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Ne kupujte kasete japanske grupe TDK. Ništa se ne čuje!

Glittery texts by bigoo.ws

Ime: Sanja
Zovu me: Sanjo, Sanji, Sanjika
Rođena sam: 28.4.1984.
Horoskopski znak: Bik
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SSS: Grafički urednik
VŠS: Odgojiteljica predškolske djece
Naj predmet u srednjoj mi je bio: Grafički dizajn i informatika
Naj predmet na faksu mi je bio: Pedagogija djece s poteškoćama u razvoju
Naj auto: (kalsično žensko) Buba, Peugeot i Citroen
Ljubimac: mačak Edo
Jelo: (uvijek) pizza njami
Piće: ledeni čaj party
Alkoholno piće: Votka, tequila
Desert: Corny, čokolada (bilo koja)
Grickalica: Pringles
Glumac: Jack Black, Orlando Bloom
Glumica: Jessica Alba, Kirsten Dunst
Film: Gospodari prstenova, X-men, Dreamgirls
Redatelj: Peter Jackson
Pjevač: Justin, Toše, Goran & Dario
Pjevačica: Beyonce, Fergie, Nelly Frutado
Pjesma: mnogo ih je... Recimo: Toše: Zvijezdo sjevernice pjeva
Band: Quattro bend, Leteći odred
Gitarista: Bibi
Basista: Moj Masny & Dario
Kljave: Keda & Dule
Bubnjar: Srki & Taban
Boja: zelena
Moto: Što možeš danas, ne ostavljaj za sutra; Life's too short
Vrlina: skromnost
Mana: tvrdoglavost burninmad

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myspace layout


A - Avionom u Afriku
B - moram si kupit Bicikl, moj blog brlog
C - crtići
Č - čarape, higijena je pola zdravlja
Ć - ćuk; koja glupa životinja...
D - eh, taj Deda (on zna tko je), djeca - moraš ih voljeti
Đ - Đorđe Novković, veliki čovjek i skladatelj
E - Enis Bešlagić, bosanac svih bosanaca
F - flauta, moj nesuđeni instrument
G - gaće, higijena je pola zdravlja
H - Hrvoje Hum (Leteći odred), ah ta mladost, bio je dobar...
I - ispiti, s njima sam svršila 17.6.08.
J - Justin, Jessica A., Jagoda T.
K - klavir, još jedan moj nesuđni instrument
L - Leteći odred, band moje mladosti
LJ - Ljama, životinja koja te pljune
M - muškarci, ne možeš s njima, ne možeš bez njih
N - ne, reci ne onda kad znaš da trebaš reći
NJ - njoke, finooooo
O - Oprah Winfrey, najdarežljiva i najbogatija žena na svijetu
P - Pumbaa, najbolji Disney-ev lik ikada
R - računalo
S - sex; sijeno; sex na sijenu hm hm
Š - štikle, volim ih nosit, al nosim ih rijetko
T - Toše, Tomislav
U - Uvod u anatomiju, naj serija svijeta
V - Vatra, čega se god dočepa, nestane
Z - zekonja, mješanac između zeca i konja haha
Ž - žena, otkriće otkrića

Hosted by RockYouPhotos.com

Hosted by RockYouPhotos.com

Hosted by RockYouPhotos.com

TOP 10
by Sanchy

1. Vin Diesel
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2. Orlando Bloom
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3. Bon Jovi
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4. Ashton Kutcher
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5. Will Smith
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6. Johnny Depp
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7. Jude Law
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8. Justin Timberlake
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9.Taye Diggs
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10.Damon Wayans
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by Sanchy

1. Toše

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2. Mario Valentić

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3. Marko Tolja

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4. Stjepan Božić

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5. Ivano Balić

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1. Pumbaa
Crtić: Kralj lavova 1, 2, 3

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2. Timon
Crtić: Kralj lavova 1, 2, 3

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3. Magare
Crtić: Shrek 1, 2, 3

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4. Bubimir
Kratkometražni crtići

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5. Šiljo
Kratkometražni Disney-evi crtići

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6. Super vjeverica
Crtić: Ice age 1 i 2

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7. Super pingvini
Crtić: Madagascar

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8. Vjeverica
Crtić: Preko ograde

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9. Horton
Crtić: Kako je slon Horton spasio mali svijet

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10. Crvenkapicina baka
Crtić: Tko je smjestio Crvenkapici

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Ti slusas:
Dance, pop, latino
Techo, house (elektronska)
Rock, rock'n'roll, sweet rock, hard rock
Metal, heavy metal, sweet metal
R'n'b, pop r'n'b
Turbo folk, narodnjake, tamburase
Jazz, Classic, Blues
Reagge, SKA
Rap, Hip-hop
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Nastavi: Tko se maca laca,
La coocaracha
Od maca i pogine
Njemu djevojka
Ostao bez gaca
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... U IZRADI...


1. Škola rock'n'rolla-a
(School of rock, 2003.)
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2. Strah i prijezir u Las Vegasu
(Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, 1998.)
3. Norbit (Norbit, 2007.)
4. Harold i Kumar - bijeg iz Guantanama
(Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay, 2008.)
5. Harold i Kumar (Harold and Kumar goes to white caste, 2004.)
6. Divljaci na kotačima (Wild hogs, 2007.)
7. Chuck, možete poljubiti Larrya
(I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry, 2007.)
8. Čvrsta ruka mira (The Pacifier, 2005.)
9. Ljubavni guru (Love guru, 2008.)
10. Zalomilo se
(Knocked up, 2007.)
11. Svakog gosta tri dana dosta
(You, me and Dupree, 2006.)


2. Praznik (The holiday 2006.)
3. Začarana (Enchanted 2007.)
4. U naručju vještice (Enchanted 2005.)
5. Upravo vjenčani (Just married, 2003.)
6. Dok nas smrt ne rastavi
(What Happens in Vegas, 2008.)
7. Preboljeti Sarah Marshall
(Forgetting Sarah Marshall, 2008.)
8. Mamin novi frajer (My Mom's New Boyfriend, 2008.)


