Junaci Bloga: Ja Cimer: moj bivsi cimer i moj gejpeder (trenutno ozenjen za Gruzijca s kojim ima i band) Frajer aka Latino Pizdun aka Brus: moja prekooceanska ljubav (sada vec muz) Guzijola:nju znate (picka se odselila u Skotsku i vise je nit vidim nit cujem. smrc) Brale: imam dva brata. Nekad pisem o jednom, a nekad o drugom. Zajednicko ime im je Brale. Prija: frendica, nase gore (runo)list, voli Latino macho pizdune (s njom vise ne pricam. ko je sisa.) Krava Ljepote: frendica nadnaravne ljepote iz Nizozemske (trenutno udata za Vola Ljepote) Vol Ljepote: prijatelj nadnaravne ljepote. Intenzivno se druzi s Kravom Ljepote. Stovise, decko i cura su. (ne, nisu. sad su muz i zena.) Olga: ljepotica od circa 19 zbog koje nekad imam ljubomorne napadaje (odselila u Francusku, jebo je ja) Miss Brazil i Miss Venezuela: susjede (nisu vise. sad mi je samo jedna susjeda, a druga uzdize djecu [vlastitu] u engleskoj pripizdini) Gruzijac: polu gejpeder iz Gruzije, circa 18 godina (trenutno u gejpederskom braku te electro bandu s Cimerom) Faraoni: gejpederski par poodmakle dobi Madjar: Polugejpeder. Iz Madjarske. Jede Gulas. Ponekad. Surfer: Surfer. S Tahita. Brusov prijatelj. (trenutno jase valove na Baliju. i bolje je tako. nije pocudan influence na mog muza) Dr Death: Prijatelj gejpeder iz Rio de Janeira. Voli mjuzikle. Bavi se doktorstvom. Ne voli Brusa. (trenutno zivi u Berlinu. ja.) Klinjo: Novi cimer. Brazilac. Zove se Klinjo jer je jos uvijek zelen. (najgori cimer ikad. rjesili smo ga se.) Dalmosh: Rodijak. Htjela sam ga nazvat Tovar, al se uzjogunio.
* Lives in London, UK
* Gourmet
* Gadget junkie
* Hates snakes
* Yearns to be a surfer
* Falls asleep by reading
* Listens to hip-hop
* Non-stop talker
* Impatient
Najbolji filmovi ikad: Monsters Inc; Shrek; American Pie; City Of God; Election; Legally Blonde; Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels; The Sixth Sense; Y Tu Mama Tambien
This film is such a RIP OFF of Mrs Doubtfire! I can't believe that Robin Williams didn't haul Dustin's ass onto Judge Judy about this. It's so blatant.
The worst bit is at the end when Felicity Hoffman ripped off her wig and revealed to everyone that she was a man and NOT a woman! I was in tears for weeks. I felt cheated, humiliated and not aroused in the least.
Anyway, since when did men dressing up as women become funny? It's not funny. It's not even unfunny. It's just boring. Why can't he just get a sex change instead or not even bother.
I shan't be buying this one on DVD....
Watership Down:
I'm sorry; I don't mean to be negative or overly critical about this; but: RABBITS CAN'T TALK! It's such a ridiculous idea. And also, they tried to make out that cats are evil? WTF????????????????? This is just simply not true. Also, I don't get what happens at the end? Did the rabbit die or is he having an affair?
Would definately recommend this for people who like rabbits or have rabies. However, if you like rabbits and have rabies steer well clear.
Pretty Woman:
There are some really gigantic holes in the already flimsy plot of this brand new Woody Allen film. First of all Julia Roberts starts off the film as a prostitute, but by the end of the film she is a gold digging slut???? CONTINUITY MY ARSE?????
Then there is that bit when she is listening to her iPod in the bath and she completely ruins it by putting her head under the water????? Like anyone would ever do that in real lfe??? It simply beggars belief.
Also, what about the supposed moral outrage from all the hotel staff that she is a prostitute? They're just jealous because she's getting more money in a week for banging an old guy a couple of times than they probably earn in a year. Those frigid desk clerks should take a leaf out of Julia's book rather than giving her the evil eye.
Sjecate li se Cimera? Ili Gruzijca? Dakako da se sjecate.
Cimer je bio najbolji Cimer kojeg sam ikad imala i nikad mi nije bilo dosadno s njim.
Gruzijac je misteriozni covjek iz Gruzije koji me pozvao na par gruzijskih vecera da omastim brk, a potom ozenio Cimera i odnio ga netragom iz moje kuce.
Anyhow, Cimer, Gruzijac te nekakva Plava Ljepojka su osnovali bend.
Mislim da bi u band sigurno uzeli mene da su mogli, al vjerojatno nisam bila dostupna pa su uzeli Ljepojku.
Ljepojka pjeva, Gruzijac mlati bubnjeve u ritmu, a Cimer pransira (od eng. glagola to PRANCE-sepurenje) i minsira (od eng. glagola to MINCE-prenemagati se) po podiju kao vizija u zlatnom. Ponekad ubaci i koji refren.
Uzivajte u izvrsnoj elektro muzici Cimera, Gruzijca te Plave Ljepojke. Predstavljam vam Sandi Sirocco: