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All about IIS

by Robert Petrunic


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 17.08.2007., petak

How to install IIS 7 on windows server CORE

This post will guide you trough process of installing IIS 7 components on CORE version of windows server 2008.

We will install all the components needed by Virtual server Web Application so this post will bring us one step closer to Virtual server Web application installed on Windows server 2008 CORE version.

1. Log on to your Windows server 2008 CORE box
2. in command prompt type oclist. This command will show you all the components on CORE version of windows server you could install. The part we are interested is IIS-WebServerRole, and WAS-WindowsActivationService
3. Save the following commands in a file and name it something.bat. After that run something.bat on your Windows server 2008 CORE box. Those commands will install all the components needed by virtual server web application on your CORE box.

start /w ocsetup WAS-WindowsActivationService
start /w ocsetup IIS-WebServerRole
start /w ocsetup IIS-CGI
start /w ocsetup IIS-WindowsAuthentication
start /w ocsetup IIS-IIS6ManagementCompatibility
start /w ocsetup IIS-Metabase

Those commands should be run in this order because some of the components are dependent on other
If you type the command without start /W command prompt will give you prompt instantly back and you wont know when the installation is finished. By using start /W you will get prompt back after the installation is finished.
When start /w ocsetup WAS-WindowsActivationService finishes it will install WAS-WindowsActivationService and WAS-ProcessModel.
When start /w ocsetup IIS-WebServerRole finishes it will install IIS-WebServerRole, IIS-WebServer, IIS-DefaultDocument, IIS-DirectoryBrowsing, IIS-HttpErrors, IIS-StaticContent, IIS-HttpLogging, IIS-RequestMonitor, IIS-HttpCompressionStatic, IIS-RequestFiltering. All those components except IIS-WebServer are located in IIS-WebServerRole, and under WAS-WindowsActivationService tree.
If we run command start /w ocsetup IIS-WebServerRole before start /W ocsetup WAS-WindowsActivationService none of those components will be installed automatically, and we will have to run each command at the time. This is the reason I told you to run those command exactly in this order I suggested at the beginning.
4. Check if the installation of IIS components was ok. Run firefox you installed earlier as explained in my post Surfing from Windows server 2008 CORE version? and type http://localhost. You should receive IIS 7 start page.

There is also another way to install IIS 7 on Core version of Windows server 2008. You could do it with packadge manager pkgmgr.
For instance i f you want to install only WAS and Web server role, you willl write:

start /w pkgmgr /iu:IIS-WebServerRole;WAS-WindowsActivationService

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