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majj000 sjikica.....fenci su ... l00lek

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kad mene vise ne bude

svakog dana sunce zapada. doci ce dan od kojeg ce se znati: mene vise nema.
nece se nista desiti sto nije bilo za moga vijeka:mornari ce ploviti morima, vjetrovi ce hujati zalostivo u granju,
savijat ce se dozrelo klasje k zemlji.
voljet ce se mladici i djevojke kao sto se prije njih nije volio nitko. ujesen kad voce dozrijeva, kad se beru plodovi,
prolazit ce njih dvoje alejom ispred sveucilista; zatim ce setati po kestenima na gricu drzeci se za ruke, dugo, dugo
kao sto se prije njih nitko nije drzao nikada. oni ce sjesti na klupu starinsku i spazit ce oboje: na njima lezi
srebro mjesecje.prije neg se poljube djevojka ce sapnuti sjajnom mjesecu: sanjam li ili citam pjesnika
koji je pjevao o mojoj ljubavi??


samotan lutam vecernjim ulicama. na svakom uglu, visoko, svjetiljka sja:
stotinu uglova, stotinu svjetiljka ali nigdje tebe nema.... tebe nema...

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!

rijechi nekih f0ra pjesmica.....( inache ne slusam cajke al 0n0 fkt su pjesme 0kej.. tak da...(ima swega)) nadam se da nema nitk0 nishta pr0tiw!!!

Zašto me u obraz ljubiš ( za njega)
Tanja Savić

Zasto me u obraz ljubis
necu da mi budes drug
promasi bar milimetar
i poljubac ce biti dug

Ti mi tajne pricas
sve devojke ti znam
i savete mi delis
al' ja te ne slusam

Jer pesak u tvom glasu
mi pali stopala
u tom bi pesku s tobom
danima lezala

Zasto me u obraz ljubis
necu da mi budes drug
promasi bar milimetar
i poljubac ce biti dug.

Zasto me u obraz ljubis
takvih mi je spisak dug
sto me ljube prijateljski
ja necu da mi budes drug

Kad mi kazes zdravo
ja razbolim se
i u oci pravo
ne gledam te, ne

Jer pesak u tvom glasu
mi pali stopala
u tom bi pesku s tobom
danima lezala

Refren 2x

Tako mlada ( opet za njega)
Tanja Savić

Tako mlada, tako mlada
nocu sama lutam ja
zar ne zvuci ko balada
moja biografija

Zauvek cu da te volim
vec sam cula to
pa te pitam, da l' to vazi
i kad je gotovo

Da li ispod crnog oka
lazna zvezda sja
prepuna je takvih
moja biografija

Tako mlada, tako mlada
nocu sama lutam ja
zar ne zvuci ko balada
moja biografija

Tako mlada, tako mlada
moj je princ vec neciji
nema ljubavi u mojoj
kratkoj biografiji
u mojoj kratkoj biografiji

Ne zalim se sto mi rusis
do detinjstva most
zao mi je sto mi oci
gube nevinost

Pa vec vidim da ti reci
nisu iskrene
previse je to za moje
nezne godine

Refren 2x

podigla me iz pepela. ( za iwku)

Sto sam Boze tako proklet
juce pijan, danas opet
kad me nece sto je htjela
da me digne iz pepela

Refren 2x
Podigla me iz pepela
i malo mi srece dala
pa me opet bez milosti
u pepeo zakopala

Sto sam Boze tako proklet
juce pijan, danas opet
kad me nece, kad me laze
sto je oci svuda traze

Refren 2x

Sto sam Boze tako proklet
juce pijan, danas opet
kad me nece i ne voli
sto me za njom dusa boli

Refren 2x

Lagala ( uf..)

Brzo lete godine
ja ne mijenjam navike
za nasim stolom svaki dan
jutarnju kavu popijem

A ti, tko zna gdje si ti
a ti, s kim si sada ti

Lagala, zasto si meni
lagala, lagala meni sve
da ljubav nikad ne prestaje

Lagala, lagala meni to
a znala, a znala si
da sve je prolazno

Brzo lete godine
meni bas svejedno je
ja nikog ne primjecujem
sve oko mene pusto je

Jer ti, tko zna gdje si ti
jer ti, s kim si sada ti



Crna ženo

Hej crna zeno
sto si me u crno zavila
hej crna zeno
gdje si moju srecu sakrila

Svakog dana, svake noci
konobar mi vino toci
a ja cekam u samoci
i pitam se dal' ces doci
crna zeno dal' ce mi opet doci

Hej crna zeno
i dusa ti crna, najcrn'ja
hej crna zeno
crna mi zbog tebe sudbina


Refren 2x

Crna zeno dal' ce mi opet doci

Zbog jedne divne crne žene
Kićo Slabinac

Ja gledao sam sunce na istoku
kako se budi
i gledao sam oblake i jutro
u tisucu boja

Sklapao oci od bola
i skrivao suze
a ona je ostala tamo
daleko u noci

Zbog jedne divne crne zene
zbog njene divne crne kose
zbog jednog pogleda tuznog u noci
zbog obecanja, da ce mi doci
tuzan i sam, cekam je ja

Daleko me nosila ptica srebrnih krila
u zemlju u kojoj je nekad i ona bila
toliko sam zelio srecu i ljubav bez kraja
al' zivot me odnio dalje daleko od nje

Ima žena, nema broja

Pomozite prijatelji stari
pa zar ona dusu da mi vadi
rekoste ne tuguj i nemari
druga zena srce nek ti sladi

Refren 2x
Ima zena, nema broja
svaku cu da ljubim ja
a ti pati muko moja
s tobom vise nikada

Pomozite pjesme moje mile
pa zar ona meni da se smije
rekoste raduj se i slavi
nije vrijedna srecu da ti kvari

