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Mihaela :)

Posjetite ovaj blog,ako ne želite biti ubijeni polukružnim udarcima!! OZBILJNO!!!!!!!!!

Dr. mg. ing. Pero Ktb.



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možete mi pisat na
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"Tko zeli da poput mjeseca
bude izvor svjetlosti,
mora poput mjeseca i dopustiti
da psi na njega laju
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"...I pjesnik je slican tom knezu vidika
Što prkosi buri i strijelcu na brodu
No prognan na zemlju med soj pakosnika,
Divovska mu krila smetaju u hodu
(C. Baudelaire - "Albatros")
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"Fly, fly little wing..
fly where only angels sing
fly away, the time is right
go now - find the light

" I'm intersted in anything about revolt,
disorder, chaos, especially activity
that appears to have no meaning.
It seems to me to be the road toward freedom
(-Jim Morrison-)

"Što je poraz?
Tek oblik učenja;
tek prvi korak do nečeg boljeg
(-Wendell Phillips-)

"... Pa što onda voliš, neobični stranče?
- Volim oblake.. Oblake što prolaze...
ondje... divne oblake

"Ne idi iza mene- možda te neću voditi!
Ne idi ispred mene- možda te neću slijediti!
Jednostavno - idi pored mene i budi prijatelj
(-A. Camus-)

"If you don't live for something
you die for nothing...
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"You laught at me
because I am diffrent...
I laugh at you
because you are all the same..."

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"A friend is someone we turn to
when our spirits need a lift..
A friend is someone we treasure
for our friendship is a gift..
A friend is someone who fills our lives
with beauty, joy and grace..
And makes the whole world we live in
a better and happier place..."

(-Jean Kyler McManus-)

" I believe in angels,
The kind that heaven sends,
I am surrounded by angels,
But I call them friends..."

(-Aizabela Parinas-)

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Malo fotografija da nas i vizualno doživite...

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Me and my best friend

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na maturalnoj večeri... ja i anchika ....

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katarina,ines,ivana und ich

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me, ana, ana marija

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karla i manchika....

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katarina s lijeve i spaljena s desne ;)

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kristina- unsere sengerin... ;) go kika!!

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mister maturalne večeri Igica..i ja....

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sanja, iva i martinica

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mi svi.... 4. H

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ekipa iz osnovnjaka...na maturalnoj...

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moja mala ana marija i ja kao kumica ;)

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my little ive and me

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MAŠKARE( me,Ive,Ana,Ines)

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Iky i Ana

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Ana-Marija,Me, and Ana na putu za Opatiju...

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Ekipa u Opatiji...

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U Grčkoj....karla, ines, ivana,katy i ja..

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Maškare 2006.

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Me and Ines na TZK

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Prof. Klaić i Ive ("profesore,a kakve ja to ocjene imam??hmhm, pa na taj datum sam vam frentala")

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TeZeKa (ekipa na tjelesnom)

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E Picek Picek...

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Ines and Andrej

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Me i Ana-Marija

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osobna iskaznica (box popunjen reda radi... citajte ak vam se da...)

ime: Maja
06.09.1988. VARAŽDIN
maturantica gospodarske skole VŽ, tocnije hotelijerkarolleyes
Ana,Ivana,Ines,Sanja,Karla(the spaljena),Ana Marija,
Andreja, Željka, Natalija,
curke iz razreda...mah
I T D.....ITD...ITD...
"bad brothers"
(ima ih puuuuuneee)nut
i Carich kiss

Kaj slušam?! pa svašta..nazovimo to Rock


donosim vam pjesmu let-a 3 "dijete u vremenu"
evo vam..pa slusajte!

Gledam u tužnu i jesenju noć
S pokisle grane lišće opada,
U daljini cujem muziku neku
I pitam sebe gdje li si sada.

Ja svakog dana proklinjem sebe
Zašto te drugom prepustih lako
Pjevo sam pjesme i nado se boljem
I bezbroj puta uz gitaru plako

Nisi me voljela u ono vrijeme
A ja sam zelio samo jedno
Sad kad nismo mi mladi
Ko nekada
Dođi da ostarimo zajedno

Da li jos pamtiš ljubavi moja
Kako smo ruže zajedno brali
Gdje li si sad, mladosti moja
Zasto su tebe od mene ukrali

(...deutsche text...)

Nisi me voljela u ono vrijeme
A ja sam zelio samo jedno
Sad kad nismo mi mladi
ko nekada
Dođi da ostarimo zajedno

"Child in time"

Sweet child in time you'll see the line
The line that's drawn between the good and the bad
See the blind man shooting at the world
Bullets flying, taking toll

If you've been bad, oh Lord I bet you have
And you've not been hit by flying lead
You'd better close your eyes and bow your head
And wait for the ricochet

srijeda, 21.03.2007.


such a lonely day
and its mine
the most loneliest day of my life
such a lonely day should be banned
its a day that i cant stand

the most loneliest day of my life
the most loneliest day of my life

such a lonely day
shouldnt exist
its a day that ill never miss
such a lonely day
and its mine
the most loneliest day of my life

and if u go
i wanna go with you
and if you die
i wanna die with you
take your hand and walk away

the most loneliest day of my life
the most loneliest day of my life
the most loneliest day of my life
such a lonely day
and its mine
its a day im glad i survived

(pukla sam....... )

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