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I am a Special Forces Operator I will go where others fear to go
I will do what others cannot do I will face the impossible, and triumph Always

I seek neither fame not glory I seek neither medals nor praise I seek only the acknowledgement of my Brother Operators For they alone can judge me And to be counted amongst them is my greatest Honour

I will never dishonour my Brothers Or the name of Special Forces I will never turn away from any challenge I will face anything, and succeed Nothing will stop me, save Death And even this will be temporary For my memory will spur my Brothers on

I will, at all times Uphold the principles that guide us Duty, Honour and Loyalty The highest code of Morals, Principles and Ethics I will never abandon my post Or turn from my duty No matter the consequences

I will always remember my Brothers Who have made the Supreme Sacrifice They will be with me at all times In my thoughts and prayers Their Deeds will not go unrecorded And their Songs will not go unsung Their memory will inspire me Constantly

I know that wherever I am Whatever the situation I am always in my Brothers

nedjelja, 16.08.2009.

Pogodak snajperiste sa 2 kilometra udaljenosti

Corporal Christopher Reynolds

Dakle kaplar C. Reynolds, snajperist vojske Velike Britanije sa potvrđena 32 pogotka je uspio u još jednom skoro pa nevjerojatnom podhvatu. Nakon 3 dana čekanja i promatranja na krovu lokalne trgovine uspio je pogoditi jednog od talibanskih vođa sa 1853 metra daljine!

Kaplar priznaje da je prvi metak promašio metu, ali također napominje da taj metak nitko nije zapazio - zbog daljine iz koje je pucano. Kaplar Reynolds i njegov promatrač su metu izabrali jer su promatrajući skupinu od 5 talibana vidjeli jednog koji komunicira preko radio veze, te da ga ostali talibani slušaju.

Nakon potvrde pogotka snajperist je postao poznat po najudaljenijem pogotku u Afganistanu.

Više o oružju iz kojeg je pucano

Corporal Christopher Reynolds, 25, camped on the roof of a shop for three days as he waited for the perfect conditions to shoot the terrorist commander.
He calculated the range, wind and trajectory before pulling the trigger - and the bullet flew 1,853 metres before hitting the target in the chest.
The warlord, known as 'Mula', is thought to be responsible for co-ordinating several attacks against British and American troops since the outbreak of war in 2001.


Cpl Reynolds, of 3 Scots, The Black Watch, who has already killed 32 rebel fighters, has now been credited with the longest kill in Afghanistan at 1.15 miles away.
The incident happened last week during heavy fighting in the town of Babaji in Helmand Province.
Today he told how the Taliban chief slumped into the arms of a stunned colleague after being hit by the 'lead sleeping tablet'.

Cpl Reynolds, a father-of-one, said: 'We were in a bazaar for days in some very heavy fighting and had taken up a position on a shop roof to observe the surrounding area.

'From the first few minutes after we landed, we came into contact with the enemy.
'We were taking fire all the time. We were observing down the valley and I saw a group of five Taliban.
'I identified one straight away as the commander because I watched him through the scope and when he spoke on the radio, the other one would do what he said.


'I saw that he had a weapon, an AK47. We did all the calculations for range, wind speed and all that.
'I have to admit the first round landed next to him. We were so far away that he didn't even realise he was being shot at.

'We changed our aim and when I took into account different factors like the trajectory of the bullet, my gun scope was actually aiming at the top of a doorway.
'I fired and the bullet went off, coming down and hitting him in the chest.

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