Refren 2x

Refren 2x

Muškarci su svinje
Prljavo Kazalište

Muskarci su svinje
vikala si moje ime
i svi da su isti
prljavi sovinisti

A zene su mocne
i kada su bespomocne
za utjehu lake
za osvetu opake

Refren 2x
Slusaj me to nije ljubav
to su satovi gimnastike

Muskarci su svinje
psovala si moje ime
i svi da smo isti
bitange, sovinisti

A zene su jake
i kada su nejednake
o zene su krasne
po prirodi malo glasne

Refren 2x

Muskarci su svinje
muskarci su svinje
vikala si moje ime


To nije ljubav
to su satovi gimnastike
muskarci su svinje

Previše suza u mom pivu
Prljavo Kazalište

Moja kuca na kraj ulice
skupljale se samo bitange
pivo, tucnjava i nogomet
dolje stari, dolje novi svijet

Ti si uvijek bila tako fina
i lagao sam da si balerina
ja tobom hvalio sam se pred svima
sve dok nije dosao taj dan

Previse suza bilo je u mome pivu
na nasem rastanku
volio, volio sam te
kao Hitler Evu Braun, kao Tito Jovanku

Moja kuca na kraj ulice
skupljale se samo bitange
pivo, tucnjava i nogomet
dolje stari, dolje novi svijet

Ti si bila moja misao
ja za tebe sam grafite pisao
i gitaru cijele noci svirao
redom susjede zivcirao

Refren 2x

Moja kuca na kraj ulice
skupljale se samo bitange
pivo, tucnjava i nogomet
dolje stari, dolje novi svijet

Ti si uvijek bila tako fina
i lagao sam da si balerina
ja tobom hvalio sam se pred svima
sve dok nije dosao taj dan

Refren 2x

Pa sad lažem kao ti
Prljavo Kazalište

Da barem nisam slusao
ona sitna ogovaranja
iza poluotvorenih prozora
mozda bih oprostio par zenskih flertova
ionako to si lose radila

Pa sad lazem kao ti,
da te vise ne volim
pa sad lazem kao ti,
to je da te prebolim

Da barem nisam slusao
sto o tebi govore
tek uz kavu vrijeme da si prekrate
ne bih ti zamjerio,
ja bih sve razumio
ionako, nije bilo ozbiljno


Da ti nisam iz ljubomore
pretresao dzepove
ne bih nikad nasao te tudje brojeve
sve bih ti oprostio,
ne bih ti zamjerio
ionako, sve je to sad nevazno


Ona nema vremena ( hehe.. on nema wremena.. l00l )
Prljavo Kazalište

Ona koju prvu vidis na Valentinovo
bit ce ti zena, kaze otac moj
o Marini nisam znao ni adresu ni broj
tek nesto malo preko prijatelja mog

Da nema vremena za nekog kao ja
da nema vremena i to je sudbina

Dala mi je kljuc od stana
rekla neka dodjem sam
nek pustim ljubav, sto o tome znam
te sam noci zlatno srce
ostavio na njen prag
i sisao tiho ko lopov u mrak

Jer nema vremena za nekog kao ja
jer nema vremena i to je sudbina

Ona koju prvu vidis na Valentinovo
bit ce ti zena, kaze otac moj
ja ne gledam niti jednu
niti jednu na taj dan
ne nazdravim nikom i proslavim sam


Ja ne gledam niti jednu
niti jednu na taj dan
ne nazdravim nikom i proslavim sam

strane pjesme:

Leona Lewis Better In Time

Oooh oooh

It's been the longest winter without you
I didn't know where to turn to
See somehow I can't forget you
After all that we've been through

Thought I heard a knock(Whose there, No one?)
Thinking that(I deserve it)
Now I have realised
That I really didn't knooOooOw

If you didn't notice
You mean everything(quickly I'm learning)
To love again(all I know is)
I'm gonna be ok

Though I couldn't live without you
It's going to hurt when it heals too
Oh yeaah(It will All get better in time)
Even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve too
Oooh(It will all get better in time)

I couldn't turn on the TV
Without something that would remind me
Was it all that easy?
To just put us out your feeling

If I'm dreamin
Don't want to let it(hurt my feelings)
But that's the past(I believe it)
And I know that, time will heal it

If you didn't notice
Well you mean everything(quickly I'm learning)
Oooh turn up again(All I know is)
I'm gonna be ok

Though I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
Oooh yeah(It will all get better in time)
Even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve too oooooh(It will all get better in time)

Since there's no more you and me(No more you and me)
It's time to let you go so I can be free
And Live my life how it should be(No No No No No No)
No matter how hard it is
I will be fine without you
Yes I Will

Though I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
Oooh(It will all get better in time)
Even though I really loved you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve too yes I do(It will all get better in time)

Though I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too, yeaaaah Ooooh oooooh(It'll all get better in time)
Even though I really loved you
Going to smile cause I deserve too, oooooh (It will all get better....)

Rihanna Cry

I'm not the type to get my heart broken
I'm not the type to get upset and cry
'Cause I never leave my heart open
Never hurts me to say goodbye
Relationships don't get deep to me
Never got the whole in love thing
And someone can say they loved me truly
But at the time it didnt mean a thing

My mind is gone
I'm spinning round
And deep inside
My tears out drown
I'm loosing grip
What's happening?
I stray from love
This is how I feel

This time was different
Felt like I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now I'm in this condition
And I got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what
You'll never see me cry

Did it happen when we first kiss?
Cause it's hurting me to let it go
Maybe cause we spent so much time
And I know that is no more
I should have never let you hold me baby
baby why im sad to see us apart
I didn't give it to you on purpose
can't figure out how you stole my heart

My mind is gone
I'm spinning round
And deep inside
My tears i'll drown
I'm loosing grip
What's happening?
I stray from love

This is how I feel

This time was different
Felt like I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now I'm in this condition
And I got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what
You'll never see me cry

How did I get here with you
I'll never know
I never meant to let it get so personal
And after all I tried to do
To stay away from love with you
I'm broken-hearted
I can't let you know
And I Won't Let It Show
You won't see me cry

This time was different
Felt like I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now I'm in this condition
And I got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what
You'll never see me cry

This time was different
Felt like I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now I'm in this condition
And I got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what
You'll never see me cry

all my life..

