(×..texTichi zA pamcHenjE..×)

...nE piJem dA s3 naPijem...
...nE pLachEm jEr mE bOli...
...jA pijEm dA t3 zabOrawiM...
...a pLachEm jEr t3 wOlim...

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...uwiEk pOstOi neKa ljuBaw...
...kOju wriJeme tEshkO bRishE...
...kOja oStaJe u nAma...
...i onDa kAd jE neMa wishE...

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...tEshkO jE wOljeTi...
...i ljUbaw kRiti...
...u srCu pLakaTi....
...a naSmijAn biTi...

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...OstawiO si maLu kOja t3 wOljet znaLa..
...uzEo si swE shtO ti j3 daLa...
...swE shtO si rekaO biLe su sAmO lazhi...
...aLi samO chU ti jeDnOm rEchi...

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...zNam dA sAm pOgrijEshiLa...
...i kAjaT chU s3 dO kRaja zhiwOta...
...jEr ti si biO i OstaO mOj griJeh i mOja srAmOta...
...aLi swAki twOj udAraC jA pOdnijEt chU sA sMijEshkOm...
...jEr dOchi chE dAn kAda chu i jA teBe zwAti GRESHKOM...

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(×..mOi frEndOvichi..×)

...ewO odLuchiH dA pOswEtiM jEdaN diO
blOga mOim dRagiM osObamA...
...pA etO,,nEk prwA buDe mOa bEst frEndiCa...

...antOneLLa a.k.a. neLLa..shneLLa or mOa
mawA bUbi...

pA etO..tO wAm j3 mOa bEst frEndiCa...
uwiEk rAzmishLjamO istO..ObjE smO
LudiCe,,,brbLjawe...woLLimo izLazit...
LjutiT drUge..piT kawiCe..biT zaLjubLjeNe..
onA jE mOj jEdiNi razlOg zAshtO sAd niSam
u zAdrU...uwiEk mi pomOgnE kAd mi trEba
sawjEt..sTalnO smO zajEdnO..jA misLim
dA LjudiMa zbOg tOg wecH idEmO nA zhiwCe...
hiHi...==)...jEdnOstawnO rAzumijEmo jEdna drUgu
i nikO nAm nE mOže nishTa...njU nAjwisHe wOlim...
...jA i neLLa...
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...niNa a.k.a. nincHy..niNa tHe gRrRr... onA mi jE suPer fRendiCa..tAkOđer mE
rAzumijE..kAd njU pukNe..eEeE..tO mOraTe
viDjeT...biLLo jE izmEđu nAs nEkiH swAđicA
aL misLim dA smO swE srEdiLe..tAkOđer
uwiEk pomOgnE...w.Te.
...niNa $ mE...
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...NikoLinA a.k.a. NiKy..nikA..LinA..
mOa dObra frEndiCa..pOnekAd
smO si dObre..hAhA..imA lijEpu rObicU..
znAmo sE jakO dObro zAbawiT...
priE jE biLa nashA maLLa cuRica
aL sAd jE maLi vrAgicH..
...jA $ niKy..(nA mashKaraMa)
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...peTra a.k.a. pEpiTa..petLicA..pEpa...
sUper miE cUra..uwiEk sE znAmo zAbawiT
jAkO LudA...hAhahA..uWiek mE znA sAslUshAt...
pOnekAd jE jakO neOzbiLjna..aL oK...
oNa wAm jE mOa maLLa pRinCeziCa...
iMa jakO zgOdnOg susjEda..hEhEhE..==)
...pEpiTa..maTijA $ niKy...
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...aDriAnNa a.k.a. adRy... oNa wAm jE jedNa lUda..oTkachEna cuRa
smAtraM ju suPer frEndiCom iakO nismO
wisHe dObrE kAo priJe..aL jA niKad nEchu
zAborawiT kakO nAm jE suPer biLLo...
uwiEk sE raDo tOga prisJechAm...
sAd sE jE dOstA prOmjeNiLa...aL swEjeDnO
jA jU wOlim taKwu kAkwA jE..oNa znA swE shTo
jA misLim o njOj...
...mAtkO..adRy $ jA...
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...niKoLLinA 2 a.k.a. niNa...
oNa i jA zajEdnO ljEtujEmo...sUpeR miE
cUra...lUda jE kAo i jA...suPer nAm jE kAd
sMo neGdje..pOgOtowO nA koncErtiMa..
hAhAhA..wOlim ju..
jOsH ću pOzdRawiT miU...
...niNa $ jA...

blog Layouts

blog Layouts

BlOgOvI KoJe Ja PoSjEcHuJem

MoJ rAzReD

< prosinac, 2007 >
          1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Svibanj 2008 (1)
Travanj 2008 (2)
Ožujak 2008 (3)
Veljača 2008 (3)
Siječanj 2008 (2)
Prosinac 2007 (1)
Srpanj 2007 (1)
Lipanj 2007 (1)
Svibanj 2007 (1)
Travanj 2007 (1)
Ožujak 2007 (2)
Veljača 2007 (2)
Siječanj 2007 (4)
Prosinac 2006 (7)


cOmMenTaRI Yes/No

design by: ...KuChKa...

...sOmEtHiNg AbOuT mE...

WhO aM I...??
zOvEm Se AnDrEa..
iAm 14 GoDiNiCa
ŽiViM U RiJeCi...
točnije Na VeGi...

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..swoe frEndowe i freNdice...
..dugo sPawati
..majne MoB,,
..maliBu - spRite
..mOe naočaLe za sunCe

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..Ne woLim..
..neKe određeNe ljUdowe..
..kaD se moraM raNo budiT..
..kad nEam para na mObu..
..uFurane ljUdove..
..Ljude kOi seru bzvz..

