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Dizajn by: RizL@ i sTrUdL@


Cartoon Glitters

Cartoon Glitters

......zovem se DOROTEA......zivim u TRAVNOM u ZAGREBU....yeeeeey.......a zovu me DODA....nadimak sam dobila od mladeg buraza koji je totalna gnjavaza koji dok je bio mali nije znao rec moje puno ime pa me tak zvao.....obozavam GLAZBU; PJEVANJE I KLAVIR i bez toga NEMOGU zivjet....trenirala sam AKROBATSKI ROCK'N'ROLL i KARATE....a sada treniram TWIRLING....ak neko nezna kaj je to nek slobodno pita....volim slusat SVE al bas ne preferiram cajke....vise STARI POP I ROCK....stalno ali stalno se smijem bez ikakvog razloga.......znam biti naporna ali sam zato i uzasno TVRDOGLAVA..ako ja nesto odlucim tako ce i biti.....volim CITATI i provoditi sate u SHOPPINGU...hehe...obozavam JOHNNY DEEPA....i to bi bilo to za sada...e da btw nisam plava....hehe

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life in cartoon motion

When There Was Me And You Lyrics

klavirIvanin klavirPianopiano

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......ovaj spot je tu samo iz meni poznatog razloga i nema nikakve veze s tosetom kojeg mi je uzasno zao.....

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Once Upon A December Lyrics

Ti živiš,
gdje zvijezde tkaju put od srebra,
nevinošću sja tvoje lice
dok nedostižan kao sjena
nastavljaš svoj let.
Negdje sakriven tvoj je svijet,
vječnom ljubavlju dodirni me
i ostani uz mene.
Još ne znam,
dal' si zvijezda ili žena.
A samo jedan tren
da postojiš
k'o ružičasta morska pjena,
na žalu stojim sam,
galebov glas kos te briše dan.
Vječnom ljubavlju dodirni me
i ostani uz mene...
Jer ti si princeza
nekog drugog svijeta,
tvoja riječ stvara čuda,
budi iskrena,
uputi mi osmijeh
tek da znam postojiš
il' sam sam...
Negdje izvan planeta.
Još ne znam,
dal' si zvijezda ili žena.
A samo jedan tren
da postojiš
k'o ružičasta morska pjena,
na žalu stojim sam,
galebov glas kos te briše dan.
Vječnom ljubavlju dodirni me
i ostani uz mene...
Jer ti si princeza
nekog drugog svijeta,
tvoja riječ stvara čuda,
budi iskrena,
uputi mi osmijeh
tek da znam postojiš
il' sam sam...
Negdje izvan planeta.

What if I told you it was all meant to be
Would you believe me
Would you agree
It's almost that feelin'
We've met before
So tell me that you don't think I'm crazy
When I tell you love has come here now

A moment like this
Some people wait a lifetime
For a moment like this
Some people search forever
For that one special kiss
Ohh, I can't believe it's happening to me
Some people wait a lifetime
For a moment like this

Everything changes
But beauty remains
Something so tender
I can't explain
Well I maybe dreamin'
But 'till I awake
Can we make this dream last forever
And I'll cherish all the love we share

A moment like this
Some people wait a lifetime
For a moment like this
Some people search forever
For that one special kiss
[A Moment Like This lyrics on http://www.metrolyrics.com]

Ohh, I can't believe it's happening to me
Some people wait a lifetime
For a moment like this

Could this be the greatest love of all
I wanna know that you will catch me when I fall
So let me tell you this

Some people wait a lifetime

For a moment like this
Some people wait a lifetime
For a moment like this
Some people search forever
For that one special kiss
Ohh, I can't believe it's happening to me
Some people wait a lifetime
For a moment like this

(A moment) Like this!

(A moment) Ohh!
I can't believe it's happening to me!

