pjesme i slikice....

avril lavigne-I will be

There's nothin' I could say to you
Nothin' I could ever do
To make you see
What mean to me

All the pain,the tears I cried
Still you never said goodbye
And now I know
How far you'd go

I know I let you down
But it's not like that now
This time I'll never let you go


I will be,all that you want
Get myself together
'cause you keep me from fallin' apart
All my life I'll stay with you forever
To get you trough the day
And make everything ok

I thought that I had everything
I didn't know what life could bring
But now I see,honestly

You're the one thin' I got right
The only one I let inside
Now I can breathe
'cause you're here with me

And if I let you down
I'll turn it all around
'cause I would never let you go


'cause without you I can't sleep
I'm not gonna ever,ever let you leave
You're all I got
You're all I want
And without you I don't know what I'd do
I could never live a day without you
Here with me
Do you see
You're all I need


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eminem-cleaning out my closet

Where's my snare?
I have no snare in my headphones
There you go,yo yo

Have you ever been hated or discrimanated against
I have,I've been protested and demonstradet against
Picket signs from my wicked ryhms,look at the times
Sick as the mind of the motherfuckin' kid that's behind
All this commotion emotions run deep as ocean's explodin'
Tempers flaring from parents just blow 'em off and keep goin'
Not talkin' nothin' from no one,give 'em hell as long as I'm breathin'
Keep kickin' ass in the mornin' and takin' names in the evnin'
Leav'em with a taste of sour as vinegar in their mouth
See they can trigger me but they never figure me out
Look at me now,I bet ya sick of me now
Ain't you mama,I'ma make you look so ridiculous now


I said I'm sorry mama
I never meant to hurt you
I never meant to meke you cry
But tonight,I'm cleaning out my closet

I got some skeletons in my closet and
I don't know if no one knows it
So before they throw me inside my coffin and close it
I'ma xpose it,I'll take you back to 73
Before I ever had a multi-platnium sellin' cd
I was a baby,maybe I was just a couple of mounths
My faggot father must have had his panties up in a bunch
'couse he split,I wonder if he even kiss me goodbye
No,I don't on a second thought,Ijust fuckin' wish he would die
I look at Hailie and I couldn't picture leavin' her side
Even if I hated Kim,I git my teeth and
Try to make it work with her atleast for Hailies sake
I maybe made some mistake but I'm only human
But I'm man enough to face them today
What I did was stupid,no doubt it was dumb
But the smartest shit I did was take the bullets out of that gun
'couse I'da killed them,shit I woulda shot Kim and them bouth
This my life,I'd like to wellcome ya'll to the Eminem show


Now I would never dis my own mama
Just to get recognition
Take a second to listen who you think this record is dissin'
But put yourself in position just try to invision
Witnessin' your mama poppin' presciption pills in da kitchen
Bitchin' that someone's allways goin'
Troug her purse and shit missin'
Goin' troug public housing system,victem of Munchausens sydrome
My whole life I was made to believe that I was sick when I wasn't
'til I grow up,now I blew up
It makes you sick to your stomach doesen't it
Wasn't it the reason you made that CD for me,ma
So you could try to justify the way you treated me,ma
Well guess what you're gettin' older noe and
It's cold when you're lonely and Nathan's growin' so quick
He's gonna know that you're phoney
And Hailie's gettin' so big now,you should see her she's beautiful
But you'll never see her,she won't even be at your funeral
See what hurts me the most is you won't admit you were wrong
Bitch,do ya song
Keep thellin' yourself that you werw a mom
But how dare you try to take what you didn't help me to get
You selfish bitch,I hope you fuckin' burn in hell for this shit
Remember when Ronnie died and you said you wish it was me
Well guess what,I am dead,dead to you as I can be


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samo slike....


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diZzZ ßy:CoKojAdiCa

what the fuck...

a vidit ćete....

on d sajd...

korjenka...blog jedne perverzne devojke...
skejti...to je to što se traži...hehe...
jedna od onih devojaka...da z...samo se vi nadajte...
ničkol...malo europskog šarma...hehe...

