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srijeda , 26.12.2018.IZDVOJENE VIJESTI
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Ipak, C kaže da će uskoro i to učiniti, samo čekaju pravi trenutak. Štoviše, ovo istraživanje pokazalo se točnim čak i kad ispitanici nisu mogli procijeniti kakvi su nečiji afiniteti prema vezama.
IZDVOJENE VIJESTI - I Omega Norm wrote:Evo ja npr.
Isto tako ima odgovor i za djevojke koje bi htjele znati je li muškarac koji ih zavodi tip osobe koja je spremna za obitelj. Istraživanje je pokazalo kako se pristup vezama može vidjeti po crtama lica osobe. Muškarci koji traže vezu za jednu noć trebali bi svoje poglede usmjeriti na djevojke čije lice izgleda poput lica glumice Charlize Theron i Christine Ricci. A žene koje traže muškarca za supruga ne bi trebale ništa pokušavati s muškarcima poput Brucea Willisa i umjesto njih tražiti muškarce mekših lica, poput Leonarda DiCaprija. Za vrijeme istraživanja ispitano je 700 muškaraca i žena o tome kakvi su njihovi afiniteti prema seksu za jednu noć. Samo istraživanje vođeno je na način da su volonterima pokazane fotografije lica drugih ljudi te su trebali po njihovim crtama lica ocijeniti njihovu privlačnost. Čak je 72 posto ispitanika točno prepoznalo poglede ljudi spremnih na seks bez obaveza. Studija je pokazala da su muškarcima privlačnije žene zainteresirane za seks bez obaveza, a ženama su privlačniji manje promiskuitetni muškarci. Žene u manjem broju biraju seks bez obaveza, a žele stabilne muškarce koji će skrbiti za njih i njihovu djecu. Štoviše, ovo istraživanje pokazalo se točnim čak i kad ispitanici nisu mogli procijeniti kakvi su nečiji afiniteti prema vezama. A ženama su pak privlačniji muškarci zainteresirani za vezu. Kako ispitivanje pokazuje, muškarcima su najprivlačnije žene koje imaju velike oči i malenu čeljust. Prave žene za njih su: Lindsey Lohan, Charlize Theron i Christina Ricci. Vjeruje se kako ovaj fenomen svoje korijene ima u evoluciji, a pretpostavlja se da muškarci spremni za seks bez obaveza svoje gene prenose na sljedeću generaciju. Mnoga istraživanja već su pokazala da čovjekovo lice mnogo govori o njegovom karakteru ali i da svi drugi to mogu prepoznati i uočiti. Ovo je prvo istraživanje koje je pokazalo da ljudi primjećuju signale o vrsti veze u kojoj govornik uživa.
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Štoviše, ovo istraživanje pokazalo se točnim čak i kad ispitanici nisu mogli procijeniti kakvi su nečiji afiniteti prema vezama. Prave žene za njih su: Lindsey Lohan, Charlize Theron i Christina Ricci. Tražimo muškarca ili ženu da nam se pridruže u swinganju... Uh kako bi bilo dobro prići mi sa dignutom kitom, uhvatiti me za mesnate guzove i nasaditi me na kurac, dati mi da ga osetim do jaja. Imam fantastične, čvrte sise, oblu kruškastu guzu, fenomenalne noge. Pogotovo kad ovako podignem nogu i mamim tj provociram čovjeka obrijanom i glatkom mesnatom pičkom. Dogovorili smo da ćemo napraviti porno slike za obiteljski album pa da sutra mogu kćerki pokazati kako se to nekad radilo i da je prinaučim nečem korisnom. Kad se nasadim na kurac ne ustajem sa njega satima. Obožavam kurac, volim sex više nego kruh da jedem. Svatko me želi tucati čim me vidi. Jebem se žestoko i opako i da nezasita sam dobre kite i divljeg seksa. Super sam za sex, tako sam jebozovna i tako me pali pomisao da izvadiš kitu i tresnes je o moju picku.
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Deki nisu prestajali igrati, a mene je Sanja sve vise okupirala najnovijim tracevima i prepričavanjima zgoda s njenim deckom. U meni se povecao revolt ali neka pokazacu joj ja da se znam i ja pretvarati i glumiti. Ja sam odlučila da se raskomotim kada smo sami, nadam se da ti ne smeta? Danijela je pocela rukom preko moje da ga miluje a on je poceo da stenje. S jedne strane, onaj prizor je izazivao u meni ogromno uzbuđenje, a s druge strane, bilo mi je neprijatno da se sretnem sa Vesnom. Kaći ništa nije bilo strano u krevetu i ja sam uživao, ali sam se uvek pitao kako bi bilo da to radim sa Vesnom. Tetka Marija se udala i dobila sina, Nikolu.
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Ona Trazi Njega
Kraj jedne ljubavne priče nikada nije bio ovako zabavan Ako pitate Vivijen, ona i njen verenik Rob samo su na pauzi, nakon što je on po treći put pobegao na korak do oltara. Ovim uredjajem se takodje mogu brisati sve greske koje stoje na bordu vozila. Astrologija daje odgovore na pitanja: Da li u Vasoj zivotnoj prici ima dovoljno ljubavi? Astrologija daje odgovore na pitanja: Da li u Vasoj zivotnoj prici ima dovoljno ljubavi? Ovo znači da je potrebno razmotriti i mesto odrasle osobe: ona... Kad uđete u svet značenja, više ne možete da iz njega izađete. Sateran u ćošak, Raito uzima stvar u svoje ruke i sam traži da bude pod nadzorom! Ona je sterilisana, ociscena od svih unutrasnjih i spoljasnjih parazita, uredno pregledana od strane veterinara i dobrog zdravlja Ima kucne manire, naucna je da ide na povodac i bez njega, poslusna i druzeljubiva. Aleksandar Imširagić Asteroidi Posejdon i Amfitrita 93 strane Kao nova Koja je to glavna tajna koja se otkriva ako se spozna gde se Posejdon nalazi u horoskopu? Imam iskustva s parovima, postoji I mogucnost erotske masaze.
