very different tune to what they did before
Their heads red raw
and the ending doesn't sound like the happiest around
When you sobbed before
It felt much more like the product of a squabble
Now there's reason for it to be something more
And there would be
Always uncertain weather the curtain has shut for good
She said see if it's still raining
I'm not dressed for it and
If you loved me and i interupted
I decided to stop her there
Would it be outrageous to say
We're either shouting or we're shagging
Locked in tempestuous phase
At least that's how it felt yesterday
The eyes are getting heavier
and weather they are asleep or awake
There's a mystery
would a kiss be too much to ask
When you fit me a Sunday's frozen pitch fits a thermos flask
It's a pity
It just hit me we cant go back
To the chest touching on the back

jedva čekam:
~ Harry Potter and the half blood prince - the movie
~ twilight - the movie
~ adsl internet....

srijeda, 25.07.2007.

Leave before the lights come on

Nije me bilo par dana...zaobilazila sam kompjuter zato jer je u sobi gdje se "on" nalazi termometar pokazuje ugodnih 38°C...
Malo sam se vozila na biciklu, kampirala u dnevnoj sobi zujo, išla u kino (gledala sam Pottera!!!!!!!!!!), išla sam na neke rođendane, ali najviše sam čitala...
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows je jako napeta knjiga i nisam se mogla odvojiti od nje....evo dok ovo pišem već sam je pročitala...neću vam reći tko umire ili kako završi (iako to već znaju i ptice na grani) to ipak otkrijte sami...knjiga na hrvatskom dolazi u listopadu....

Hvala svima što komentirate....vratit ću vam sve komentare kad uhvatim malo vremena!!!!

Za Doru...Leave before the lights come on
(opet, imam tu pjesmu, pa šaljem ako netko želi, iako imam live verziju)

POZDRAVI kissmahsmijehcoolpartycerekwave

Pozdravljam sve koji su na moru i uživaju...a onima koji su doma da izdrže još malo.... =)

morska ribica

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četvrtak, 12.07.2007.

I learned my lesson, oh, and you're so pretty and I'm so shy...

Kako ste?
Ima koga još u Zagrebu ili ste svi pobjegli na more?
Ove godine sam odlučila ne ići na more....zapravo već sam bila u Dubrovniku, u Šibeniku,u Splitu i na Hvaru...čak sam se kupala tako da mi neće more jako faliti...

Ne znam kako vi provodite ove ljetne (iako je svaki drugi dan hladno) dane, ali ja sam se skroz ulijenila...ništa ne radim...samo slušam muziku, pišem postove, šećem po gradu, idem u kino i sl. party

E,da...sad sam se sjetila...konačno sam kupila gitaru...učim svirati pomalo...nisam baš neki talent, ali dobro...samo se nadam da nije preteško smijeh.

Hvala svima na komentarima.... <3 kisskiss

Ovaj put nema vijesti o Arctic Monkeysima....samo ću onima koji ih vole preporučiti da se učlane u forum na www.arcticmonkeys.com - zabavno je, besplatno i zanimljivo....enjoy coolthumbup

Dora – check your mail!

ovo je 30. post


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srijeda, 04.07.2007.

There's no place like home...

Hej...vani kiša lijeva, a ja sjedim doma i gledam kroz prozor...prekrasno je...obožavam kad pada kiša...

Malo sam tužna...ali valjda neću biti takva cijelo ljeto...=(...

~vijesti o Arctic Monkeysima~
...opet ja s tim vijestima...ako ih uopće netko u Hrvatskoj sluša osim možda deset entuzijasta...pa barem za njih...ajme, dugačak uvod...

Već izlaze pjesme sa B-strane albuma Favourite worst nightmare.Izašla je pjesma The bakery...pjesma je tužna,ali prelijepa (imam ju,pa ako netko želi-šaljem mailom).Druga će izaći pjesma Plastic Tramp od koje imam samo riječi...od "otočana" (ljudi iz UK) sam saznala da je procurila piratska verzija (pokušavam nabaviti).
...ali da ne duljim...

~Plastic Tramp~

He looks as if he hasnt slept, his hair is purposely unkept
And then he knew his people wept, when you crafted your plan
The shadows underneath the eyes, and everywhere the bastard lies
My lack of Proof is your disguise, you won't remember me
There's nothing really I can say, but sorry mate and walk away
I could be wrong unless you play your game, This world is full of most unkind
and horrible is redefined, I can't imagine that you'd mind at all

You're lying again, you're conscious in your friend
and the only thing your sobbing out is your imagination, Lying again you're conscious in your friend and the only thing your sobbing out is your imagination
Is he really on the street, desperation on his seat and what he's wearing on his feet won't solve our mystery, and i am baffled by how you stand there, soaking it in
and do you hide your identity where you hide your grin, better hide your grin

Shadows underneath the eyes, everywhere the bastard lies
My lack of Proof is your disguise, you won't remember me

There's nothing really I can say, but sorry mate and walk away
I could be wrong unless you play your game, This world is full of is most unkind
and horrible is redefined, I can't imagine that you'd mind at all
You're lying again, your conscious in your friend
and the only thing your sobbing out is your imagination, Lying again your conscious in your friend and the only thing your sobbing out is your imagination

mah Pozdravi, poruke i želje mah

Lucija- 19.07 dolaze Shapeshiftersi...Incredible...pusa
Teuta-nadam se da ćemo ostati prijateljice yes
Dagmar-22.07 SRETAN ROĐENDAN (ajme,kako si stara :rolf:)
Tin-something wicked this way comes...btw Alex je ovaj što pjeva u videu...
Ana-Hi! Kako si proslavila rođendan...pozz cool
Lana-...kako je bilo na maturalcu...i nadam se da si dobila pjesme...
Ira- pa gdje si ljubavi??? <3
Ivana- zabavi se i ti na praznicima party
Luca- okupaj se jednom i za mene
Ginny- hahahahahaha


Dorothy was right though!


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