Prava ljubav serija - Pronađi pratnju

ponedjeljak , 07.01.2019.

Prava zena - Epizoda 1

Click here: Prava ljubav serija

U Tomin život ubrzo ulazi Sonja Tara Rosandić , vaspitačica u vrtiću, u koju se zaljubljuje na prvi pogled. On i starija sestra Branka nakon fatalne prometne nesreće rano ostaju bez roditelja i završavaju u Domu. Ferhat pobesni kada shvati da su napali njegovog brata i počinje da traži krivca za taj napad.

prava ljubav serija

Some three months later on 6 September 2006, an entity named Fox televizija started broadcasting a test signal consisting only of the superimposed Fox logo. Ferhatova životna priča mu dozvoljava da razmišlja o svemu od početka. Nakon što Vlado postaje Rankov čovijek od povjerenja, kako bi pomogao obitelji, Ranko mu naredi da ubije Eminu jer zna previše. Editu upoznaje dok je pomagao Tomi oko štete napravljene na njegovoj kući.

prava ljubav serija

Prava zena - Epizoda 1 - Upravo tu počinju Nikoline nevolje. Cijela obitelj vrši pritisak na Sonju da se napokon skrasi sa Rankom, svatko iz svojih razloga.

prava ljubav serija

Logo used since 1 September 2015. Launched 1 April 1998 as ANT1 19 September 2004 as Turner-Vision 31 December 2006 as Fox 20 September 2010 as Prva Owned by Picture format Audience share 9. Launched on 31 December 2006 at 7pm as Fox televizija, the network has since December 2009 been owned by the Greek media company. From its inception until December 2009, it was majority owned by the global media conglomerate , which attached its Fox brand to the operation, naming Dan Bates as the CEO. During its time under News Corporation, Fox televizija closely co-operated with News Corporation owned networks in neighboring countries such as in Bulgaria and , sharing production capabilities on specific projects and making use of their experiences. Though quickly establishing itself on the Serbian television market and improving its viewership stake year after year, Fox televizija was a money-losing operation, posting an annual loss both in 2007 and 2008. By August 2009, major restructuring was initiated at the network with 60% of its news division staff being laid off in preparation for the network sale that occurred several months later. Following the December 2009 sale of Fox televizija to Antenna Group and a transitional period of several months during which Bates continued as CEO, the job was handed over to Dejan Jocić in March 2010 though the Fox televizija name continued to be used until the start of the next television season in September 2010 when the network was re-branded as Prva srpska televizija or Prva. Jocić, a German-born Serb and former managing director, presided over Prva's expansion into the Montenegrin television market with the August 2012 establishment of its sister channel — Prva crnogorska televizija. Three years later, on 16 April 2013, the network's editor-in-chief Dragan Nenadović was prompted to the position of Prva's CEO. On 18 September 2013, the network celebrated 3 years of work under the Prva name. Nationally created programs Info, lifestyle and documentary Title English Title Year s of airing Status 150 minuta 150 minutes 2016. In doing so, they beat out stiff competition from German that also wanted to start a Serbian operation. News Corp named Dan Bates, an experienced television executive to be the CEO of its upstart Serbian operation. Some three months later on 6 September 2006, an entity named Fox televizija started broadcasting a test signal consisting only of the superimposed Fox logo. Three days later on 9 September 2006 at precisely 8 pm, they played their first actual moving picture programme — a nature documentary that lasted some 45 minutes — before reverting to the Fox logo test signal. The exact same setup test signal most of the day with a single taped programme at 8 pm continued over the following ten days or so. Their primetime lineup was then somewhat expanded with a few Latin telenovelas, an occasional feature film, and a weekly basketball game featuring Serbian teams the basketball broadcasts were their first in-house productions. During daytime hours, they played a test signal, old episodes of canceled Croatian talk-show , and music videos. On 5 December 2006, before the match featuring vs basketball teams, a riot broke out between two sets of fans in Pionir Hall and the footage shot by Fox televizija was shown across the world. On 22 December 2006, Fox televizija aired its first news programme featuring live reports from Belgrade's during the decorative tree lighting ceremonies. Then on 31 December at 7 pm, Fox televizija finally launched officially with a live-to-air broadcast called Fox stiže as part of their newscast Fox Danas hosted that day by Zoran Baranac and Jovana Jakić. Amongst other