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Sa željom da se devastacija zaustavi i otok iskoristi za razvitak elitnog turizma, sredinom 1995. Nema potrebe da pređete hiljade kilometara kako biste obišli svet, restoran Na Ćošku Vam pruža mogućnost da osetite mirise i ukuse gotovo iz čitavog sveta bez...
Trudimo se da vam obezbedimo najkvalitetnije obroke u atmosferi koja je pogodna za svaku priliku. Staff is friendly and you can see to the kitchen from the terrace as a restaurant-manager I always respect that. Kao restoran traje još od pre II svetskog rata i kao takav predstavlja kulturnu baštinu ovog grada.
Moj otok za svjetsku elitu - Sve to smo zacinili velikom ljubavlju prema gastrnomiji i stalnom željom za inovacijama, otrkivanjem i istraživanjem novih mirisa, boja i ukusa, i krckali na umerenoj vatri više godina. Obilićev Venac 30 Beograd, Beograd Restoran Opera Beograd - Kao što opera u muzici nudi sklad muzičkog i scenskog, tako restoran Opera u ambijentu otmene ležernosti nudi autentični zalogaj Beograda kroz spoj ukusa dobre hrane i pića, tradicije i modernog, ljubavi i duha grada u kome ćete se retko osetiti strancem, ma odakle dolazili.
Nakon višegodišnjeg izbjegavanja medija i izričite zabrane pristupa novinarima na otok, svojevrsni vlasnik prvog privatnog otoka na Jadranu pristao je Nacionalovim novinarima omogućiti da posjete Veliku smokvicu i upoznaju ambijent namijenjen odmoru vrha domaće i međunarodne elite. Smješten u šibenskom arhipelagu, otok Velika smokvica nalazi se nasuprot Rogoznici, iz koje se vožnjom brzim čamcem u elitno ljetovalište stiže za nekoliko minuta. Otok zapravo nije moj, nego sam dobio tridesetogodišnju koncesiju na njegovo korištenje. Nakon toga sam prokrčio šumu, sagradio šetnicu oko otoka i postavio rasvjetu' LUŠIĆ O KAPACITETIMA SMOKVICE 'Meni je svejedno dolazi li gost sam, s još jednom osobom ili s cijelim društvom do petnaestak osoba. Cijena ostaje ista'Rođeni Rogozničanin, Lušić se još početkom prošlog desetljeća zainteresirao za otok koji je nekad davno bio u vlasništvu njegova pradjeda. Međutim, od kraja Drugog svjetskog rata pa sve do 1991. Nakon toga, samo dvije godine koliko je otok bio napušten, došlo je do najgore devastacije. S otoka su nestajale sve stvari koje imaju i najmanju uporabnu vrijednost, trgali su se električni i telefonski kabeli, čupale vodovodne instalacije iz zidova. Sa željom da se devastacija zaustavi i otok iskoristi za razvitak elitnog turizma, sredinom 1995. Lušić je s MORH-om potpisao tridesetogodišnji koncesijski ugovor. Na početku je najvažnije bilo riješiti infrastrukturu otoka, uvesti struju i vodu. Nakon toga sam prokrčio dvanaest hektara guste borove šume, oko cijelog otoka napravio šetnicu, osvijetlio staze. Postojeće vojne zgrade trebalo je posve rekonstruirati i od njih napraviti elitne apartmane. Ljetnikovac, prvi objekt sagrađen na otoku daleke 1932. Samo za restauraciju fasade ljetnikovca na otok smo morali dopremiti četiri i pol tone kremenog pijeska. Danas je ljetnikovac vila koja služi kao predsjednički apartman. Na samoj rivi nekad je bila smještena tzv. Danas se ondje nalazi restoran s terasom i visokoprofesionalna kuhinja, te ukusno uređene prostorije za boravak gostiju u slučaju lošeg vremena. Da bi se gosti tijekom boravka na Smokvici mogli rekreirati, Lušić je u sjeni borova izgradio i teniski teren, a valjalo je izgraditi i plažu koja na vojnom otoku zapravo nikad nije postojala. Meni je, naime, svejedno dolazi li gost sam, s još jednom osobom ili s cijelim društvom. Cijena ostaje ista, ali postojeći kapaciteti dopuštaju boravak maksimalno petnaest osoba. Pritom nikome nije bilo važno spomenuti da uz točnu činjenicu da državi ne plaćam najam, u Smokvicu ulažem golem novac, a da će po isteku najma sve pripasti Republici Hrvatskoj. Ako uzmete u obzir da sam od 1995. Na kraju krajeva, nitko se ne pita koliko stoji održavanje otoka, koji će po isteku koncesije biti potpuno funkcionalan, za razliku od mnogih drugih koji su nekad bili u vlasništvu vojske. Često na udaru zlonamjernika, Lušić je prije nekoliko godina gotovo izgubio otok — Smokvica je zapela za oko i Ljubi Česiću Rojsu. Nakon razgledavanja odao im je priznanje da je Smokvica dosad najbolje čuvan i gospodaren objekt koji je nekad bio u vlasništvu MORH-a. Prava pohvala i zahvala stigla je desetak dana poslije iz Zagreba — Rojs mi je poslao obavijest da se koncesijski ugovor raskida, a Smokvica vraća u vlasništvo MORH-a i uputu da što prije napustim otok. Srećom, ubrzo je uslijedila smjena vlasti i ideja o raskidu je zamrla, premda me je Rojs još mjesecima spominjao u Hrvatskom saboru, pokrenuo državno pravobraniteljstvo koje se također okomilo na mene, a i ovdašnja lučka kapetanija počela mi je naplaćivati kazne zbog tobožnjeg ugrožavanja sigurnosti plovidbe jer sam s nekoliko plastičnih kanti ogradio plažu. Većina ljudi bi se nakon svega toga pokupila i otišla, jer je teško raditi i stvarati kad postoji toliko zavidnih ljudi. GRAFIČAR I IZDAVAČ IZ ROGOZNICE Rodom iz Rogoznice, 47-godišnji Ante Lušić poslovnu je karijeru kao mali obrtnik započeo 1989.
