● Christie. [22; 5.6.]
Germany. Zagreb, Dubrava.
Art. Languages.
German [fluently], English, Spanish and a bit of French, Japanese, Korean.
Russian, Swedish, one day.
Headphones and my favourite music ♬
Reading, writing, drawing, singing, dancing.
Japan. Animes. Mangas.
Tomb Raider fan ❤
Mythology and Ancient Cultures.
Optimism/Pesimism. Sarcasm. Irony.
Yo no sé lo que you tengo,
ni sé lo que me haca falta,
que siempre espero una cosa,
que no sé como se llama.
“Deep inside, she knew who she was, and that person was smart and kind and often even funny, but somehow her personality always got lost somewhere between her heart and her mouth, and she found herself saying the wrong thing or, more often, nothing at all.”
— Julia Quinn
Theme by °°. Adaptation was done by Beth. Header and icon are from here and here.
A good moment.
Ne znam jel ću ovo objaviti odmah na dan kad sam napisala (7.7.), ali mislila sam si, valjalo bi ovo napisat, jer nemam često ovakve trenutke.
Upravo sam pročitala North of Beautiful and while it was just an average 3-star book for me, it really had its uplifting moments and I liked the ending. Mogla bih pisati o tome što mi se nije svidjelu na stilu pisanja (basically: previše mi izgleda kao moje amatersko pisanje), ali na kraju krajeva, osjećala sam se dobro kada sam ju pročitala. It made me feel like I could do anything and aren't those the best moments?
On a totally unrelated side-note, voljela bih da je opet više ljudi bude na blogu. Čini mi se kao da je sve zamrlo, a ovo je tako dobar ispušni ventil. Za tekstove, blog.hr over tumblr u svakom slučaju.
Anyways, nadam se da uživate u praznicima, vi koji idete u školu, i da ste prošli sve ispite, vi koji idete na faks ;D