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IME:....mi znači Božiji dar...
PREZIME:...bosansko je...
MOJ PRECIJENJENI NADIMCI:....Katićka...Ace... Qeen of marihuana...Katy...
BROJ GODINA:...15....kak sam stara..kaj nje...???
MJESTO ŽIVLJENJA:...Zajeb...valjda kopčate...
U SLOBODNO VREME...spavam...pišem pjesme...spavam...
GLAZBA KOJU VOLIM:...rap...hip hop...reggae...malo rocka i metala...
GLAZBA KOJU NE VOLIM:...pop...cajke... narodnjake...klasika...narodna ...klape...
...broj 23...ja,ja i Irena...prekinuta mladost...
NAJ CRTIĆI:...tom&jerry...spužva bob skockani...stich&lilo...
OPĆENITO VOLIM:...glazbu...zajebanciju
...spavat...žderat...pipi ...životinje...mir...nasmijavat druge...shopping...tv...komp ...mob...uživati...vikend... igračke...praznike...more... vozit se autom...bol...vodu...hranu... pljuge...red bull...pivu...iritirat druge...Marlboro...pare...svoje šuze...naruvice...lančiće... žvake...svoj mp3...čokoladu...čips... sladoled...Trapa...svoju ribicu i kornjaču...lavove... cosmopolitan...horore... komedije...lude ljude...crtiće...maricu...šminku ...lizalice..komentare...ić u kino...smiao za humor...toleranciju...crnu i crvenu boju...cool odjeću...internet...mrak...igru krvave kune...msn...pisat pjesme...i ponekad svoju familiju i frendove...ponekad...!!!
OPĆENITO NE VOLIM:...luzere...pedere... lezbe...pičkice...lažljivce...lošu glazbu...umišljene debile...bahatost...arogantnost ...naporne ljude...kad neko misli da je smiješan i zabavan,a nije ...izdajice...fejkere...mutavost ...mržnju...ignoriranje... nasilnike...čudne miomirise...sebe...rano ustajanje...povrće...školu... zadaću...nastavu...profesore ...imenik...dosadu...laži...stare filmove...kad mi neko zapovijeda...rad...red... disciplinu...kad neko misli da je bolji od drugih...senilnost...muriju... vladu...busha...politiku...kad nemam inspiraciju...strah...kad ne znam šta bih sama sa sobom...kazne...kad se nemrem nečeg sjetit...ispitivanje...testove... predrasude...i sve ostalo čeg se nemrem sjetit...!!!

koljiko vas je skrenulo od 3.1.2007.

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-većinu sam ja smislila

...nekim ljudima je sramota
kad nema šta da se mota...ja

...svaki dan se dižem iz kreveta
...da bih navečer mogla natrag u njega...ja

...kažu da poslije kiše uvijek izađe sunce
...ali što napraviti kad od sunca ni traga
...čak i nakon godinu dana...ja

...zašto čekati da bi saznao što dolazi poslije smrti
...kad jednim rezom možeš saznat odmah...ja

...ima li smisla živjeti kad znaš
...da svaki dan donosi još više boli...ja

...pušim travu
...da mi ništa drugo ne uđe u glavu...ja

...voliš li me dovoljno
...da bi me mogo gledat kako se uništavam
...a da usto znaš da mi nikako ne možeš pomoći...ja

...sex je revolucija u kojoj
nevini plaćaju krvlju....ja

...život je težak
...još ga nitko nije preživio...ja

...blago onom ko mlad poludi
...cijeli život provede u veselju...

...žuljaju me dlačice,ja moram ić na sex!!!
...žuljaju me dlačice,al mi zato stoje za šest!!!
...ako si smislio kvaku da me vučeš za dlaku...
...obrijat ću svaku pa ćemo u mraku...!!!

sex drugs & rock 'n' roll
speed weed & birth control
life's a bitch
& than you die
so fuck the world
and lets get high!!!

vicevi by ich


zašto žene podnose bol???
-da ne bi ostale djevice!!!

mračno doba

zašto plavuša ima pun podrum žarulja???
-boji se da ne zavlada još jedno mračno doba!!!


