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-u jea

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-moju bejbe nikky
-jednog tipa
-čuftu i hot pile

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-ukljucujuci i mrave
koji su me napali 2 puta
-osobe koje lazu
-crve dok se migolje
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-moja jedina hot nikky!!!!
-ostale jako dobre su
mi laura i martina
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.....~~*MOJI lInKaCi*~~.....
..(..).. n¤€mł...:)smijehsmijeh
* M¤J t¤ŁJ¤ vłRn@*

..::**~Ł@Ur@ Dłz@Jn~**::..
..::**~g@Dur@ dłz@jN~**::..
..::**~M¤RrIG@N D€$łgN~**::..
..::**~B@H@Tł DłZ@jN~**::..
...::**~$W€€T DE$IGN~**::..


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And if you save yourself
You will make him happy
He'll keep you in a jar
And you'll think you're happy
He'll give you breathing holes
Then you'll think you're happy
He'll cover you with grass
And you'll think you're happy

You're really in a laundry room,
You're really in a laundry room
The clue that came to you, uhhh

And if you cut yourself
You will think you're happy
He'll keep you in a jar
Then you'll make him happy
He'll give you breathing holes
Then you'll think you're happy
He'll cover you with grass
Then you'll think you're happy

You're really in a laundry room,
You're really in a laundry room
The clue that came to you, uhhh (x2)

And if you fool yourself
You will make him happy
He'll keep you in a jar
And you'll think you're happy
He'll give you breathing holes
Then you will seem happy
You'll wallow in your shit
Then you'll think you're happy

You're in a laundry room (x3)
The clue that came to you, uhhh

I don't care – X5
Care if it's old.
I don't mind - X4
Mind. I don't have a mind.
Get away - X4
Way, way from your home.
I'm afraid – X4
Afraid, of ghosts!

If you have...
Even if you need...
I don't mean to stare.
We don't have to breed.
We can plant a house,
Or We can build a tree
I don't even care.
"We could have all three,"
She Said... - X8

I don't care – X4
Care, care if it's old.
I don't mind X4
Mind. I don't have a mind.
Get away - X4
Way, way from your home.
I'm afraid – X4
Afraid, of ghosts!

If you have...
Even if you need...
I don't mean to stare.
We don't have to breed.
We can plant a house,
Or We can build a tree.
I don't even care.
"We could have all three."
She Said... X8


If you have...
Even if you need...
I don't mean to stare.
We don't have to breed.
We can plant a house.
We can build a tree.
I don't even care.
"We could have all three."
She Said X8
She Saaaaaaaiiiiii....duh.

*...NIRVANA-rape me...*-moja best i od andra

Rape me
Rape me, my friend
Rape me
Rape me again

I'm not the only one, Ah [3x]
I'm not the only one...

Hate me
Do it and do it again
Waste me
Rape me, my friend

I'm not the only one, Ah [3x]
I'm not the only one...

My favorite inside source
I'll kiss your open sores
I appreciate your concern
You're gonna stink and burn

Rape me
Rape me, my friend
Rape me
Rape me, again

I'm not the only one, Ah [3x]
I'm not the only one...

Rape me! (Rape me!)[9x]

*...OsObE KoJe mI PuUnO ZnAcE...*

*ovako sad cu napisati nesto o mojim best frendovima i frendicama...i nabrojat

* virna...toljo moj..oobboozavam ju,ali ponekad se znamo posvadat al ja nemogu bez nje pa tako da ju odma nazovem ili ona mene:Puvjek mi je rame za plakanje...w..t

*nicol...heeh s njom sam bila cjelo ljeto skoro...i isto ju wolim al neznam sta drugi imaju protiv nje meni je sasvim ok...nik+zvoncici..hihi...super je za zajebanciju i kako kaze andrej " pribetic i ZOO"HAHA

*ada-ooooona mi je suuper..makar zivi u rijeci ali,..ja nju obozavam...totalno mi je super ..mogu joj se povjeritii + ona mi nes kaze...wee!! :D

*sashka-ahh i ona mi je super al se ne druzimo previse..kao i larissa...al eto..samo da ju spomenem..

