Moron BroTheR blog

05.04.2009., nedjelja

Bouncing Souls

ej ljudi(ako vas uopče ima)
evo jedan novi post
iman jenu malu kritiku na one ljude koje mi dolaze čitat postove
(onaj brojač je nabroja nešto pa pretpostavljan da mi neki dolazi heheh..osim ako nisu neki botovi)
a dajte ako več dojdete hitite neki komentar
serite ma samo da je nešto..
govorite mi anke grdo..hehehe..samo dajte nešto
danas san bija u puli..kupit nove patike..

pole smo pošli u pevec...i pošto je bilo 17.00 ja,stara i stari smo odlučili tamo i kafe popit..
ma preshičeno..ja siden za stol..a kad ono konobarica mi nosi biru bez da san niš naručija
i smije mi se..hehehe..ima san majicu na kojoj piše "MAJICA ZA PIT BIRU"..hahahha
to van je legendarna majica..
mislin čak da je uspjela nadomjestit i pošteno zamjenit moju staru i gnjilu nofx majicu..koja je umrla
eko i dok to pišen je iman na sebi..hehe..ova majica je posebna u ten da nemore smrdit
eko sad slušan bouncing soulse..prejebeni san odlučija podjelit sa vama meni najdraže pjesme
riječi i video
forši i ča o njima napišen u budučim postovima :

prva pjesma:

zove se

The first wedensday i saw her
there smiling at me with here blue eyes
and curly hair i couldn't wait till next week
to make the stop see her at the
quick check paper drop.
Every wedensday we'd count the papers
we'd have a laugh at the people in their suits
no one seemed to notice how she was different
but i did and i knew. Another wedensday came and it
seemed it was right so i wrote her a note that i
hoped she would like dear
Kiah would you like to go with me to the boardwalk
what fun it will be
we'll eat cotton candy and we'll get french
fries with vinegar and get a
plate of funnel cake then we'll go on the
zipper look out on the ocean
and puke it all up all the people will scream
we can have a laugh what do
you say? that's what it said in the note.
Another week went by
and she never called another week came and
she wished she had she just
broke up with her fiance and things were kinda crazy
with her i said i understood, another week went by
and she never called but i thought
about the way she looked at me and said to myself maybe..
i pulled into the quick check at 6am to see the sun coming up
when i walked in Kiah wasn't there. The manager said
she quit she isn't here do you want me to
help you count the papers

druga pjesma:


I know i'm not a bad guy when i try to do what's
right everyone who comes to me don't see my
plight. Everything i've ever done all the plans
i've had in sight always missed and gone wrong in
a way until i gave up and said alright let me
alone cuz no one wants to be hanging around with
someone messin up like me i guess my way isn't
good enough when i try i just keep on wrecking
stuff it seems everybody knows but me how to go
what to do and where to be everywhere i go they
all talk the same they don't even have to try they
make me feel so lame friends and jobs have come
and gone no matter what i do it goes on and on i
wonder if you sometimes feel this way and do you
lay awake at the end of the day when i lose
everytime i win cuz no one will ever be messin up
stuff doing things wrong quite like me no one will
ever be like me

ma bit če dosta te dvi pjesme hehe..
moran još naglasit da su oni jedan od ritkih bendova koji su se održali 20 godina i to skoro sa iston ekipon:D
sad pred malo su slavili 20-godišnjicu..ajd ljudi uživajte i budite mi dobro

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sve i ništa
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pomalon ima svega

nešto o meni

pa prije je tu dosta tega pisalo o meni
ali to ča je pisalo više nevridi...ako nešto o meni slučajno zanima
neka me pita hehe.
inače od muzike slušan Nofx, Bez identiteta, Los Fastidios
Los suxiox, Prophagandi, mikrofoniju, fnc diverzant, Perkele..
i da sad ne nabrajam sve bendove,, uglavnom pankeriju
na faksu san sada, i to na FERU
ja se nadam da ču ga pasat.
najdraže knjiga ZLOČIN I KAZNA

moja slika




Nofx-največi hitovi po mom ukusu

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"Stickin In My Eye"

When I look 'round, I only see outta one eye
As the smoke surrounds my head, the sauna
I hear the voices, but I can't make out their words
Saying things, saying things that
I got something sticking in my eye
Got something sticking in my eye
Got something sticking in my eye
I feel unusual from thinking
About the underground decay, God help me
Kill beneath the camera, watch the world begin to cry
It's not from pity, it comes from
What's been sticking in my eye
Got something sticking in my eye

"I'm Telling Tim"

You better watch out you better not cry
You better put out records D.I.Y.
Cause it's not what you've done it's what you've been
If you fuck up I'm telling Tim

