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I am a Special Forces Operator I will go where others fear to go
I will do what others cannot do I will face the impossible, and triumph Always

I seek neither fame not glory I seek neither medals nor praise I seek only the acknowledgement of my Brother Operators For they alone can judge me And to be counted amongst them is my greatest Honour

I will never dishonour my Brothers Or the name of Special Forces I will never turn away from any challenge I will face anything, and succeed Nothing will stop me, save Death And even this will be temporary For my memory will spur my Brothers on

I will, at all times Uphold the principles that guide us Duty, Honour and Loyalty The highest code of Morals, Principles and Ethics I will never abandon my post Or turn from my duty No matter the consequences

I will always remember my Brothers Who have made the Supreme Sacrifice They will be with me at all times In my thoughts and prayers Their Deeds will not go unrecorded And their Songs will not go unsung Their memory will inspire me Constantly

I know that wherever I am Whatever the situation I am always in my Brothers

nedjelja, 16.08.2009.

Lekcije naučene u bitki za Wanat

Događaj od prije otprilike godinu dana kad je afganistanski šef policije u istočnom Afganistanu (Wanat) pomogao pobunjenicima da izvrše napad na savezničke postrojbe izazvao je žestoke reakcije u vodstvu savezničkih postrojbi.


Rezultat bitke u Wanatu je 9 mrtvih američkih vojnika i oko 30 ranjenih vojnika afganistanske i američke vojske. Te je zamalo uzrokovao povlačenje postrojbi iz baze u tom dijelu države.


Nekoliko dana nakon toga na teren se upućuju vojni povjesničari i drugi stručnjaci koji prikupljaju informacije od vojnika koji su sudjelovali u tom sukobu. Tu saznaju da su u nekim vremenskim periodima tog 4ro-satnog sukoba vojnici bili uključeni u vatrene okršaje u razdaljinama od cca 15 metara.

Lekcije naučene pomoću tog sukoba dovele su do novog vojnog priručnika nazvanog Small Unit Operations in Afghanistan.


The handbook, “Small-Unit Operations in Afghanistan,” strikes a tone of respect for the Taliban and other insurgent groups, which are acknowledged to be extremely experienced fighters; even more, American soldiers are warned that the insurgents rapidly adapt to shifts in tactics.

One lesson of Wanat was that American troops, who had set up the firebase five days before the attack, were caught unaware of collusion between the district police chief and the Taliban.

The manual describes how to train better for the defense of remote forward operating bases in harsh Afghan terrain, especially in contested areas where the loyalties of local people are uncertain. The detailed “how to” lists include instructions on such battlefield techniques as deploying mortars more effectively than soldiers did at Wanat, where they did not take into account terrain that provided cover for attackers.

In the fight now under way in Afghanistan, even small platoons may be expected to patrol areas and conduct both combat operations and civilian reconstruction missions traditionally assigned to much larger combat units.

“Every soldier or leader involved in command post operations is one less soldier or leader available to send on patrol, provide security, or staff a quick-reaction force,” the handbook says. One lesson of Wanat was that the primitive forward firebase was understaffed.

Priručnik možete pogledati ovdje: http://usacac.army.mil/cac2/call/index.asp

Više o sukobu u Wanatu koje je ispovociralo pisanje priručnika:

Taliban Breached NATO Base in Deadly Clash

Afghan Officials Aided an Attack on U.S. Soldiers

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