FIFTIN JIRZ - The Eye of the Enemy is moving ... -
Totalno ludilo

Živi kao da ti je svaki dan posljednji i jednog dana ćeš sigurno biti u pravu.

st patrick's day 2006


Tko tebe kamenom ti njega isto kamenom,jer je kruh skup u pičku materinu.

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saint st patrick's day 2006

Ne pijte vodu,ribe se jebu u njoj.


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st patrick's day 2006

Cool rečenice

Smiješi se.
To tjera ljude da se
pitaju o čemu razmišljaš.

Za cijeli svijet možeš
biti jedna osoba.
Za jednu osobu možeš
biti cijeli svijet.

Ako vježba čini
a nitko nije savršen -
čemu onda vježbati?

st patrick's day 2006

Prave prijatelje ćeš
teško naći.
Teško ostaviti i teško
ih moći zaboraviti.

Jedini način da imaš
prijatelja; jest -
biti prijatelj.

Trenutak u kojem
u sebe jest trenutak
u kojem si blizu

Onaj za kojim plačeš;
ne zaslužuje da plačeš
za njim; jer nije toga
vrijedan! Da je vrijedan -
onda te zasigurno ne bi
mogao rasplakati i ne bi
ti dopustio da zbog njega

Pravilo uspjeha je
spremnost da NE uspiješ.

Neznanci NISU stranci.
To su samo osobe koje
nismo JOŠ upoznali.

saint patrick's day

Nitko ne zaslužuje kaznu
svoje mišljenje.

SMRT je način ŽIVOTA
da ti
kaže: otpušten si!

Prijatelj je onaj tko
k tebi; kad svi odlaze
od tebe.

Svi se smiju
na istom jeziku.

Window Shopper

The top feels so much better than the bottom
So much better

[Clean version:]
Ja you's a window shopper
Mad at me, I think I know why
Jada you's a window shopper
In the jewelery store, looking at shit you can't buy
Joe you's a window shopper
In the dealership, trying get a test drive
Nas you's a window shopper
Mad as fuck when you see me ride by
[Dirty version:]
Nigga you's a window shopper
Mad at me, I think I know why
Nigga you's a window shopper
In the jewelery store, looking at shit you can't buy
Nigga you's a window shopper
In the dealership, trying to get a test drive
Nigga you's a window shopper
Mad as fuck when you see me ride by

[Verse 1]
Summertime white porche carrera is milky
Im on the grind let my paper stack when I'm filthy
Funny how a nigga get the screw facing at me
Anyhow, they aint got the heart to get at me
I'll get down, southsides the hood that I come from
So I dont cruise to nobodys hood without my gun
You know the kid aint gonna follow that bullshit
try and stick me imma let off a full clip
It aint my fault you done fucked up your re-up
At the dice game who told you put a G up
Everybody mad when their paper dont stack right
When I come around y'all niggas better act right
When we got the tops down, you can hear the system thump
When we rollin' rollin' rollin'
Shut your block down, quick to put a hole in a chump
nigga When we rollin' rollin' rollin'


[Verse 2]
niggas Love me in L.A. as soon as I pop in
They come scoop me up in LAX and I hop in
When it comes to bad bitches you know I got them
Some from Long Beach, some from Watts, some from Compton
You know a nigga wanna see how cali girls freak off
After that 5 hour flight from New York
I start spitting G at a bitch like a pimp man
Tell her meet me at The Mondrian so we can do our thing
She can bring the lingerie with her I suppose
And we can go from fully dressed to just having no clothes
She can run and tell her best friend bout my sex game
Her best friend could potentially be next man
Listen man, shit changed
I came up from doing my thang
Homey I'm holing, holing, holing
shit man, the store owner watching you
For something get stolen, stolen, stolen


The Eye of the Enemy is moving ...

subota, 08.04.2006.


Dajte da vam ispričam priču.

Priču staru 15 godina i vezanu za ovaj dan.

Bit će kratka jer ja ne znam baš mnogo o tome danu.

Znma samo jedno.

I to jedno sam već skoro 8 godina.

Zapravo, onoliko godina koliko već idem u Osnovnu školu.

So, shall we begin?

Ovako, prije točno 15 godina (uf!tak puno!) datuma 8.4. godine 1991. u 12:00 sati ujutro na svijet je došla jedna djevojčica.

