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Komovi Osh/Nesh

eat my shorts,reko bi bart

blog ko blog,jeboga ja...

Pa,da se malo predstavim:
Prezime:zaboravio sam
Rođen:izgleda da sam posenilio
Živim:ko bi reko,i to sam zaboravio

Volimyes:e,sad da sam emač,ova kategorija ne bi bila nešto zastupljena,jelda?
pa da počnemo:metal,rock,svoju gitaru,spavat,zajebavat se,neučit,igrice,hranu,žuju,sportove(ne sve),svirat,e sad mi tu ponestaje ideja,apdejtam,kad se sjetim,apdejtam

Mrzimno:cajke,učit,sapunjare,kad dođem kod nekog u posjet,a on mi kaže "joj,pa kako si ti narastao...",primitivce,iritantne pojedince,profu iz kemije,prat sudje,latinski,još par stvari nadodam,jel

Kako izgledam:
hah,pubertet started to kick in=visok
kosa:do ramena,boje govna,zdravog,ne onog proljevastogsmijeha.k.a. smedja
plave oči
teenejđer,pa zaključite sami(dlakav,krakat,mutiran)smijehsmijeh

users online

Jimi Hendrix
Leb i Sol
Hladno Pivo
In Flames
Bob Marley
Living Color
Tenacious D
Rage Against The Machine
Rolling Stones
Guns N´ Roses

(koji mix,hehehesmijeh)

Jebeš ti ove njihove linkove...

South Park(stranica koju morat pogledat,ima sve epizode)
Ultimate Guitar Tabs-str sa jebeno puno tabova
Korn ofišl
SOAD ofišl
Slipknot ofišl
Distrubed ofišl

Carpe diem

Listen to the metal...

"Its On!"

Come on!
Save some for me, it's what I like.
I wanna play, you know it's time.
Something is calling, I can't keep from falling.
Come on!
It's on!
Now see it's my fault, angels stabbing me inside.
Nothing changes, just rearranges, for me this time.
Once I cave in, what can I fight?
I can never win, my self I don't like,
I don't like, I don't like, I don't like.
Something is calling, I can't keep from falling.
Come on!
It's on!
You see it's my fault, angels stabbing me inside.
Nothing changes, just rearranges, for me this time.
This time. This... time.
For me, inside. Put me inside.
Hold me, this time. Put me inside.
Come on!
It's on!

System Of A Down

Conversion, software version 7.0,
Looking at life through the eyes of a tire hub,
Eating seeds as a past time activity,
The toxicity of our city, of our city,

New, what do you own the world?
How do you own disorder, disorder,
Now, somewhere between the sacred silence,
Sacred silence and sleep,
Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep,
Disorder, disorder, disorder.

More wood for their fires, loud neighbors,
Flashlight reveries caught in the headlights of a truck,
Eating seeds as a past time activity,
The toxicity of our city, of our city,

New, what do you own the world?
How do you own disorder, disorder,
Now, somewhere between the sacred silence,
Sacred silence and sleep,
Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep,
Disorder, disorder, disorder.

New, what do you own the world?
How do you own disorder, disorder,
Now, somewhere between the sacred silence,
Sacred silence and sleep,
Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep,
Disorder, disorder, disorder.

When I became the sun,
I shone life into the man's hearts,
When I became the sun,
I shone life into the man's hearts.



theres a place inside my mind,
a place I like to hide
you don't know the chances
what if I sould die?
a place inside my brain
another kind of pain
you don't know the chances
I'm so blind

Another place I find
to escape the pain inside
you don't know the chances,
what if I should die?
A place inside my brain
another kind of pain,
you don't know the chances,
I'm so blind

deeper deeper deeper
as I journey to live a life that seems to be
a lost reality
that I can never find
no way to reach
my inner self-esteem is low
how deep can I go
in the ground that I lay if I don't find a way to see through the gray that crowd my mind,
this time I look to see what's between the lines

I can see
I can see
I'm going blind(x12)

I'm blind(x4)

"The Blister Exists"

Bones in the water and dust in my lungs
Absorbing archaic like a sponge
The ultimate way is the way you control
But can you stay if you detach your soul?
Bury the present and squeeze out the past
The ones you endear to never last
Chemical burns and the animalistic
I'm just another hardline pseudo-statistic

Can you feel this?
I'm dying to feel this
Can you feel this?

Blood on the paper and skin on my teeth
Trying to commit to what's beneath
To find the time is to lose the momentum
You learn the lessons and immediately forget them
Automatic and out of my reach
Consult all the waste to find the key
Minimal life and the polysyllabic
I'm just another blank page - push the button, pull the rage

Can you feel this?
I'm dying to feel this
Can you feel this?

I am all, but what am I?
Another number that isn't equal to any of you
I control, but I comply
Pick me apart, then pick up the pieces
I'm uneven

I am the damaged one
All my life and the damage done

Can you feel this?
I'm dying to feel this
Can you feel this?

