In which I have the need to tell you what I'm currently watching/reading, because I love to know what other people watch/read and that makes me assume that you, too, are curious about what I am reading/watching.
I understand if you're not, though.
Soul Eater which I started a long time ago and still haven't finished yet.
Darker than Black which I started a long time ago as well, but it started getting interesting since the 8th episode and now I'm actually enjoying it. Osim toga, ni Hei nije za bacit. Zapravo me zanima hoće li se riješiti misterij oko tih Contractora (vjerojatno neće).
(Sve nadalje su ongoing animei, because I figured, moram biti u toku sa novim animeima, iako imam vjerojatno još drugih sedamdeset zapisanih na papiru)
Dangan Ronpa nešto nešto, ima jako dugačko ime i u svakom slučaju, jedan od dva trenutna animea za koje se pitam zašto ih uopće gledam. Seriously, only Japanese people can come up with ideas like this. Nije nešto osobito, meni bar, likovi bi mogli biti puno zanimljiviji, ali možda i nije realno očekivati nešto spektakularno, kad je anime napravljen prema igrici. I'd like to play that one, though.
Brothers Conflict Ha ha ha. Ah... This is so incredibly stupid. Ali hey, 13 good looking brothers (minus the 10-year-old, who is still cute though) fighting for the attention of their new stepsister? Muahaha. Neugodno mi je. Ali želim znati hoće li actually završiti s nekim od njih ili će ostavit open ending (which is more likely). Someone's going to die if that happens. I kako je netko u komentarima rekao,
somebody eat that fucking squirrel.
Rozen Maiden: Zurückspulen/(2013) Because Shinku and Suigintou are awesome and I love them and who wouldn't want a new season of this?
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club Nikad nisam mislila da ću gledati neki sport themed anime, but this one is good. Like,
really good. I to ne kažem zato što dečki većinom hodaju majica (because honestly, I'm not
that kind of fangirl). I just love every single character (okay, Rin mi ide malo na živce). BUT MAKOTO TACHIBANA. Can I have one, please? He's, like, the greatest and cutest guy ever. Ponekad imam osjećaj da Haru to ne kuži. It makes me really sad.
Shingeki no Kyoujin O ovom bih, ja mislim, mogla razglabati sljedećih pedeset redaka.
Možda i hoću.
Ne znam kako da sve što mi je na pameti lijepo i uredno složim u rečenice.
Bleh, I don't even care.
I love the art.
I love Eren and the way his name sounds like.
I love that he is not a typical character in terms of... things that are typical for anime characters.
I love his relationship with Rivaille (and I don't mean that in a romantic kind of way)
(I do ship them, though)
And I love Rivaille.
Like, where have you been all my life.
But we'll talk about that later.
I love badass Mikasa.
And Annie.
And Jean who annoyed me at the beginning, but it's better now.
And I am very sorry for Marco.
And I love Armin, who isn't weak and annoying, not at all.
I love all the side characters, but my favourite is Reiner, I don't really know why.
Thank God he didn't die in the last episode *big relieved sigh*.
I love Hanji, that crazy person every good anime needs.
I love Erwin for still unknown reasons.
And I
adore Rivaille.
I can't even describe my love for this man.
Like seriously.
He's not that kind of asshole I expected him to be.
(Remember that scene with Petra and that dying guy?)
His character surprised me, like almost every character in this anime.
He cares for his people.
He's an amazing fighter and if that isn't sexy I don't know what is.
I didn't think I'd love his face so much.
I don't think that's normal.
(Isuse, već je 4:19. Ja ovo pišem od jučer navečer još)
But I don't careee.
I was trying really hard not to like him being paired with Eren.
But I failed.
Nevjerojatno kaj ljudi iz ovog fandoma sve rade. (I just love the animation)
Argh. Why.
Now, excuse me while I go read the manga.
Od serija sam počela gledati
Revenge which is drama at its best. Jako napeto. Ne znam zašto, al podsjeća me na Pretty Little Liars, pa ako tražite nešto takvo, preporučam.
Hannibala još uvijek nisam pogledala do kraja, al ne fali mi više puno. How could you not love a psychopath like him.
Pogledala sam prvu sezonu Skinsa do kraja. Actual progress!
2 Broke Girls seems fun.
Pretty Little Liars sam samo prvu epizodu pogledala, but I guess I'll continue.
Moram pogledat Game of Thrones još prije škole.
Još su samo knjige ostale!
Insurgent, which ended with a cliffhanger. Again. Ja ne vjerujem.
The Pillars of the Earth, which is the first and best historical novel I've ever read.
The Spindlers, which I expected to be better.
Looking for Alaska, which wasn't as good as I expected it to be as well.
Just Listen, which is as good as every Sarah Dessen novel.
And last but not least,
Norwegian Wood, which felt like home. There's no other way to describe it.
Osim toga, što se filmova tiče, pogledala sam samo Despicable Me 2, ali ako vam se svidio prvi dio, svakako pogledajte i ovaj, because Minions!
This was incredibly stupid, but I hope you don't mind.
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