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..ja saM..
..uwiek Optimistična..
..ponekaD razmaženA..
..dObra frendiCa..
..swe bih učinila za woljene osObe..

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..pa swe..
..pOnekad rOck..

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..stwari bez kOih ne bi mOgla..
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moja abeceda:
a - andrea...najljepše ime...=)
b - burek...hehe...šala..
c - cig...
č - čokolada
d - dečki,,njami...=)
đ - đurđice...heh
e - ekskurzija......hmmm
f - frolka,,,naša raska
g - gumeni bomboni..obožavam ih
h - hvar...=)
i - medek(igračka)
j - jagode, jabuke...
k - moj krevet
l - luđaci...=)
lj - ljubav..šta da kažem
m - moj mp-3
n - naranče,,najdraže voće
nj - hmmmm...
o - oprosti za sve
p - prijateljstvo
r - rijeka
s - stock...neki će znat
š - šutnja...šnella,,,best...4ever..
t - tenisice
u - uuu...=)
v - votka i gin(kako
se već piše)
z - zakon..jebeš...
ž - život



...sUdBiNa Se sa mnOm IgraLa
PrwO mi t3 daLa, onDa uzeLa...
sAda srechO pLacHem nOchima..
dOk mi twOe Lice titRa prEd Ochima...
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..mOžda prewish3 trAžim, a pre maLo daJem..
i mOžda prewishe pricham, a pre maLo kazhem..
mOžda prewishe mashtam a maLo shvacham..
mOžda s3 maLo bOjim aLi t3 prEwishe wOlim...

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...nOchas paDa kisha a jA misLim nA nAs..
...dA si bAr kRaj mEnE dA ti chujeM gLas..
...nochas paDa kisha i hLadno Je..
...dA si bAr krAj mEne dA zAgrijEsh mE...
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...bi Li wrijEdiLO rEchi OprOsti
...kAd riJechi nE liJeche sLomljeNa srCa..??
...bi Li wrijEdiLO pLakaTi
...kAda sUze samO bOl nA ranU dOdaJu..??
...jeDinO shtO mOgu jE nasTawiTi WOLJETI...
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I beLieve iN angeLs,
tHe kiNd tHat hEavEn seNds...
I'm surrOunDed by anGeLs...
bUt I caLL thEm my bEst friEnds...

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subota, 29.12.2007.

nakon koliko vremena pišem post???????

eeej ljudi,,,,,
šta ima kod vass,,,,
koliko dugo nisam napisala post....ajmeeeee.....belj
samo ne znam koliko dugo će opet izdržati...hehehe....evo kod mene se
jakooooooooooo punoooooooooooooooo toga dogodilo....od ljubavi,,,svađi,,,ekskurzija....itd,,,itd,,,,da ne nabrajam dalje,,,rolleyes
i menii se sada ne da pisati o svemu tome,,,,nadoknadit ću vam u drugim postevima.........
eto....sad ću vam stavit par slikica i par spotova i fora tekstiće,,,,

evo ovo smo mi cure na ekskurziji
gornji red,,,nina,niky, šnella i ja...
dole su....antonija i pepa

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ovo smo šnella adry i ja...

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neš ne valja onaj image,,pa ću nastavit drugi put...hehe

evo vam jedan spotić...

Ashley Tisdale Lyrics
Kiss the Girl Lyrics


Out of the night that covers me, black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be, for my unconquerable soul, In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced or cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds, and shall find, me unafraid It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments is the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul. ~~William Henley Invictus~~

''Sometimes pain becomes such a huge part of your life that you expect it to always be there, because you can't remember a time in your life when it wasn't. But then one day you feel something else, something that feels wrong, only because it's so unfamiliar. And in that moment you realize you're happy.''

You ever look at a picture of yourself and see a stranger in the background? It makes you wonder how many strangers have pictures of you, how many moments of other peoples lives have we been in, we're we a part of someone's life when their dreams came true, or were we there when their dreams died. Did we keep trying to get in, as if we were somehow destined to be there, or did the shot take us by surprise. Just think, you could be a big part of someone else's life, and not even know it."

The important thing is; not to be bitter over life’s disappointments. Learn to let go of the past. And recognize that every day, won’t be sunny. But when you find yourself lost in the darkness of despair, remember, it’s only in the black of night that you can see the stars. And those stars will lead you back home. So, don’t be afraid to make mistakes, to stumble and fall. Coz, most of the time, the greatest rewards come from doing the things that scare you the most. Maybe you’ll get everything you wish for. Maybe, you’ll get more than you ever could’ve imagined. Who knows where life will take you. The road is long, and in the end, the journey is the destination.

"There are two tragedies in life; one is to lose your heart's desire, the other is to gain it."

evo i samo jedna stvar za cure iz razreda,,,,no
adry:ja se niš ne ljutim na tebe...ali za neke stvari si me razočarala,,,,cryeek

nina: hvala na pojašnjenju...hehethumbup

šnella....ti sve znaš i molim te to nemoj iskoristit....ok????burninmadnamcor

evo to bi bilo sve....i da pozdravim par ljudi...šnella,,,nina g. ,,,,pepa,,,,allegra,,,musulin,,,,matteo,,,dadek,,,matija,,,,dino(ne šnellin)...neno,,,sara,,..koga sam zaboravila ispričavam se...
i blog mog razreda...pantagana8a.blog.hr

idem,,,, čujemo seeeeeeeeeeeee
pussaaa svimaaakisskisskisskiss

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