Makedonski restoran Sv.Nikola @ Koncert " Miroslav Ilić "
Lako ćete dobiti sve potrebne informacije ako budete pratili naše smernice ka najboljim restoranima u Beogradu. Der Kellner ist sehr aufmerksam und bittet uns nach der Bestellung einen einen grösseren Tisch. Međutim, od kraja Drugog svjetskog rata pa sve do 1991. Specific information about each route can be found by clicking the route in the. Da kasnije ne bude zabune, hrana je IZVRSNA. The meat was tender, so that I thought in fact that the cut was tenderloin, and the meat charred perfectly on the outside while pink in the middle, or medium well as I happen to like my meat. Vegane Speisen, Mediterranes, Hamburger, Thai Curry, Tapas aber auch feines vom Grill. La terrasse est extręmement agréable. If going there for brunch, always try the daily soup offer, they are all amazing and will give you a much needed energy boost.
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Posao zadar - Stranica za upoznavanje
Click here: Posao zadar
The Mediterranean and Adriatic cities developed significantly during a period of peace from the last decades of the 9th to the middle of the 10th century. Predstavljamo Ivanu Lesjak, voditeljicu Odjela za ljudske potencijale u GRAWE Hrvatska.
In 1204 Domald was comes duke of Zadar, but the following year 1205 Venetian authority was re-established and a peace agreement signed with hard conditions for the citizens. Kandidata koji se prijavljuju sve je manje, a naše potrebe rastu sa sve većim brojem umirovljenja. A number of nearby towns and villages were also attacked, the most brutal being the in which 86 people were killed.
Posao - Danas kada tražite posao poslodavci će prije svega gledati kakvu osobnost imate, da li posjedujete neku crtu koja vas izdvaja od drugih, jeste li karizmatični i slično. In November 1813 an Austrian force with the assistance of two British frigates and under the.
It is situated on the , at the northwestern part of region. Zadar serves as the seat of and the wider northern region. The city proper covers 25 km 2 9. The area of present-day Zadar traces its earliest evidence of human life from the late , while numerous settlements have been dated as early as the. Before the , the area was inhabited by an ancient people of a. Zadar traces its origin to its 9th-century BC founding as a settlement of the Illyrian tribe of known as Iader. In 59 BC it was renamed Iadera when it became a , and in 48 BC, a Roman. It was during the Roman rule that Zadar acquired the characteristics of a traditional with a regular road network, a public square , and an elevated with a temple. After the in 476 and the destruction of by the and in 614, Zadar became the capital of the Byzantine of. In the beginning of the 9th century, Zadar came under short rule, and was returned to the Byzantines by the in 812. The first Croatian rulers gained control over the city in 10th century. In 1202, Zadar by the , which was helped by the. Croats again regained control over the city in 1358, when it to the Croatian-Hungarian king. In 1409, king sold Zadar to the Venetians. When the the Zadar hinterland at the beginning of the 16th century, the town became an important stronghold, ensuring Venetian trade in the Adriatic, the administrative center of the Venetian territories in Dalmatia and a cultural center. During this time, many famous Croatian writers, such as , , and , wrote in the. After the fall of Venice in 1797, Zadar came under the Austrian rule until 1918, except for the period of 1805—1813 , still remaining the capital of Dalmatia. During the French rule, the first newspaper in the Croatian language, , was published in Zadar 1806—1810. During the 19th century, Zadar was a center of the for cultural and national revival, in a context of increasing polarization and politicization of ethnic identities between Croats and. With the 1920 Zadar was given to the. During , it was by the and witnessed the. After liberation on 1 November 1944, it was ceded to Croatia, at the time federal constituent of the , whose armed forces in October 1991 from the Serb forces who aimed to capture it. Today, Zadar is a historical center of Dalmatia, Zadar County's principal political, cultural, commercial, industrial, educational, and transportation centre. Zadar is also the seat of the. The name of the city of Zadar emerged as Iadera and Iader in times, but the origin of the name is older. It was most probably related to a hydrographical term, coined by an ancient Mediterranean people and their language. They transmitted it to later settlers, the. The name of the Liburnian settlement was first mentioned by a inscription from Pharos on the island of in 384 BC, where the citizens of Zadar were noted as Š±´±Ăą˝żŻ Iadasinoi. According to the Greek source the city was Š´±Ăñ Idassa , probably a Greek of the original Liburnian expression. During the name was often recorded in sources in in two forms: Iader in the inscriptions and in the writings of classic writers, Iadera predominantly among the late Antiquity writers, while usual were Iadestines and Iadertines. The accent was on the first syllable in both Iader and Iadera forms, which influenced the early-Medieval forms Jadra, Jadera and Jadertina, where the accent kept its original place. In the Dalmatian language, Jadra Jadera was pronounced Zadra Zadera , due to the phonetic transformation of Ja- to Za-. An ethnonym graphic Jaderani from the legend of in the 9th century, was identical to the initial form ZadJrane, or Croatian Zadrani. The Dalmatian names Jadra, Jadera were transferred to other languages; in the Jatara hyper-urbanism in the 9th century and Zara, Giara, Latin Diadora in , 10th century, probably an error in the transcription of di iadora , Jadres Geoffroy de Villehardouin in the chronicles of the in 1202 , Jdhara ,'0N1) and Jdara ,'/N1) , 12th century , Iadora Guido, 12th century , Jazara, Jara, Sarra 14th century and the others. Jadera became Zara when it fell under the authority of the in the 15th century. Zadar faces the islands of and , from which it is separated by the narrow Zadar Strait. The promontory on which the old city stands used to be separated from the mainland by a deep moat which has since been filled. The harbour, to the north-east of the town, is safe and spacious. Climate Zadar has a borderline Cfa and Csa , since only one summer month has less than 40 millimetres 1. Zadar has mild, wet winters and very warm, humid summers. Average annual is in excess of 917 mm 36. July and August are the hottest months, with an average high temperature around 29—30 °C 84—86 °F. The