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Da ili ipak ne?

morbidly, sociopaticly, god-alike syndrom, all-in-one, megalomanic, pscyhodelic, genocidal me !

bilo je i vrijeme da promjenim ovu idiotsku poruku koja tu stoji od zavrsetka 8. mjeseca...namcor
ugl...razmisljam kaj da tu napisem buduci da mi blogovi vecina tak ide nakurac sa istim boxovima...
evo tu cete citat...o nicemu...pa onak...tesko da ce naic osoba koja tu vec nije bila al ugl ovdje sam samo ja i ovak neke pisarije...

Ljudi koje posjecujem (uglavnom)

VaNjA the MaIdEn

citrus photoshop

kr3l3 aka secretive


Vida (Aqua)

Nea (Neyo)


~°~I`m Jű$t K!d~°~


Mojavita - prejeben blog :D


zeroinnoscence-dvije suwink



~Bloody Dolly~


Metal4ever (zanimljiv blog o metal-sceni)

Weak Butterfly







Lucija (nickelback fan)

rockerica (anđela)

morbid (pegla)

Ana-marija (Riha)



6 ih je...hm...hihi

Pipo aka Bernat

Cookroach hilde

EOOLT - nasa zla organizacija >=D

DATABASE bout me - boli me kurac (warning: possible process of vegetation with your chair if reading)

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-zovem se Domagoj... ali mozete me zvat kako zelite ^^
-roden sam 5.4.199*
-zivim u Zagrebu

-msn messenger: domagojomega@hotmail.com

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LJubav, muziku da tresti,knjige,zajebanciju,pivu, drustvo,internet,komp,pricanje,cure,dinamo, cevape, picu, burek (tko ne smijeh ), bol, krv, razumijevanje, dernjavu, trapke, koznjake, drum'n bass, mrak, pijano stanje, bubnjeve, soloe s akusticnim gitarama, oruzje, ritam,noc...
zivotinje, sportove posebno stolni tenisnjak i kosarku...


LJubav, pusenje,cajke,bahatost,ogranicene ljude,pretjerano nasminkane curesmijeh ,hajduk, ponekad sebe, tracanje, kad me ljudi krivo shvacaju no, lazi, umisljenost, kelj i ostalu zelenjavu, brze male zivotinje sta ti se zavuku pod majcu prije nego sto ih ubijes, kad me ljudi konstanto zivciraju,osobe koje zele bit nesto sto nisu, pticja govna pogotovo na glavi, svoju kosu sta se brzo masti i nemirna je, drustvo jer se nekad ponasaju kao papci,kada sunce przi...

klik na linkice koje sam piso jeb*nih pol sata xD
Vital Remains Machine Head
SOAD slipknot
nickleback limp bizkit
nirvana evanescense
prodigy HIM
HP Thompson
infected mushroom korn
BFMV Vader
metallica cradle of filth
placebo iced earth
pantera ramirez
burzum scars of life
tool sonata arctica Stone Sour Behemoth Dropkick Murphys

-najdraze boje su mi crna,plava i crvena


-opcenito sam cesto depresivan,osjetljiv po pitanju sebe,zabavan,znatizeljan,nedokaziv,tvrdoglav, nesamopouzdan, ponekad neugodno iskren, uvijek trazim iglu u sijenu,lijen,nagluh...
-imam smedu kosu na pol puta do ramena :D ,plave oci,visok sam 178,65 kg...

-best frendovi:tko ce to sve nabrojat...ugl skoro sve koje poznajem smatram kolko tolko frendovima tak da...smijeh

kucni ljubimci:mjesanac Gizmo,cistokrvni foksterijer Buda,papiga koko, hrcak jing (jang je umro)...

Satanic MySpace Pictures

InfiniteWarez.com - Free Full Version Downloads!

Recite NE! TurboFolku!


slipknot - duality
I push my fingers into my eyes
It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache
If the pain goes on,
I'm not gonna make it!

limp bizkit - eat you alive
Hey you,
Mrs. too-good-to-look-my-way
and that's cool you want nothing at all to do with me.
But I want you,
ain't nothing wrong with wanting you cause
I'm a man and I can think what the hell I want,
you got that straight?

U2 - with or without you
Sleight of hand and twist of fate
On a bed of nails she makes me wait
And I wait without you

slipknot - NAMELESS(d best rijeci off all)
Obsession, take another look.
Remember, every chance you took.
Decide, either live with me
Or give up - any thought you had of being free

(Don't go) I never wanted anybody more than I wanted you
(I know) the only thing I ever really loved, was hate.

Stay inside the hole, let me take control. (Dominate)
You were nothing more, you were something less (innocent)
Something has to give - something has to break (omnipresent)
Fingers on your skin, let my savage in

nickleback - next contestant
Is that your hand on my girlfriend?
Is that your hand?
I wish you'd do it again
I'll watch you leave here limping
I wish you'd do it again
I'll watch you leave here limping
There goes the next contestant

SOAD - chop suey
Why have you forsaken me
In your eyes forsaken me
In your thoughts forsaken me
In your heart forsaken, me oh
Trust in my self righteous suicide
I, cry, when angels deserve to die

slipknot - danger, keep away
Severed myself from my whole life
Cut out the only thing that was right
What If I never saw you again
I'd die right next to you in the end
I won't let you walk away
Without hearing what I have to say

linkin park - in the end
In spite of the way you were mocking me
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me
I'm surprised it got so (far)
Things aren't the way they were before
You wouldn't even recognize me anymore
Not that you knew me back then
But it all comes back to me (in the end)

the rasmus - shot
I'll take the shot, for you
I'll give my life, for you
I'll make it stop
I'll take the shot for you

Tonight we'll be free
I'll find us a home
Tonight we will be
Finally on our own

Enough of the hell
Enough of the pain
I won't let him touch you,
I love you

SOAD - hypnotize
She's scared that I will take her away from there.
Dreams that her country left with no one there

Mezmerize the simple minded,
Propaganda leaves us blinded

I'm just sitting in my car and waiting for my girl.
I'm just sitting in my car and waiting for my girl.

the white stripes - there's no home for you here
I'd like to think that all of this constant interaction
Is just the kind of make you drive yourself away
Each simple gesture done by me is counteracted
And leaves me standing here with nothing else to say

I'm only waiting for the proper time to tell you
That it's impossible to get along with you
It's hard to look you in the face when we are talking
So it helps to have a mirror in the room

I've not been really looking forward to the performance
But there's my cue and there's a question on your face
Fortunately I have come across an answer
Which is go away
And do not leave a trace

There's no home for you here girl, go away
There's no home for you here

limp bizkit - mission impossible II theme
Do we always gotta cry? (gotta cry)
Do we always gotta be inside a lie (a lie)
Life is just a blast
Movin very fast
Better stay on top
Or life will kick you in the ass

BEP - gone going (jos jedni preje*eni stihovi za razmisljanje)
He's a rich man so he's no longer singing the blues
He's singing songs about material things
And platinum rings and watches that go bling
But, diamonds don't bling in the dark
He a star now, but he ain't singing from the heart
Sooner or later he's just gonna fall apart

You see yourself in the mirror
And you feel safe coz it looks familiar
But you afraid to open up your soul
Coz you don't really know, don't really know
Who is, the person that's deep within

I've seen your kind before
Your the type that thinks souls is sold in a store
Packaged up with inscent sticks
With them vegetarian meals

marilyn manson - tainted love
Once I ran to you (I ran)
Now I run from you
This tainted love you've given
I give you all a boy could give you
Take my tears and that's not nearly all
Tainted love... oh
Tainted love

Don't touch me please
I cannot stand the way you tease
I love you though you hurt me so
Now I'm going to pack my things and go

SOAD - aerials
Life is a waterfall
We’re one in the river
And one again after the fall
Swimming through the void
We hear the word

Life is a waterfall
We drink from the river
Then we turn around and put up our walls
Swimming through the void

barlow girl - never alone
I cried out with no reply
And I can't feel You by my side
So I'll hold tight to what I know
You're here and I"m never alone

And though I cannot see You
And I can't explain why
Such a deep, deep reassurance
You've placed in my life

We cannot separate
'Cause You're part of me
And though You're invisible
I'll trust the unseen

korn - freak on a leash

somethings raped and taken from me, from me
lifes gotta always be messin with me
cant it chill and let me be free
cant i take away all this pain
i try to every night all in vain, in vain

feelin like a freak on a leash
feelin like i have no release
how many times have i felt disease
nothing in my life is free, is free

korn - forsaken
Take my hand now
Be alive

You see I cannot be forsaken
Because I'm not the only one
We walk amongst you
Feeding, raping
Must we hide from everyone

I'm over it
Why can't we be together

evo "samo nekoliko" stihova od mojih najdrazih pjesama naughty


utorak, 27.02.2007.

emotional disfunction (brainless xD)

ovaj da...novi post...stvarno nemam pojma o cem da pisem...aj prvo cu pocet sa mojim zivotom zadnjih...x dana od kad sam pisao post...kao da nekog briga al moram popunit blog :D

da znaci stao sam nakon onog sjebanog plesa i jos sjebanijeg vikenda...paaa skola ide...ono testovi padaju jedan za drugim al prezivljavamo mi...ovaj vikend naletismo opet do lucijanke..samo sto je bilo odredjenih problema tj frend i frendica se igrali rigoletta a ja njihove dadilje no

....polja trnjem tkana, nasim osjecajima izbodena...

dva rodjendana se "slave" ove subote...odma da cestitam jos jednom hepi B-day davidsmijeh
drugi slavi frendica iz razreda koju postujem...al ipak ne...xD

ma neznam ovaj blog drzim uglavnom zbog osoba koje posjecujem...pozdrav svima...mislim da cu ugasit ovo vrelo proslosti...NOT!

