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Događaji iz mog života, smiješne slike ,osjećaji,nova stranica života, prijedlozi,.....

Evo dvije pjesmice od static-x koje su meni ooooooodlične:


The enemy


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Blogachi koje citam ,od frendova

Mirna i paola ;)

Nešto o meni...

Ja sam.....Josipa
Živim u ....Rijeci
Volim.......sve što je dobro
raditi gluposti,svoje frendove, dečke
bacati sprdancije, zajebavati ljude oko sebe i samu sebe
Nevolim....zle i pokvarene umišljene ljude, ljubav
Slušam.....rock:Nirvana,Alice in chains,Marylin Manson,Iron Maiden,Static-x,Cradle of Filth,Blind Guardian,jos i neke
Bavim se i.....kickboxingom i snowbordanjem i sviram el.gitaru
Obožavam.......slušati muziku, ić van s frendovima
Nikada nećeš pogriješiti ako......mi kupiš čokoladu(bilo koju), me pozoveš van/ili na kavu
Imam puno....frendova,fix ideja,osobnih i realnih pogleda na život
Trenutno imam ......simpatiju(a kada je nemam????)....pokušavam ga zaboravit ali mi ne ide....
Uvijek sam spremna za........ zajebanciju
Za.....prijateljstvo i ljubav sam spremna učiniti sve, ali baš sve



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Evo par mojih extra slikica

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Č-čokolada,samo je F slađe od čokolade
D-depra,jebena stvar,Dolly- jebeno dobra frendica
E-ecstasy,sve se mora probati u životu ali to ne.....
F-F.................,fuck everything
G-gugićka, svaka čast curi zbog svega šta je napravila i meni , a i još nekima
H-hors(heroin)nikad ne bi išla tako daleko
I-izlasci-nekad nezaboravni
J-ja , neki bi rekli:spaljena , luda,smrt, pa neka tako i ostane
K-komentari, pa kad prođete pored bloga ostavite par
Lj-ljubav,nevolim je , nije vječna,uvijek pukne
M-Maša-super frendica,Malibuu,mržnja-mrzim ljude koji su dvolični
N-nlo, bo?
P-Palah-mjesto dobre muzike i ljudi
R-Rijeka-najdraži grad,Rio- moj pas rotwailer, Rock-najbolje što su ljudi izmislil

Neki od Ljudi koje poznajem što mislim o njima!

A-antonela-o.k cura,anja-blizanka
B-Boki(Borna)-još pre djetinjast.....
D-dolly -jebeno dobra frendica,Diego-jebeni klošar(a, nije jedini) super frend
F-f......-jebiga ne poznajem ga da sad nesto pricamo....no šmrc
G-guga-super frendica
I-Iva a- Imamo slične stavove za crkvu poput,a neda mi se danas...dobra frendica
J-ja ,josipa-mrzim svoje ime
K-Karla -pain in the ass
L-lana-blizanka,leon- o.k frend
M-maša-jebeno dobra frendica,uvijek za zajebanciju,Marko - zajebavam ga 24/7,maja-u zadnje vrijeme nepodnošljiva i totalno drukčija(bila ja bolja prije...)
O-oliva-popayeva žena
P-paki-puno mi pomaže na kontrolnima i prije njih
S-Santo -folirant prljave kose, ali o.k za zajebanciju
Š-švabo-best frend...........Schwob......to mu je prezime....
T-Tino-frend iz glazbene
V-veko-zajebant,sad zajebava Veru da ce ju jebati na ekskurziji,a ona biježi od njega,vera-frendica dobra

Sorite ako koga nisam sa sjetila spomenula, mozak mi je na godišnjem!!!

nedjelja, 31.12.2006.

...nešt malo muzike.....=)

Evo ljudi nešt malo muzike , i teksta da možete pjevati........da se malo razveseliti , ili pokrijete svoju tugu......ili pak zataškate depresiju.................