1. Broj 23 (Number 23, 2007.)
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2. Omen 666 (The omen, 2006.)
3. Egzorcizam Emily Rose
(The exorcism of Emily Rose, 2005.)
4. Resident evil 1 i 3
(Resident evil 2002., 2008.)
5. 11.14 pm, 2003.
6. Pomračenje (The Jacket 2005.)
7. Magla (The fog 2007.)
8. Gotika (Gothika, 2003.)
9. Ogledala (Mirrors, 2008.)


1. Gospodari prstenova 1, 2, 3
(Lord of the rings, 2001., 2002., 2003.)
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2. Pirati s Kariba 1, 2, 3
(Pirates of Carribbien, 2003., 2006., 2007.)
3. Ja sam legenda (I'm a legend 2007.)
4. King Kong (King Kong, 2005.)
5. Harry Potter
6. Umjetna inteligencija
(Artificial Intelligence, 2001.)
7. Zvjezdana prašina (Stardust, 2007.)
8. Zlatni kompas
(The golden kompas, 2007.)
9. Kronike iz Narnije
10. Ghost rider (Ghost rider, 2007.)
11. Hancock (Hancock, 2008.)
12. Fantastična četvorka 1, 2
(Fantastic 4, 2005., 2007.)
13. Iron man (Iron man 2008.)
14. Nevidljivi čovjek (Hollow Man 2000.)
15. X-men 1, 2, 3
(X-men, 2001., 2003., 2006.)
16. Eragon (Eragon, 2006.)
17. Invazija (The invasion, 2007.)
18. Noć u muzeju (Night at the Museum, 2006.)
19. Zvjezdani ratovi III: Osveta Sitha
(Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, 2005.);
Zvjezdani ratovi II
(Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones, 2002.)
20. Planet tame (Pitch Black, 2000.)


1. Neobična priča o Benjaminu Buttonu
(The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, 2008.)
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2. Djevojka od milijun dolara
(Million dollar baby, 2004.)
3. P.S. Volim te (P.S. I love you 2008.)
4. Eight below, 2006.
5. U potrazi za srećom
(The persuit of happyness, 2006.)
6. Brodolom života (Cast away, 2000.)
7. Zelena milja (Green mile, 1999.)
8. Hitler (Hitler: the rise of evil, 2003.)
9. Džingis Kan (Mongol, 2008.)
10. Sex i grad (Sex and the city, 2008.)
11. Ray (Ray, 2004.)
12. 10 000 Pr. Kr. (10 000 B.C., 2008.)
13. Bijeli prah (Blow, 2001.)
14. Zabranjene fotografije (One Hour Photo, 2002.)
15. Duga mračna noć, 2004.
16. Pijanist (The pianist, 2002.)


1. Mumija: Grobnica Zmajskog cara
(The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, 2008.)
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2. Troja (Troj, 2004.)
3. Apocalypto (Apocalypto, 2006.)
4. Alexandar Veliki (Alexander, 2004.)
5. Spartak (Spartacus, 2004.)
6. Brzi i žestoki 1 (The Fast and the Furious, 2001.)


1. Put u središte Zemlje (The journey to the center of the earth, 2008.)
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1. Komadi iz snova (Dreamgirls, 2006.)
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2. Sweeney Todd; đavolji brijač Fleet street-a (Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, 2007.)
3. Mamma mia (Mamma mia, 2008.)


1. Kralj lavova 3: Hakuna matata
(Lion king 3: Hakuna matata, 2004.)
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2. Legenda o medvjedu 1, 2
(Brother bear, 2003., 2006.)
3. Preko ograde
(Over the Hedge, 2006.)
4. Charllottina mreža
(Charlotte's web, 2007.)
5. Horton
(Horton hears a Who!, 2008.)
6. Shrek 1, 2, 3
(Shrek, 2001, 2004., 2007.)
7. Auti (Cars, 2006.)
8. Kung Fu panda
(Kung fu panda, 2008.)
9. Ratatouile 2007.
10. Ledeno doba
(Ice age, 2002, 2006.)
11. U potrazi za Nemom
(Finding Nemo 2003.)
12. Pusti vodu da miševi odu
(Flushed away, 2006.)
13. Sezona lova
(Open season, 2008.)
14. Pčelin film
(Bee movie, 2008.)


1. Heroji (Heroes)
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2. Uvod u anatomiju
(Grey's anatomy)
3. Kućanice
(Desperate housewives)
4. Malcom u sredini
(Malcom in the middle)
5. Bitange i princeze
6. Rat u kući
(The war at home)
7. Lude sedamdeste
(That 70's show)
8. Dharma i Greg
(Dharma & Greg)
9. Kralj Queens-a
(King of the Queens)
10. Boston public


1. Koledžicom po svijetu
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2. Story super nova
3. Operacija trijumf
4. Showtime
5. Big brother


1. Johnny Depp
(Pirati s Kariba, Sweeney Todd...)
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2. Eddie Murrphy
(Norbit, Dreamgirls, Shrek...)
3. Will Smith
(Ja sam legenda, Hancock, U potrazi za srećom...)
4. Tom Hanks (Brodolom života...)
5. Adrien Brody
(Pijanist, Pomarčenje, King Kong...)
6. Ian McKellen
(Gospodari, X-men...)
7. Jamie Foxx
(Dreamgirls, Ray...)
8. Jude Law
(Praznik, Umjetna inteligencija...)
9. Orlando Bloom
(Gospodari, Troja, Elizabethtown, Calcium kid...)
10. Jack Black
(Praznik, Kung fu panda, Škola rocka, Nacho libre...)

bonus 1: Ashton Kutcher
(Upravo vjenčani, Dok nas jackpot ne rastavi, Sezona lova...)
bonus 2: Owen Wilson
(Noć u muzeju, Auti, Svakog gosta...)