MySpace Layouts

Djevojčica je dobila ime Ivana i još i dan danas se tako zove.

Ta djevojčica Ivana je moja naj frendica i znate kaj?

Njoj je danas rođendan, 15 rođendan, i zato sad ja ovo pišem i posvećujuem cijeli post, a bome i cijeli blog, ali blog samo danas, njoj, djevojčici Ivani.

Ona je sad trenutno nalazi u Poreču na državnom natjecanju iz atletike.Ona je profesionalna sportašica, trčanje je njena disciplina, i io je i red da ona ode tamo i natječe se.
MySpace Layouts

Znači, ona je u Poreču i ja sam lijepo iskoristila tu priliku kako bi ovo napisala i iznenadila ju kad se vrati. Smišljam ovo još od prvog mjeseca i nadam se da će dobro ispasti.

Ovo je bio samo uvod.

Sad kreće ono pravo što am ja smišljala puna 3 mjeseca,

Hope she´ll like it!

Bok, Ivana (puma) !

MySpace Layouts

Kaj ima? Evo, ja tu radim neš za tebe. I samo ti želim reć ...

MySpace Layouts

... SRETAN ROĐENDAN! (buš dobila veći poklon. niš se ti ne brini.)

MySpace Layouts

The happy birthday ekipa! Svi ti žele ono kaj ti aj želim.

MySpace Layouts

Lets the party started!

MySpace Layouts

Baš se lijepo zabavljamo! Ipak je to tvoj rođendan.

MySpace Layouts

Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Ivana ... Happy birthday to you!
MySpace Layouts

I oni ti žele sretan rođendan!
MySpace Layouts

Eva se opet usvinjila! (haha! bez uvrede eva!)

MySpace Layouts

Evo još nekog i daje ti cvijeće.

myspace layout

Sad ste zajedno! Kaj misliš tko je to? (hehe)

MySpace Layouts

Evo nas opet. Moraš biti s nama,a ne s ovim gore pa smo te kidnapirali.

MySpace Layouts

The slikanje!Kakvo bi to bilo slavlje bez slike?!

MySpace Layouts

I za kraj jedan pa-pa! Baš smo se super zabavili, ali svemu dođe kraj.

MySpace Layouts

I još jednom on ingliš:
MySpace Layouts


- 12:00 - Hej! Write me something,OK?! (36) - You can print what you write! - #

<< Arhiva >>

Navi, navijaj (i kolcem, i lancem i bokserom u glavu),
Navi, navijaj (udari, razvali, za Dinamovu slavu).
Navi, navijaj (i kolcem, i lancem i bokserom u glavu),
Ja te volim Dinamo.




Me , MySeLf AnD I
- imam 14 godine
- idem u Osnovu školu u 8 razred
- po horoskopu sam vaga
- naj sport nogomet
- moj ljubimac je patuljasti zec
- obožavam tamno plavu boju
- moj moto: ˝Tko tebe kamenom ti njega još većim!˝

Sve za smijeh!

Bog je stvorio čovjeka jer mu je bilo dosadno. Ženu
je stvorio jer je čovjeku bilo dosadno. Sada: žene dosađuju muškarcima,
muškarci ženama, a svi zajedno Bogu.
Pouka: kada ti je dosadno igraj pasijans

Stalno padam na ispitima!! Proklete stolice!

U raju je lijepo, ali je u paklu ekipa.

st patrick's day 2006

Potrčao je u susret tramvaju. Tramvaj ga nije prepoznao!

Parni stroj je pronađen, pošto se nije mogao pronaći neparni.

Infarkt, ma kakav da je, od srca je.

Htio bih umrijeti mirno i u snu, kao moj djed, a ne vrišteći i u panici, kao putnici u njegovom autobusu.