things, the programme featured 's chairman wishing the citizens of Serbia happy new year 2007 and an unsuccessful attempt to link up with Fox News' studio in via satellite. As far as locally produced content, in addition to the evening newscast Fox Danas at 7 pm and the nightly one Fox Fokus at 10 pm, Fox's news division covered the Serbian parliamentary elections on 21 January 2007 with a one-off programme Ubedi pobedi hosted by news division head Tanja Vidojević. During April 2007, in co-operation with Adrenalin production, the network started its most ambitious project up to that point with an hour-long entertainment talk-show hosted by actor Marko Živić airing nightly on weekdays at 10:30 pm. Pretty much simultaneously, a daytime lifestyle talk-show Katarina hosted by former model Katarina Rebrača began to air daily at 10 am as well as the morning 7 am programme called Fox i prijatelji. It also passed on Marko Živić Show and Katarina, meaning that both shows ended after just couple of months on the air. Other new programmes were WWE Wrestling with local commentators eventually got moved to a late night slot after viewer complaints , U tuđoj koži in which local celebrities swap lives for a day got canceled after only a couple of episodes due to extremely low ratings only to eventually resurface on competing , and Ludi kamen dating game show that continues to this day. Another new show was , made in co-operation with Croatian. The network also started flexing its muscle in sports arena obtaining the rights for Spanish football , and later in October 2007, the rights for. November 2007 saw the premiere of late night talk-show hosted by. On 31 December 2007, the first anniversary of official broadcasting, Fox Danas and Fox Fokus newscasts both got axed and were replaced by two editions of Fox Vesti. Then in spring 2008, in cooperation with its sister networks bTV and Fox Turkey, Fox televizija started airing the local version of the French reality show. Around the same time, daytime programme Posle kafe began airing weekdays at 11 am hosted initially by Danka Novović, Olja Rakić, and Bojana Kesić who were soon joined by other hosts as well. In early summer 2008, morning programme Fox i prijatelji a local version of the Fox News programme axed. For the summer 2008, while its regular programmes were on hiatus, Fox televizija shifted lineup a bit and aired as Fox Non-Stop nightly from 9 pm with a succession of movies and mini-series. During the same summer on 21 July 2008, the network got a scoop by first reporting the arrest of late in the night and interrupting its regularly scheduled programming to go live on air in breaking news format until early morning hours. Rumoured 2008 sale In mid-July 2008 speculation appeared that News Corp was considering offers to sell all its Eastern European assets including Fox televizija. The company reportedly hired financial-services firm to ascertain the value and strategic options of its three Eastern European stations after being approached by multiple suitors. By early September, the activity reportedly intensified with various Serbian press outlets reporting that German RTL Group and -based -managed were the most interested parties in buying the three Fox stations based in Serbia, Latvia, and Bulgaria. However, by late October, both parties pulled out of the deal. CME left reportedly due to , while RTL decided to pursue other course of action as far as entering the Serbian television market is concerned, with their interest turning to buying. The move had the biggest effect on the network's news division where 60% of the employees on-air personalities and technical staff got laid off. On the same occasion, the network canceled the morning news program Fox 900 sekundi that had been on the air for less than a year. In total, around sixty Fox televizija's full-time employees, including the news division head Tanja Vidojević, got laid off as well as tens of contractors as part of cost-cutting measures throughout News Corp. In September 2010, Fox televizija changed its name to Prva srpska televizija. Also on the same day, Fox Vesti evening newscast at 7 pm got moved to 6 pm and extended from 30 minutes to a full hour while the 7 pm slot got taken over by hit American drama Lost that thus premiered on the network. Also Fox Vesti at 10 pm got moved an hour later to 11 pm. In the morning, news programme Fox 900 sekundi premiered at 7 am as replacement for Fox i prijatelji. About a month later local version of the global reality show that got shot during summer 2008 started airing. In late December, Fajront Republika, weekly entertainment talk-show premiered and right away established a devoted youth following that translated into strong ratings. Network's logo from 2010 until 