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O meni:
Ja san iz Splita, iden u srednju skolu, slušan metal, mrzin šminkere, cajke, i glupe ljude.
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Odlučite vi.....................
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Da bi se zabavia i da vidin ima li koji čovik da mogu pričat s njin/njon..........
Jer volin radit stvari koje mogu dizajnirat kako oču......................

Mladic stoji u redu u supermarketu kad spazi
zanosnu plavusu iza njega kako mu mase i smije se.
Iznenadio se da mu mase takva ljepotica, i iako mu se
odnekud cinila poznatom, nije imao pojma odakle, pa je upita:
- "Oprostite, mi se znamo?"
Ona mu odgovori:
- "Mozda se varam, ali mislim da ste vi otac jednog mog djeteta!"
Film mu se odvrti unatrag na zgodu kad je jedan jedini put bio nevjeran. Rekao je:
- "Boze, jeste vi striptizeta s moje momacke veceri, koju
sampred svim kompicima sevio na biljarskom stolu, dok
me je vasa frendica mlatila po guzi mokrim celerom i gurala mi krastavac u supak?"
- "Ne", odgovori ona: "Ja vasem sinu predajem engleski."

Mladi Huso izvao Fatu na veceru. Citava vecer prosla super,
i Huso prati Fatu kuci. Dosli pred vrata, Huso se nasloni na zid i kaze Fati:
- "Pa eto, noc je bila dobra ali bi bila jos bolja kad bi mi popusila."
Kaze Fata:
- "Jesi li normalan, nisam ja takva."
- "Ma znam da si vec pusila, de mi popusi."
- "Ne mogu ovdje pred vratima, sta ako me vide moji?"
- "Ma nece, de mi popusi."
- "Sta ako me neko vidi iz komsiluka, sramota."
- "Ma nece, de mi popusi."
I tako se oni nagadjaju, kad.... otvaraju se vrata,
izlazi Fatina sestra sva rascupana i kaze:
- "Fato, ili mu ga ti popusi, ili cu ja ili ce mama i
tata sici pa ce mu ga oni popusiti, samo nek kreten skine ruku sa interfona."

Puse travu zec i pile. Smota zeko mali joint i puse oni tako pa upita zeko pile:
- "Jel osjecas nesto?"
Kaze pile:
- "Nita..."
Smota zeko veci joint i puse oni tako ka opet upita zeko:
- "Jel osjecas sad nesto?"
Veli pile:
- "Nita."
Smota zeko sad joinitnu, natrpa samo trave bez duhana i puse oni opet i pita sad zeko:
- "Pa dobro jel osjecas sad nesto??"
Veli pile:
- "Ne, nita, ni klun, ni kvivca ni noge..."

Kaze covjek Bogu:
- "Cijeli zivot nisam grijesio, dopusti mi da malo uzivam prije
smrti. Uvijek sam zelio vidjeti Havaje, ali strasno se bojim
aviona, a na brodu mi nije dobro. Mozes li mi napraviti most
do Havaja da tamo odem automobilom."
Bog mu rece:
- "To zaista nema smisla, gdje bi bili potporni stupovi,
more je nemirno, voziti tamo bilo bi opasno. Stvarno,
to sto zelis je jako tesko i tehnicki neizvodivo. Mogu li ti ispuniti neku drugu zelju?
- "Dobro", kaze covjek. "Zelio bih razumjeti zene,
zasto govore jedno, a misle drugo. Zasto placu.
Zasto nas ne razumiju. Zasto ne mogu biti
otvorene i iskrene. Zasto ne vide neke stvari ili
ih krivo tumace, to zelim. Razumjeti zene!"
Bog na to odgovori:
- "Hoces li most s dvije ili cetiri trake?"

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Battlefield nothing but the blody tomb
Be reunited with my dead friend soon
In a foreign field he lay
Lonely solder,unknown grave
On his dying words he prays
Tell the world of Paschendale

Relive all he“s been trough
Last comunion of his soul
Rust your bullets with his tears
Let ma tell you „bout his years

Laying low in blood filled trench
Kill tim „til my very own death
On my face i can fell falling rain
Never see my friends again

In the smoke,in the mud and lead
Smell the fear and the felling of dread
Soon be time to go over the wall
Rapid fire and end of us all
Whistles,shouts and more gun fire
Lifeless bodies hang on barbed wire

Many soldies eighteen years
Drown in mud,no more tiers
Surely a war no-one can win
Killing time about to begin

Home,far away
From the war,a chance to live again
Home,far away
But the war,no chance to live again

The bodies of ours and ours foes
The sea of death it owerflowes
In no man“s land,God only know
Into jaws of death we go

Crusified as if on the cross
Allied troops their mourn their loss
German war propagnda machine
Such before has never been seen

Swear I heard the angels cry
Pray to God no more may die
So that peple know the truth
Tell the tale of the Paschendale

Cruelty has a human heart
Evry men does play his part
Terrorof men we kill
Human heart is hungry still

Crelty has ahuman hearth
Everty man does play his part
Terror of men we kill
Human hearth is hungry still

I stand my ground for the very last time
Gun is redy as i stand in line
Nervous wait to whistle to blow
Rush of blood and over we go

Blood is falling like the rain
It crimson cloak unveils again
The sound of guns cant hide their shame
And so we died in Paschendale

Dodging shrapnel and barbed wire
Running straight at the cannon fire
Running blind as I hold my breth
Say a prayer simphony of death

As we charge the enemy lines
A burst of fire and we go down
A choke a cry but no-one hears
Fell the blood go down my throath

Home,far away
From the war,a chance to live again
Home,far away
But the war,no chance to live again

See my spirit on the wind
Across the lines,beyond the hill
Friend and foe will meet again
Those who died in Paschendale.

