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    † Blog pišem iz čiste dosade...imala sam prije jedan blog....ali zbog nekojih okolnosti sam ga izbrisala...i sad imam ovaj....oni koji me poznate,vidite da sam se promijenila....nekima na gore,nekima na bolje....kome se blog ne sviđa molim vas ne serite po njemu...a kome se sviđa nek ostavi koji komentar.... †

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    † AbOuT mE †

    Ime (nadimak) : Kristina,Kika,Kikach,
    Prezime nije bitno....
    Datum rođenja: 16.02.1993.
    Razred: 1. razred opće Gimnazije Prelog..belj
    Živim: u Ivanovcu,mjesto pored Čakovca
    Ljubaf: imam dečka,mojega misheka....
    Izlazim u: Room,Dijanu,Paladin,Havanu
    ,Šampion,(Monaco,Rotor- rijetko)... smijeh....
    Naj knjige: Vampir,Dnevnici (Kurt Cobain),
    Alkemicar,Život na visokoj peti,Mladi mjesec,
    Džungla u gradu,Labirint,Pakao...
    Naj filmovi: Krug 1,2,Omen 666,1408,Smrt na sprovodu
    (lol...zakon filmek),Sex i grad,
    Prom Night,Ilusionist,Mi djeca s kolodvora Zoo
    ...True blood (serija),odlična je....
    Naj glumica: Evan Rachel Wood
    Naj glumac: Johnny Depp
    Naj pjevač: Marilyn Manson
    Naj pjevačica: Amy Winehouse

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    Ja i Neac...kiss...08.10.08.

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    Ja i Ema...papamo salatu....belj

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    A joj....moja ljubaf....lowam ju jako...kiss

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    No koment....smijeh....(zajebancija...kaj ne budu pojedinci shvatili ovo ozbiljno lud)

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    † To SaM Ja †

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    No KoMeNt...smijeh

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    Ovo vam je moja ljubaf Jelchi....

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    Ja i ona.... xD

    † VoLiM †

    †Puni mjesec
    †Crvene i bijele ruže
    †Crnu,bloody crvenu,smeđu,tamno ljubičastu i sivu boju....
    †Hrčke (bijele ili crne)
    †Crne mačke
    † sve kaj se nesmije devil smijeh.....
    ......i još puno,puno toga........

    † Ne VoLiM †

    ,tračave,dvolične ljude
    †Štrebere umišljene,ulizice
    †Ljude koji se previše seru
    †Tokio Hotel i US 5
    †Neozbiljne ljude...derišta...

    † SlUšAm †

    †Marilyn Manson
    †Within Temptation
    †Children of bodom
    †Cradle of filth
    †Billy Talent
    †Rolling Stones
    †Prljavo kazalište
    †Bijelo dugme
    †Crvena Jabuka
    †Black Sabbath
    †Plavi Orkestar
    †Anti Religion
    †Bullet for my valentine
    †Hladno Pivo
    †Crno Perje
    †Judas Priest
    †Pink Floyd
    †Within Temptation
    †Depeche Mode
    ............i sve ostalo kaj mi se sviđa....

    MSN: kristina.
    Broj moba: 098-189-32-37
    Icq: 375546565

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    Ja i misek....belj

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    Ja i Petko

    Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

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    A oVo Su JoS nEkE sWiKiCe :

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    Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
    .....ja i Nata u Šampu za moj ročkas.....smokin

    Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
    Petko,ja i Bass u Šampu isto za moj ročkas.....

    Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
    Moj mali cici....smijeh

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    Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
    Moja i misekova rukica (u Paladinu) cerek

    Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
    Moje,Natine i Davidove starkice....na Mesapu....belj

    Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
    Cipo i Fodor rade face.....lol....dead....zakon su....

    Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
    LoL....ja u tehnickom muzeju....u zg-u.... xD....kak sam ispala.....rofl

    Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
    Moje starkice i Anjine marte.....smijeh

    Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
    Fodor reklamira cokoladu....lol.....fino....rofl

    Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
    Ja i Anja u busu.......hihi.....belj....hjaj Anjic...kak oke drzis.....

    Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
    Ja i Igor izvodimo...zarivali smo se u prostor ispod stola....heheheh...ko drugi nek mi 2....smijeh

    Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
    Igor glumi v mojoj jakni....rofl

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    Igor i Jelchi....kak su cakano ispali....fino

    Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
    Hjaj....ko drugi nek nasa Jelchi...mesto da ona njega vozi...on sitni nju vozi....rofl....dobri ste mi.....(tu frentamo fiziku)

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    Nata i Jasmina....na Hladnom pivu....zakon nam je bilo....party

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    Ja i Igor se slikamo....opet.....hahahah....rolleyes

    Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
    Moja mala sekica se skejta....jako ju lowam....yes

    Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
    Isto ona.......belj

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    Da....opet ja....paradiram....lol...zujo

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    † BlOgOvI i WeB StRaNiCe †



    MaRiLyN mAnSoN

    MoJ tRoSjEd


    DiTa VoN tEeSe

    EvAn RaChEl WoOd

    DePeChE MoDe

    † "Nema samoubojica...Njih su ubili drugi" †

    Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes

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  • nedjelja, 16.03.2008., 22:17

    I wAnT tO dIe......RiGhT nOw.......

    If I could show you emotions I’ve poured into love
    I could fill up the seas and the infinite above
    But now I stand here hatred and heartache my sin
    From the scars I have gained
    That I would not ever wish on anyone

    And I can’t bleed
    All these things done to me
    They’re trapped in this skin
    And they’re wrapped around my veins
    And I can’t bleed
    All these things done to me
    They never will fade
    Like a cold dark winter’s day

    If I could take back the innocence I’ve lost in my life
    I would bury it deep so that it would never die
    But now I stand here blackened and tainted like storm clouds
    That tear through the sky
    With the tear like rain drops falling all around

    And I can’t bleed
    All these things done to me
    They’re trapped in this skin
    And they’re wrapped around my veins
    And I can’t bleed
    All these things done to me
    They never will fade
    Like a cold dark winter’s day

    If these scars would heal
    I would cut this skin
    Just to see me bleed

    And I can’t bleed
    All these things done to me
    They’re trapped in this skin
    And they’re wrapped around my veins
    And I can’t bleed
    All these things done to me
    They never will fade
    Like a cold dark winter’s day

    Like a cold dark winter’s day.

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