2015. On 14 February 2009, the first season finale of Survivor Srbija aired live, bringing the network its biggest audience share ever. After the end of Survivor season, the network introduced a Japanese show , which has managed to post strong ratings as well. Tomorrow begins quiz Serbian Open, with Serbian contestants. On 19 October 2009, the drama series Na terapiji, recorded from December 2008 to March 2009, which contains 45 episodes, and reality show Survivor Serbia 2 begin. The programme Posle kafe is replaced by the programme Važne stvari. New slogan of television is Uključi se! On same day the studio for Fox Vesti is changed, with the presence of television logo in upper left corner of the screen, he now looks very different: only the TVs are in the background, while the rest is colored in black, and they are added some light effects in orange color, instead of blue color on big inscription is now orange color, and there is no pipe behind board which has separated studio from editorial part. Prva got a modified look, making it the logo move to bottom right instead of center right before or after commercials or promos, and little dark the areas except for the P who stays white. Nothing happened with the marks on-screen. It didn't change the logo. Popular series Kako vreme prolazi, Plač Violine and Otvorena vrata continued to air. Also, the 5th season of Veče sa Ivanom Ivanovićem started on 13 September. On 12 October, Prva started to air new show — or TLZP, Serbian version of TV show. Also, new seasons of popular shows started to air — Domaćine, oženi se, Galileo, Žene, Exkluziv, Exploziv and there are also two new shows: Moja velika svadba that was previously aired on RTV Pink and Volim prirodu. There are also some new TV series in this season: Ispovest, Institut, Sinđelići Serbian remake of and. Papijeva ekipa and Žene sa Dedinja will start airing soon. Prva also launched cable TV channel,. In December, started airing. A New Year program returns as the New Year special of , the first one being set in the end of 2011 and was the New Year special of the first season of. On 27 January 2014, Prva redesigned its news studio, just changed the background from orange to lavender color, and re-added the balustrade the one used in late 2000s , Ples sa Zvezdama local version of aired from 29 March 2014, until 18 June 2014. On 19 February 2014, Prva announced that Toga se niko nije setio, local version of game show, will start airing soon. Draga Saveta and Otvorena vrata started airing on 26 March 2014. Toga se niko nije setio started airing on 5 April 2014. Fourteen celebrities started dancing in the new dance competition — Ples sa Zvezdama, which started airing on 29 March 2014. The rerun of the first airs during August, weekends at 4 pm. The network also announced that a 6th also the second-to-last season of Veče sa Ivanom Ivanovićem will air, also with the 2nd season of Tvoje lice zvuči poznato. It is unknown will the network change its visual identity or not. It is supposed to begin on 1 September at 6pm, at the same time its news program starts. The new season will include the 2015 regular season of together with B92 , making it the first ever television show to air on two Serbian television networks. It has also planned a local version of My Mom Cooks Better Than Yours. Fox televizija At its inception, Fox televizija was 49% owned by since Serbian laws don't allow foreign-based subjects to own 50% percent or more of a television network with a nationwide broadcasting license. At that time the other 51% stake was spread among Dragan Karanović 21% , ITV2066 d. In 2008, there was a lot of buzz in the media about Fox televizija being sold to group, but nothing came of it. The brand Fox continued to be used. Antenna Group controls the 49% stake in Fox televizija through a Greece-based entity called Warraner Ltd. As for the other 51% stake, it was also taken over by Antenna Group, however that was done through Serbian-based entity called Nova Broadcasting d. Audience share % 4+ Channel 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 19. Over the calendar year 2008, Fox televizija still held the fifth place among the national broadcasters, however its market share increased to 6. For the overall viewership during 2009 calendar year, Fox's share further increased to 7. For a while, Fox was even ahead of B92 in third place, but B92 managed to pull ahead in the end due to broadcasts during the last annual quarter. Fox televizija created a minor controversy in early September 2007 when it decided to take its late-night programme, the , off the air. However, some Serbian print outlets very much wondered why would a network that's struggling for viewership be taking its best rated programme off the air.