Mika Happy ending

This is the way you left me,
I'm not pretending,
No hope, no love, no glory,
No happy ending

This is the way that we love,
Like its forever,
Then live the rest of our life,
But not together

Wake up in the morning,
Stumble on my life,
Can't get no love without sacrifice,
If anything should happen,
I guess I wish you well,
Mmm a little bit of heaven,
But a little bit of hell

This is the hardest story,
that I have ever told,
No hope, or love, or glory,
Happy endings gone forever more
I feel as if I'm wasting,
And I wasted every day

This is the way you left me,
I'm not pretending,
No hope, no love, no glory,
No happy ending

This is the way that we love,
Like its forever,
Then live the rest of our life,
But not together

Two o'clock in the morning,
Someone's on my mind,
Can't get no rest,
Keep walking around,
If I pretend that nothing ever went wrong,

I can get to my sleep I can dream that we just carried on

This is the hardest story,
that I have ever told,
No hope, or love, or glory,
Happy endings gone forever more,
I feel as if I'm wasting,
And I wasted every day,

Oh I feel as if I'm wasting,
And I wasted every day

This is the way you left me,
I'm not pretending,
No hope, no love, no glory,
No happy ending

This is the way that we love,
Like its forever,
Then live the rest of our life,
Buth not together

A little bit of love

Little bit of love (repeated)

This is the way you left me,
I'm not pretending,
No hope, no love, no glory,
No happy ending

This is the way that we love,
Like its forever,
Then live the rest of our life,
But not together
This is the way you left me,
I'm not pretending,
No hope, no love, no glory,
No happy ending

This is the way that we love,
Like its forever,
Then live the rest of our life,
But not together

This is the way you left me,
I'm not pretending,
No hope, no love, no glory,
No happy ending

Justin Timberlake Cry me a river

You were my sun
You were my earth
But you didn't know all the ways I loved you, no
So you took a chance
And made other plans
But I bet you didn't think that they would come crashing down, no

You don't have to say, what you did,
I already know, I found out from him
Now there's just no chance, for you and me, there'll never be
And don't it make you sad about it

You told me you loved me
Why did you leave me, all alone
Now you tell me you need me
When you call me, on the phone
Girl I refuse, you must have me confused
With some other guy
WITCHES were burned, and now it's your turn
To cry, cry me a river
Cry me a river-er, girl
Cry me a river
Cry me a river-er, girl,yea yea

I know that they say
Somethings are better left unsaid
It wasn't like you only talked to him and you know it
(Don't act like you don't know it)
All of these things people told me
Keep messing with my head
(Messing with my head)
You should've picked honesty
Then you may not have blown it

You don't have to say, what you did,
(Don't have to say, what you did)
I already know, I found out from him
(I already know, uh)
Now there's just no chance, for you and me, there'll never be
(No chance, you and me)
And don't it make you sad about it

You told me you loved me
Why did you leave me, all alone
(All alone)
Now you tell me you need me
When you call me, on the phone
(When you call me on the phone)
Girl I refuse, you must have me confused
With some other guy
(I'm not like them baby)
WITCHES were burned, and now it's your turn
(It's your turn)
To cry, cry me a river
(Go on and just)
Cry me a river-er, girl
(Go on and just)
Cry me a river
(Baby go on and just)
Cry me a river-er, girl,yea yea

The damage is done
So I guess I be leaving
The damage is done
So I guess I be leaving
The damage is done
So I guess I be leaving
The damage is done
So I guess I be... leaving

You don't have to say, what you did,
(Don't have to say, what you did)
I already know, I found out from him
(I already know, uh)
Now there's just no chance, for you and me, there'll never be
(No chance, you and me)
And don't it make you sad about it

Cry me a river
(Go on and just)
Cry me a river-er, girl
(Baby go on and just)
Cry me a river
(You can go on and just)
Cry me a river-er, girl,yea yea

Cry me a river
(Baby go on and just)
Cry me a river-er, girl
(Go on and just)
Cry me a river
(Cause I've already cried)
Cry me a river-er, girl,yea yea
(Ain't gonna cry no more, yea-yea)

Cry me a river
Cry me a river, oh
Cry me a river, oh
Cry me a river, oh

Cry me a river, oh
(Cry me, cry me)
Cry me a river, oh
(Cry me, cry me)
Cry me a river, oh
(Cry me, cry me)
Cry me a river, oh
(Cry me, cry me)

Cry me a river, oh
(Cry me, cry me)
Cry me a river, oh
(Cry me, cry me)
Cry me a river
(Cry me, cry me)

Justin Timberlake Last Night

I just want to enjoy my life
And show this world how to care
And nothing brings more joy to my life
Than knowing a girl will be there

Are ya happy girl?
Knowing that you right near broke my heart in a piece or two
Knowing that I would have walked across the ocean for you
Saying you're young and confused
Well that's a lame excuse
That's why the only one to blame is you for

Last night
Can't believe what I was hearing
Telling me to have a nice life
So tonight
I don't think I'll spare your feelings
You're on your own
I'm-a do for me what's right

In your eyes a see a second chance
Maybe I should take another glance
But for now I'll wash my hands
Cause I love ya baby, love ya baby
Pharrell say don't do it the same
But I say ain't playing my games
But for you my soul still remains
Cause I love ya baby, love ya baby

Are ya happy girl?
Knowing that you right near broke my heart in a piece or two
Knowing that I would have walked across the ocean for you
Saying you're young and confused
Well that's a lame excuse
That's why the only one to blame is you for

Last night
Can't believe what I was hearing
Telling me to have a nice life
So tonight
I don't think I'll spare your feelings
You're on your own
I'm-a do for me what's right

I hope you're thinking
(Tell me girl, when I was your man)
I hope it senses
(If you don't understand, then you don't understand)
We're gonna stop dreaming
(The way I feel)
About you

