Udobno ste smješteni u blogu:
Les Jours Tristes. Navigacija su mali trokutići koji će se pojaviti kada mišem/kurzorom prijeđete preko ovog teksta.
Udobno ste smješteni u blogu:
Les Jours Tristes. Navigacija su mali trokutići koji će se pojaviti kada mišem/kurzorom prijeđete preko ovog teksta.
● Stupidity and Randomness
● Christie. [22; 5.6.]
Germany. Zagreb, Dubrava.
Art. Languages.
German [fluently], English, Spanish and a bit of French, Japanese, Korean.
Russian, Swedish, one day.
Headphones and my favourite music ♬
Reading, writing, drawing, singing, dancing.
Japan. Animes. Mangas.
Tomb Raider fan ❤
Mythology and Ancient Cultures.
Optimism/Pesimism. Sarcasm. Irony.
Yo no sé lo que you tengo,
ni sé lo que me haca falta,
que siempre espero una cosa,
que no sé como se llama.
“Deep inside, she knew who she was, and that person was smart and kind and often even funny, but somehow her personality always got lost somewhere between her heart and her mouth, and she found herself saying the wrong thing or, more often, nothing at all.”
— Julia Quinn
Theme by
°°. Adaptation was done by
Beth. Header and icon are from
here and
You know what I love? Putting my headphones on and listening to
this all night long. Try it out.
I love that song.
Frendica me navukla na jednu koreansku dramu and aaa, can't stop thinking about it. Extreme cuteness. Inače ne volim gledati takve serije, ima trenutaka kada si misliš, this is to embarrassing to watch. I hate those moments. Ali ovo. There's no way you can
not fangirl all over the place.
Još uvijek mi je neugodno.
Još točno dva mjeseca do izlaska novog Tomb Raidera. I don't think my heart can take it.
Scrolling through tumblr at night is depressing.
Mrzim ove svoje kratke posteve.
Edit (7.1. 2013.; 22:55): Napokon sam opet našla volju za čitanjem.
komentari posta, 5