Pravo na ljubav - RTV Pink
Hrvoje Bulić Hrvoje Bulić je policijski inspektor iz Zagreba koji u Vrhovac dolazi kako bi razjasnio detalje Asjine smrti i Tomin dobar prijatelj. Kada čuje razgovor Tome i Edite oko Heleninog napuštanja obitelji bježi. Maša čuje Dinin komentar i rasplače se. Džunejt u isto vreme pravi planove, da se oslobobi ne samo Asli, nego i Ferhata. Iako ona ne želi da se uda, Zuhrina porodica pristaje na sklapanje braka. Rumoured 2008 sale In mid-July 2008 speculation appeared that News Corp was considering offers to sell all its Eastern European assets including Fox televizija. Amongst other things, the programme featured 's chairman wishing the citizens of Serbia happy new year 2007 and an unsuccessful attempt to link up with Fox News' studio in via satellite. Dok nije morala naglo odrasti i zatomiti sebe. Ime je dobila po odavno pokojnoj baki, Tominoj i Brankinoj majci, ali nitko je tako ne zove, osim Tome kad ga jako naljuti, što je vrlo rijetko. Gulsum pada u Šahine ruke.

[Gole slike dare bez cenzure|Posao u Njemačkoj|Badoo upoznavanje bih]

Oznake: da, Li, prava, ljubav, možeš, izdrži, sve, Turska, hit, serija, uskoro, naš, video

Prava ljubav serija - Pronađi pratnju

Prava zena - Epizoda 1

Click here: Prava ljubav serija

U Tomin život ubrzo ulazi Sonja Tara Rosandić , vaspitačica u vrtiću, u koju se zaljubljuje na prvi pogled. On i starija sestra Branka nakon fatalne prometne nesreće rano ostaju bez roditelja i završavaju u Domu. Ferhat pobesni kada shvati da su napali njegovog brata i počinje da traži krivca za taj napad.

prava ljubav serija

Some three months later on 6 September 2006, an entity named Fox televizija started broadcasting a test signal consisting only of the superimposed Fox logo. Ferhatova životna priča mu dozvoljava da razmišlja o svemu od početka. Nakon što Vlado postaje Rankov čovijek od povjerenja, kako bi pomogao obitelji, Ranko mu naredi da ubije Eminu jer zna previše. Editu upoznaje dok je pomagao Tomi oko štete napravljene na njegovoj kući.

prava ljubav serija

Prava zena - Epizoda 1 - Upravo tu počinju Nikoline nevolje. Cijela obitelj vrši pritisak na Sonju da se napokon skrasi sa Rankom, svatko iz svojih razloga.