Last night
Can't believe what I was hearing
Telling me to have a nice life
So tonight
I don't think I'll spare your feelings
You're on your own
I'm-a do for me what's right

Last night
(Just-a last night)
Can't believe what I was hearing
(Just can't believe it baby)
Telling me to have a nice life
So tonight
I don't think I'll spare your feelings
You're on your own
I'm-a do for me what's right
(Got something I wanna tell ya girl)

I hope you're thinking
(Tell me girl, when I was your man)
I hope it senses
(If you don't understand, then you don't understand)
We're gonna stop dreaming
(The way I feel)
About you
(Let me tell you one more time)

I hope you're thinking
(Tell me girl, when I was your man)
(My baby)
I hope it senses
(If you don't understand, then you don't understand)
(Yea yea yea yea)
We're gonna stop dreaming
(The way I feel)
About you

Oh baby
Yea yea yea yea
See I ain't gonna be the one
Ain't gonna play these games with you
But I still love you

Tell me girl when I was your man
Ain't nothing gonna take that away
No no no no, no no-no

See I remember
In December
We were walking holding hands
And I was your man
Can't we just get back to that?

Justin Timberlake One last cry
(aha.. the last 0ne cry... newer again)

My shattered dreams and broken heart
Are mending on the shelf
I saw you, holding hands
Standing close to someone else
Still I sit, all alone
Wishing all my feelings gone
I give my best to you
Nothing for me to do
But have one last cry

One last cry
Before I leave it all behind
I gotta put you out of my mind
This time
Believe that I
I guess I'm down to one last cry

I was here, you were there
Guess we never could agree
While the sun shines on you
I need some love to wait for me
Still I sit, all alone
Wishing all my feelings gone
Gotta get over you [Gotta get over you]
Nothing for me to do [Yeah..]
But have one last cry

One last cry
Before I leave it all behind
I gotta put you out of my mind
This time..
Believe that I
I know I've gotta be strong
Cos my whole life goes on and on
And on.. and on.... [Oh..]

I'm gonna dry my eyes
Right after I have my
One last cry..
One last cry
Before I leave it all behind
I gotta put you out of my mind
For the very last time
Believe that I
I guess I'm down, I guess I'm down
I guess I'm down to my last cry..

Justin Timberlake My Love

And I know no woman that could take your spot my...

If I wrote you a symphony
Just to say how much you mean to me
(What would you do?)
If I told you you were beautiful
Would you date me on the regular?
(Tell me would you?)
Well baby I've been around the world
But I aint seen myself another girl (like you)
This ring here represents my heart
But there is just one thing I need from you (saying I do)

I can see us holding hands
Walking on the beach our toes in the sand
I can see us on the country side
Sitting in the grass laying side by side
You can be my baby
Let me make you my lady
Girl you amaze me
Ain't gotta do nothin crazy
See all I want you to do is be my love

(So don't give away) My love
(So don't give away) My love
(So don't give away)

Ain't no other woman that could take your spot (My Love)

(So don't give away) My love
(So don't give away) My love
(So don't give away)

Ain't no other woman that could take your spot (My Love)

My loooooooove, looooooove

my loooove ohhhhh
My loooove ohhhhh
My loooove ohhhhh

Now If I wrote you a love note
And make you smile with every word I wrote
(What would you do?)
Would that make you wanna change your scene
And wanna be the one on my team?
(Tell me would you?)
See what's the point in waiting anymore
Cause girl I've never been more sure
(That, baby it's you)
This ring here represents my heart
And everything that you been waiting for
(Just saying I do)


I can see us holding hands
Walking on the beach our toes in the sand
I can see us on the country side
Sitting in the grass laying side by side
You can be my baby
Let me make you my lady
Girl you amaze me
Ain't gotta do nothin crazy
See all I want you to do is be my love

(So don't give away) My love
(So don't give away) My love
(So don't give away)

Ain't no other woman that could take your spot (My Love)

(So don't give away) My love
(So don't give away) My love
(So don't give away)

Ain't no other woman that could take your spot (My Love)

My loooooooove, looooooove

my loooove ohhhhh
My loooove ohhhhh
My loooove ohhhhh

Aight it's time to hit it J.T.
I dunno why she hasitatin' for man

Ay, shorty cool as a fan
I'm on a new once again
And still have fans from Peru to Japan
Listen baby I don't wanna ruin your plan
But if you got a man, try to lose 'em if you can
Cause girls real wild throw hands up high
When they wanna come and kick it with a stand up guy
Check it - You don't wanna let the chance go by
Cause you ain't been seen with a man so fly
Baby France ain't so far, I can go fly
Private, cause I handle mine B.I.
They call me candle guy, simply because I am on fire
I hate to have to cancel my vacation, so you can't deny
I'm patient, but I ain't gonna try
You don't come, I ain't gonna die
Hold up - What you mean, you can't go, why?
Me and you boyfriend we ain't no type
You say you wanna kick it, when I ain't so high
But baby you decide that I ain't your guy
I ain't goin lie, I feel your space
But I'll forget your face, I swear I will
Same mark, same bullet anywhere I chill
Just bring wit me a pair, I will

I can see us holding hands
Walking on the beach our toes in the sand
I can see us on the country side
Sitting in the grass laying side by side
You can be my baby
Let me make you my lady
Girl you amaze me
Ain't gotta do nothin crazy
See all I want you to do is be my love

My love(Looooooove)
My love(Looooooove)

Ain't no other woman that could take your spot (My Love)

My love (Looooooove)
My love (Looooooove)

Ain't no other woman that could take your spot

My loooooooove, looooooove

My loooove , My loooove

Nelly Furtado Try

All I know, is everything is not as it's sold
But the more I grow, the less I know
And I have lived so many lives, though I'm not old
And the more I see the less I grow
the fewer the seeds, the more I sow

Then I see you standing there
Wanting more from me
And all I can do is try
Then I see you standing there
Wanting more from me
And all I can do is try

I wish I hadn't seen, all of the reallness
And all the real people are really not real at all
The more I learn, the more I learn
The more I cry, the more I cry
As I say goodbye to the way of life
I thought I had designed for me