highest temperature ever was 36. Temperatures can consistently reach over 30 °C 86 °F during the summer months, but during spring and autumn may also reach 30 °C almost every year. Temperatures below 0 °C 32 °F are rare, and are not maintained for more than a few days. January is the coldest month, with an average temperature around 7. Through July and August temperature has never dropped below 10 °C 50 °F. October and November are the wettest months, with a total precipitation of about 114 and 119 mm 4. July is the driest month, with a total precipitation of around 35 mm 1. Winter is the wettest season, however it can rain in Zadar at any time of the year. Snow is exceedingly rare, but it may fall in December, January, February and much more rarely in March. On average Zadar has 1. Also the sea temperature is from 10 °C 50 °F in February to 25 °C 77 °F in July and August, but is possible to swim from May until October, sometimes even by November. Sometimes in February the sea temperature can drop to only 7 °C 45 °F and in July exceed 29 °C 84 °F. Climate data for Zadar 1971—2000, extremes 1961—2017 Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Record high °C °F 17. The earliest evidence of human life comes from the Late , while numerous settlements have been dated as early as the. Before the , the area was inhabited by an ancient people of a. They assimilated with the who settled between the 4th and 2nd millennium BC into a new ethnical unity, that of the. Zadar was a Liburnian settlement, laid out in the 9th century BC, built on a small stone islet and embankments where the old city stands and tied to the mainland by the overflown narrow isthmus, which created a natural port in its northern strait. Antiquity The Liburnians, an Illyrian tribe, were known as great sailors and merchants, but also had a reputation for piracy in the later years. By the 7th century BC, Zadar had become an important centre for their trading activities with the , , and other Mediterranean peoples. Its population at that time is estimated at 2,000. From the 9th to the 6th century there was certain cultural unity in the Adriatic Sea, with the general Liburninan seal, whose naval supremacy meant both political and economical authority through several centuries. Due to its geographical position, Zadar developed into a main seat of the Liburnian thalassocracy and took a leading role in the Liburnian tetradekapolis, an organization of 14 communes. The people of Zadar, Iadasinoi, were first mentioned in 384 BC as the allies of the natives of and the leaders of an eastern Adriatic coast coalition in the fight against the Greek colonizers. An expedition of 10,000 men in 300 ships sailed out from Zadar and laid siege to the Greek colony in the island of Hvar, but the fleet of Dionysus was alerted and attacked the siege fleet. The naval victory went to the Greeks which allowed them relatively safer further colonization in the southern. Zadar Iader and the other cities of the Liburnian tetradecapolis in the age of the Roman conquest The archaeological remains have shown that the main centres of Liburnian territorial units or municipalities were already urbanized in the last centuries BC; before the Roman conquest, Zadar held a territory of more than 600 km 2 230 sq mi in the 2nd century BC. In the middle of the 2nd century BC, the began to gradually invade the region. Although being first Roman enemies in the Adriatic Sea, the Liburnians, mostly stood aside in more than 230 years of Roman wars with the Illyrians, to protect their naval and trade connections in the sea. In 59 BC Illyricum was assigned as a provincia zone of responsibility to and Liburnian Iadera became a Roman. The Liburnian naval force was dragged into the Roman civil war between and in 49 BC, partially by force, partially because of the local interests of the participants, the Liburnian cities. Caesar was supported by the urban Liburnian centres, like Iader Zadar , Aenona and Curicum , while the city of Issa and the rest of the Liburnians gave their support to Pompey. The civil war was prolonged until the end of 48 BC, when Caesar rewarded his supporters in Liburnian Iader and , by giving the status of the to their communities. Thus the city was granted the title colonia Iulia Iader, after its founder, and in the next period some of the Roman colonists mostly veterans settled there. The Roman forum remains in Zadar From the early days of Roman rule, Zadar gained its Roman urban character and developed into one of the most flourishing centres on the eastern Adriatic coast, a state of affairs which lasted for several hundred years. The town was organised according to the typical Roman street system with a rectangular street plan, a forum, thermae, a sewage and water supply system that came from , by way of a 40 kilometres 25 miles long aqueduct. It did not play a significant role in the Roman administration of Dalmatia, although the archaeological finds tell us about a significant growth of economy and culture. Already by the end of the 3rd century Zadar had its own bishop and founding of its Christian community took place; a new religious centre was built north of the forum together with a basilica and a baptistery, as well as other ecclesiastical buildings. According to some estimates, in the 4th century it had probably around ten thousand citizens, including the population from its , the nearby islands and hinterland, an admixture of the indigenous Liburnians and Roman colonists. Early Middle Ages Defensive System of Zadar Type Cultural Criteria iii, iv Designated 41 Part of Reference no. Region During the and the Barbarian invasions, Zadar stagnated. In 441 and 447 Dalmatia was ravaged by the , after the , in 481 Dalmatia became part of the , which, besides Italy, already included the more northerly parts of , i. In the 5th century, under the rule of the , Zadar became poor with many civic buildings ruined due to its advanced age. About the same time 6th century it was hit by an earthquake, which destroyed entire complexes of monumental Roman architecture, whose parts would later serve as material for building houses. This caused a loss of population and created demographic changes in the city, then gradually repopulated by the inhabitants from its hinterland. However, during six decades of Gothic rule, the Goths saved those old Roman Municipal institutions that were still in function, while religious life in Dalmatia even intensified in the last years, so that there was a need for the foundation of additional bishoprics. In 536 the started a military campaign to