

Mornari na zvijezdama sa slomljenim jedrima
Signale salju u noc do tvojih prozora

I boce sa porukom lutaju svemirom
Umjesto rijeci ti nose miris mjeseca

Izadji na prstima i sa usnulih krovova
Mahni jednom u noc s antenama

Astronaut pokriven do usiju nebom zove te kroz noc oooh…



Nightswimming deserves a quiet night.
The photograph on the dashboard, taken years ago,
Turned around backwards so the windshield shows.
Every streetlight reveals the picture in reverse.
Still, its so much clearer.
I forgot my shirt at the waters edge.
The moon is low tonight.

Nightswimming deserves a quiet night.
Im not sure all these people understand.
Its not like years ago,
The fear of getting caught,
Of recklessness and water.
They cannot see me naked.
These things, they go away,
Replaced by everyday.

Nightswimming, remembering that night.
Septembers coming soon.
Im pining for the moon.
And what if there were two
Side by side in orbit
Around the fairest sun?
That bright, tight forever drum
Could not describe nightswimming.

You, I thought I knew you.
You I cannot judge.
You, I thought you knew me,
This one laughing quietly underneath my breath.

The photograph reflects,
Every streetlight a reminder.
Nightswimming deserves a quiet night, deserves a quiet night.


ne postoji ništa ljepše
od jutrom te vidjeti
uz sebe
sklupčanu šaku dječjih šminki
golih nogu
utrnutih odavno

zajedno ćemo potjerati mrave
mirisom tek opranih zubi
tko me ljubi
usnama što budi
prve slike što me pamte

dobro ti jutro, negledljiva ljepoto...

u pidžami naših koža
trudimo se uvijek
nešto više nego što bi
drugi mogli smjeti
jer činit mi se zna
da te šutnjom čujem, al'
često sram me reći
pa te poljubim u ruke

negledljiva ljepoto...

prizivaš me da ti dođem
toplim dahom na granice
vrata i kose
i na rubu usne osjetim
stihove tvog srca
težinu izbrišem
i spustim se na tebe.
spustim se na tebe

nakon dana, nakon noći...

zapetljani sasvim
nestat ćemo isti
i točno u pola riječi
sanjat ćemo da smo budni
skliznuti ka novom jutru
zadnjim šapatom u tvoje
usnule oko...

laka ti noć negledljiva ljepoto...

Hey hey.
Hey hey.

I was hell.
Sarcastic silver swell
That day it rained
Tough spun. Hard worn. No
Ocean flower aquarium
Badlands. Give a hand.
Honey dipt. Flim flam
Hey hey. Hey hey.
That cat can walk like a big bad man.

So happy to show us
I ate the lotus.
Say haven't you noticed?
I ate the lotus

Storefront window, I reflect.
Just last week I was merely heck
Tip the scale. I was hell
Picked me up, then I fell.
Who's this stranger? Crowbar spine
...and I feel fine.
Let it rain, rain, rain.
Bring my happy back again.

So happy to show us
I ate the lotus.
Say haven't you noticed?
I ate the lotus

Let it rain, rain, rain
Save me from my self again
Wash away my ugly sins
Opposing thumb, dorsal fin
That monkey died for my grin
Bring my happy back again
Let it rain, rain, rain
Bring my happy back again

So happy to show us
I ate the lotus
So haven't you noticed?
I ate the lotus
I ate the lotus
I ate the lotus

__les yeux rouge__

11.10.2005., utorak

˝živimo od iluzija,od njih i ginemo.˝ ivo andrić

raspetljavajući poslijednje čvorove na liniji dana
počinjem gledati opipom jer mi klupko mirisnih majmuna lebdi oko glave.

ne vidim,spotičem se,zapinjem,ne vidim
ne vidim,lijepe se za moje dlanove,ne vidim
ne vidim,rasteže mi udove,
grčim se,
kralješci se odvajaju,
žile pucaju,
tijelo mi se puni krvlju,
prelijeva se preko rubova,
glasom se borim,vrijeme stoji,
bol mi razdire tijelo...

ne plačem.
ne bojim se.
ne osjećam.

nisam ja,iako crvena,nisam ja...

ogledalo me ne prepoznaje,
moja misao ne postoji...

_saluT :)

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