Then I see you standing there
Wanting more from me
And all I can do is try
Then I see you standing there
I'm all I'll ever be
But all I can do is try
Ooh try, try, try

All of the moments that already passed
We'll try to go back and make them last
All of the things we want each other to be
We never will be, we never will be
And That's, wonderful, that's life
That's you baby, this is me baby
We are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are
Free in our love, we are free in our love

Nelly Furtado All good things

Honestly what will become of me
I don't like reality
It's way too clear to me
But really life is daily
We are what we don't see
We missed everything daydreaming

Flames to dust(dust)
Lovers to friends(friends)
why do all good things come to an end(end)
Flames to dust(dust)
Lovers to friends(friends)
Why do all good things come to an end(end)

Travelling, I only stop at exits
Wondering if I'll stay, stay
Young and restless
Living this way I stress less
I want to pull away when the dream dies
The pain sets in and I
don't cry
I only feel gravity and
I wonder why

Flames to dust(dust)
Lovers to friends(friends)
why do all good things come to an end(end)
Flames to dust(dust)
Lovers to friends(friends)
Why do all good things come to an end(end)
come to an end(end)
come to an
Why do all good things come to an end(end)
Come to an end(end) Come to an
Why do all good things come to an

Dogs were whistling a new tune
barking at the new moon
Hoping it would come soon so that they could
Dogs were whistling a new tune
barking at the new moon
Hoping it would come soon so that they could
die ..
die ..
die ..
die ..

Flames to dust(dust)
Lovers to friends(friends)
why do all good things come to an end(end)
Flames to dust(dust)
Lovers to friends(friends)
Why do all good things come to an end(end)
come to an end(end)
come to an
Why do all good things come to an end(end)
Come to an end(end) Come to an
Why do all good things come to an

When the dogs were barking at the new moon
whistling a new tune
Hoping it would come soon

And the dogs were barking at the new moon
Whistling a new tune
Hoping it it would come soon so that they could die.

Nelly Furtado Somebody To Love

You got your ways enough of mine
It's taking up all of my time
We need you to adore me
Come sit and drink from a cup
Don't leave until you're filled up
You're tired of all your travelling

I don't need nothing at all
Nothing but your kiss
Nothing but your arms
I don't need nothing at all

But somebody to love
Somebody to hold
Somebody that I can feel in my blood
Somebody to hold
Somebody to own
Somebody to make me feel I'm in love

I know I'm missing for a word
I'm not trying to say a thing
I'm trying to live in this moment
Count all the sins, what it says
Tell me how long it'll take
To unravel your body

I don't need nothing at all
Nothing but your touch
Nothing but your hand
I don't need nothing at all

But somebody to love
Somebody to hold
Somebody that I can feel in my blood
Somebody to hold
Somebody to own
Somebody to make me feel I'm in love

I need somebody to love
Somebody to hold
Somebody that I can feel in my blood
Somebody to hold
Somebody to own
Somebody to make me feel I'm in love

Lenny Kravitz I'll Be Waiting ( pred0bra pjesma)

He broke your heart
He took your soul
Your hurt inside
Cause there's a hole
You need some time
To be alone
Then you will find
What you've always known

I'm the one that really loves you baby
I'll be knocking on your door

As long as I'm living
I'll be waiting
As long as I'm breathing
I'll be there
Whenever you call me
I'll be waiting
Whenever you need me
I'll be there

I've seen you cry
Into the night
I feel your pain
Can I make it right?
I realize...
There's no end insight
Yeah I'd still I wait
For you to see the light

I'm the one that really loves you baby
I can't take it anymore

As long as I'm living
I'll be waiting
As long as I'm breathing
I'll be there
Whenever you call me
I'll be waiting
Whenever you need me
I'll be there

You are the only one
I ever known
To make you feel this way
Till you are my own
I wanna be with you
untill I'm old

You got the love you need
right in front of you
Please come home

As long as I'm living
I'll be waiting
As long as I'm breathing
I'll be there
Whenever you call me
I'll be waiting
Whenever you need m
I'll be there (2x)

Dizajn: Mawa Slatka

Kostur: Plawusha Dizz
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ew0 rijechi jedne jak0 ljepe

ak0n- h0ld my hand

This life don't last forever (hold my hand)
So tell me what we're waitin for (hold my hand)
Better off being together (hold my hand)
Than being miserable alone (hold my hand)

Cause I've been there before
And you've been there before
But together we can be alright.
Cause when it gets dark and when it gets cold
We can just hold eachother till we see the sunlight

So if you just hold my hand
Baby I promise that I'll do all I can
Things will get better if you just hold my hand
Nothing can come in between us if you just hold, hold my, hold my, hold my hand.

The nights are getting darker (hold my hand)
And there's no peace inside (hold my hand)
So why make our lives harder (hold my hand)
By fighting love, tonight.

Cause I've been there before
And you've been there before
But together we can be alright.
Cause when it gets dark and when it gets cold
We can just hold eachother till we see the sunlight

So if you just hold my hand
Baby I promise that I'll do all I can
Things will get better if you just hold my hand
Nothing can come in between us if you just hold my hand

xx shirls xx

neshto o meni...