R.H.C.P:This velvet glove

Close to my skin
I'm falling in
Someone who's been

Sittin' by the phone
I'm left alone
In another zone

John says to live above hell
My will is well

No one is waiting
For me to fail
My will could sail yeah

It's such a waste to be wasted
In the first place
I want to taste the taste of
Being face to face with common grace
To meditate on the warmest dream
And when I walk alone I listen
To our secret theme

Your solar eyes are like
Nothing I have ever seen
Somebody close
That can see right through
I'd take a fall and you know
That I'd do anything
I will for you

Sailin' for the sun
'Cause There is one
Knows where I'm from

I care for you
I really do I really do

Come closer now
So you can lie
Right by my side

Sit alone in the sun
I wrote a letter to you
Getting over myself

Your solar eyes are like
Nothing I have ever seen
Somebody close
That can see right through
I'd take a fall and you know
That I'd do anything
I will for you

Your solar eyes are like
Nothing I have ever seen
Somebody close
That was made for you
I'd take a fall and you know
That I'd do anything
I will for you

Close to my skin
Someone who's been
I'm a falling in

Disasters are
Just another star
Falling in my yard

John says to live above hell
My will is well

Long to be with
Someone to tell
I love your smell

Neš povodom nove godine=)
Iron Maiden:2 minutes till midnight

Kill for gain or shoot to maim
But we don't need a reason
To Golden Goose is on the loose
And never out of season
Some blackened pride still burns inside
This shell of bloody treason
Here's my gun for a barrel of fun
For the love of living death

The killer's breed or the Demon's seed,
The glamour, the fortune, the pain,
Go to war again, blood is freedom's stain
But don't you pray for my soul anymore.

2 minutes to midnight,
The hands that treaten doom.
2 minutes to midnight,
To kill the unborn in the womb.

The blind men shout "Let the creatures out
We'll show the unbeliverers."
The napalm screams of human flames
Of a prime time Belsen feast ... yeah!
As the reasons for the carnage cut their meat and lick the gravy
We oil the jaws of the war machine and feed it with our babies.

The killer's breed or the Demon's seed,
The glamour, the fortune, the pain,
Go to war again, blood is freedom's stain
But don't you pray for my soul anymore.

2 minutes to midnight,
The hands that treaten doom.
2 minutes to midnight,
To kill the unborn in the womb.

The body bags and little rags of children torn in two
And the jellied brains of those who remain to put the finger right on you
As the madmen play on words and make us all dance to their song
To the tune of starving millions to make a better kind of gun.

The killer's breed or the Demon's seed,
The glamour, the fortune, the pain,
Go to war again, blood is freedom's stain
But don't you pray for my soul anymore.

2 minutes to midnight,
The hands that treaten doom.
2 minutes to midnight,
To kill the unborn in the womb.

It's all night

It's all night


Two lifes, one fate
I have to leave
So will you follow me?
That's how it's meant to be
I reigned as God
I'm monumental
Soon I will arise
With you by my side
And we will radiate the skies
He who will gaze our lights
Will kill his mind, his vision blind

Tonight we are stars
Stars that shine on bright
Tonight we are stars
Stars immortal light
Tonight we are stars

All treasures all goods
We bury where we lay down to die
And pay for paradise
Await the highest thorn of all
And who will gaze our lights
Will kill his mind, is going blind

Tonight we are stars
Stars that shine on bright
Tonght we are stars
Stars inside the nights of ache
Love and hate
Hope and shade
Take you away

I will take you away
I'm gonna take you away
I'm gonna take you away

Tonight we are stars
Stars that shine on bright
Tonight we are stars
Stars immortal light of ache
Light of hate
Hope and shade
Part of the fate
Tonight we are stars

Evanescence:Weight of the world

Feels like the weight of the world,
Like God in heaven gave me a turn.
Don't cling to me, I swear I can't fix you.
Still in the dark, can you fix me?

Freefall, freefall, all through life.

If you love me, then let go of me.
I won't be held down by who I used to be.
She's nothing to me.

Feels like the weight of the world,
Like all my screaming has gone unheard.
And oh, I know you don't believe in me.
Safe in the dark, how can you see?

Freefall, freefall, all through life.

If you love me, then let go of me.
I won't be held down by who I used to be.

If you love me, then let go of me
I won't be held down by who I was

If you love me, then let go of me
I won't be held down by who I used to be

Sad vi odlucite koja je najbojla pjesma........

|komentiraj 6| printaj| #|

ponedjeljak, 25.12.2006.

