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[funny facts]

naslov boxa se ne zove funny facts bezveze.
ne.nego cu tu malo govoriti o smijesnim stvarima koje radim i
o cudnim stvarima koje me iritiraju.
znaci.smijesne stvari o meni.hm.pa.npr.
ja sam jako pucketava.znate onak kad nagnete glavu i onda pucketa.
ili kad s prstima pucketate.da.ja to isto mogu samo se to bas jako cuje.
ili...mogu svoj palac nekak savit da to izgleda cripy.
stvari koje me iritiraju.pa.recimo me jako ljuti da ja nemogu sa
jezikom dotaknuti lakat.uzas.i to ce me valjda cijeli zivot ljutit.
ili.jako me iritira kad si zedan i neko pokraj tebe stoji i pije nes i onda
napravi onakav zvuk.aahh.kao.tako je bilo osvijezavajuce.
i to su vam uglavnom one najcudnije i smijesnije stvari o meni.
xo milez

[7 things]


♥[vjekica i ivona]♥
♥[samo vjeka]♥

[ono najbitnije]

muzika.miley cyrus,the killers,metro station,coldplay,regina spektor,varsity,taylor swift.[ima jos].
za one za koje se vrijedi zivjet.johanna,ana [betty],pepa,cana,ivona
stil koj obozvam.vintage.


x x x x x x x

nedjelja, 13.04.2008.

East Northumberland High

My problem isn't that I miss you,
'Cuz I don't,
My problem isn't that I kissed you,

I figured out that you're,
Nothing that I thought you're about,
You're just caught in a place,
Time will erase,
In my heart

You're my type of guy, I guess,
If I was stuck in East Northumberland High,
For the rest of my life,
But people change,
Thank God I did,
Just because I liked you back then,
Doesn't mean I like you now,
Just because I liked you back then,
Doesn't mean I like you,

Your problem's not for lack of trying,
'Cuz you do,
It's just you're at your best when you're lying,

Now you're standing here,
Saying thankyou, things I wanted to hear,
But you've got it all wrong,
I've already moved on
My dear,

You're my type of guy, I guess,
If I was stuck in East Northumberland High,
For the rest of my life,
But people change,
Thank God I did,
Just because I liked you back then,
Doesn't mean I like you now,
Just because I liked you back then,
Doesn't mean I like you,

When you're standing near me,
I don't see so clearly,
The feelings are still powerful,
But when I take two steps away,
It sheds some light on my day,
Yeah you can't go back,
It's all in the past,
Guess you gotta laugh at it

You're my type of guy, I guess,
If I was stuck in East Northumberland High,
For the rest of my life,
But people change,
Thank God I did,
And if there's some confusion,
Let me tell you you're just delusional,
Get a clue,
'Cuz people change,
Thank God I did,
Thank God I did,

Just because I liked you back then,
Doesn't mean I like you now,
Just because I liked you back then,
Doesn't mean I like you,
Doesn't mean I like you!
Just because I liked you back then,
Doesn't mean I like you now,

Rock and roll!

13.04.2008. u 18:52 • 3 KomentaraPrint#

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