-imam 14 g0dina
-idem u I raz opce gimnazije

-z0vem se IWANA ...
-odaziwam se na iwAnycA, dekla, barbie (haha), ive

-slusam swe kaj mi se svidja
-imam dwa kucna ljubimca

inace sam:
-najglasnija (hehehe)

-Ivkku i T0nku
-m0e ziw0tinjice
- biti na k0mpu
-kasno ici pawati
-sjusati pjesmice
-bit u bedu ( ne znam zakaj)
- fjend0ve
-se sminkati
-moe n0e hlace
-sw0u kosu
-pricati glup0sti.....
-wrucu coksu
-plisane igracke

ne wolim:
-neke 0s0be
-kad netk0 kasni

-zajebavam swe 0k0 sebe
-idem u pustolowine
-se cerekam
-zabadam n0s gdje mi nie mjesto
-slusam mjuzu
-ziwcanim kad netk0 kasni

m0e 0s0bine:
-ne znam se ljutiti
-ne w0lim dug0 spawati
-0b0zawam gledati tw
-w0lim maju djecu

Blog.hr yes
Forum.hr wink
Monitor.hr cry
Dnevnik.hr bang
ines party
baki pjeva
sjikice skidam laze
jedna bivsha osmashica smokin
psiha smijeh
... ona ga voli- simona.. dead
bernardica bang cool
anchy mouthwash naughty
mana.. nut rolleyes:
i-v-k-a smijeh fino kiss
GOTH GIRL wink sretan
LORA993 wave wink
iva dead wave
cura koja radi bannere
cura koja ima zakon awatareke

svi koji kommaju idu odma u linkice

ovo je baner.... od curke
od koje sam uzela avatar....
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i j0sh jedna cura sa super avatarekima...
Image and video hosting by TinyPic


bedzevi.com,button,badges,priponke,Alkoholom protiv droge

bedzevi.com,button,badges,priponke,Almost normal

bedzevi.com,button,badges,priponke,I love you



bedzevi.com,button,badges,priponke,Rock will never die

bedzevi.com,button,badges,priponke,Ruzica si bila

bedzevi.com,button,badges,priponke,Can I have your phone number?

bedzevi.com,button,badges,priponke,Cuvaj me se

bedzevi.com,button,badges,priponke,Come on, make my day. Smile!


bedzevi.com,button,badges,priponke,Doma ajde!

bedzevi.com,button,badges,priponke,Don't copy me!!!

bedzevi.com,button,badges,priponke,Do the right thing

bedzevi.com,button,badges,priponke,Dont touch!

bedzevi.com,button,badges,priponke,Fuck off

bedzevi.com,button,badges,priponke,Forever yours

bedzevi.com,button,badges,priponke,Fuck the rules


bedzevi.com,button,badges,priponke,Good girl

bedzevi.com,button,badges,priponke,Give me a hug

bedzevi.com,button,badges,priponke,Happy Bunny - It's all about me deal with it


bedzevi.com,button,badges,priponke,Hvala, ne bih!

bedzevi.com,button,badges,priponke,Opasna mala

bedzevi.com,button,badges,priponke,Zajebavaj me na vlastitu odgovornost

bedzevi.com,button,badges,priponke,Zivot je bolest koja se prenosi sexom

bedzevi.com,button,badges,priponke,Znam slusati druge




bedzevi.com,button,badges,priponke,Volim te!

bedzevi.com,button,badges,priponke,Vatrena cura

bedzevi.com,button,badges,priponke,Volim piti (i ljubiti)


bedzevi.com,button,badges,priponke,Slobodna sam

Voljela bih da me volish

Voljela bih da me volish,
da budem cvijet u tvojoj kosi.
Ako si noch, ja chu biti zora
i blijesak svijetlosti u rosi.

Voljela bih da me volish
i da svi dani budu pjesma.
Ako si izvor, i ja chu biti
u zhivoj stijeni bistra chesma.

njoj iskreno pjesma nije neshto... ali su mi zato rijechi super
mislim chak da na neki nachin opisuju nju

Ivana Banfich- Vjerujem

Ja vjerujem u ljude i Zemlju što se vrti
i vjerujem u Boga i život poslije smrti,
ja vjerujem u bajke da stvari budu gore,
ja vjerujem da kreme uklanjaju bore,
ja vjerujem u skupe stvari, milijone
i da neke žene vole silikone,
ja vjerujem da Bog svima grijehe prašta,
ja vjerujem u sve i vjerujem u svašta…

Ali ne vjerujem tebi
ti si čovjek što je bolji pred svima,
a kupi sve u sebi
i onda nestane u oblaku dima…
bez jedne riječi, bez da mi kaže
bilo što, bilo kad ili gdje,
a ja ionako vjerujem u sve….

Ja vjerujem u snove ne u sudbinu iz dlana
i da nam je sreća svima Bogom dana,
vjerujem u dodir, poglede i riječi,
vjerujem da ljubav svaku ranu liječi,
vjerujem u glupe i nepotrebne stvari,
vjerujem da novac dobre ljude kvari,
vjerujem da Bog svima grijehe prašta,
ja vjerujem u sve i vjerujem u svašta…

ljubavne pjesmice

Doći ću ti noćas u san, na obraz ću ti staviti dlan,
nježno ću te milovat po licu, neću pustit suzu izdajicu,
poljubit ću te u snene oči i tiho nestati u noći.

Mnogi su mi ljubav priznali i kažu da zbog mene pate,
da volim tebe nikako da shvate, jer ti imaš dio srca moga i
tebe ću voljeti do kraja života svoga.

Nije ovo za ljubav, nije za ljepotu,
već da me se sjetiš nekad u životu,
a da me se sjetiš to te ne zadužujem ,ti me zaboravi...
ako to zaslužujem...

Ako netko uspije na suncu kockom leda ispisati tvoje ime,
onda cu mu priznati da te voli vise od mene!!!

Ako odem u nebo prije tebe, na svaku zvijezdu cu napisati tvoje ime,
tako ce svi andjeli znati koliko mi znacis...

Ako zadrzis ovu poruku - VOLIS ME, ako je ignoriras - OBOZAVAS ME,
ako ne odgovoris - ZELIS ME, ako odgovoris - NE MOZES BEZ MENE...

Bila bih postelja u kojoj spavas i jastuk na kojem se budis, zvijezda koju sanjas,
suza kada places, osmjeh kad se smijes, usinila bi sve samo da sam uz TEBE!

Kad osjetis najtezi trenutak u zivotu, kad izgubis povjerenje u samog sebe,
sjeti se bar tad da postoji neko tko misli na tebe!!!

Kad procitas ovu poruku, ti pomisli na mene, kako me srce steze!
Otkad tebe znam sve me za tebe veze. Tvoje Ime u srcu nosit cu i dok
zivim tebe voljet cu!