......i Božić je došao.......=)

pa .....nema se baš previše za reći pa Friendster images

christmas images

P.S to je vrijeme za zajebanciju s društvom i za raditi gluposti ,zato i postoje praznici................evo vam jedan videosić,pogledajte ga fora je.......i jako sladak............

Coca Cola

see ya!

|komentiraj 7| printaj| #|

petak, 22.12.2006.

funny and romantic stuff

Bok ljudi, evo mene opet, .............a evo i jedne lijepe pjesmice by:R.H.C.P(svakako pročitajte riječi)

This Velvet Glove Lyrics

Close to my skin
I'm falling in
Someone who's been

Sittin' by the phone
I'm left alone
In another zone

John says to live above hell
My will is well

No one is waiting
For me to fail
My will could sail yeah

It's such a waste to be wasted
In the first place
I want to taste the taste of
Being face to face with common grace
To meditate on the warmest dream
And when I walk alone I listen
To our secret theme

Your solar eyes are like
Nothing I have ever seen
Somebody close
That can see right through
I'd take a fall and you know
That I'd do anything
I will for you

Sailin' for the sun
'Cause There is one
Knows where I'm from

I care for you
I really do I really do

Come closer now
So you can lie
Right by my side

Sit alone in the sun
I wrote a letter to you
Getting over myself

Your solar eyes are like
Nothing I have ever seen
Somebody close
That can see right through
I'd take a fall and you know
That I'd do anything
I will for you

Your solar eyes are like
Nothing I have ever seen
Somebody close
That was made for you
I'd take a fall and you know
That I'd do anything
I will for you

Close to my skin
Someone who's been
I'm a falling in

Disasters are
Just another star
Falling in my yard

John says to live above hell
My will is well

Long to be with
Someone to tell
I love your smell

evo vam i par smješnih videića............(obavezno pogledajte....)


Faux Cheating

i par sličica............


Image hosting

Image hosting

Image hosting

Image hosting

Myspace layouts

Myspace layouts

Myspace layouts

Myspace layouts

i to je to neda mi se više pisati..............
pozzzz i kisssssach...................

|komentiraj 4| printaj| #|

ponedjeljak, 18.12.2006.

yupi yupi jej jej...................=)

bok ljudi
danas ne idem u skolu jer moram na probu..............................hi....dadadada...

kako život može biti dobar.......kako je lijepo znati da.....nemoram ici u skolu, skacem od srece.......

i dobila sam od seke za božić dvd:live,tonight,sold out Nirvana..........pogledat cu ga cim budem mogla sad bas i nemogu jer traje prt sati pa ono.........pogledat cu ga prvi ,dobro ne prvi(ici cu vaaannnn!!) nego drugi dan praznika................=)

jadni oni moji iz razreda oni se tamo sad muče, a ja se smijem i zajebavam s ˝bendom˝......=)


a sta ces zivot nije fer, cak ni perma meni.............ide prebrzim tempom pa te iznenadi......

pjesmica za kraj....

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Budi tu… i kada oblaci prekriju nebo, a na moje lice nadvije se tuga.
Budi tu… i kada mi ponestane snage za osmjeh.
Budi tu… i kada ti kažem da odeš, jer to će biti u trenutku, kada je jedino što želim to da ostaneš, tu, pored mene.
Biti ću tu… kada u tvom pogledu pročitam zabrinutost.
Biti ću tu… kada svi drugi u tebi budu vidjeli potpunog stranca.
Biti ću tu… kada izgubiš nadu u novo svitanje.
Biti ću tu… pored tebe.
Jer ako ostaneš, moja bol neće biti bol, biti će to samo jedan od onih dana, kada ne može biti baš sve kako bi ja htjela.
Jer ako ostaneš, probuditi ćeš u meni onu posljednju mrvicu vjere u novi dan.
Samo dok si tu… mogu prkosno koračati ulicom..........
Samo dok si tu… baš svaka borba ima smisao............

pozzzzzzzz & pouuuuusssetina


vam se sviđa pjesmica???

|komentiraj 3| printaj| #|

subota, 16.12.2006.

smile post............................=)

Jedva cekam da padne snijeg.........SmileyCentral.com

This would be me.........


bas kao ja i moja gitara.........

a bas je slatka..............bzzzzz

ovako izgleda moje buđenje.......

u zadnje vrijeme nema bas vremena za opustanje uz telku........

sutra jedem pizzu s frendovime jupiii............


pod određenim satovima ima i ovakvih slučajeva......................................

ha, ha hahahahahahahahha........

ali zbilja...........

just like me..........hi!