reconquer the territories of the former Western Empire see ; and in 553 Zadar passed to the. In 568 Dalmatia was devastated by an invasion; although further waves of attacks by Avar and tribes kept up the pressure, it was the only city which survived due to its protective belt of inland plains. The Dalmatian capital was captured and destroyed in the 640s, so Zadar became the new seat of the Byzantine , territorially reduced to a few coastal cities with their agers and municipal lands at the coast and the islands nearby. The prior of Zadar had jurisdiction over all Byzantine Dalmatia, so Zadar enjoyed metropolitan status at the eastern Adriatic coast. At this time rebuilding began to take place in the city. The held Zadar for a short time, but the city was returned to Byzantium by a decision of the 812. Zadar's economy revolved around the sea, fishing and sea trade in the first centuries of the Middle Ages. Thanks to saved Antique ager, adjusted municipal structure and a new strategic position, it became the most important city between the islands and Bay. Byzantine Dalmatia was not territorially unified, but an alliance of city municipalities headed by Zadar, and the large degree of city autonomy allowed the development of Dalmatian cities as free communes. Forced to turn their attention seawards, the inhabitants of Zadar focused on shipping, and the city became a naval power to rival. The citizens were speakers, but from the 7th century the started to spread in the region, becoming predominant in the inland and the islands to the end of the 9th century. The Mediterranean and Adriatic cities developed significantly during a period of peace from the last decades of the 9th to the middle of the 10th century. Especially favourable conditions for navigation in the Adriatic Sea occurred since the raids had finished. Also the adjustment of relations with the enabled Zadar merchants to trade with its rich agriculture hinterland where the had formed, and trade and political links with Zadar began to develop. Croatian settlers began to arrive, becoming commonplace by the 10th century, occupying all city classes, as well as important posts, like those of prior, judge, priest and others. He was also granted the position of protector of Dalmatia the cities by the Byzantine Emperor. High Middle Ages At the time of Zadar's medieval development, the city became a threat to Venice's ambitions, because of its strategic position at the centre of the eastern Adriatic coast. In 998 Zadar sought Venetian protection against the. The Venetians were quick to fully exploit this opportunity: in 998 a fleet commanded by , after having defeated pirates, landed in and. Dalmatia was taken by surprise and offered little serious resistance. Tribute previously paid by Zadar to Croatian kings, was redirected to Venice, a state of affairs which lasted for several years. Coat of arms of Zadar Zadar citizens started to work for the full independence of Zadar and from the 1030s the city was formally a vassal of the Byzantine Empire. The head of this movement was the mightiest Zadar family - the. After negotiations with Byzantium, Zadar was attached to the Croatian state led by king in 1069. Later, after the death of king in 1089 and ensuing dynastic run-ins, in 1105 Zadar accepted the rule of the first Croato-Hungarian king, Coloman. In the meantime Venice developed into a true trading force in the Adriatic and started attacks on Zadar. The city was repeatedly invaded by Venice between 1111 and 1154 and then once more between 1160 and 1183, when it finally rebelled, appealing to the Pope and to the Croato-Hungarian throne for protection. Zadar was especially devastated in 1202 after the Venetian used the , on their to , to lay siege to the city. The crusaders were obliged to pay Venice for sea transport to. As they were not able to produce enough money, the Venetians used them to initiate the , when the city was ransacked, demolished and robbed. Nonetheless, Zadar was devastated and captured, with the population escaped into the surrounding countryside. Two years later 1204 , under the leadership of the Croatian nobleman from , most of the refugees returned and liberated the city from what remained of the crusader force. In 1204 Domald was comes duke of Zadar, but the following year 1205 Venetian authority was re-established and a peace agreement signed with hard conditions for the citizens. The only profit which the Communal Council of Zadar derived from this was one third of the city's harbour taxes, probably insufficient even for the most indispensable communal needs. Its commerce was suffering due to a lack of autonomy under Venice, while it enjoyed considerable autonomy under the much more feudal Kingdom of Croatia-Hungary. A number of insurrections followed 1242—1243, 1320s, 1345—1346 - the latter resulted in a which finally resulted in Zadar coming back under the crown of King of Croatia-Hungary under the , in 1358. After the between Genoa and Venice, concluded on 14 March 1381 an alliance with Zadar and against Venice, and finally Chioggia became better protected by Venice in 1412, because became in 1412 the seat of the main office and the seat of the salt consumers office with a on the salt trade in Chioggia and on the whole. After the death of Louis, Zadar recognized the rule of king , and after him, that of. During his reign Croatia-Hungary was enveloped in a bloody civil war. Knowing he had lost the region in any case, Ladislaus accepted. Zadar was, thus sold back to the Venetians for a paltry sum. The population of Zadar during the Medieval period was predominantly Croatian, according to numerous archival documents, and the Croatian language was used in liturgy, as shown by the writings of cardinal Boson, who followed en route to Venice in 1177. When the papal ships took shelter in the harbour of Zadar, the inhabitants greeted the Pope by singing lauds and canticles in Croatian. Even though interspersed by sieges and destruction, the time between the 11th and 14th centuries was the golden age of Zadar. Thanks to its political and trading achievements, and also to its skilled seamen, Zadar played an important role among the cities on the east coast of the Adriatic. This affected its appearance and culture: many churches, rich monasteries and palaces for powerful families were built, together with the. One of the best examples of the culture and prosperity of Zadar at that time was the founding of the , built in 1396 by the the oldest university in present-day Croatia. Venice therefore obtained control over Zadar without a fight, but