Take you out of book your own life part six
You won't play again at abc
You're gonna get ostracized like Lawrence
When I tell Tim, I'm telling Tim
I'm telling Tim, I'm telling Tim

"Murder The Government"

I wanna see the constitution burn
Wanna watch the white house overturn
Wanna witness some blue blood bleed (fucking) red

I wanna tar and lynch the KKK
I wanna pull and shoot the NRA
(I wanna pay the lobbyists to kill themselves)
(I wanna dose the DEA)
(I wanna join the CIA (not really))

(It just seems so fucking easy to make this)
(Country a better place to live.)
(Illegalize guns and lobbying)
((Jail murderers and extortionists)...)
(Legalize drugs and prostitution)
((Free salesmen and saleswomen)...)

Murder the government, Murder the government
Murder the government, And then do it again yeah
Murder the government, Murder the government
Murder the government, and then
Murder the government


Possesions never meant anything to me
I'm not crazy (cause I got none)
Well that's not true, I've got a bed and a guitar
And a dog named dog who pisses on my floor
That's right, I've got a floor
So what, so what, so what?
I've got pockets full of kleenex and lint and holes
Where everything imporatnt to me just seems to fall right down my leg
And on the floor
My closest friend linoleum
Supports my head, gives me something to believe
That's me on the beachside combing the sand
Metal meter in my hand
Sporting a pocket full of change
That's me on the street with a violin under my chin
Playing with a grin, singing gibberish
That's me on the back of the bus
That's me in the cell
That's me inside your head
That's me inside your head

Moron Brothers- po meni njihova najbolja pjesma

Talking about the Moron Bros', tattooed fingers, tattooed toes
They're idiots, they're losers, they're scum
Taking advantage of everyone
You're a dog, they're your fleas
Doing everything they can to spread disease

Take your beer, Take your drugs
Leave with you microscopic bugs
Their company is something you will miss
When your icetrays are filled with piss

They are the Moron Brothers
Don't get along with others
They are the Moron Brothers

They'll whine, they'll bitch, they'll fuck you if you're rich
They'll leach, they'll latch, they are the itch that you can't scratch

Do do do do do do do do da do do do do

They'll ink your face, tape your eyelids closed
Tabasco's in your mouth,
there's mustard up your nose
When your head is shaved you'll think the worst has passed
Just try to move your leg
They've put you in a cast

They are the Moron Brothers
Don't get along with others
They are the Moron Brothers
Don't get along with others

They may not go down in history
But they'll go down on your sister

bit če ih još drugi put. za promjenu malu drugih bendova

FNC Diverzant
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Svakim pocetkom srednje skole
Neki novi klinci otkriju punk
A vec par mjeseci kasnije
Starci nih uvjere da
Da to nije ono sto se od njih trazi
Od njih se samo ocekuje da
Zavrse jednom i tu srednju skolu
A nakon nje odma' upisu faks

Sine budi ono sto ja nisam
U zivotu ce ti lakse bit ak'
Srednju, faks budes zavrsio
Molim te sine nemoj slusat punk

Za tebe je ovo novo iskustvo
S ovim se nikada susreo nisi
Nikad jos ti birat' nisi mor'o
Dal' da slusas starog il' da slusas punk
Ti nemas mozak, nemas nista s njim
Svog ces starog ti poslusati
A tvoj ce tata jedino sretan bit
Samo kad si ti u zabludi

I onda ti ces ostat' sasvim sam
Svi tvoji decki su davno otisli van
Pred ducanom sjede, zicaju dinar, dva

Nikada ti vise neces probat sam
Brze, vise, jace, bas u tom je stvar
Jedino na svijetu sto ti ces znat'
Bit' ce samo disciplina, red i rad
Za tebe su alkohol, droga i zene
Nedostizna, velika i dosadna stvar
Zato razmisli malo, zaboravi starog
Kupi si pluge i poleti van

I onda budi sve sto stari je
Djecak iz haustora nezavrsene srednje skole
Cijeli zivot brije na birtije
Kad je doma gleda sam TV

a sada malo i FOB-a
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''Ulica to smo mi''

Da li ćeš se sjećati noći što smo proveli
na mokroj cesti iste snove sanjali
da li ćeš se sjećati??

Ulica,to smo mi,u mokroj noći
jači miris asfalta nas zove
gdje smo nekad bili krvavi,ali nikad slomljeni!!

Da li ćeš prepoznati,one što su ostali
par koraka u mračnoj ulici,da li ćeš se sjećati??