???????? do I.................????

to bi bilo to..........so.......

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ponedjeljak, 11.12.2006.

Had a nice day................=)

Danas sam bila dobra Image Hosted by ImageShack.us eto koliko............................... dobila sam 5 i 4 iz geografije.........jupiiiiiii.................................I najbolje od svega nisam imala prvi sat...................super za mene koja volim puuuuuuuuuuuno spavati...................pa sada skačem od sreće..........Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
dadadadadadadadada bila sam jaaaaakooo sretna ...........
Evo vam par sličica (kako se osjećam).

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Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

ostale su u boxu!!!!!


|komentiraj 7| printaj| #|

subota, 09.12.2006.

Why are you doing this to me?????..................................Why do you exist???

Bok ljudi , evo mene opet............................................ma daj neda mi se ici ni u skolu, još manje u crkvu, Bila bi vani 24/7...............................ali moram učiti..........................e pa danas nisam ....ni necu.......Bila sam sa društvom do tunelica zapalila (3) cigaru sa Diegom ,Sarom i Sanjinom.......................malo smo se zajebavali..............i tako.

Get high

I am like fallen angel
falling a part every day more.
Not feeling any better ,
Am confused,
Want to get overdoesed,
In this momment feeling high,
Get high with me again and again ,
Don`t leave me ,
Stay , so don`t go,
Sit,fly with me
Let, let`s get high
Please let`s get high again,
again and again.
Fly with me.

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Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Kako vam se sviđa mala pjesmica posvećena Mašinom frendu??wink

i poruka:

Generate Your Own Glitter Graphics @ GlitterYourWay.com - Image hosted by ImageShack.us


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petak, 08.12.2006.

Look can kill..............................=)

Danas sam pisala jebenu geografiju.........................ajd dobro nisam znala 2 pitanja............poslije sam bila na el.gitari malo se zajebavala i otisla..............................nakon toga otiđoh na francuski, gdje smo morali crtati nešto u "duhu" božića ..............................nebi ja bila ja da ne napravim glupost...........................pa nacrtala sam lubanju , dodala sam joj veliku bradu, kapicu djeda božićnjaka i pored napisala "ho,ho,ho"-nacrtala sam mrtvog djedicu božićnjaka,.....................................profa mi je rekla da nacrtam još nešto i ja nacrtah grobnicu na kojoj piše"R.I.P", a ispod toga "djed božićnjak" ........................... i tako je prošlo još par morbidnih trenutaka na francuskom......poslije sam išla sa frendicom na klizanje ............................................došao je injezin brat, ali na kratko , sladak je , ali ja još uvijek mislim na nekog drugog........................................pa sam mu i posvetila pjesmu koju sam napisala(i ako on ni nezna za moj blog, a ni za mene).......................

How long????

I am going to die,cause
I am so miserable without you.
Life is a bitch, someone gives a chance,
and someone doesn´t.
So pain doesn`t hurt as mutch as you do.
I am going to commit a suicide ,
right in front of your eyes
and if I cut my vains because of you,
I don`t think that you would give a shit .
Love is like a suicide, no reason to eat ,
live or sleep with out you.
And if sombody ask me how long will I love you,
I don`t know the answer,
guess till I die.
And it`s all because I fucking love you.
You make me feel so confused,
You are like some drug,
first time you take,
you`ll have to do another mistake.
Than you get addicted.
Somtimes I ask my self how long does it take,
and I am like foolcause I fucking love you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Sta mislite o mojoj pjesmici???????
i o sličicama????

kisach .........................

|komentiraj 6| printaj| #|

četvrtak, 07.12.2006.