prava ljubav serija

Logo used since 1 September 2015. Launched 1 April 1998 as ANT1 19 September 2004 as Turner-Vision 31 December 2006 as Fox 20 September 2010 as Prva Owned by Picture format Audience share 9. Launched on 31 December 2006 at 7pm as Fox televizija, the network has since December 2009 been owned by the Greek media company. From its inception until December 2009, it was majority owned by the global media conglomerate , which attached its Fox brand to the operation, naming Dan Bates as the CEO. During its time under News Corporation, Fox televizija closely co-operated with News Corporation owned networks in neighboring countries such as in Bulgaria and , sharing production capabilities on specific projects and making use of their experiences. Though quickly establishing itself on the Serbian television market and improving its viewership stake year after year, Fox televizija was a money-losing operation, posting an annual loss both in 2007 and 2008. By August 2009, major restructuring was initiated at the network with 60% of its news division staff being laid off in preparation for the network sale that occurred several months later. Following the December 2009 sale of Fox televizija to Antenna Group and a transitional period of several months during which Bates continued as CEO, the job was handed over to Dejan Jocić in March 2010 though the Fox televizija name continued to be used until the start of the next television season in September 2010 when the network was re-branded as Prva srpska televizija or Prva. Jocić, a German-born Serb and former managing director, presided over Prva's expansion into the Montenegrin television market with the August 2012 establishment of its sister channel — Prva crnogorska televizija. Three years later, on 16 April 2013, the network's editor-in-chief Dragan Nenadović was prompted to the position of Prva's CEO. On 18 September 2013, the network celebrated 3 years of work under the Prva name. Nationally created programs Info, lifestyle and documentary Title English Title Year s of airing Status 150 minuta 150 minutes 2016. In doing so, they beat out stiff competition from German that also wanted to start a Serbian operation. News Corp named Dan Bates, an experienced television executive to be the CEO of its upstart Serbian operation. Some three months later on 6 September 2006, an entity named Fox televizija started broadcasting a test signal consisting only of the superimposed Fox logo. Three days later on 9 September 2006 at precisely 8 pm, they played their first actual moving picture programme — a nature documentary that lasted some 45 minutes — before reverting to the Fox logo test signal. The exact same setup test signal most of the day with a single taped programme at 8 pm continued over the following ten days or so. Their primetime lineup was then somewhat expanded with a few Latin telenovelas, an occasional feature film, and a weekly basketball game featuring Serbian teams the basketball broadcasts were their first in-house productions. During daytime hours, they played a test signal, old episodes of canceled Croatian talk-show , and music videos. On 5 December 2006, before the match featuring vs basketball teams, a riot broke out between two sets of fans in Pionir Hall and the footage shot by Fox televizija was shown across the world. On 22 December 2006, Fox televizija aired its first news programme featuring live reports from Belgrade's during the decorative tree lighting ceremonies. Then on 31 December at 7 pm, Fox televizija finally launched officially with a live-to-air broadcast called Fox stiže as part of their newscast Fox Danas hosted that day by Zoran Baranac and Jovana Jakić. Amongst other things, the programme featured 's chairman wishing the citizens of Serbia happy new year 2007 and an unsuccessful attempt to link up with Fox News' studio in via satellite. As far as locally produced content, in addition to the evening newscast Fox Danas at 7 pm and the nightly one Fox Fokus at 10 pm, Fox's news division covered the Serbian parliamentary elections on 21 January 2007 with a one-off programme Ubedi pobedi hosted by news division head Tanja Vidojević. During April 2007, in co-operation with Adrenalin production, the network started its most ambitious project up to that point with an hour-long entertainment talk-show hosted by actor Marko Živić airing nightly on weekdays at 10:30 pm. Pretty much simultaneously, a daytime lifestyle talk-show Katarina hosted by former model Katarina Rebrača began to air daily at 10 am as well as the morning 7 am programme called Fox i prijatelji. It also passed on Marko Živić Show and Katarina, meaning that both shows ended after just couple of months on the air. Other new programmes were WWE Wrestling with local commentators eventually got moved to a late night slot after viewer complaints , U tuđoj koži in which local celebrities swap lives for a day got canceled after only a couple of episodes due to extremely low ratings only to eventually resurface on competing , and Ludi kamen dating game show that continues to this day. Another new show was , made in co-operation with Croatian. The network also started flexing its muscle in sports arena obtaining the rights for Spanish football , and later in October 2007, the rights for. November 2007 saw the premiere of late night talk-show hosted by. On 31 December 2007, the first anniversary of official broadcasting, Fox Danas and Fox Fokus newscasts both got axed and were replaced by two editions of Fox Vesti. Then in spring 2008, in cooperation with its sister networks bTV and Fox Turkey, Fox televizija started airing the local version of the French reality show. Around the same time, daytime programme Posle kafe began airing weekdays at 11 am hosted initially by Danka Novović, Olja Rakić, and Bojana Kesić who were soon joined by other hosts as well. In early summer 2008, morning programme Fox i prijatelji a local version of the Fox News programme axed. For the summer 2008, while its regular programmes were on hiatus, Fox televizija shifted lineup a bit and aired as Fox Non-Stop nightly from 9 pm with a succession of movies and mini-series. During the same summer on 21 July 2008, the network got a scoop by first reporting the arrest of late in the night and interrupting its regularly scheduled programming to go live on air in breaking news format until early morning hours. Rumoured 2008 sale In mid-July 2008 speculation appeared that News Corp was considering offers to sell all its Eastern European assets including Fox televizija. The company reportedly hired financial-services firm to