1. Hilary Swank
(Djevojka od milijun dolara, P.S. Volim te, 11.14 pm...)
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2. Keira Knightley
(Pirati, Pomračenje, Kralj Arthur...)
3. Jessica Alba
(Fantastična četvorka, Oko,
4. Katherine Heigl
(Zalomilo se, Uvijek djeveruša, nikad mlada, Uvod u anatomiju...)
Uvod u anatomiju, Roswell....)
5. Nicole Kidman
(Invazija, U naručju vještice...)
6. Liv Tyler
(Gospodari, Prazan grad...)
7. Kirsten Dunst
(Spiderman, Elizabethtown...)
8. Angelina Jolie
(Gospodin i Gospođa Smith, Beowolf,
Alexandar Veliki, Kung fu panda...)
9. Mila Jovovich (Resident evil, Zoolander...)


1. Steven Spielberg (Pčelin film, Umjetna inteligencija, ET...)
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2. Mel Gibson
(Apokalypto, Pasija, Paparazzi...)
3. Tim Burton
(Sweeney Todd..., Edward Škaroruki...)
4. Peter Jackson
(Gospodari, King Kong...)
5. Tim Kring (Heroji)

Liste NAJGORIH filmova


1. Film za upucavanje
(Date movie 2006.)
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2. Nacho libre
(Nacho libre 2006.)
3. Calcium Kid (
The Calcium Kid 2004.)
4. 'Ajmo cure: Sve ili ništa
(Bring It On: All or Nothing 2006.)
5. Tata u novoj akciji
(Daddy Day Camp, 2007.)


1. Elizabethtown
(Elizabeth town 2005.)
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2. Zgodna i (ne)zgodna
(The hootie and the nottie, 2008.)
3. Zauvijek prijatelji (Crossroads, 2002.)


1. 30 days of night, 2007.
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2. Magla (The mist 2008.)


1. Resident evil 2
(Resident evil 2004.)
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2. Dama iz vode
(Lady in the Water, 2006.)
3. Matrix Reloaded
(Matrix Reloaded, 2003.)


1. Zlatno doba kraljice Elizabete
(Elizabeth the golden age, 2007.)
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2. Rock'n'rolla (Rock'n'rolla, 2008.)


1. Gospodin i gospođa Smith (Mr. and Mrs. Smith, 2005.)
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2. Kill Bill (Kill Bill: Vol. 1, 2003.)
3. Kill Bill 2 (Kill Bill Vol. 2, 2004.)


1. Cobra 11
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2. Ne daj se, Nina!
3. Buffy ubojica vampira
4. Bumerang
5. Reži me
6. Bandićevi


1. Big Brother celebrity
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2. Mijenjam ženu
3. Život je na selu
4. Trenutak istine

TOP 15 NAJ FILMOVA '90 - ih

1. Škaroruki Edward (Edward Scissorhands,1990.)
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2. Jumanji (Jumanji, 1995.)
3. Povratak u budućnost 3 (Back to the future, 1990.)
4. Zvjezdani ratovi I (Star Wars: Episode I -
The Phantom Menace, 1999.)
5. Jurski park 1, 2, 3 (Jurassic park
6. Život je lijep (La Vita è bella,1997.)
7. Hrabro srce (Braveheart, 1995.)
8. Gremlini 2 (Gremlins 2, 1990.)
9. Zauvijek mlad (Forever Young, 1992.)
10. Čovjek bez lica (The Man Without a Face, 1993.)
11. Batman zauvijek (Batman forever, 1995.);
Batman povratak (Batman returns, 1992.)
12. Titanic (Titanic, 1997.)
13. Šesto čulo (The sixth sense, 1999.)
14. Intervju s vampirom
(Interview with the Vampire
The Vampire Chronicles, 1994.)

TOP 10 FILMOVA '80 - ih

1. Goonies (Goonies, 1985.)
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2. Zvjezdani ratovi V
(Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back,1980.)
Zvjezdani ratovi VI
(Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi, 1983.)
3. Mikrokozmos (Innerspace, 1987.)
4. Smrtonosno oružje 1 i 2 (Leathal weapon, 1987, 1989.)
5. Neprijateljski rudnik (Enemy Mine,1985.)
6. Gremlini (Gremlins, 1984.)
7. Prljavi ples (Dirty Dancing,1987.)
8. E.T. (E.T., 1982.)
9. Povratak u budućnost 1, 2 (Back to the future, 1985., 1989.)
10. Terminator (The terminator, 1984.)

TOP 5 FILMOVA '70 - ih

1. Zvjezdani ratovi IV (Star Wars IV: A New Hope, 1977.)
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2. Tim (Tim 1979.)


1. Leteći odred - Jutro poslije brijanja
2. TBF - Galerija Tutnplok
3. Gibonni - Acoustic: Electric
4. Giuliano - Moje 80'te
5. Toše Proeski - Igra bez granica
6. Severina - Zdravo Marijo
7. Prva liga - Jedan život malo je
8. Dino Merlin - Ispočetka
9. Natali Dizdar - Istina
10. Dino Dvornik - Pandorina kutija


1. Justin Timberlake - Collaborations
2. Amy Winehouse - Back To Black (Deluxe Edition)
3. Alicia Keys - As I Am
4. Madonna -
5. Rihanna - Good Girl Gone Bad
6. Rihanna - Good girl gone bad: Reloaded

Glittery texts by bigoo.ws

Rihanna Lyrics
Rehab Lyrics

Beyonce Knowles Lyrics
If I Were A Boy Lyrics



Kad bi zivot bio san,
Sanjala bi na mom ramenu.
Da si kamen jedan dan,
Ja bih bio mach u kamenu.
Kratko sam te ljubio,
Prebrzo izgubio.