Na pijesku napisah tvoje ime ali ga obrisa vjetar ludi.
Na stablu ga urezah ali ga posjekose zli ljudi.
Tad ga urezah u srce svoje gdje ce zauvijek ostati moje.

Nikada te se necu sjecati, jer te nikada necu zaboraviti!!!

Da budem sretna jer si mi prijatelj ili da placem jer
je to najvise sto ces mi ikada biti?

I imam sve u zivotu, sto se kupiti moze, jedino ti nisi tu,
ali te cuvam ispod koze!

Nocas za tebe stihove pisem, nocas za tebe zvijezde brojim,
dopusti da te poljupcem uspavam dopusti da ti kazem koliko te volim.

Prestat cu te voljeti, prestat cu te zeljeti,
prestat cu poruke ti pisati! Prestat cu, kad prestanem disati!!!

Zvijezde mogu pasti, sunce moze nestati, ali te voljeti necu prestati.
Mogu pasti planine i stati rijeke, ali ce te moje srce voljeti u vijeke.


Moj, prijatelju mene više nema,
Al nisam samo zemlja, samo trava,
Jer knjiga ta, što držiš je u ruci,
Samo je dio mene koji spava.
I ko je čita u život je budi.
Probudi me, i bit ću tvoja java.

Ja nemam više proljeća i ljeta,
Jeseni nemam, niti zima.
Siroti mrtvac ja sam, koji u se
Ništa od svijeta ne može da prima.
I što od svijetlog osta mi života,
U zagrljaju ostalo je rima.

Pred smrću ja se skrih (koliko mogoh)
U stihove. U mraku sam ih kovo,
Al zatvoriš li za njih svoje srce,
Oni su samo sjen i mrtvo slovo.
Otvori ga, i ja ću u te prijeći
Ko bujna rijeka u korito novo.

Još koji časak htio bih da živim
U grudima ti. Sve svoje ljepote
Ja ću ti dati. Sve misli. Sve snove,
Sve što mi vrijeme nemilosno ote,
Sve zanose, sve ljubavi, sve nade,
Sve uspomene -- o mrtvi živote!
Povrati me u moje stare dane!

Ja hoću svjetla! Sunca koje zlati
Sve čeg se takne. Ja topline hoću
I obzorja, moj druže nepoznati.
I zanosa! i zvijezda kojih nema.

U mojoj noći. Njih mi, dragi, vrati.
Ko oko svjetla leptirice noćne
Oko života tužaljke mi kruže.
Pomozi mi da dignem svoje vjeđe,
Da ruke mi se u čeznuću pruže.
Ja hoću biti mlad, ja hoću ljubit,
I biti ljubljen, moj neznani druže!

Sav život moj u tvojoj sad je ruci.
Probudi me! Proživjet ćemo oba
Sve moje stihom zadržane sate,
Sve sačuvane sne iz davnog doba.
Pred vratima života ja sam prosjak.
Čuj moje kucanje! Moj glas iz groba.



Sumrak se tiho spušta, čuje se zvona glas, pišem ti pismo znaj, našoj ljubavi došao je kraj..U ruci olovka drhti, kao da želi nešto reći, suza za suzom lije, kao da nešto krije.
Zašto je tako moralo biti, zašto sam ljubav morala kriti? Zašto ljubav mora da vene, zašto život napušta mene? Evo, blagi povjetarac puše, i odnosi dijelove moje duše. Puhnuo je i ove zime, kad je odnio tvoje ime...

Volim te i vječno ću te voljeti. I kad dođu hladne zime, i kad dođe moj posljednji dan. Moje usne šaptat će tvoje ime.
Vječno ću čuvati u srcu svom, tvoga oka sjaj, tvog pogleda čar. Biti ćeš uz mene i kad si daleko. Bio si i biti ćeš moj najdraži san. Čuvat ću te vječno u srcu svom. Ti si ruža koja nikad ne vene, najljepši cvijet iz moje mašte. Cvjetaj i miriši za mene, samo ti si sunce moga neba. Ti si moja duga poslije kiše. Voljet ću te do smrti svoje, voljet ću te vječno i dan duže.


Znam da nemam prijatelje, jer moj najbolji prijatelj bio si ti. Bio si mi sve, a tako si iznenada nestao. Naučila sam živjeti uz tebe, a ti si otišao. Bila sam sretna kad smo bili zajedno, bili smo dvije duše jednog prijateljstva.
Tako smo neočekivano postali stranci. Kad te vidim oči mi postanu vlažen, a srce kuca sto na sat. Tako sam sama i pitam se misliš li još na mene, al odgovora nema…
Samo suze nijeme teku niz lice. Naučio si me voljeti, kao da ljuba znači davati, a ne uzvratiti. Pokušala sam te zaboraviti, ali to je najteže od svega NE MOGU. Uvijek sam zbog tebe plakala, uvijek se tebi nadala. Zato što sam te neizmjerno voljela, bez obzira na sve, UVIJEK SAMO TEBE…

Jedna žena ostala je sama, dozivala te svake noći, ali ona nije znala, da joj nikad nećeš doći. Jedna žena voljela te ludo, u njenom životu samo si ti bio i ostao. Kada jednog dana prođe mladost, uzalud će se kajati. Jedan žena noćas je plakala, dok posljednje zvijezda sja. Sutra će tužna umrijeti, a ta žena nije nitko drugi, nego JA.

Budi tu jer mi je dosta savršenih ljudi koji prolaze ne dajući ništa. Budi tu jer mi se čini ponekad da nema ničega vrjednijeg od prijateljstva….

Hvala ti i oprosti za sve, ja nisam tebe vrijedna i ne zaslužujem te. I sad kad te nema, sada znam da si ti moja jedina ljubav i prijatelj najbolji…

Sjedim ovdje u mraku svoje sobe i srce mi plače jer ti me mrziš. Odakle ta mržnja? Zašto voliš nju? Zašto ne postojim više? Zašto nisi tu? I zašto mi suze teku niz lice? Zašto više nada mnom sunce ne sja? I pitam se zašto uvijek moram plakati ja? ZAŠTO BAŠ JA??