ascertain the value and strategic options of its three Eastern European stations after being approached by multiple suitors. By early September, the activity reportedly intensified with various Serbian press outlets reporting that German RTL Group and -based -managed were the most interested parties in buying the three Fox stations based in Serbia, Latvia, and Bulgaria. However, by late October, both parties pulled out of the deal. CME left reportedly due to , while RTL decided to pursue other course of action as far as entering the Serbian television market is concerned, with their interest turning to buying. The move had the biggest effect on the network's news division where 60% of the employees on-air personalities and technical staff got laid off. On the same occasion, the network canceled the morning news program Fox 900 sekundi that had been on the air for less than a year. In total, around sixty Fox televizija's full-time employees, including the news division head Tanja Vidojević, got laid off as well as tens of contractors as part of cost-cutting measures throughout News Corp. In September 2010, Fox televizija changed its name to Prva srpska televizija. Also on the same day, Fox Vesti evening newscast at 7 pm got moved to 6 pm and extended from 30 minutes to a full hour while the 7 pm slot got taken over by hit American drama Lost that thus premiered on the network. Also Fox Vesti at 10 pm got moved an hour later to 11 pm. In the morning, news programme Fox 900 sekundi premiered at 7 am as replacement for Fox i prijatelji. About a month later local version of the global reality show that got shot during summer 2008 started airing. In late December, Fajront Republika, weekly entertainment talk-show premiered and right away established a devoted youth following that translated into strong ratings. Network's logo from 2010 until 2015. On 14 February 2009, the first season finale of Survivor Srbija aired live, bringing the network its biggest audience share ever. After the end of Survivor season, the network introduced a Japanese show , which has managed to post strong ratings as well. Tomorrow begins quiz Serbian Open, with Serbian contestants. On 19 October 2009, the drama series Na terapiji, recorded from December 2008 to March 2009, which contains 45 episodes, and reality show Survivor Serbia 2 begin. The programme Posle kafe is replaced by the programme Važne stvari. New slogan of television is Uključi se! On same day the studio for Fox Vesti is changed, with the presence of television logo in upper left corner of the screen, he now looks very different: only the TVs are in the background, while the rest is colored in black, and they are added some light effects in orange color, instead of blue color on big inscription is now orange color, and there is no pipe behind board which has separated studio from editorial part. Prva got a modified look, making it the logo move to bottom right instead of center right before or after commercials or promos, and little dark the areas except for the P who stays white. Nothing happened with the marks on-screen. It didn't change the logo. Popular series Kako vreme prolazi, Plač Violine and Otvorena vrata continued to air. Also, the 5th season of Veče sa Ivanom Ivanovićem started on 13 September. On 12 October, Prva started to air new show — or TLZP, Serbian version of TV show. Also, new seasons of popular shows started to air — Domaćine, oženi se, Galileo, Žene, Exkluziv, Exploziv and there are also two new shows: Moja velika svadba that was previously aired on RTV Pink and Volim prirodu. There are also some new TV series in this season: Ispovest, Institut, Sinđelići Serbian remake of and. Papijeva ekipa and Žene sa Dedinja will start airing soon. Prva also launched cable TV channel,. In December, started airing. A New Year program returns as the New Year special of , the first one being set in the end of 2011 and was the New Year special of the first season of. On 27 January 2014, Prva redesigned its news studio, just changed the background from orange to lavender color, and re-added the balustrade the one used in late 2000s , Ples sa Zvezdama local version of aired from 29 March 2014, until 18 June 2014. On 19 February 2014, Prva announced that Toga se niko nije setio, local version of game show, will start airing soon. Draga Saveta and Otvorena vrata started airing on 26 March 2014. Toga se niko nije setio started airing on 5 April 2014. Fourteen celebrities started dancing in the new dance competition — Ples sa Zvezdama, which started airing on 29 March 2014. The rerun of the first airs during August, weekends at 4 pm. The network also announced that a 6th also the second-to-last season of Veče sa Ivanom Ivanovićem will air, also with the 2nd season of Tvoje lice zvuči poznato. It is unknown will the network change its visual identity or not. It is supposed to begin on 1 September at 6pm, at the same time its news program starts. The new season will include the 2015 regular season of together with B92 , making it the first ever television show to air on two Serbian television networks. It has also planned a local version of My Mom Cooks Better Than Yours. Fox televizija At its inception, Fox televizija was 49% owned by since Serbian laws don't allow foreign-based subjects to own 50% percent or more of a television network with a nationwide broadcasting license. At that time the other 51% stake was spread among Dragan Karanović 21% , ITV2066 d. In 2008, there was a lot of buzz in the media about Fox televizija being sold to group, but nothing came of it. The brand Fox continued to be used. Antenna Group controls the 49% stake in Fox televizija through a Greece-based entity called Warraner Ltd. As for the other 51% stake, it was also taken over by Antenna Group, however that was done through Serbian-based entity called Nova Broadcasting d. Audience share % 4+ Channel 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 19. Over the calendar year 2008, Fox televizija still held the fifth place among the national broadcasters, however its market share increased to 6. For the overall viewership during 2009 calendar year, Fox's share further increased to 7. For a while, Fox was even ahead of B92 in third place, but B92 managed to pull ahead in the end due to broadcasts during the last annual quarter. Fox televizija created a minor controversy in early September 2007 when it decided to take its late-night programme, the , off the air. However, some Serbian print outlets very much wondered why would a network that's struggling for viewership be taking its best rated programme off the air.