I am all, but what am I?
Another number that isn't equal to any of you
I control, but I comply
Pick me apart, then pick up the pieces
I'm uneven

"Down With The Sickness"

(Do you feel that?)
(Oh shit)
Drowning deep in my sea of loathing
Broken your servant I kneel
(Will you give it to me?)
It seems what's left of my human side
Is slowly changing ... in me
(Will you give it to me?)

Looking at my own reflection
When suddenly it changes
Violently it changes
Oh no, There is no turning back now
You've woken up the demon ... in me

Get up, come on get down with the sickness
Get up, come on get down with the sickness
Get up, come on get down with the sickness
Open up your hate, and let it flow into me
Get up, come on get down with the sickness
You mother get up
Come on get down with the sickness
You fucker get up
Come on get down with the sickness
Madness is the gift, that has been given to me

I can see inside you, the sickness is rising
Don't try to deny what you feel
(Will you give it to me?)
It seems that all that was good has died
And is decaying in me
(Will you give it to me?)

It seems you're having some trouble
In dealing with these changes
Living with these changes
Oh no, the world is a scary place
Now that you've woken up the demon ... in me

Get up, come on get down with the sickness
Get up, come on get down with the sickness
Get up, come on get down with the sickness
Open up your hate, and let it flow into me
Get up, come on get down with the sickness
You mother get up
Come on get down with the sickness
You fucker get up
Come on get down with the sickness
Madness is the gift, that has been given to me

And when I dream
And when I dream
And when I dream
And when I dream!!!!
No mommy, don't do it again
Don't do it again
I'll be a good boy
I'll be a good boy, I promise
No mommy don't hit me Oh-oohh
Why did you have to hit me like that mommy?
Don't do it! You're hurting me Oh-oohh!
Why did you have to be such a bitch?
Why don't you,
Why don't you fuck off and die?
Why can't you just fuck off and die?
Why can't you just leave here and die?
Never stick your hand in my face again bitch
I don't need this shit
You stupid sadistic abusive fucking whore
Would you like to see how it feels mommy?
Here it comes, get ready to die!

Get up, come on get down with the sickness
Get up, come on get down with the sickness
Get up, come on get down with the sickness
Open up your hate, and let it flow into me
Get up, come on get down with the sickness
You mother get up
Come on get down with the sickness
You fucker get up
Come on get down with the sickness
Mad-ness has now come over me!

subota, 17.11.2007.

Tehnolodži svuda oko mene

Koliko vam se puta dogodilo da vam se komp jednostavno zblokao?Je li vam se ikad samo srušio sistem,žargonizam (koja fani word) ,zbrejko,komp?Ja inače volim igrati igrice i ići na Internet i slično,ali mene strašno žifcira kad kompjuter odbija poslušnostheadbang.Recimo,kad pišete neki važni dokument na wordu ili ste upravo prešli neki level na igrici bez sejvanja ili radite nešto bitno na webu i onda vam se komp samo zbloka!Ja nisam strpljiv,tako da nakon nekoliko minuta počnem lupati po tipkovnici i monitoru(po kućištu,ne,sačuvaj bože,hehepjeva).Nekad se uspijem skulirati i pričekati par minuta da se komp odblokazijev.Nije da se hvalim time,to je mana,ali me takve situacije natjeraju na to.To znači da komp zapravo upravlja našim osjećajima i raspoloženjima i utječe na to kako se ponašamoyeskad sjednemo pred monitor.Zato se zapitajte u što se pretvorite sljedeći put kad sjednete za kompyes?Pitam vas ja...što će se dogoditi kad se izume visoko sofisticirani roboti!?Ono,tipa ZX-3600,Honda-ES...?
Evo jednog primjera...Igram ja tako,nevinolaze,GTA San Andreas...ajde,dobro,nije baš nevinopjeva...zapravo koljem ljude oko sebe bacačem plamena,upravo sam opljačkao neki dućan,bazukom sam napravio lokalno groblje automobila,sad ću potražit neku kurvu...ahhhh,ljepota igricasmijeh...enivej,igram ja tako i baš sam postigao neki challenge,šta ti ja znam,kad odjednom:blok,zblok(znate onaj zvuk gašenja nečeg?E,taj zvuk)...okeeej,bez panike,to je sigurno neki incy wincy errorić...sad će on proćsretan...prolaze sekunde,već minutetuzan...pomalo šizim...a komp onako,malo skuplja,pa ponovo padne...ko da zna da me to žifcira i tako me zajebava,smije mi se u facubelj...mrzi me,baš ono istinski jer je nebrojeno puta došlo do ove situacije i nebrojeno puta sam lupao po ctrl-alt-delete sve dok se malo đubre ne bi sjetilo da ga ja preklinjem da se prestane igrat sa mnom...da,da,on sa mnom,ne ja s nijm...
Enivej,sad je već pet minuta iza ove psihološke igre,ovog trilera...mad
Sad već počinjem lupat po piiiiiiiiiiiii tipkovnici,a nekad iz bijesa,onako,tutnem monitor rukom postrance u nadi da mu je tu mozak,da mu je to glava,pa da će mu proradit ta ˝pamet˝.Na kraju drame,vidim da nema spasa i da ću morat stisnut kobnu,ali i spasonosnu tipku restart...hvala arkanđelima na toj tipci...on zna i zblokat i na posve jednostavnim i slaboumnim zadacima...kao što je ulaženje na net...kako teško može biti...samo preeeeeđi iz jednog proooozora u druuuuuugi...like,duuuhhhh...hoće me iznervirat da bi jednostavno odustao od cijele operacije i otišao u krevet izdeprimiran...ponaša se ko kakav bully koji manju djecu pod odmorom žica kunu,pa ajde,dvije,na kraju pet...isto tako ovaj moj...prvo je 30 kbita po sec,pa 24 kbita po sec pa sve manje i manje...waaaaaaaj miiiiiiiiii?Onda se pojavi ona usrana rečenica:This page can not be displayed...Well,FUCK YOU!Ta rečenica je onda sve što ti treba...al,ono,ubije te u pojam nakon sveg tog piiiiiii spajanja i zvukova ko da kolješ kompjuter...znate ono:pippuppuppippippippippippip...i sve manje brzine interneta i pokušaja da dođeš do piiiii blog stranice: This fuckin page can not be fuckin displayed.What the fuck are you even bothering cause you knooooow that I am so freakin messed up and too slow for you...You want to go on Internet?EEEEE!Wrong answer.Please try again.You SUCK!
Fijuuuu...sad kad sam se istresao,trebo bi mi neko doći i potapšat me ramenu i reći schiiiillaj seeee...
Još jedna stvar je moguća...jeste kad pomislili: što da ostane u tom stanjueek...kao neki deda kojeg strefi neka kronična bolesti pa ostane u istom položaju,istom stanju...šta da se to dogodi?Ne bi bio smak svijeta,ali uskoro,u nekom novom stoljeću,mogao bi biti...
Recimo,neki komp upravlja svim tvojim kućanskim poslovima,kućom,zaprafo,životom takoreći i on se zbloka...ove tri točkice stoje same za sebe.eek
Zna on da ja njega tračam,oooo,da...sad će mi neku spačku pripremit,samo iz inata...Doduše,još se on dobro drži...već ga imam 5 godina,a još je jedan od boljih kompova koji znam... yes
Dakle,neka vam ovo bude pouka,ne znam za što...

