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Udobno ste smješteni u blogu: Les Jours Tristes. Navigacija su mali trokutići koji će se pojaviti kada mišem/kurzorom prijeđete preko ovog teksta.
Hiragana i Hangeul se nažalost ne žele prikazat u naslovu.
Her body moved fluently across the floor, every move calculated, every step perfectly executed.
I've never really been interested in dancing (though I've taken standard dancing lessons as a kid), at least not the modern kind, but she made everything she did worth watching. Her hips, her legs, her hands, they all moved with perfect accuracy. If you looked around, you could see that everybody in the room was looking at her. She ended up practically enchating everyone around her. Those were the moments when I felt the most fascinated by her, but also the most scared. Because while evrybody else was admiring her perfection in every way, I was the one who could say that I could see depper than that. But, to my own surprise, it wasn't her darkest secrets that made me afraid when I was near her; I had enough of those myself. It was the fact that she seemed so unapproachable and far away when that many people were gathered around her, even though I didn't want to admit it to myself at that time.
The music stopped and her movements started to slow down. The crowd started moving again, as though they've been put out of a trance and the buzzing of many voices at once commenced. She smiled her widest smile, bowed deeply, but got up really quickly again and started moving towards me. I could feel a dozen of gazes upon me, but I was already used to that and ignored it. When she was already beside me, she smiled even wider and took my hand. She tended to do that unconsciously and the first time she did that, I was to surprised to shake it off. Now, I just let her take me wherever she was going, tightly holding onto her soft hand.
„Hopefully“, I thought, „I'll never have to let go of it.“

Posting old cringy stuff, jer mi je žao što sam neke stare stvari izbrisala i sada ih više ne mogu čitati, čak i ako bi bilo jako bolno, koliko je moje pisanje (bilo?) loše.
Zapravo se puno toga dogodilo, ali naravno, jednostavno nisam sposobna to sve lijepo sročiti.
Možda neki drugi put.

Malo kasno, ali želim vam svima sretnu i uspješnu novu godinu! <3

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