Pricham andjelima, liche mi na bebe,
Kako nisam sreo miliju od tebe,
I da ne postoji na svijetu sila,
Mocna kao shto je nasha ljubav bila.
Moja draga,moja draga,
Jutros iznenada nestala bez traga
Moja draga,moja draga,
Moja draga nestala bez traga.

Kad bi zivot bio brod, eee...
Ti bi bila vjetar povoljan,
Da sam s tobom jedan tren,
I taj tren bi bio dovoljan.
Kratko sam te ljubio,
Prebrzo izgubio.

Pricham andjelima, liche mi na bebe,
Kako nisam sreo miliju od tebe,
I da ne postoji na svijetu sila,
Mocna kao shto je nasha ljubav bila.
Moja draga,moja draga,
Jutros iznenada nestala bez traga.
Moja draga, moja draga,
Moja draga nestala bez traga.

Pricham andjelima, liche mi na bebe,
Kako nisam sreo miliju od tebe,
I da ne postoji na svijetu sila,
Mocna kao shto je nasha ljubav bila.
Moja draga, moja draga,
Moja draga nestala bez traga.

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Glittery texts by bigoo.ws

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Nascono cosi
fiabe che voreei
Dentro tutti i sogni miei
E le raccontero
Per volare in paradisi che non ho
E non e facile restare senza piu fate da rapire
E non e facile giocare se tu manchi

Aria come e dolce nell'aria
scivolare via dalla vita mia
Aria respirami il silenzio
Non mi dire addio ma solleva il mondo

Portami con te
Tra misteri di angeli
E sorrisi demoni
E li trasformero
In coriandoli di luce tenera
E riusciro sempre a fuggire dentro colori da scoprire
E riusciro a sentire ancora quella musica

Aria come e dolce nell'aria
scivolare via dalla vita mia
Aria respirami il silenzio
Non mi dire addio ma solleva il mondo
Aria abbracciami

Aria ritornero nell'aria
Che mi porta via dalla vita mia
Aria mi lascero nell'aria
Aria com'e dolce nell'aria
Scivolare via dalla vita mia
Aria mi lascero nell'aria


I sleep all night
Right by your side
I love to hear your breathin', breathin'
The morning light,
Opens my eyes
It's nearly time for leavin', leavin'

I know that it seems
Like it's easy for me
O I wish you could feel
What's going on inside

It's the hardest thing I ever have to do,
To walk away from you
When I wanna hold you,

It's the hardest thing
In every single day
To have to turn away,
I want you to know that,
This is the hardest thing.

Another day is years away,
I close my eyes
To see your face,
The more I wait,
The longer it takes,
It feels like time
Is standing still.

Where ever you go,
Whatever you do
I want you to know that you're on my mind

It's the hardest thing I ever have to do,
To walk away from you
When I wanna hold you,

It's the hardest thing
In every single day
To have to turn away,
I want you to know that,
This is the hardest thing.

Just let go of your hand
It's the hardest thing
To make you understand that
To love you, feel you
Till the time I'll see you again
It's the hardest thing

It's the hardest thing I ever have to do,
To walk away from you
When I wanna hold you,

It's the hardest thing
In every single day
To have to turn away,
I want you to know that,
This is the hardest thing.

I sleep all night
Right by your side
I love to hear your breathing, breathing...


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Baptised with a perfect name
The doubting one by heart
Alone without himself

War between him and the day
Need someone to blame
In the end, little he can do alone

You believe but what you see
You receive but what you give

Caress the one, the Never-Fading
Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
Caress the one, the hiding amaranth
In a land of the daybreak

Apart from the wandering pack
In this brief flight of time we reach
For the ones, whoever dare

You believe but what you see
You receive but what you give

Caress the one, the Never-Fading
Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
Caress the one, the hiding amaranth
In a land of the daybreak

Reaching, searching for something untouched
Hearing voices of the Never-Fading calling

Caress the one, the Never-Fading
Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
Caress the one, the hiding amaranth
In a land of the daybreak



Zvijezdo sjevernice,
Noću na nebu što svjetiš
Da li ljubavne nemire
Možeš ti da osjetiš?
Zvijezdo, pomozi mi
Daj mi krila da se vinem
I u tvoja nebeska carstva
Ja da pristignem.

Odatle da vidim
Da l' je voljena u noći
Zanosno kraj prozora
Svoje kose rasplela.

Krila daj, zvijezdo, da poletim,
Na njene prozore da sletim,
I u noci nježno da poljubim
Moju voljenu.

Zvijezdo, pomozi mi
Daj mi krila da se vinem
I u tvoja nebeska carstva
Da pristignem.
Odatle da vidim
Da l' je moja voljena u noći
Zanosno kraj prozora
Svoje kose rasplela.



Ako me pogledaš u oči
O meni ništa više ti nećeš znati
Jer oči odati me neće,
u moju obranu će ovaj put stati.

Slobodno gledaj mi u oči
Na njima ne piše baš ništa važno
Koliko puta slične tebi
Usnama ovim ja sam ljubio
Lažno, lažno, lažno.

A ne gledaj mi u dlanove
Jer oni će me znam odati
Za samo jedan poljubac tvoj
Sve moje tajne odmah prodati
Ma ne gledaj mi u cipele
Jer reći će ti o meni sve
Da sam baš jednu takvu kao ti
Tražio sve ove godine.

Ako me pogledaš u čelo
Nijednu boru tamo ti nećeš naći
Sakriću svoje pravo lice
Glumiću da sam noćas od tebe jači.

Slobodno gledaj mi u usne
Na njima ne piše baš ništa važno
Koliko puta slične tebi
Usnama ovim ja sam ljubio
Lažno, lažno, lažno.

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Na srcu mi lezi jedna stara rana
koja nece iz njedara nigdje,
pa se srce pita moje
bez nje zivjeti kako li je, kako li je

Idi, idi nesanice
da ne vidim tvoje lice
da mi zora bol ne stvara
idi, pusti me da je odsanjam.

Na srcu mi lezi jedna stara rana
daj opusti srce je moli
a rekla je da ga dugo nece boljeti,
ali boli, ali boli.