What are friends for.........................Nothing belive me

Danas me u školi par ljudi iznevjerilo, ali kad oni mene budu najviše trebali mene , neka se odmah ubiju i nek ne računaju na mene, ne više , jer necu biti dobra i uzvratiti cu im istom , ali i gorom mjerom............................................
Ubiti osim toga bilo je o.k zajebavala sam se cijeli dan....................sa Diegom, Santom, Petrom, itd........
Skoro zaboravih razrednica me njezinim odvratnim glasom izbacila van.....................................................ma sta ja znam nesto je bila ljuta.........................................ja nabacila samo jedan nevini smilesmijeh, a ona meni ..........je se ti to meni smiješ, je ti to smješno a????................................................ja da cu joj reći da se nisam smijala njoj a ona meni..................brzo,brzo................................................................
I tako sam se ja nevina cijelitaj sat zajebavala sa dežurnim.............................................. bilo mi je i bolje nego da tamo nju slušam...............................................samo mi je još to falilo da ju slušam cijelih 45 min.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pa evo par slicica:

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O yeah............

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.......so be happy

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...of cors

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
me and the prince........

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hey! nice .......=)

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black rules........

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bitch(i am one too)

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jedna od rijetkih super serija....

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šećer na kraju....

bye for now...........

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srijeda, 06.12.2006.

Evo nekih slicica .....

Ove slicice su about love, prvenstveno se odnose na mene!!!!(citajte i prethodni post!!!!)
Zasto me taj jebeni tip niti ne primjecuje, jesam li ja mozda nevidljiva????-pa kako me onda profesori vide????Ne vrijedi živjeti- ionako me svi jebu u mozak svi do zadnjeg !!!
Ma nema veze i onako, ma ajd valjda ce nesto biti !!!! I hope so!!!!

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Danas je bio jebeno dobar dan i bilo je svašta............prvi put u mom cijelom fucking životu sam dobila komad iz engleskog!!!tako da su mi ocijene sljedeće:5,5,5,5,5,4,1......................................................a valjda cu ispraviti !!!!!
Ljubav...........Jebi ga moram ga zaboraviti, a nemogu, jednostavno to je jače od mene i traje duuuuuuuuugoooooo!!!!
Taj tip je kao droga , a jedina je razlika što drogu uzmeš i trebaš još, a njega samo samo pogledaš, pa trebaš još!!!! i preporuka -njemu-just accept it!!!!=)
pa evo jedna pjesmica!!!


I got dosed by you and
Closer than most to you and
What am I supposed to do
Take it away I never had it anyway
Take it away and everything will be okay
In you a star is born and
You cut a perfect form and
Someone forever warm
Lay on lay on lay on lay on
Lay on lay on lay on lay on
Way upon the mountain where she died
All I ever wanted was your life
Deep inside the canyon I can't hide
All I ever wanted was your life
Show love with no remorse and
Climb on to your seahorse and
This ride is right on corse
This is the way I wanted it to be with you
This is the way that I knew that it would be with you
Lay on lay on lay on lay on
Lay on lay on lay on lay on
Way upon the mountain where she died
All I ever wanted was your life
Deep inside the canyon I can't hide
All I ever wanted was your life
I got dosed by you and
Closer than most to you and
What am I supposed to do
Take it away I never had it anyway
Take it away and everything will be okay
Way upon the mountain where she died
All I ever wanted was your life
Deep inside the canyon I can't hide
All I ever wanted was your life

Dali vam se sviđa...............ha,ha?
Evo i par sličica!!!!!!

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Bye people, kiss and blessings!!!!!

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nedjelja, 03.12.2006.

Why is it so fucking hard???

I noticed that almost every time when I am depresed I write in english why you ask it sounds better!!!
So nothink new I am depresed again.O yeah I almost forgot my whole fucking life is like that!!!
Well another few things about me :
I know/speak 3 languages: Italian , English and Franch
summer-surfing,but not so good
always- kickboxing(3. place in Croatia)
The subjects that I am stupid for : History-booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooring, i just can`t learn that,
Matemathics-not interested in.
So what about me personaly :in love with the same guy, but he don`t eaven know I exist, so I am triing to do somthing but it come up nothink,and if he know I exist how come he didn`t do a think?
but fuck that I always think the worse : and I am pretty shure about it, he like another girl,don`t like me, and I am afraid What if I tell Him somethink (everythink ) and I got dissapointed with answer?But desteny is not on my side , I just don`t have that kind of luck, that He realy likes me!!!

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Bye people, kiss!!!

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