Wanna Get To Know You

I wanna get to know you
I really wanna fuck you, baby
One dose of my lovin'
I'm simply going to drive you crazy

I wanna be your lover
I wanna get to know you, baby
One dose of my lovin'
I'm really gonna drive you crazy

[Young Buc]
Im lovin' how you look in my eyes
Swingin' them hips when you pass
I'm visualizing my name tatooed on that ass baby
Jump on this Harley
Lets go smoke some of that Bob Marley
Sip some Bacardi
Then go pull up at the afterparty
I think we make a perfect couple
But you think I'm trouble
Maybe thats the reason you gave me the wrong number
She got me feeling like "maybe she the wrong woman"
Think im'a be chasin' the chicken head you own somethin'
Your toes painted hair fixed all the time
And your Gucci boots the same color as mine
If you read between the lines you can see that I want you
I betcha I have you doin' what you said that you won't do
Making decisions shorty good things don't last long
Your girlfriend keep showin' me that thong
Before I head home
Im'a stop at your house and blow the horn
If you come outside you know it's on (holla at your boy)


[Lloyd Banks]
Bitches be frustrated with the baller
Wonder why I don't call her
Maybe because I'm busy and she needs someone to spoil her
It gets annoying from time to time I gotta ignore her
In order to let her know we'll be friends and nothing more
She loves it when I'm in town
Hate it when I'm not around
I get her and wear down
Next door neighbors hear the sound
Pictures hittin' the ground
Just enough to hold us down
I'm stickin' n' moving cruising after the third round
Just lay back baby and let me drive you crazy
I can make a 40 year old feel like a young lady
I admit I fell in love with her frame
And to make her feel special I let her call me by my government name
Her panties wet over fame
Fall in love with my chain
I wonder if I wasn't an entertainer would she remain
Surrounding me hounding me trying to be my only
I'm not your boyfriend I'm your homie.


[50 Cent]
(Yeah) What would fuck me up more
Watching her lick her lips
Or watching her walk she hypnotize me with her hips (yeah) man
I sweet talking her if she like
Cause all she really want is a nigga to treat her right right
Look I'm legit now used to break laws
Now you can reap the benefit of world tours
Big house big Benz girl it yours
Mink coats Italian shoes stones with no flaws
You ain't go to look like a model for me to adore you
All you gotta do is love me and be loyal
Don't Indulge in my past fuck what happened before you
Cause their be some homies gonna hate you that never saw you
Come here let my touch on you I let you touch on me
Put my tounge on you you put your tounge on me
Let me ride on you and you can ride on
We can do it all the night
We can have a balla tonight


I wanna get to know you
I wanna get to know you, baby
One dose of my lovin'
I'm simply gonna drive you, crazy

I wanna be your lover
I wanna get to know you, lady
One dose of my lovin'
I'm really gonna drive you, crazy

I wanna be your lover
I really understand you, baby
I want to be your lover
I really understand you, baby, baby, baby, baby.

Ever Blazin´

Ever blazin', ever blazin' girl...
Blazin up the flame, blazin up the flame
Ever blazin', ever blazin' girl...


As the world turns and as time burns girl you know I'm gonna be there
My love is ever blazin, ever blazin girl and you know it naw go change
As the world turns and as time burns girl you know I'm gonna be there
My love is ever blazin, ever blazin girl and it never fades away

[Verse 1:]
There's no pretending......Girl I say my love is never ending
From we used to par just like a friend thing...
Up until now me a tell you say
A you fi be the queen, I and I man a your said thing
Well a one thing the dutty Paul is requesting
Keep up to date cause you a the best thing
Girl you know your lifestyle well interesting
That's why the dutty's investing


[Verse 2:]
Because me admire you....But me no shy of you
She from the day me hire you...Me know me naw fire you
Girl a long time the dutty rock a desire you
Woman you know sey you hot and you a spit fire too
Bill Gates, Donald Trump them a require you
In a the Pentium five them waan wire you
Make them know you a real frequent flyer too
Like a trophy inna me bed you know me waan retire you


[Verse 1:]
There's no pretending......Girl you know my love is never ending
From we used to par just like a friend thing...
Up until now me a tell you say
A you fi be the queen, I and I man a your said thing
Well a one thing the dutty Paul is requesting
Keep up to date cause you a the best thing
Girl you know your lifestyle well interesting
That's why the dutty's investing


[Verse 2:]
Because me admire you....But me no shy of you
She from the day me hire you...Me know me naw fire you
Girl a long time the dutty rock a desire you
Woman you know sey you hot and you a spit fire too
Bill Gates, Donald Trump them a require you
In a the Pentium five them waan wire you
Make them know you a real frequent flyer too
Like a trophy inna me bed you know me waan retire you