Idi, idi nesanice
da ne vidim tvoje lice
da mi zora bol ne stvara
idi, pusti me da je odsanjam.

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Pjesama: 10


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Leteći odred:
Bez obaveza

Riješimo to bez plača,
ne hvatajmo se mača,
nek' ostanu nam samo lijepa sijećanja.
Na staro se ne vraćaj,
i ljubav tu ne tračaj,
bez novina, skandala.

Odavde pa do juga,
zadnjih sam želja sluga,
samo ne traži onaj oproštajni seks.
Prebaci samo sklopku,
past ću u tvoju klopku,
dok si rekla keks.

Ulazim po bontonu
u tvoju zonu uživanja.
Daj mi daj jednom u tjednu,
ko najboljem frendu,
bez obaveza.

A sada mi se čini,
zadnja je riječ izvini,
ona se uvijek dobro koristi za kraj.
Laž će biti neka,
vidjet ćeš izdaleka.

Trebaš me, trebam te,
Povremeno zezamo se,
Obećanja su bez veze,
Budimo bez obaveze.

Ulazim po bontonu,
u tvoju zonu uživanja,
Daj mi daj jednom u tjednu,
ko najboljem frendu,
bez obaveza.

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Leteći odred:
Dajem ti srce

Treba mi taj dobar osjećaj,
Kao kiša na suncu.
Nek ostane okus na tvojim usnama
po slatkom kukuruscu.

Dajem ti srce na dlanu,
dajem preko više svoga,
dajem ti komad iznad sebe plavoga.

Skoro pa sve ludo volim još na tebi
i tu laži nema.
Na grubu riječ otvorim žuti kišobran
ko da se kiša sprema.

Dajem ti srce na dlanu,
dajem preko više svoga,
dajem ti komad iznad sebe plavoga.

I bit ću tu uvijek uz tebe,
ugrijati te kad zebe
samo nemoj ispravaljati krivu Savu
biti uvijek ti u pravu, nemoj...

Dajem ti srce na dlanu,
dajem preko više svoga,
dajem ti komad iznad sebe plavoga.

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Leteći odred:
Ima Boga

Na zapadu ništa se dobroga ne događa,
istok se ne trudi da zapadu ugađa,
na jugu ne vole sjeverno,
ne može jebeno i nevino.

Al ima Boga i svi dobit će po zasluzi,
svatko moli svoga, a krivi su im razlozi.

U kuću zaključat ćemo se, medena,
ljubit ćemo se da noć ne bude ledena.
I sve bi dobro svršilo
kad bi se samo ljubav vodilo.

Al ima Boga i svi dobit će po zasluzi,
svatko moli svoga, a krivi su im razlozi.
Ma ima Boga i svi dobit će po zasluzi,
tu svatko laže svoga da oko im ne zasuzi.

Nevrijeme se sprema,
bit će još problema
aspirin neće bit od pomoći.
Srce grije nadom,
pa se perem vodom hladnom
tijelo da od grijeha očisti.

Al ima Boga i svi dobit će po zasluzi,
svatko moli svoga, a krivi su im razlozi.
Ma ima Boga i svi dobit će po zasluzi,
tu svatko laže svoga da oko im ne zasuzi.

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Leteći odred
Jutro poslije brijanja

Na lice zima prianja,
u jutro poslije brijanja,
I svako jutro tako izgleda,
kao da mi hladan šamar da,
hladniji od poljupca,
od njenog poljupca.

Ne vrijede stara pravila,
a nova su me tek pokvarila,
U zadnje vrijeme mračan kao mrak,
ne diže mi se više niti tlak,
i sve mi je onak,
tak; tak.

Jer svijet je drugačiji,
biti moramo tuđi svačiji,
A ja volio bi da,
opet bar na tren budem samo njen.

Dan si odugovlačim,
na sumnjiva se mjesta dovlačim,
U zadnje vrijeme mračan kao mrak,
ne diže mi se više niti tlak,
i sve mi je onak,
tak; tak.

Jer svijet je drugačiji,
biti moramo tuđi svačiji,
A ja volio bi da,
opet bar na tren budem samo njen.

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Leteći odred:
Kako da ne

Na lice stavi šminku, zavedi me čedno
na kraju pravit ćeš se da je bilo vrijedno.
i imati sve do čega nije stalo ti.

Odmjeriš se kratko od oka
i stavljaš me u raspored
kako traži koja prilika.

Kako da ne,
kako da ne,
ništa mi ne daješ, a htjela bih sve.
kako da ne,
ne računaj više na mene.

Za ljubav uviijek trebaš imati me spremnog,
ne vrijedi ništa više od dogovorenog
i sve ti je na meni od mene samog milije.

Tehnika se više ne cijeni,
važnija dužina je,
i tako pravimo se nevini.

Kako da ne,
kako da ne,
ništa mi ne daješ, a htjela bih sve.
kako da ne,
ne računaj više na mene.

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Leteći odred:
Ljubav nije matematika

Zajaši sreću
ko Totti na lopti
eksplodirat ću
u tvojoj ljepoti
Nama je lijepo
i ne trebam ti reći
ne gledaj slijepo
u ljubavi i sreći

Ljubav nije matematika
i nije važna razlika
u godinama što su između nas
Gledaju nas ispod oka
"Gle mlađi frajer i starija koka"
Ne govori za vezu da je spas
i važna razlika u godinama
jer ljubav nije matematika

Zabrijat ću s tobom
bez obzira što će
pričati o tom
da smo zabranjeno voće
Nama je lijepo
i ne trebam ti reći
ne gledaj slijepo
u ljubavi i sreći

Ljubav nije matematika
i nije važna razlika
u godinama što su između nas
Gledaju nas ispod oka
"Gle mlađi frajer i starija koka"
Ne govori za vezu da je spas
i važna razlika u godinama
jer ljubav nije matematika

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Leteći odred:
Moja Jana

Sjećam se da je rekla
(meni Jana),
ti se nemoj brinuti,
nevinost u ovoj zemlji,
lako ćeš izgubiti.