Zašto se u mom pogledu suza stalno skriva? Zašto li sam ja uvijek baš sve kriva? Jesam li kriva što upće živim? Da, valjda jesam jer u životu drugo zaslužila nisam....

Nemoj biti tužna

Kad moraš da plačeš nedaj da ti suza kapne. Kad moraš da patiš nemoj da te drugi vide. Ne dozvoli nikome da ti srce takne, uguši jecaj, život ide dalje. Kad on ode u zagrljaj neke i viđaš ih zagrljene i sretne svako veče, okreni glavu..Takos e mora jer život dalje teče, nemoj biti tužna, neka osamljeni sve izbrišu. Ljubavi novih ima više, sretnih trenutaka ima malo, al znaj da je nekome i do tebe stalo..


Ljudi ulaze u srce i izlaze još brže. Ništa nije vječno, već je jedino tuga postojana. Znam, otišao je opet i ako se vrati uvijek ću ga se sjećati kako je otišao bez pitanja. Ali već sam navikla da ljudi odlaze i da se vraćaju. Nitko ništa ne pita, nitko ne pita dali boli, dali peče. Nitko ne pita..Samo odlaze i vraćaju se...bez pitanja...


Nikad više oko mi zasjati neće,
a padat će hladne kiše
na grobu moje sreće.
Nikad više nećete čuti moj glas,
jer moja duša u zemlji
sad nalazi spas.
Nikad više mojih pjesama neće biti,
jer posljednju gorku suzu
na ovu pjesmu ću sliti.
Umirem noćas noseći posljednju
ljubav sa sobom.
Umirem, a ostavljam samo
jednu riječ:


Umrla sam...Večeras,kad shvatila sam kakav si. Umrlo je moje srce koje te nekad toliko voljelo. Umrla je moja duša koja je zbog tebe tolike godine patila. Umrlo je moje tijelo, moje oči, koje bez tvojih pogleda više nemaju sjaj, moje usne, koje bez tvojih poljubaca ne vrijede ništa. Umrlo je sve u meni,
a ti ni ne shvaćaš koliku si mi bol nanio,za cijeli život me povrijedio. Ali opraštam ti sve, štoviše, žalim te, jer ti ne znaš voljeti, ni ljubav primiti. Sada idi iz mog srca i duše dok moji snovi k’o kule u pijesku se ruše. Ne želim zbog tebe više plakati i patiti jer znam da jednog dana ću te zaboraviti.
I znaj, znaj da ne mrzim te, ja opraštam ti sve...

Tiho žubori more, valovi tužno huče. Sjedim na obali rijeke, čudne me misli muče... Zašto si otišao od mene? Da li sam ja kriva za sve? Molim te vrati se sad. Ja volim, volim te. Tiho fijuče vjetar, noć se polako sprema, a tebe nema, a tebe nema, pa nema....

Srest ćemo se opet, zagrlit ćeš me jako, ni meni ni tebi neće biti lako. Srest ćemo se opet, vjeruj bit će tako i shvatit ćeš da te nitko neće voljeti prijateljski ovako..

Vrijeme sa sobom nosi sreću i nesreću, mladost sa sobom nosi ljubav i bol, a ja ću zauvijek nositi tebe u srcu svom, jer si prijatelj kakvog sanjam cijeli život svoj...

Krivo ti je što me voli, vidi se, odaje te pogled mržnje kada prođeš kraj mene. Krivo ti je što sam sretna bez tebe, da te boli ljubomora priznaj sam sebi, ali jedno znaj i ja volim tebe...

Budi uvijek blizu, za ruku me primi, snažno me zagrli, sebi me privuci, budi mi utjeha, budi me sve, i kad život prođe ne ostavljaj me..

Gitara svira, a srce plače..ja nemam mira, volim te sve jače..ako me zaboraviš, neka ti je sa srećom, ali jedino znam da ću te voljeti vječno...

Ako ti gorko zaplače oko, ako te netko povrijedi duboko, ako ti ikad zadrhti duša, ako nema tko da te sluša, ako ikad vrisneš u snu nazovi me i JA BIT CU TU...

Ako se ikada poželiš javiti, javi se, sve je ostalo isto i broj i adresa...samo mi je ime promijenjeno, jer otkad si ti otišao iz mog života, moje ime je tuga...

utorak, 30.10.2007.

hello piplli

tak bi Nonija rekla.....pa hm... sta ima kod mene??? ma nista posebno.. inace na infici sam napisala
poprilicno dugacak postek..al su mi ga izbrisali... gr...hm.. ma nea veze.. evo...pa da krenemo... jednoj curi iz razreda je danas rodjendan.. al ja i ona se bash i ne slazemo tak da joj se
nisam usudila cestitat jer nismo u dobrim odnosima ...mislim da
ne bi bilo.. ja njoj... sretan ti rodjendan.. ona mene mars.... tak da....


.... i tak zelim ti sve naj naj.. naravno u ljubavi, zivoteku ocjenama,prijateljstvu.... itd....
pusek tebi*
joj da se mi vratimo na mene.. hahahaha
joj danas sam fakat hepi.. trebali smo pisati kemijicu.. ali nismo... jejeje.... ma profa
je zakon....
nije me pitala eng... nista me nisu pitali...
osim sto moram procitat i napisat lektiru za sutra.. mislim ono DD... pitate se kaj se nisam
ranije sjetila...
zao mi je ali knjigice nema.... i tak.. dani su sve u svemu.... sjuper..
mislim da je to sve zasada....

pozdravceki idu....;
-ani v.
-svima iz razreda
-svima iz skoje
-svima koji me znaju...

i btw.. INES... si slobodna u cet ili petak da odemo van????
ajd pusica svima(naravno njemu najveca)
voji vas vasa irfana*

i za kraj nekojiko sjikica:

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