Neki bolesni haiku koji san naša na netu:

Smrt jest

Tuge li

Zloće li

Teško je

Sreće li

Mrak će

Kad bih ja bio ti, a ti da si ja, ja bih tada rekao tebi, odnosno sebi, da ja, ustvari ti, volim sebe, odnosno tebe više od sebe tj. tebe, ovaj mene, jebo te, zbunih se.

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We shall defend our country,whatever the cost may be,we shall fight in the beaches,we shell fight in the fields,and in the streets,we shall fight in the hills,we shall never surender.


„For the Angel of Death spread his wings
On the blast
And breathead in the face of the foes as he
And the eyes of the sleepers wax“d deadly
And chill
And their hearts but once haved,and for
Ever grew still.“


„It is foolish and wrong mourn the men who died.Rather we should thanks God that such men lived“


„From my rotten body,flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity.“

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ponedjeljak, 23.10.2006.

Moja pisma i Blind Guardian

Garden of Pain

I died once more, just a little of me
And I saw the light, I saw salvation
But I saw the darkness, I saw the pain
I saw garden of life, and I liked it
But now I see Garden Of Pain
And it is so cruel, so deep

I saw the souls in pain, souls of human
And animals. They were tormented by machines
By thoughts, thoughts of pain nad sorrow
All in dark, with no chance to see what's happening to them

On the entrance of Garden stands devil himself
With a whip in his hand and a balck crown
On his head, with red yewels glowing
And he is a dudge, he is a God
He is the One who will throw you in flames

And then you go across the river of flames
In the death without death you go
With your hands and eyes binded
With a feeling that you fly, but burning
In your flight

And when you sail over the river, and when you come
to the other side, there is no turning back
you are doomed, you are ment to be tormented
for eternity

And then you trough big red doors enter the Garden
Garden of Pain, filled with blood and lust
Black roses hanging over bodies in flames, crying for help
Looking for salvation.
But for them there is no salvation, they have gone to far
To far in their sin.

But it is not hte sin they made against God
It is sin they made against themselves
Against their heart and their souls
And as their souls are in pain
There bodies have been destroyed by Mother Earth
And with them new life will grow

So they are in pain, all for their sins in life
They sufer in death, and so for eternity
They will cry out loud
Without any rain to heal their woonds
Cry, cry in the Garden of Pain.

Jedna moja pjesma iz moje zbirke "Love, Death and thin line betwen"
Komentari na pjesmu bi bili jako ljepi.
P.S. ne brišen loše komentare.

Šta da van kažen.......
Glupi čitač(ne ide me hrvatska gramatika) cd-ova mi blokaje
glupo smeče
jadna patetika
sad cu da sve brisen s kompa i da stavin novi čitač
jebeš ga

A sad malo o Blind Guardianu- grupi koja ima tako prejebeno dobre pisme da su me inspirirali za dvi zbirke pisama..............

Blind Guardian je power metal bend osnovan 1985. u Krefeldu, Njemačka. U razdoblju od 1986.-1987. izdaju dva demo albuma pod imenom Lucifer's Heritage. Od osnivanja njihovi tekstovi bili su inspirirani imaginarnim svijetom J. R. R. Tolkiena i drugih autora fantastične proze, te legendama i mitovima.

Na njihovom debitantskom albumu Battalions Of Fear i drugom Follow The Blind, na kojem je prvi put gostovao Kai Hansen, prevladava utjecaj speed metala, mnogo više nego na Blind Guardianovim budućim albumima. Već na sljedećem uratku Tales From The Twilight World, Blind Guardian poprima moderniji zvuk, te češće koristi zborove uz pomoć orkestra. Time je Blind Guardian stvorio svoj danas prepoznatljiv epičan stil. Sljedećih godina izdaju još dva albuma, Somewhere Far Beyond i svoje prvo live izdanje Tokyo Tales. Bend dostiže svoj vrhunac albumima Imaginations From The Other Side i Nightfall In Middle-Earth, koji je baziran na knjizi Silmarillion, autora J. R. R. Tolkiena. Uslijedila je stanka tijekom koji Hansi Kürsch surađuje s osnivačem Iced Eartha Jonom Schafferom, što rezultira izdavanjem albuma novog benda nazvanog Demons & Wizards. Popularnost Blind Guardiana je rasla i 2002. bend pušta u prodaju A Night at the Opera, na kojem dolazi do malene promjene stila te se osjeća utjecaj progresivnog power metala.

2005. bend nakon dvadeset godina napušta bubnjar Thomen Stauch i osniva Savage Circus. Zamijenio ga Frederik Ehmke. Novi studijski album A Twist In The Myth, izlazi u rujnu 2006. godine.

Sadašnja postava

* Hansi Kürsch - vokal (1985. -) bas (1985. - 1997.)
* André Olbrich - vodeća gitara (1985. -)
* Marcus Siepen - ritam gitara (1987. -)
* Frederik Ehmke - bubnjevi (2005. -)


* Battalions Of Fear (1988.)
* Follow The Blind (1989.)
* Tales From The Twilight World (1990.)
* Somewhere Far Beyond (1992.)
* Imaginations From The Other Side (1995.)
* Nightfall In Middle-Earth (1998)
* A Night at the Opera (2002.)
* A Twist in the Myth (2006.)


* A Past and Future Secret (Single, 1995)
* Bright Eyes (Single, 1995)
* Mr. Sandman (Single, 1996)
* Mirror Mirror (Single, 1998)
* And Then There Was Silence (Single, 2001)
* The Bard's Song (In the Forest) (Single, 2003)
* Fly (Single, 2006)

Live Albumi

* Tokyo Tales (Live, 1993)
* Live (Live, 2003)

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