Hodaj traži cestu pravu,
(kaže Jana)
da ti djela zapamte,
skratit će te bar za glavu,
takve tu ne podnose.

Moja Jana je fatamorgana,
takva se žena rijetko viđa.
I svakog petka sve ispočetka,
s njom mi se život priviđa.

Tišina glasna strašno muči,
(reče Jana),
o dobroto niti glas.
Dok se živi skroz se uči,
gluposto su oko nas.

Moja Jana je fatamorgana,
takva se žena rijetko viđa.
I svakog petka sve ispočetka,
s njom mi se život priviđa.

Pa mi dođe da se vratim,
volio bi da mogu,
na kraju račun svoj da platim
kad ju imat ne mogu.

Moja Jana je fatamorgana,
takva se žena rijetko viđa.
I svakog petka sve ispočetka,
s njom mi se život priviđa.

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Leteći odred:
Volim te najviše na svijetu

Tebe ne bi mijenjao ni
za eliksir mladosti,
Jer ti mi daješ kako kažeš
ljubavnice, radosti.

Vjerujem da čovjek bolje ne bi
zaželjeti sebi mogao.

Ja volim te najviše na svijetu
u tebi tražim najbolje.
I bit ću tu kad brojimo štetu
i ako dođu nevolje.

Kad bi znao reći kao
u pjesmi lijepi odlomak,
smio bih ti promijeniti
ime u slatki nadimak.

Vjerujem da bolje i ne može
kad se tijela slože u dvije bolje kože.

Ja volim te najviše na svijetu
u tebi tražim najbolje.
I bit ću tu kad brojimo štetu
i ako dođu nevolje.

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Leteći odred:

Reci mi iskreno ko dijete
jesam li pijesak ispod pete.
Jesam li žulj na srcu samom
ili me još zoveš ranom.

Ili me nikako ne zoveš,
godina, zažmiriš pa prođeš
Što se to s nama desilo.

Zaboravi me kao grijeh
ne zaboravi me kao smijeh,
samo budi meni lijek na duši zauvijek.

Vodi me istina k'o zakon
hoćeš li (mi vjerovati nakon)
što ćemo svatko na svoju stranu
ti s vrlinom a ću sa manom

Pusti me na kraju kao suzu
i ostavi žicama i tuzu
što se s nama desilo.

Zaboravi me kao grijeh
ne zaboravi me kao smijeh,
samo budi meni lijek na duši zauvijek.

Ja sviram u bendu,
a mogao bi frendu reći
koliko je značila,
a kada skinemo maske
ja priznajem do daske
da nekad me je tlačila.

I sav sam u banani
kao da sam na reklami
odaje me odora,
ona novinama piše
da ne treba me više
niti kao sponzora.

Zaboravi me kao grijeh
ne zaboravi me kao smijeh,
samo budi meni lijek na duši zauvijek.

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Leteći odred:
Život u živo

(jen' dva tri i...)

Kolovoz, veče friška,
imamo riječi viška,
krive, većinom sive.

Mi privlačimo se spolno,
a bilo bi tako bolno,
do suza

Život u živo nama je sjajan,
mi nemamo ništa, a bogat je stol,
ni u sapunici nije našemu ravan,
nama ne plaća nitko da si stvarmo bol.

Klasika, sve je fino,
otmjeno točiš vino i šutiš,
prosto me ljubiš.

I sve je u voznom redu,
najkasnije ćeš u srijedu
nagog me ostavit samog.

Život u živo nama je sjajan,
mi nemamo ništa, a bogat je stol,
ni u sapunici nije našemu ravan,
nama ne plaća nitko da si stvarmo bol.



I follow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change
An August summer night
Soldiers passing by
Listening to the wind of change

The world closing in
Did you ever think
That we could be so close,like brothers
The future's in the air
I can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change

Walking down the street
Distant memories
Are buried in the past forever

I fallow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change

The wind of change blows straight
Into the face of time
Like a stormwind that will ring
The freedom bell for peace of mind
Let your balalaika sing
What my guitar wants to say

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me



In the day
In the night
Say it all
Say it right
You either got it
Or you don't
You either stand or you fall
When your will is broken
When it slips from your hand
When there's no time for joking
There's a hole in the plan

Oh you don't mean nothing at all to me
No you don't mean nothing at all to me
Do you got what it takes to set me free
Oh you could mean everything to me

I can't say that I'm not lost and at fault
I can't say that I don't love the light and the dark
I can't say that I don't know that I am alive
And all of what I feel I could show
You tonite you tonite

From my hands I could give you
Something that I made
From my mouth I could sing you another brick that I laid
From my body I could show you a place God knows
You should know the space is holy
Do you really want to go?



Baby baby
When we first met I never felt something so strong
You were like my lover and my best friend
All wrapped in one with a ribbon on it
And all of a sudden you went and left
I didn't know how to follow
It's like a shock that spun me around
And now my heart's dead
I feel so empty and hollow

And I'll never give myself to another the way I gave it to you
You don't even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you?
It's gonna take a miracle to bring me back
And you're the one to blame
And now I feel like....oh!

You're the reason why I'm thinking
I don't wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more
I guess that's what I get for wishful thinking
Should've never let you enter my door

Next time you wanna go on and leave
I should just let you go on and do it
'Cause now I'm using like I believe

It's like I checked into rehab
And baby, you're my disease
It's like I checked into rehab
And baby, you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby you're my disease

Damn, ain't it crazy when you're loveswept
You'd do anything for the one you love
'Cause anytime that you needed me I'd be there
It's like you were my favorite drug
The only problem is that you was using me
In a different way than I was using you
But now that I know it's not meant to be
I gotta go, I gotta wean myself off of you

And I'll never give myself to another the way I gave it to you
You don't even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you?

It's gonna take a miracle to bring me back
And you're the one to blame
'Cause now I feel like....oh!

You're the reason why I'm thinking

I don't wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more
I guess that's what I get for wishful thinking
Should've never let you enter my door

Next time you wanna go on and leave
I should just let you go on and do it
'Cause now I'm using like I believe

It's like I checked into rehab
And baby, you're my disease
It's like I checked into rehab
And baby, you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby you're my disease

Now ladies gimme that...
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohohoh, oh, oh, ohh
Now gimme that..
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohohoh, oh, oh, ohh
My ladies gimme that...
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohohoh, oh, oh, ohh
Now gimme that...
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohohoh, oh, oh, ohh

Oh! You're the reason why I'm thinking
I don't wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more
I guess that's what I get for wishful thinking
Should've never let you enter my door

Next time you wanna go on and leave
I should just let you go on and do it
'Cause now I'm using like I believe

It's like I checked into rehab
And baby, you're my disease
It's like I checked into rehab
And baby, you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby you're my disease



I've been looking for a driver who is qualified
So if you think that you´re the one, step into my ride.
I´m a fine-tuned supersonic speed machine
Got a sunroof top and a gangster lead

So if you feel it let me know, know, know.
Come on now what you´re waiting for, for, for.
My engine's ready to explode, explode, explode.
So start me up and watch me go, go, go

Get you where you wanna go, if you know what I mean.
Got a ride that´s smoother than a limousine.
Can you handle the curves, can you run all the lights?
If you can baby boy, than we can go all night.
Cause it´s zero to sixty in three point five
Baby you got the keys.
Now shut up and drive, drive, drive.
Shut up and drive

I got class like a fifty-seven Cadillac.
Start over drive with a whole lot of boom in the back.
You look like you can handle what´s under my hood.
You keeping saying that you will, boy I wish you would.

So when you're ready let me know, know, know.
Come on and what you´re waiting for, for, for.
My engine's ready to explode, explode, explode.
So start me up and watch me go, go, go

Get you where you wanna go, if you know what I mean.
Got a ride that´s smoother than a limousine.
Can you handle the curves can you run all the lights?
If you can baby boy, than we can go all night.
Cause it´s zero to sixty in three point five.
Baby you got the keys.
Now shut up and drive, drive, drive.
Shut up and drive

You play that game, got what I got
Get it get it, don't stop, It's a sure shot
Ain't a Ferrari, huh boy, I'm sorry
I ain't need to worry, so step inside
And ride, ride, ride, drive, drive, drive ....

So if you feel it let me know, know, know.
Come on and what you´re waiting for, for, for.
My engine's ready to explode, explode, explode.
So start me up and watch me go, go, go

Get you where you wanna go, if you know what I mean.
Got a ride that´s smoother than a limousine.
Can you handle the curves can you run all the lights?
If you can baby boy, than we can go all night.
Cause it´s zero to sixty in three point five.
Baby you got the keys.
Now shut up and drive, drive, drive



I u dobru i u zlu
ja bez tebe ne mogu.
srce si mi taknula
rukom bijelog anđela.

Jedan život malo je
da se srce napije
uvijek žedno ljubavi
dva života treba mi.

Sve te više volim ja
ljube moja
volim za života dva
vjero moja
jedan život malo je
za mene i za tebe.

I kad prođu radosti
ove naše mladosti
isto ću te voljeti
kao danas ljubavi.

jedan život malo je
da se srce napije
uvijek žedno ljubavi
dva života treba mi.

Sve te više volim ja
ljube moja
volim za života dva
vjero moja
jedan život malo je
za mene i za tebe



Pišonja i Žuga su pamtili dobro
Šta ima je te večeri govorio Lepi.
More je provod, more su koke,
More je izvor života, jeli tako Loke?
Loke je još dodo i to
da se strankinje praskaju pravo
I da je zaustrovu kampu svaku noć drugu jebavo.
Pišonja i Žuga mogli su ih slušati i noć cijelu
Pišonja i Žuga imali su krv 17 godina vrelu.
Pišonja i Žuga ..............

Još istu noć su Pišonja i Žuga
Maznuli kazetaš iz doma invalida
Pa malo zatim i autobus autoprijevoz zasrafida
Pišonja ubaci u brzinu to vrelo ljetno veče
oko dvajes i dva časa
A sada pravac more viknu Žuga iz sveg glasa
Pišonja je vozio i pušio duvan
Žuga voli crne, a Pišonja plave
A poslije mora dalje u svijet
Samo se hrabri dokopaju slave
A onda zbogom barake na breci
Viknu Žuga i kazetaš odere jače
Dobit ćete razglednicu iz afričke zemlje Safari
Zbogom žohari ...........

Pišonja i Žuga dva vjerna druga
Grote opasne krivine
Molim te čuvaj kraljice brzine.

Murija je blokirala cestu negdje
oko bradine oko dvajestri i pet
U autobusu je svirao boogie – woogie
Vidjevši drotove pri brzini od 80 na sat
Vežite se polijećemo Pišonja reče Žugi
Strahovit pljesak zapara zrak

Čak i iskre poletiše u mrak pričali su ujutru,
vikali su majku
Da su auspuh i retrovizor našli čak
Pedeset metara dalje u jad.

Pišonja i Žuga dva vjerna druga
Grote opasne krivine
Molim te čuvaj kraljice brzine

I dok su Pišonju nosili u hitnu
On ugleda mjesec iznad sebe i reče:
Bože kako neki mogu gore
A ja i Žuga ni na more.
Poslije toga je pao u nesvjest i više nije mogao čuti
Kako se još dugo na nebu smijao mjesec žuti
Pišonja i Žuga ............



Hey girl, is he everything you wanted in a man
You know I gave you the world
You had me in the palm of your hand

So why your love went away
I just can't seem to understand
Thought it was me and you babe
Me and you until the end
But I guess I was wrong

Don't want to think about it
Don't want to talk about it
I'm just so sick about it
Can't believe it's ending this way

Just so confused about it
Feeling the blues about it
I just can't do without ya
Tell me is this fair?

Is this the way it's really going down?
Is this how we say goodbye?
Should've known better when you came around
That you were gonna make me cry
It's breaking my heart to watch you run around
'Cause I know that you're living a lie
That's okay baby 'cause in time you will find...

What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around

Now girl, I remember everything that you claimed
You said that you were moving on now
And maybe I should do the same
Funny thing about that is
I was ready to give you my name
Thought it was me and you, babe
And now, it's all just a shame
And I guess I was wrong

Don't want to think about it
Don't want to talk about it
I'm just so sick about it
Can't believe it's ending this way
Just so confused about it
Feeling the blues about it
I just can't do without ya
Can you tell me is this fair?

Is this the way things are going down?
Is this how we say goodbye?
Should've known better when you came around (should've known better that you were gonna make me cry)
That you were going to make me cry
Now it's breaking my heart to watch you run around
'Cause I know that you're living a lie
That's okay baby 'cause in time you will find

What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around

Don't want to think about it (no)
Don't want to talk about it
I'm just so sick about it
Can't believe it's ending this way
Just so confused about it
Feeling the blues about it (yeah)
I just can't do without ya
Tell me is this fair?

Is this the way things are going down?
Is this how we say goodbye?
Should've known better when you came around (should've known better that you were gonna make me cry)
That you were going to make me cry
Now it's breaking my heart to watch you run around
'Cause I know that you're living a lie
But that's okay baby 'cause in time you will find

Let me paint this picture for you, baby

You spend your nights alone
And he never comes home
And every time you call him
All you get's a busy tone
I heard you found out
That he's doing to you
What you did to me
Ain't that the way it goes

You cheated girl
My heart bleeds girl
So it goes without saying that you left me feeling hurt
Just a classic case
A scenario
Tale as old as time
Girl you got what you deserved

And now you want somebody
To cure the lonely nights
You wish you had somebody
That could come and make it right

But girl I ain't somebody with a lot of sympathy
You'll see

(What goes around comes back around)
I thought I told ya, hey
(What goes around comes back around)
I thought I told ya, hey
(What goes around comes back around)
I thought I told ya, hey
(What goes around comes back around)
I thought I told ya, hey

You should've listened to me, baby
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
(What goes around comes back around)



I wake up with blood-shot eyes
Struggled to memorize
The way it felt between your thighs
Pleasure that made you cry
Feels so good to be bad
Not worth the aftermath, after that
After that
Try to get you back

I still don't have the reason
And you don't have the time
And it really makes me wonder
If I ever gave a f**k about you

Give me something to believe in
Cause I don't believe in you
Anymore, Anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference to try
So this is goodbye

God damn, my spinning head
Decisions that made my bed
Now I must lay in it
And deal with things I left unsaid
I want to dive into you
Forget what you're going through
I get behind, make your move
Forget about the truth

I still don't have the reason
And you don't have the time
And it really makes me wonder
If I ever gave a f**k about you

Give me something to believe in

Cause I don't believe in you
Anymore, Anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference,
It even makes a difference to try (yeah)
And you told me how you're feeling
But I don't believe it's true
Anymore, Anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference to cry
(Oh no)
So this is goodbye

I've been here before
One day a week
And it won't hurt anymore
You caught me in a lie
I have no alibi
The words you say don't have a meaning

I still don't have the reason
And you don't have the time
And it really makes me wonder
If I ever gave a f**k about you and I...
and so this is goodbye

Give me something to believe in
Cause I don't believe in you,
Anymore, Anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference,
It even makes a difference to try
And you told me how you're feeling
But I don't believe it's true
Anymore Anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference to cry
(Oh no)
So this is goodbye
So this is goodbye, yeah (x 3)
(Oh no)

Don't Lie Lyrics

Fergie Lyrics
Big Girls Don't Cry Lyrics

Alicia Keys Lyrics

Timbaland Lyrics
Apologize Lyrics


Ostavi svjetlo na putu kojim želiš poći,
pomozi mi kad snivam, sretan i nasmijan da mogu ti doći
Podigni ruke, u bijeli hram uspravno kreni
i reci tiho svima da ostat ćeš dijete među anđelima.
A ja?
Neka mi Bog otvori oči,
neka mi nebo pojača sluh
da čujem te i vidim
u svakom snu
A ti?
Neka ti Bog podari krila
neka ti nebo podari spas
da pjevaš, pjevaš svima
da zauvijek čuju tvoj glas
Ova te zemlja voli i čuva uspomene na dane kad si bio tu,
a dragi ljudi nose te ko vječnu ranu.
A ona?
Na jastuku leži. U nebo gleda,
sklapa ruke i suze skriva što nisi s njom dok letiš s anđelima



1. aerobik - bik koji leti
2. aloja - kreten koji sam sebe zove na telefon
3. barakuda - izgubljena Zagorka
4. bermuda - medvjeđa jaja
5. bezbolan - zabranjeno govoriti bosanskim jezikom
6. bremen - srbi
7. gorila - los angeles u plamenu
8. herpes - gospodin pas
9. kabul - dalmatinac koji sliči na bika
10. kajdanke - zagorac koji ne razumije njemački
11. karanfil - ljubitelj gorana karana
12. nagasaki - egzhibionistica po imenu saki

13. nebuloze - razočarani zagorac
14. pesimističan - tajanstveni zagorski pas
15. pigment - svinja s okusom mentola
16. poniženi - darovati ženi malog konja
17. romantičar - pripadnik romskog podrijetla koji proučava antiku
18. somalija - tisuću lisica
19. transparent - tvrtka za prijevoz roditelja
20. ustanova - plastična operacija usana
21. biafra - bivši dalmatinski franjevac
22. bregana - srpkinja s pištoljem

nedjelja, 06.07.2008.


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