Pravo na ljubav - RTV Pink
Hrvoje Bulić Hrvoje Bulić je policijski inspektor iz Zagreba koji u Vrhovac dolazi kako bi razjasnio detalje Asjine smrti i Tomin dobar prijatelj. Kada čuje razgovor Tome i Edite oko Heleninog napuštanja obitelji bježi. Maša čuje Dinin komentar i rasplače se. Džunejt u isto vreme pravi planove, da se oslobobi ne samo Asli, nego i Ferhata. Iako ona ne želi da se uda, Zuhrina porodica pristaje na sklapanje braka. Rumoured 2008 sale In mid-July 2008 speculation appeared that News Corp was considering offers to sell all its Eastern European assets including Fox televizija. Amongst other things, the programme featured 's chairman wishing the citizens of Serbia happy new year 2007 and an unsuccessful attempt to link up with Fox News' studio in via satellite. Dok nije morala naglo odrasti i zatomiti sebe. Ime je dobila po odavno pokojnoj baki, Tominoj i Brankinoj majci, ali nitko je tako ne zove, osim Tome kad ga jako naljuti, što je vrlo rijetko. Gulsum pada u Šahine ruke.

[Gole slike dare bez cenzure|Posao u Njemačkoj|Badoo upoznavanje bih]

Oznake: da, Li, prava, ljubav, možeš, izdrži, sve, Turska, hit, serija, uskoro, naš, video

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