evo evoo..fotkiceee..hiih :D

pa, kao što sam naslov kaže,donosimo vam vruće fotografije mladolikog gospodina..da da,pogodili ste, samo za vas pozira...Jakov.. :)

uglavnom,da ja više ne duljim..evo prva fotkica... :
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kao stvoren je za manekena,jelda??
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Jakov tvrdi da ima super guzu..pa cure (a dečki pogotovo) prosudite...
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ajme meni,jos guze..
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

i da..opet guza..
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i za kraj..slika Martine i mene..posvađale smo se oko toga koja će Jakovu posudit olovku..jao..
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2 emotivno-introvertne cure koje teže heraklitskoj ataraksiji, s blagom naznakom nihilskog načina života. rofl Na ovom blogu naći ćete primjese našeg hedonističkog života!

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Azra - Usne vrele visnje

Prijehavši u Zagreb zadovoljstva svega rad
na djevojku iz Hrvaca naletio sam tad
strijele močne ljubavi pomračile mi um
dah usne vrele višnje nagonile na blud

Razmazio sam dragu dao sam joj sve
kad eno nje na drugome e tu bijes me obuze
obezvrijedila mi logiku oskvrnula mi trud
bez milosti me kurva nasukala na sprud

Riječ dvije u hladu borova da kvarni vlaški tip
razgovara sa bludnicom i nije neki čin
no ono što sam načuo sledilo me svog
tek izdala me mala draga srcu mom

Izgubio sam glavu potegao nož
trgo ga za kragnu isjekao ga skroz
vođen slijepim bezumljem sludio me bol
tek nije kuja zalud draga srcu mom

Riješio da se branim da objasnim svoj grijeh
darovali mi robiju a nadu ni za tren
pa iako me proklela razorila mi dom
još volim malu beštiju dragu srcu mom

Belfast Food: Da si tu

Daleko pristajem u luke gdje tražit ću te
Svijet kojeg poznajem oko tebe vrti se

I svaki novi dan novi je put do tebe
Valima razbijan kišnim nebom isplakan
Kako bih htio sad
Da si tu kraj mene
Da se sva moja bol
Razbije o stijene
Hej da si barem tu da budim se u tvom dahu
Svi moji strahovi zauvijek bi nestali

Mjeseće daleki znaš me ko i ja tebe
Mogli bi plesati i sa jutrom nestati

Molimo vas, pomozite Zeki!!!
(> <)

Ovo je Gothik - Sado - Mazo Zeko koji voli gledat horore. Kopirajte ga na svoj blog i tako mu pomognite na njegovom putu do Svjetske Dominacije!!!

New Order: Crystal

We're like crystal, we break easy
I'm a poor man, if you leave me
I'm applauded, then forgotten
It was summer, now it's autumn

I don't know what to say, you don't care anyway
I'm a man in a rage (just tell me what I've got to do), with a girl I betrayed
Here comes love, it's like honey
You can't buy it with money, you're not alone anymore,
(whenever you're here with me),
You shock me to the core, you shock me to the core

We're like crystal, it's not easy
With your love, you could feed me
Every man, and every woman
Needs someone, So keep it coming
Keep it coming, keep it coming, keep it coming
Keep it coming, keep it coming, keep it coming
Keep it coming

I don't know what to say, you don't care anyway
I'm a man in a rage (just tell me what I've got to do), with a girl I betrayed
Here comes love, it's like honey
You can't buy it with money, you're not alone anymore,
(whenever you're here with me),
You shock me to the core, you shock me to the core

Keep it coming, keep it coming, keep it coming
Keep it coming, keep it coming, keep it coming
Keep it coming, keep it coming, keep it coming


C'mon C'mon Lyrics
by Von Bondies

On another day c'mon c'mon
With these ropes I tied can we do no wrong
Now we grieve cause now is gone
Things were good when we were young

With my teeth locked down I can see the blood
Of a thousand men who have come and gone
Now we grieve cause now is gone
Things were good when we were young

Is it safe to say? (c'mon c'mon)
Was it right to leave? (c'mon c'mon)
Will I ever learn? (c'mon c'mon)
(c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon)

As I make my way c'mon c'mon
These better nights that seem too long
Now we grieve cause now is gone
Things were good when we were young

With my teeth locked down I can see the blood
Of a thousand men who have come and gone
Now we grieve cause now is gone
Things were good when we were young

Is it safe to say? (c'mon c'mon)
Was it right to leave? (c'mon c'mon)
Will I never learn? (c'mon c'mon)
(c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon)

Is it safe to say? (c'mon c'mon)
Was it right to leave? (c'mon c'mon)
Will I never learn? (c'mon c'mon)
(c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon)

And know this day these deepened wounds don't heal so fast
Can't hear me croon of a million lies that speak no truth
Of a time gone by that now is through