četvrtak, 02.11.2006.


Sve biser do bisera…gamad odvratna!! Svakim danom je na stotine žena silovano ili izloženo nekom obliku nasilja i onda smo za to još same krive! Ma jel?! To što dotična govna ne znaju zadržati "alat" iza šlica nije moja krivnja!!
Ovo je govno

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izjavilo da je nepokrivena žena ista kao i nepokriveno meso ostavljeno na ulici, doći će mačka i pras…gotovo…!! Same provociramo i dobijemo što smo tražile… Da, jer ja kad stavim suknju za van želim da me netko švikne na pod i uvali mi svoje darove prirode… Šta je najgore, ima i ljudi oko mene koji misle da je silovanje žena izazvala! NE je NE…. ZAR NE RAZUMIJETE?!!! Gamad!!!!!!!!! Fuck off!!

Jel znate kako je sjedit u kadi i prati prljavštinu sa sebe koju ste nanijeli?! Jel znate kako se teško pogledati u ogledalo jer se osjećam prljava radi toga što ste mi napravili?! Jel znate kako se je teško opustiti u tuđem društvu…jer su mi to napravili prijatelji…bar su to tad bili?! Jel znate kako je godinama čuvati to u sebi, ranjavati sebe jer niste u stanju živjeti s time?! AKO SAZNATE JAVITE SE DA VAM NAPRAVIMO TO…MOŽDA VAM SE SVIDI!!!

I ono govance iz Izraela je silovalo 10-ak žena i šta sad…na visokom je položaju pa će dobiti…ravno NIŠTA!! Možda kakvu suspenzijicu…. A Putin je to pozdravio i rekao kako je to baš jak čovjek!! Kasnije se pravdao kako nije znao da su mikrofoni uključeni!! Sve bolje od boljeg!!!!

Nisam feministica, dapače…baš ih nešto i ne preferiram, ali ova sranja su već malo previše… Nitko ne zaslužuje biti tako ponižen….a nažalost previše ih je. I onda slijedi pitanje.."Pa zašto nisi prijavila, tužila?!" ČEMU?! Kad će se ispitivati svaki NJEZIN postupak: jel ga zna, koliko je popila, šta je imala obučeno..i slično…a on je OPET nedužan…jer ONA mu je dala povoda… ENOGUH IS ENOGUH!!!!

I životinje se maknu kad su odbijene, a mi smo kao razumna bića…jest, svakim danom to sve više pokazujemo….

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Every 45 seconds a woman is raped
Our sexist culture allows no escape
The is violent crime is far from obscurity
When the rate of victims is one in three
Society conditions men to be rapists
And our indifference perpetuates it
With derogatory language that tends to dehumanize
Making it easier for men to victimize
And the pornographic images that help portray
Women as legitimate sexual prey
When sexism is embedded in our judicial system
It's no surprise why the courts won't listen
And the role of attacker and survivor become distorted
So the majority of rapes are never reported
The threat of rape is always there
It's like a poison that saturates the air
A society stricken by a cancerous disease
Where men know they can do as they please
You tell me the punishment for rape
You tell me how much jail time it will take
When one out of three women will be raped
You tell me what it's going to fucking take
Do you see me in my low cut shirt
Or high heel shoes or a miniskirt
Woman is the victim you desire
You say you can't resist your predatory fire
You tell me why I stand guilty and accused
You tell me when I'm beaten an abused
When it's my body that's been raped and defiled
You tell me why I'm the one on trial
Defense attorney?: Do you know the man who allegedly attacked you?
Victim?: Yes I know the man who raped me.
Defense attorney?: And isn't this man a friend of yours?
Victim?: Well I thought he was a friend of mine.
Defense attorney?: And were you drinking that night he 'allegedly attacked you?
Victim?: I had a drink or two but is that a crime?
Defense attorney?: I'll ask the questions if you don't mind!
-What were you wearing: How did you act?
Victim?: My wardrobe isn't an invitation for a man to attack.
-I didn't act in any way to bring this on. Why am I on trail? What did I do wrong?
Defense attorney?: Could you tell the jury why you let this happen?
Victim?: I was in shock. I couldn't stop him.
Defense attorney?: You claim that you were raped but how do we know?
Victim?: I said no, I said no, no, no!
Defense attorney?: Isn't it true you're just a woman scorned?
Victim?: I'm a woman who's been raped and torn.
Defense attorney?: Your honor, I demand that this case be dismissed,
-it all comes down to her word against his!
I may not have bruises all over my body
But when I went to his room I never would have guessed
That he would force my no to mean a yes
You tell me why I'm guilty of this crime
You tell me why the responsibility is mine
When women suffer a second rape during trial
Courts help rapists to violate and defile

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