● Christie. [22; 5.6.]
Germany. Zagreb, Dubrava.
Art. Languages.
German [fluently], English, Spanish and a bit of French, Japanese, Korean.
Russian, Swedish, one day.
Headphones and my favourite music ♬
Reading, writing, drawing, singing, dancing.
Japan. Animes. Mangas.
Tomb Raider fan ❤
Mythology and Ancient Cultures.
Optimism/Pesimism. Sarcasm. Irony.
Yo no sé lo que you tengo,
ni sé lo que me haca falta,
que siempre espero una cosa,
que no sé como se llama.
“Deep inside, she knew who she was, and that person was smart and kind and often even funny, but somehow her personality always got lost somewhere between her heart and her mouth, and she found herself saying the wrong thing or, more often, nothing at all.”
— Julia Quinn
Theme by °°. Adaptation was done by Beth. Header and icon are from here and here.
Is this even real, I don't even know anymore.
Da, svjesna sam da previše koristim even.
(Čita li uopće itko ove moje naslove kad stoje tak sa strane?)
Zaboravila sam kaj sam htjela napisati.
Počela sam opet čitat. Whew. Hvala Bogu. I popis knjiga za ljeto je sve veći. Plus lektire, yay. A znam da neću sve stić u dva i pol mjeseca.
Prijateljica me pitala da odemo zajedno s još jednom zajedničkom frendicom kod nje na more. (Like, what the hell, you ask me out all the time even though you know they're not going to let me and now you ask me to go on vacation with you, like oh my God, I love you so much, why are you even still friends with me?!?)
Da bar, da bar, da bar.
I am getting really bad at this.
Gleda mi se neki jako dubokouman i dramatičan anime. Ili film.
Počela sam gledati ovo.
It's kind of messed up.
But it's so so good.
Why am I even watching this.
Još malo, još malo.
Preživjet ovih tjedan i pol, otić u Njemačku i odmah poslije toga na maturalac i ahh.
Prvi put se osjećam ugroženo zbog škole. I'm really close to failing. Matematiku, naravno.
Još malo.
Uopće se ne osjećam kao da ću imat 18 za pet dana.
Aa, zašto je ovo tak dobro.
I zašto ne piše ft. 2NE1? (Iako su očito samo CL i Bom u ovom, but still, they deserve some credit!)