Some people wait a lifetime
For a moment like this


Like this

No, I cant forget this evening
Or your face as you were leaving
But I guess thats just the way this story goes,
You always smile....
But in you eyes your sorrow shows
Yes it shows

No I cant forget tomorrow
When I think of all my sorrows
When I had you there but then I let you go
And now its only fair that I should let you know
What you should know

I cant live
If living is without you
I cant live
I cant give anymore
Cant live
If living is without you
cant give,
I cant give anymore

Well, I cant forget this evening
Or your face as you were leaving
But I guess thats just the way this story goes,
You always smile
But in you eyes your sorrow shows
Yes it shows

cant live
If living is without you
I cant live
I cant give anymore
Cant live
If living is without you
I cant live,
I cant give anymore

Ohhhhhh(No cant live)
No no no (No I cant live)
I cant live (No cant live)
If living is without (No I cant live)

I cant live (No cant live)
I cant give anymore (No I cant live)

I will not make the same mistakes that you did
I will not let myself
Cause my heart so much misery
I will not break the way you did,
You fell so hard
I've learned the hard way
To never let it get that far

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I lose my way
And it's not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because I know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake
A smile, a laugh everyday of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I watched you die
I heard you cry every night in your sleep
I was so young
You should have known better than to lean on me
You never thought of anyone else
You just saw your pain
And now I cry in the middle of the night
For the same damn thing

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I try my hardest just to forget everything
Because of you
I don't know how to let anyone else in
Because of you
I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty
Because of you
I am afraid

Because of you
Because of you

Tengo marcado en el pecho,
todos los días que el tiempo
no me dejó estar aquí.
Tengo una fe que madura,
que va conmigo y me cura
desde que te conocí.
Tengo una huella perdida
entre tu sombra y la mía,
que no me deja mentir.
Soy una moneda en la fuente;
tú mi deseo pendiente
mis ganas de revivir.
Tengo una mańana constante
y una acuarela esperando
verte pintado de azul.
Tengo tu amor y tu suerte
y un caminito empinado.
Tengo el mar del otro lado:
tú eres mi norte y mi sur

Hoy voy a verte de nuevo
voy a envolverme en tu ropa,
susúrrame en tu silencio
cuando me veas llegar.
Hoy voy a verte de nuevo,
voy a alegrar tu tristeza:
vamos a hacer una fiesta
pa' que este amor crezca más.

Tengo una frase colgada,
entre mi boca y mi almohada,
que me desnuda ante ti.
Tengo una playa y un pueblo
que me acompańan de noche
cuando no estas junto a mí.
Tengo una mańana constante
y una acuarela esperando
verte pintado de azul.
Tengo tu amor y tu suerte
y un caminito empinado.
Tengo el mar del otro lado:
tú eres mi norte y mi sur.

sad ti to želim reći
zašto da patim zbog
te dvije riječi...

Ne vjeruj lažnim riječima
što kažu "VOLIM TE"
već suznim očima
što mole "VOLI ME"...

I za kraj jedna istina...
Glitter Images Miscellaneous

Glitter Images Miscellaneous



Mrziti sve ruže
jer si se ogrebao na jedan trn...

Odustati od svojih snova
jer se jedan nije ostvario...

Izgubiti nadu u molitve
jer jedna nije uslišana...

Odustati od svojih napora
jer je jedan bio uzaludan...

Okriviti sve prijatelje
jer te jedan iznevjerio...

Ne vjerovati u ljubav
jer ti je netko bio nevjeran
ili ti nije uzvratio ljubav...

Odbaciti svaku mogućnost da budeš sretan,
jer nisi uspio u prvom pokušaju....

Nadam se da se na svom putu
ne predaješ tom bezumlju.

Zapamti da se uvijek ...

Može pojaviti druga šansa.

Novi prijatelj.

Nova ljubav.

Obnoviti snaga.

Budi uporan.
Traži sreću u svakom danu.

Siguran put k neuspjehu je - odustati!
Često budući uspjesi dolaze preko sadašnjih promašaja – NASTAVI SE TRUDITI!

I'm not the type to get my heart broken
I'm not the type to get upset and cry
Cause i never leave my heart open
Never hurts me to say goodbye
Relationships don't get deep to me
Never got the whole in love thing
And someone can say they love me truly
But at the time it didn't mean a thing

My mind is gone, i'm spinning round
And deep inside, my tears i'll drown
I'm losing grip, what's happening
I stray from love, this is how I feel

This time was different
Felt like I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now I'm, in this condition
And I've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry

Did it happen when we first kissed
Cause it's hurting me to let it go
Maybe cause we spent so much time
And I know that it's no more
I shoulda never let you hold me baby
Maybe why i'm sad to see us apart
I didn't give to you on purpose
Can't figure out how you stole my heart

My mind is gone, i'm spinning round
And deep inside, my tears i'll drown
I'm losing grip, what's happening
I stray from love, this is how I feel
[Cry lyrics on http://www.metrolyrics.com]

This time was different
Felt like I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now I'm, in this condition
And I've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry

How did I get here with you, I'll never know
I never meant to let it get so personal
After all I tried to do, stay away from loving you
I'm broken hearted, I can't let you know
And I won't let it show
You won't see me cry

This time was different
Felt like, I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now i'm, in this condition
And i've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry

This time was different
Felt like, I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now i'm, in this condition
And i've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry

All my life


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....evo mene u punom sjaju...oke ne bas u punom....lool....ali bila sam jako happy jer sam polozila prvi stupanj na twirlingu...hehe

......evo tu se ja valjam po podu od smijeharoflrofl
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....evo ja opet zavrsila na podu...ali ovaj put na koljenima...lol.....evo tu sam na klizanju...hehewinkwink
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.....moj jastucic.....

......hmmm...trenutci dosade....

....cijela ekipica...oke uglavnom cijela....ispred skole....beljwinkthumbup
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...ivica moja ivica...lool...ivazujo
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......evo slikice sa klizanja...hehe
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....mala rasprava......
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....jos jedna slikica ali na francuskom na koji ja nejdem ali idu neki ljudi iz mog razreda...ja idem na talijanski...hehe
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......tesanovicka & laura......
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.....leila & dominik & andrea.....
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.....andrea & leila......zujozujo
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......ja i ivica....

....oke malo je mutno ispala al sta ces....nutnut
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......Eva & Mia & Pavlovićka.....
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.....đihaaa pavlovićka......roflrofl
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......Pavlovićka & Laura.....kisskiss
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.....moji smartići....coolcool
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....napokon je došo red da iva malo zajaše.....hehebelj
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ABC iliti Adriana-Barbara Crnica (Barbarela)....hehe & Eva......smijehsmijehparty
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.....Petra & Laura & Lucy & Manuela.....
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.....tradicionalna festa sa pinky ''bakljama''....
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.....moja najdraza martic.....lol....marta...
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.....hana & nana & kana....
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....u parkicu.....
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....moje ovisnice o fotkanju....loool......nana & tena.....
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....sexy nana.....
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....hana poludila.....
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......imam jednu rijec za ovo.....LOL....
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....uuu ovo je fakat staro .....jos u sedmom razredu...isuse kak smo svi mali...ajoooj....ja bi opet u to dobacrycry
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.....ja i bursa....isuse kako mi je tu kosa tamna....

.....kika & ja u ne tako savrsenom stanju....bas sam ugly tu ispala...mislim da je to bilo poslije treninga ili necega...
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.....cijela generacija na plitvicama...hehe
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....luce & kika....finofino
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.....uuu.....loool....vidi pere.....
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.....ova slika me podsjeca na dobra stara vremena...dok sam jos bila klinka....finofino
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petak, 26.10.2007.


.....mahmahbokic ljudekimahmah.......evo ovo danas se fakat zove happy daysretansretanpartysretansretan.....imala sam zbor po drugi put u tjednupjevapjeva.....yeeeeey.....jer smo prvi put sam pricali pa smo onda morali nadograditi ono kaj nismo napravili...i bilo jesuper dobro prekrasno....preslatko....da uglavnom zapricala se ja o tomebang.....onda smo pisali test iz hrvatskogheadbangheadbang....i ljudi moji sve sam rjesila....kak sam happy.....bilo je 16 pitanja i za svako pitanje mislim da sam ruku potrgala kolko sam napisalaburninmadheadbang.....i onda cujem da ce nam svako pitanje najvjerojatnije donosit po sam jedan bod...pa mislim ono....daj se ubi.bangburninmadheadbang....eeeeeeeeeeee ljudi dobila sam 5 iz testa iz talijanskog koji je bio na 4 strane....imala sam sam 5 pogresaka...yeeeeey....i onda sam imala glazbeni.....yeeeey.....i dobila sam 5 iz referata....i skuzila sam da sam sjedila na istoj stolici ko i profesor....a svi drugi su imali neke druge....i dode meni frendica...sad ste stvoreni jedno za drugocerekcerek....a ja pras u smijehludlud...eeeee da i sviro nam je....jooooj kako on dobro svira....zna odsvirat sve...stagod mu kazes......anyway....ljudi moji mene u ponedjeljak nema u skoli a oni pisu test iz engleskog.....koji nije gramatika vec je 300 nepoznatih rijeci objasnit na engleskomludlud.....a mene nema....hehe......bas sam si happy.....eto mislim da bi to bilo to za sada....pa evo vam jos video pa se cujemo....pusa velika svimakissmah

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