*ehh sad za frendove...imam ih puno al nemam ni jednog pravog...a to su....oni ok...dino,tony,tibi.,marin....

*andro-ehh on je posebna prica..a vivi zna tu pricu...isto je iz rijeke dalje nedostaje......

..................to bi bilo to od toga.......imam jos frendica al tak kad pocne skola...sad i ne previse...haah.............poosa

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*MoJe dRaGe šLjIkIcEeE*

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U2-beautiful day

The heart is a bloom
Shoots up through the stony ground
There's no room
No space to rent in this town

You're out of luck
And the reason that you had to care
The traffic is stuck
And you're not moving anywhere

You thought you'd found a friend
To take you out of this place
Someone you could lend a hand
In return for grace

It's a beautiful day
Sky falls, you feel like
It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away

You're on the road
But you've got no destination
You're in the mud
In the maze of her imagination

You love this town
Even if that doesn't ring true
You've been all over
And it's been all over you

It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away
It's a beautiful day

Touch me
Take me to that other place
Teach me
I know I'm not a hopeless case

See the world in green and blue
See China right in front of you
See the canyons broken by cloud
See the tuna fleets clearing the sea out
See the Bedouin fires at night
See the oil fields at first light
And see the bird with a leaf in her mouth
After the flood all the colors came out

It was a beautiful day
Don't let it get away
Beautiful day

Touch me
Take me to that other place
Reach me
I know I'm not a hopeless case

What you don't have you don't need it now
What you don't know you can feel it somehow
What you don't have you don't need it now
Don't need it now
Was a beautiful day

[Bridge 'til fade]
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Red Hot Chili Peppers Lyrics

By The Way Lyrics

Standing in line to
See the show tonight
And there's a light of
Heavy glow
By the way I tried to say
I'd be there waiting for
Dani's the girl is
Singing songs to me
Beneath the marquee

Steak knife
Card shark
Con job
Boot cut

Skin that flick
She's such a little DJ
To get there quick
By street but not the freeway
Turn that trick
To make a little leeway
Beat that nic
But not the way that we play

Blood bath
Rib cage
Soft tal

Standing in line to
See the show tonight
And there's a light on
Heavy glow
By the way I tried to say
I'd be there waiting for
Dani's the girl is
Singing songs to me
Beneath the marquee

Black jack
Dope dick
Pawn shop
Quick pick

Kiss that dyke
I know you want to hold one
Not on strike
But I'm about to bowl one
Bite that mic
I know you never stole one
Girls that like
A story, so I told one

Song bird
Main line
Cash back
Hard top

Standing in line to
See the show tonight
And there's a light on
Heavy glow
By the way I tried to say
I'd be there waiting for
Dani's the girl is
Singing songs to me
Beneath the marquee

red Hot Chili Peppers Lyrics

Minor Thing Lyrics

I Change the key from C to D
You see to me it's just a minor thing
He knows everything
To readjust you've got to trust
That all the fuss is just a minor thing
And I'm a minor king
He knows everything

You've got your bit part, Mozart
Hot dart acceleration
Pop art, pistol chasin'
Cat fight intimidation

To read a mind you've got to
Redefine the line to make your circle sing
He knows everything
You make a sound
The spell is bound to come around
It's just a minor thing

He knows everything
It's just a minor thing
And I'm a minor king
He knows everything

You've got your bit part, Mozart
Hot dart acceleration
Pop art, pistol chasin'
Cat fight intimidation
All out interfacing
Black star motivation
Vampire sugar junkie
Data basin' infiltration

petak, 27.04.2007.