was confronted by the resistance and tensions of important Zadar families. These attempts were met with persecution and confiscation. During that time , a renaissance sculptor and architect, famous for his work on the Cathedral of Šibenik, was born in Zadar. Other important people followed, such as and , known worldwide for their sculptures and buildings. Ottomans captured the continental part of Zadar at the beginning of the 16th century and the city itself was all the time in the range of Turkish artillery. Due to that threat, the construction of a new system of castles and walls began. These defense systems changed the way the city looked. To make place for the pentagon castles many houses and churches were taken down, along with an entire suburb: Varoš of St. After the 40-year-long construction Zadar became the biggest fortified city in Dalmatia, empowered by a system of castles, bastions and canals filled with seawater. The city was supplied by the water from public city cisterns. During the complete makeover of Zadar, many new civic buildings were built, such as the City Lodge and City Guard on the Gospodski Square, several army barracks, but also some large new palaces. In contrast to the insecurity and Ottoman sieges and destruction, an important culture evolved midst the city walls. During the 16th and the 17th centuries the activity of the Croatian writers and poets became prolific , , , ,. Also noteworthy is the painter c. During the continuous Ottoman danger the population stagnated by a significant degree along with the economy. During the 16th and 17th centuries several large-scale epidemics of bubonic plague erupted in the city. After more than 150 years of Turkish threat Zadar was not only scarce in population, but also in material wealth. Venice sent new colonists and, under the firm hand of archbishop , the Arbanasi Catholic Albanian refugees settled in the city, forming a new suburb. Despite the shortage of money, the Teatro Nobile Theater for Nobility was built in 1783. It functioned for over 100 years. Gödöllő steamboat can be seen in the distance In 1797 with the , the Republic of Venice, including Zadar, came under the crown. In 1806 it was briefly given to the Napoleonic , until in 1809 it was added to the French. In November 1813 an Austrian force with the assistance of two British frigates and under the. On 9 December the French garrison of Zadar capitulated, and by the end of the year all of Dalmatia was brought back under the control of the Austrian Empire. After the 1815 until 1918, the town bilingual name Zara - Zadar remained part of the Austria side after the , head of the district of the same name, one of the 13 Bezirkshauptmannschaften in. The Italian name was officially used before 1867. It remained also the capital of Dalmatia province Kronland. Although during the first half of the 19th century the city population stagnated due to low natural increase, the city started to spread from the old center; citizens from the old city created the new suburb of Stanovi in the north. During the second half of the 19th century, there was constant increase of population due to economic growth and immigration. Under the pressure of the population increase, the city continued to spread to Voštarnica and Arbanasi quarters, and the bridge in the city port was built. Except being the administrative center of the province, agriculture, industry of liqueurs and trade were developed, many brotherhoods were established, similar to the Central European trade guilds. The southern city walls were torn down, new coastal facilities were built and Zadar became an open port. As the city developed economically, it developed culturally. A large number of printshops, new libraries, archives, and theatres sprung up. At the end of the 19th century there was also stronger industrial development, with 27 small or big factories before the World War I. There are conflicting sources for both sides claiming to have formed the majority in Zadar in this period. The archives of the official Austro-Hungarian censuses conducted around the end of 19th century show that Italian was the primary language spoken by the majority of the people in the city 9,018 Italians and 2,551 Croatians in 1900 , but only by a third of the population in the entire county 9,234 vs. During the 19th century, the conflict between Zadar's Italian and Croatian communities grew in intensity and changed its nature. Until the beginning of the century it had been of moderate intensity and mainly of a class nature under Venetian rule the Italians were employed in the most profitable activities, such as trade and administration. With the development of the modern concept of national identity across Europe, national conflicts started to mark the political life of Zadar. In Zadar and generally throughout Dalmatia, the Austrian policy had the objective to reduce the possibility of any future territorial claim by the. Italy 1918—1947 In 1915 Italy entered under the provisions set in the. In exchange for its participation with the and in the event of victory, Italy was to obtain the following territory in northern Dalmatia, including Zadar, and most of the Dalmatian islands, except and. At the end of the war, Italian military forces invaded Dalmatia and seized control of Zara, with Admiral being proclaimed the governor of Dalmatia. Famous Italian nationalist supported the seizure of Dalmatia, and proceeded to Zadar in an Italian warship in December 1918. During 1918, political life in Zadar intensified. The collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy led to the renewal of national conflicts in the city. With the arrival of an Italian army of occupation in the city on 4 November 1918, the Italian faction gradually assumed control, a process which was completed on 5 December when it took over the governorship. With the Treaty of Versailles 10 January 1920 Italian claims on Dalmatia contained in the were nullified, but later on the agreements between the and the set in the 12 November 1920 gave Zadar with other small local territories to Italy. The Zadar enclave, a total of 104 square kilometres 40 square miles , included the city of Zadar, the municipalities of Bokanjac, Arbanasi, Crno, part of Diklo a total of 51 km 2 of territory and 17,065 inhabitants and the islands of and 53 square kilometres 20 square miles , 1,710 inhabitants. The territory was organized into a small Italian province. World War II Painter at the destroyed Zadar Forum, 1961 , Italy, and other , on 6 April 1941. Zadar held a force of 9,000 and was one of the starting points of the invasion. The force reached Šibenik and Split on 15 April 2 days before surrender. Occupying and Dubrovnik, on 17 April they met invading troops that had started out from Italian-occupied. On 17 April the Yugoslav government surrendered, faced with the 's overwhelming superiority. The city became the center of a new Italian territorial entity, the , including the provinces of Zara now Zadar , Cattaro now , and Spalato. Under Italian rule, the Croats were subjected to a policy of forced assimilation. This created immense resentment among the Yugoslav people. The took root in Zadar, even though more than 70% of population of Zadar was Italian. After Mussolini was removed from power on 25 July 1943, , which was announced on 8 September 1943, and the Italian army collapsed. Then on 12 September 1943, , and formed the Nazi-puppet. German troops 114th Jäger Division entered Zadar on September 10 and took over. This avoided a temporary liberation by Partisans, as was the case in Split and Šibenik. Zadar was placed under the control of the Italian Social Republic. The NDH proclaimed the Treaty of Rome to be void and occupied Dalmatia with German support. But the NDH was prevented from taking over Zadar on the grounds that Zadar itself was not subject to the conditions of the 1941 Treaty of Rome. Despite this, NDH leader designated Zadar as the capital of the Sidraga-Ravni Kotari County, although the county administrator could not enter the city. During World War II, Zadar was , from November 1943 to October 1944. Estimated fatalities range from under 1,000, up to as many as 4,000 of the city's 20,000 inhabitants. Over the course of the bombing, 80% of the city's buildings were destroyed. In late October 1944 the German army and most of the Italian civilian administration abandoned the city. On 31 October 1944, the seized the city, until then a part of Mussolini's. At the start of World War II, Zadar had a population of 24,000; by the end of 1944, this had decreased to 6,000. Though controlled by the Partisans, Zadar remained under nominal Italian sovereignty until the that took effect on 15 September 1947. SFR Yugoslavia 1947—1991 In 1947, Zadar became part of the and the. In the first decade after the war, the city's population increase was slow and still did not reach its pre-war numbers. The Italian exodus from the city continued and in a few years was almost total. It is estimated that around 10,000 Italians emigrated from Zadar. In October 1953, the last Italian schools in the area were closed. Today the Italian community counts only a few hundred people, gathered into a local community Comunitŕ degli Italiani di Zara. The city recorded a large population increase in the late 1950s and the 1960s, mainly due to immigration as the government encouraged migration from rural areas to urban centers and their industrial development. Construction of the , railway and civil airport contributed to the development of and the accessibility of Zadar. Population growth slowed down in the following decades. In the late 1980s, due to the economic crisis in Yugoslavia, Zadar's economy began stagnating. Croatian War of Independence 1991—1995 In 1990, separatists from sealed roads and effectively blocked Dalmatia from the rest of Croatia during the. In March 1991, the broke out that affected Zadar and its surroundings. A number of non-Serbs were expelled from the area and several Croatian policemen were killed resulting in the. Serbs at that time accounted for about 14% of the population. The JNA and forces of the occupied parts of Zadar's hinterland, converged on the city and subjected it to artillery bombardment during the. Along with other Croatian towns in the area, Zadar was shelled sporadically, resulting in damage to buildings and homes as well as protected sites. A number of nearby towns and villages were also attacked, the most brutal being the in which 86 people were killed. Land connections with were severed for over a year. The only link between the north and south of the country was via the island of. The of the city lasted from 1991 until January 1993 when Zadar and the surrounding area came under the control of Croatian forces and the bridge link with the rest of Croatia was reestablished in. Attacks on the city continued until in 1995. Some of the countryside along the No. Donatus' Church Architecture Zadar gained its structure in Roman times; during the time of and Emperor , the town was fortified and the with towers and gates were built. On the western side of the town were the , the and the , while outside the town were the and. The which supplied the town with water is partially preserved. Inside the ancient town, a town had developed with a series of and being built. During the , Zadar fully gained its urban aspect, which has been maintained until today. In the first half of the 16th century, Venice fortified the town with a new system of defensive walls on the side facing land. In the course of the century architectural building in the style was continued and defensive trenches Foša were also built. They were completely buried during the Italian occupation until that in 1873, under rule, the ramparts of Zadar were converted from fortifications into elevated promenades commanding extensive seaward and landward views, thus being the wall lines preserved; of its four old gates one, the Porta Marina, incorporates the relics of a Roman arch, and another, the Porta di Terraferma, was designed in the 16th century by the Veronese artist. In the bombardments during the Second World War entire blocks were destroyed, but some structures survived. It is the most important preserved structure of its period in Dalmatia; the massive dome of the is surrounded by a vaulted gallery in two stories which also extends around the three to the east. The contains some of the finest Dalmatian metalwork; notably the pastoral staff of Bishop Valaresso 1460. Stošija , basilica in style built in the 12th to 13th century high Romanesque style , the largest cathedral in Dalmatia. Simeon are also architectural examples in the Romanesque style. The latter houses the ark or reliquary of St. Simeon 1380 , made in gilted silver by Francesco Antonio da Milano under commission of queen. Its choir is home to several carved stalls, executed in 1394 by the Venetian Giovanni di Giacomo da Borgo San Sepolcro. Built in 1409 southwest of the Land Gate, it has remained the same to this day. Culture Archaeological museum The first university of Zadar was mentioned in writing as early as in 1396 and it was a part of a monastery. It