-zašto klempavi ljudovi moraju po vjetru nosit kapu?
-da ne bi poletili!!!

ponedjeljak, 31.03.2008.

no need for words....

mora da je na vrbi zasvrbiloeek...hehezubo!!!joj,ljudi znam da sam post vech puno prije tribala napisat,al' jebi ganono!!!ovaj post ne che bit dugačak ko prošlinono,niti tužan kao prošlino...al će bit zanimljivyes!!!hm....da vidimo..!!!da...za početak sretan Uskrs svimaparty..sa zakašnjenjem...hehefino!!!e...da uvezi one svađe s ravnateljicombang, dobila sam opomenu pred isključenjeheadbang!!!al nea bedanono,mene to uopće ne diranamcor!!! al ja iam krivi tajming,u gotovo svemuyes!!! ja umjesto da sam u osnovnoj radila sranja(jesam,al ne ovolkayes) kad mi nish nisu moglinono,ja sad radim sranjano!!!fuck!!!
mislim tak je bilo prijezujo...ne znam kako je danaslud!!!
Uskršnji praznici su prejebeni biliparty!!!!puuuno sam spavalazijev,jelanjami,gledala tvcool i bila vanifino!stari moj...šteta što je prošlocry...sad me podsjetilo na onu pjesmu all good thingscry!!!e da...dobila sam komp natragyessmokinthumbup...jeeeejparty!!!to znači da chu na vrijeme moć vracat kommoveyesi da chu češće pisat postoveyesnono!!! užasno me žicira što ljudi iz nikakva razloga prestaju pisat postove mad i zapostave blog cry il ga izbrišu jer im je došlolud!!!!!aaaaa...kak retardiranolud!!!daj ono ljudi moji,pa nemojte to raditno !!!i josh jedna stvar me ljutiburninmad...kad mi ljudi ne čitaju postovebangmad!!!znam da je prošli bio stvarno dugcry...al..ma ne znam kaj da vam kažemcry!!!ak mi ne chete citat postove,ja ih ne chu pisatnono!!!uf...ajmo na ono šta mislim da vas najviše zanimayes...to jest pobjednikparty i osvajači 2.smokin i 3.thumbup mjesta!!!
ovakoeek...pobjednik jeeek......partyKORJENKAparty!!!!!!!!!! vuuuhuuu!!!!! bravo,bravo!!! čestitam i zahvaljujem na kommovima!!!!moja draga korjenčicabelj mi je ostavila sve ukupno u ovom postu 113 kommovakiss!!!jeeej!!! 40 komentara che biti dostavljeno uskoro i još 3 komma jer mi je linkovimathumbup!!!
ok to je pobjednica/k...hehelud!!! a sad..drugo mjesto i 30 kommova osvojila jeeek.......partySKATER_GIRLparty!!!! jeeeeeej thumbup!!! bravo,bravo!!!i njoj čestitam!!! buduchi da mi je u linkovima i ona dobiva još 3 komma yes!!! kommovi che joj bit dostavljeni uskoro!!!!a sada 3. mjesto i 18 kommova dobiva........
partyLUDA SLOVAKINJAparty!!!!! bravo,bravosmokin!!!! čestitamsmokin!!! i ona che dobit još 3 komma jer mi je i ona u linkovimayes!!!! uf.....super,bravo svima!!!!
vidite da se isplati kommat meni zujo!!!! hehe zubo...!!!
16.4. idem na terensku nastavu i brijem da che bit prejebeno fino!!!!
jedva čekam yes!!!nadam se da chu prije napisat još jedan post
i hoću ako stignemnono!!! i prije novog posta očekujem bar 100 kommovayes!!! ok....dosta bi bilo!!!
ok...by by and be highthumbup!!!smokin let it grow smokin!!!

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