


Thirsty Thursday

So today has been a long day. Nothing bad has happened really. I has just been long. It has been a while since I have written on here so I guess I should get you guys up to speed on things.

Well, I am almost done with college. I have one more year left and I am totally excited for that! I can't wait to get out into the real world. lol so to speak anyways. How much more real can this shiit get?? am I right? Anyways, I am still with my Beba Mateo. He is the greatest guy in the world. I love him more than anything. He graduates in May and he is most likely going to have to go home for a year or two before he can come back here. Which sucks of course however, I do believe that when I am done with school I will be making my way up there to be with him. But you never know. I wish things could just stay the same but like they always say, the world is ever changing. NOthing too exciting has been happening. I have to take summer classes this summer to catch up on some forgotten credits so no trip to Croatia this summer...plus I have no fucking money to go anymore since I have been forced to start paying for more stuff on my own. Damn my parents and their wanting me to be independant or something. lol

anyways, life is good for the most part. once school is all done I think it will be better but who knows...probably not.

well I gotta go and do some dumb ass homework.



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