i ono, jucer sam ubijao ljude u pojam debiliranjem po msnu...
dolly...bolji sam...hihihi
borgirica...bit ce tog jos...nebus se izvukla od mojeg kvocanja tak lako :D
ma nemrem ja ovo idem nekam...editat cu post kad se sjetim neceg za pisat...jer ovo nema smisla...byee

da ovaj...evo malo lutam po blogovima...i iznenadjuje me nesto...i to jako :S
recimo da 80% blogova koje su radile cure sadrzavaju poruke tipa "boys suck, boys are idiots, screw boys, boys are toys" itd...
i onda maknem pogled na postove i sto vidim? "jao zaljubila sam se. jao kako je on divan! isuse najbolje bice na svijetu!"
i ajde da se takav post jednom desi curi i POSLIJE toga cura stavi onakve poruke koje sam naveo na pocetku ali ne...vecina blogova od cura starijih od 2-3 mjeseca pa i manje imaju min 2 takva posta i feministicke poruke od osnutka svog...pateticnog bloga (cast iznimkama)...pa ono tko tu koga jebe???
nemislim ja nista lose o curama al pobogu...oni koji se nadju u ovom primjeru nek razmisle malo o svojim stajalistima...
uglavnom ovim nemislim na sve nit na nekog odredjenog...jednostavno je to jako cesta pojava...i vec mi je malo zlo od toga...
pa bih molio cut vase zensko misljenje o ovome :P

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subota, 17.02.2007.

let me reign as a god among slaves!

da...evo subote...prosao tjedan iscekivanja...dodje vikend...petak - organiziranje plesa...jadno...ples...jos jadniji...uzas uglavnom...

...speak ov me not as one...

frendovi mi u bedari...mhm...poslije navratili do timea...tamo ekipa sva vesela...ocito je bila jebena noc...dok smo se mi skolarci jebali u mozak sa glupim plesom...

...speak ov me not at all...

odma smo otisli doma...naisao na hrpu debila na stanici od busa...morali su mi srat naravno...glupi klosari...

...my awareness, catalyst, ov godhate I have spawned...

doma sam...radio ono sto rade ljudi u bedu...lol...nagnjavio ljude na msnu (ispricavam se onima koji ovo citaju a jucer sam ih ubijao msn glupostima...)

...eternally I decompose...

danas neznam kam cu...al stvarno...neki frendovi me zovu u kino...meni se to tak neda...jedan frend me zove u melina...tamo poznam jedva 4 ljudi...jedna ekipa ide na fish...necu im se krpat...a i fish je dosta...bezvezan...


I am many! among so very few
beyond redemption, beyond the weak
thus I beheld the truth!

i na kraju zahvale

" Satyriasis " , " d@rky " , " †Night Angel†666† " ciji su mi postovi uljepsali ovo jutro :)
sada shvacam da blogovi mogu bit od velike pomoci...:)
pozdrav svima

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četvrtak, 08.02.2007.

one step from dying...too many steps from redemption

ahm...ovako se nekako osjecam danas...
znam da sve to pocinje nanovo rasti u meni...
siluje mi mozak po stoti put...
a ja se opet ne opirem...


neznam vise kako da to imenujem...

izjeda--- <> ----there must be something rotten...

moj mozak...

je pre..... .....pre

*...sleeping with deluded imagination, walking with uncompromised discrection, dying of cancerogenic loneliness...*

ponosan svoje .
na stihove

previse bahat i umisljen....!

*...cancerogenic loneliness? or mad-man's own paralell thinking...*

fijuuuuuuuu....koje misli...

di ja izvlacim sve rijeci...
evangelistic curse of religion...

...jesus was a great speaker

....NOT a holy martyr...
or GOD's child...

I AM the gods child...

....YOU are the gods child...
! WE ARE !

a sad da pokusam sredit svoj mozak...i slozit nesto kaj vam nebu tak dosadno...
paa...boli me glava...pucam...nos mi je brijem strgan jer me stalno boli i curi...
mucno mi je od skole...jebemti hrvatsku...u sad-u neznaju ni di je europa...
SAD...SAD...puppetier country....puppets of their own minds...
soo hollow....

soo empty...

soo pathetic...

aaah...previse toga ne valja u ovom svijetu...previse toga...mogao bih napisat knjigu...mogao bih svasta...
mali note onoga sto sad radim: psujem staroj i sisterki da se izgube iz sobe...mislim da cu opet morat unistavat pokucstvo...aaaah...
ovo mi se sve gadi...gadi mi se stolica na kojoj sjedim, gadi mi se ova tipkovnica po kojoj pisem...sve je okaljano...gadim se sam sebi...


uzivajte u onome u cemu se da uzivat....

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