P.S. Za ovo me nadahnuo Vampire:The Maquerade Bloodlines koji je u totalnom k**** mada je original igrica i trebala bi savršeno radit...zapravo ne mogu je ni instalirati....

- 18:11 - If you want to leave a comm,press 1 - (15) - Stavite organsku tvar u mehanički stroj - wtf is this link for?

ponedjeljak, 12.11.2007.


Koji pointless pozdraf...Evo,evo,svi koji čitate moj gblo,došli ste na svoje...da,pogodili ste,to je novi post!!!!
Dobro,dosta euforije...ovo je,onak,jedan...hmmmmm,kako da to kažem...casual!Casual postić...(čudna je ova moja navada da pišem točke i točkice...XD)
Enivej,to je onaj,za neznalice,postek u kojem se piše o svojim problemima i zgodama i nezgodama šegrta HlapićaJ...laša lama...
Pa da više,ono,napokon,haletiluja napišem ovaj post.(uuuuu,vidi,JEDNA točka...vauuu,fensi)
Sad je Dan škole,ne znam na koju foru su izmislili taj ˝praznik˝,ali dobro,glavno da nema fkole.I tako sutra i danas i preksutra...koji redoslijed dana...nema škole!Ali,to nije sve...
Ovaj tjedan opče nemamo matišu(ovdje se ja dignem i počnem plesat svoj celebration dance)!Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
Što se kfalitetne glasbe tiče...nula,ništa,nema,nada,nothing,niente,nicht,zilch...u prijevodu,sve mi se pokvarilo...i cd- player i MP3 i kazetofon...aaaaaa...šizim,ako već nisam totalka ispalio?
Još jedna biiig njuz...
Nabavio sam puunjo igrica...Medieval ekspanziju,Tomb Raider Anniversary,Prince of Persia(3 dijela),Lord of the Rings,neki hack n´slash stila Diablo,Loki(najs igrica),FIFA 08 i Burnout:Revenge!Igrački i virtualni sam se naoružao!Let the games begin...pardon,gaming!
Škola mi se gadi,više je neću spominjati...neam ni zašto...nema je!
A sad uskoro(to uskoro traje već skoro tjedan dana) ću dobit...Max-Adsl!OOOOO,daaaa!
Nemojte se smijati,to je meni jako,ali jako brzo!
I još jedna,pjijično bolna tema...vrat mi se ukočio!Ne mogu ga pomaknut na lijevu,vašu desnu stranu.To je prilično gadno jer jedva spavaš,teško gledaš na lijevu stranu...i,tako...
Sad će uskoro još jedan post na temu...crkve!

- 20:36 - If you want to leave a comm,press 1 - (11) - Stavite organsku tvar u mehanički stroj - wtf is this link for?

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