closed in 1807. Zadar was, along with and , one of the centres of the development of. The 15th and 16th centuries were marked by important activities of Croatians writing in the national language: , who wrote the first Croatian novel, , , ,. Under French rule 1806—1810 , the first Dalmatian newspaper was published in Zadar. It was printed in Italian and Croatian; this last used for the first time in a newspaper. In the second half of the 19th century, Zadar was a centre of the movement for the cultural and national revivals in Dalmatia Italian and Croatian. The total city area, including the islands, covers 194 km2. Zadar is divided into 21 local districts: Arbanasi, Bili Brig, Bokanjac, Brodarica, Crvene Kuće, Diklo, Dračevac, Gaženica, Jazine I, Jazine II, Maslina, Novi Bokanjac, Poluotok, Ploča, Puntamika, Ričina, Smiljevac, Stanovi, Vidikovac, Višnjik, Voštarnica. The current of Zadar is. He was elected for a first term on held on 21 May 2017. The City Council is composed of 31 representatives. Mayoral election Candidates Results Candidate Party Votes % 12. ±% 1880 19,778 — 1890 21,933 +10. The 2001 census showed Zadar with a population of 72,718, with 93% of its citizens being ethnic. Major industries include tourism, traffic, seaborne trade, agriculture, fishing and fish farming activities; metal manufacturing and mechanical engineering industries; chemicals and non-metal industry; and banking. Distilleries in Zadar have produced since the 16th century. Further information: University of Zadar was founded by the in 1396 as Universitas Iadertina, a theological seminary. It was the first institute of higher learning in the country. In 1807 it ceased to become an independent institution and its functions were taken over by other local universities. In 1956 the , the country's second oldest university, re-established it as its satellite Faculty of Arts campus. The Faculty later became a part of the , and in 2003, a full-fledged independent university. University comprises 25 departments with more than 6. In the 20th century, roads became more important than sea routes, but Zadar remained an important traffic point. The main road along the Adriatic passes through the city. In the immediate vicinity, there is the , finished up to Split in 2005. Zadrans can access to the highway by two interchanges: Zadar 1 exit in the north and Zadar 2 highway hub near in the south. The southern interchange is connected to Zadar port of by the expressway. Since 1966, a railway has linked Zadar with , where it joins the main railway from Zagreb to Split. However, passenger trains between Knin and Zadar are replaced with the buses that run in organization of national railway company. Zadar also has an international line to Ancona in Italy. Ships also connect Zadar with islands of its from two ferry ports: one located in the town center serving services and other one located in the suburb of serving and distant services. The airport is experiencing year on year an average of 30% increase in passenger traffic mainly due to arrivals of lowcost carriers , , , , etc. Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service. Retrieved 2 December 2015. Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service. Retrieved 3 December 2015. Zaninović, Liburnia Militaris, Opusc. Graovac, Populacijski razvoj Zadra, Sveučilište u Zadru, Geoadria, Vol. Petricioli, Prošlost Zadra II, Zadar u srednjem vijeku do 1409. The Souls of Venice. Petricioli, Zadar u srednjem vijeku do 1409. Petricioli, Zadar u srednjem vijeku do 1409. Petricioli, Zadar u srednjem vijeku do 1409. Papa Aleksandar III u Zadru, Radovi instituta JAZiU u Zadru in Croatian. Original text: Et exinde ceteras Dalmatiae insulas transcendentes, in proxima dominica, priusquam sol illusceret, ad civitatem Iaderam, que sita est in capite Ungarici regni, eundem pontificem cum fratribus suis... Et quoniqm nondum quisquam Romanorum pontificum civitatem ipsam intraverat, de novo eiusdem pape adventu facta est in clero et populo ipsius loci communis lettitia et ineffabilis exultatio, collaudantium et benedicentium Dominum, qui modernis temporibus per famulum suum Alexandrum, successorem beati Petri, ecclesiam Iadertinam dignatus est visitare. Ideoque preparato sibi de Romano more albo caballo, processionaliter deduxerunt eum per mediam civitatem ad beate Anastasie maiorem ecclesiam in qua virgo et martyr honorifice tumulata quescit, cum inmensis laudibus et canticis altisone resonantibus in eorum sclavica lingua. Post quartem vero diem exivit Iadera, et per Slavorum insulas et maritimas Ystrie modicas civitates felici cursu transitum faciens, ad monasterium sancti Nicolai, situm in faucibus Rivi alti, cum omni alacritate, Domino auxiliante, pervenit. Graovac, Populacijski razvoj Zadra, Odjel za geografiju, Sveučilište u Zadru Population development of Zadar, Department of Geography, University of Zadar , UDK: 314. Graovac, Populacijski razvoj Zadra Population development of Zadar , Odjel za geografiju, Sveučilište u Zadru, Department of Geography, University of Zadar, UDK: 314. Retrieved 13 March 2018. The Italians of Dalmatia: from Italian unification to World War I. Translated by Shanti Evans. Toronto Canada: University of Toronto Press. V Abteilung: Die Ministerien Rainer und Mensdorff. VI Abteilung: Das Ministerium Belcredi, Wien, Österreichischer Bundesverlag für Unterricht, Wissenschaft und Kunst 1971, vol. The Rise of Italian Fascism: 1918—1922. New York, New York, USA: Routledge, 2010. Retrieved 13 March 2018. Retrieved 13 March 2018. Retrieved 13 March 2018. Retrieved 13 March 2018. Retrieved 13 March 2018. Retrieved 13 March 2018. Retrieved 13 March 2018. Retrieved 13 March 2018. City of Székesfehérvár in Hungarian. Archived from on 2012-12-08. Archived from on 2 March 2009. Retrieved 14 December 2008. Retrieved 10 March 2010. Journal of Contemporary History in Croatian. Zagreb: Croatian Institute of History.
Sezonski posao u inostranstvu
During the 19th century, the conflict between Zadar's Italian and Croatian communities grew in intensity and changed its nature. In 998 Zadar sought Venetian protection against the. Zbog nedostatka kvalificirane radne snage njemačka privreda godišnje gubi oko 30 milijardi eura. Later, after the death of king in 1089 and ensuing dynastic run-ins, in 1105 Zadar accepted the rule of the first Croato-Hungarian king, Coloman. Serbs at that time accounted for about 14% of the population. In late October 1944 the German army and most of the Italian civilian administration abandoned the city.
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