unforgiven!ma oke

ovo je sludno
neznam kolko nisam pisala al uopce nisam na kompu.dodem malo u sub,pet i to je to.s dariom sam se nes zakacila.tj jako.posvadani smo...rolleyes...neznam sta da radim,starci mi nonstop seru...ma dajj...isto tako karmen je jucer slomila ruku.pocela je vristat a imala je neku rupu u ruci a jooooooj...jadna zena,i place,place a ne zeli da joj zovem staru.blablacjelo vrjeme vice :MAMA,MAMAAA,MAMA.,MAMAAAAAthumbupmadA NE ZELI DA JE ZOVEM.zena slomi ruku i boili je.kaze da ce proc.ma dajj...danas sam dobila 5 iz gl(haha) i iz lektire ...smijehsmijehaj barem to.svaki dan si racunam prosjek i gledam sta mogu ispravit za visi prosjek i sretnije starce,bake,djedove,...heh a da prodem s 5.0(sta necuno) mogla bi birat koju god zelju hocu.a ove god bi dobila skuter ili konja....ma dajjj to je ludo sve skupa. a sad moram napisat neki zadatak koji sam dobila od petre(peppers freak)cerek

moj NAJ clan grupe rhcp kojeg jako
jako jojim i idem na njegov koncert
28.6.2007 jupy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*SCHOOL*:run,run take a gun
kill a teacher have some fun!
be cool fuck the school!ne volim ucit
al prolazim s 5(4.5,4.6,4.7)hehe

*LOVE*:to je naj,naj stvar na svjetu
za mene .ponekad sam zauzeta a
nekad ne tak da ono...

*BOY*:heh,ima rezlicitih decki na
ovome svjetu.neki su svinje a neki
tako dobri,brizni,a ima i u pocetku
dobrih pa kasnije pokazu pravo
lice...BIG PIG...ahh tako je to.
prosla sam ja sve to..

*TAJNE*:imam ih punoo...mojih i od
frendova i frendica...volim kad mi se
neka osoba povjeri osjecam se bolje
neg prije 5 min.

to bi bilo to za danas!!!!!
love ya
mis ya
kiss ya
see ya!!!!

| - 12:59 - ...komentiraj.... (65) | print.... | # |

subota, 14.04.2007.


u cet sam se nasla s noemi,vene,i vivi i isle smo u parkic i tamo bdijele.kasnije smo isle u yes na toplo pice.mmmmmmmmmmi tako...tu sam vece spavala kod moje vivikrek...bilo nam je loodoooo...jea cjelu noc smo se zajebavale.onda sam jos jednu vece spavala kod nje...jupyyy!!!tj jucer.slikale smo 154 slike na foticu...ja u kanutjerici a ona u grudnjaku...haha!!!i tako se mi cjelu vece slikale...kasnije smo isle na terasu i opet se slikale pa ispod kreveta...ma joo...navecer sam bila na utakmici glerdat jednog tipaa.pa ujutro again i ond sampopodne isla na konje i tamo bila.cujla sam se ja s tim tipom i on doso iz vranici u bijelu uvalu...koj lik ee...jos s rolama a skrsio se...jadann...i nema kocnicu,heh loooli sad sam dosla doma i pisem to sranje.all ok je...ma sam sretna...hehe...sutra samo se dogovorili za role,heh...ma svih vas volim! najveca pusa ide:hmm,vivikrek,*****,noemi,mimi(koja je u gardelandu sad),andru,tommyu itd.a ostale idu SVIMA...

| - 20:58 - ...komentiraj.... (26) | print.... | # |

četvrtak, 05.04.2007.


ehh...ta fucking school...neam rjeci...pa ajde da pocnem pisat..ovakoo..;;...joj;;;ocjene hmm,hmm..no comment..jea..
mrzim-ostalo --I

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a sta ja tu mogu..
ljubav..--pa sve ok...po planu
friendship--posvađana sa saskom(buhahaha)
danas idem malo na konje(moj odmor) with virna...my best,best frendica...sutra dolaze ao&fo...joj...sweet...nadam se da cu uspjet proc s 5 da idem na konertt...
ee da imam msn :: rhcp_girl004@hotmail.com ( javite see )

------------------------ja biti venice_queen4ever------------------------------

mob mi pun para...imam onaj tomato pa sad nest vrijedi kupis od 20 dobis 40!!50-100...žnj

iskreno nemam vise inspirejšon za writanje paa....voli vas ::::::::::::::

a sad nesto za moju naj frendicu vivikrek koju jako vojim...

Get your own glitter and more at BlingyBlob.com

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