Ulica,to smo mi,u mokroj noći
jači miris asfalta nas zove
gdje smo nekad bili krvavi,ali nikad slomljeni!!

pa Pennywise

Fuck authority

Someday you gotta find another way, you better right your mind
and live by what you say
Today is just another day unless you set your sights and try to find a way
I say fuck authority
Silent majority
Raised by the system
Now it's time to rise against them
We're sick of your treason
Sick of your lies
Fuck no, we won't listen
We're gonna open your eyes
Frustration, domination, feel the rage of a new generation,
we're livin', we're dyin' and we're never gonna stop, stop tryin'
Stop tryin'
Stop tryin', stop tryin'
You know the time is right to take control,
we gotta take offense against the status quo
No way, not gonna stand for it today, fight for your rights,
it's time we had our say
I say fuck authority
Silent majority
Raised by the system
Now it's time to rise against them
We're sick of your treason
Sick of your lies
Fuck no, we won't listen
We're gonna open your eyes
Frustration, domination, feel the rage of a new generation,
we're livin', we're dyin', we take the time and will endless try and destroy,
enjoy, you fight the world, become a new toy, dominate, eliminate,
do you fell the rise, rise of hate?
Fuck authority
Silent majority
Raised by the system
Now it's time to rise against them
We're sick of your treason
Sick of your lies
Fuck no, we won't listen
We're gonna open your eyes
Frustration, domination, feel the rage of a new generation,
we're livin', we're dyin' and we're never gonna stop, stop tryin'
Stop tryin'
Stop tryin', stop tryin'


''Fuck Police Brutality''

A bunch of punks hangin' out on the streets before the show.
Patty waggon pulls up, instinct - Run man, let'ts just go!
Cop chases them through the streets and then they inside.
They run into the crowd where maybe they can hide!

Fuck Police! Fuck Police! Fuck Police Brutality!
Fuck Police! Fuck Police! Fuck Police Brutality!
Fuck Police! Fuck Police! Fuck Police Brutality!
Fuck Police! Fuck Police! Fuck Police Brutality!

He hides just standing in the crowd, there's no where he can run.
The cop comes up behind him and he cracks him with with a gun.
Drags his bloody ass outside and throws him to the ground.
There's no where left to take you boy, you're already downtown.

Fuck Police! Fuck Police! Fuck Police Brutality!
Fuck Police! Fuck Police! Fuck Police Brutality!
Fuck Police! Fuck Police! Fuck Police Brutality!
Fuck Police! Fuck Police! Fuck Police Brutality!

But the cops can do no wrong.
They can kill they can rape,
They can do what they want.

But the cops can do no wrong.
We've got to fight, take back the night,
The cops are just like Hitlers third reich.
Do what they want.

Who do we fear? Who do we trust? How do we know?
Who do we fear? Who do we trust? How do we know?
Who do we fear? Who do we trust? How do we know?

Fuck Police! Fuck Police! Fuck Police Brutality!
Fuck Police! Fuck Police! Fuck Police Brutality!
Fuck Police! Fuck Police! Fuck Police Brutality!
Fuck Police! Fuck Police! Fuck Police Brutality!



Ti si uvjek bio glup
Ili barem malo manje pametan
Cijelog života si gubio vrijeme,
Samome sebi uništio san
Da li si sretan kada osjetiš da si beskorisan
I da ćeš zauvijek ostati sam
Zbog brijanja, razbijanja I javnih ponižavanja
Si samome sebi uništio san, san

Da li si sretan I dal ti je dobro
Što si u startu izgubio sve?
Misliš li da si mogao bolje
Povući neke poteze?
Da li je super ko mlad izigravati ovna
Pa ostatak života gutati govna?
Biti kapetan, tonućeg broda
Biti sramota vlastitog roda

Uvijek je od kleptomanije patio,
što jednom uzeo, nikada vratio.
Virtuoz prekopavanja ormara i ladica,
noćna mora frižiderskih polica.
Često optuživan, "nikad kriv",
sa svima dobar al' samoživ.
Zasluženo, prepun patetičnih fraza,
unesen u crnu knjigu Djeda Mraza.
Govori da je, a tu nema šale,
njegova misija gazit budale,
čudim se da još nije opazio
samo je jednu uistinu zgazio.
Cijeli će život, mijesto "princ tame"
biti samo mlatitelj prazne slame,
antijunak, novopečeni paštar,
sviju hulja veliki meštar
Nepresušan izvor krivih informacija
punih paušala i improvizacija,
stalno ga pucaju nastrane vizije,
tpični primjerak hipokrizije.


adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!

krmko je dobar ali onaj gore ga oče pojest pa mi cijelo vrijeme nešto plače

za ove super mališane zahvaljujem mrmi

par anketa, onako usput:

Created by Ljubavna Spajalica
- ljubavni sastanak

Created by Ljubavna Spajalica
- ljubavni sastanak