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Dizajn by: RizL@ i sTrUdL@

...Death is consequence of being alive...

''Na putu oslobadanja covjekove licnosti moramo prije svega razbiti licemjerje i mrk,afirmirati tijelo kao temeljni znak zivota,vratiti ljubavi njezinu pustolovnost,njezinu kulturu,njezinu univerzalnost,njezinu funkciju ljepote i kreatora zivota!''
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Duboko vjeruj u ono što želiš i zapamti-izgubljeno je samo ono čega smo se odrekli.
U životu poželi jedno-da ne voliš izgubljeno i ne izgubiš voljeno.
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Kad mi prošlost po nekome vrati se na rame,
kada netko te spomene,
ne zna...u otvorenu ranu dodirne...
Čini mi se zauvijek ću ostati sama,
u tugu živa zakopana,
jer sve što sam osjećala nestalo je s nama...
Pa voljeti ne znam ispočetka,
nekom se davati bez izuzetka..
Bol u oku ispliva,kad netko isto ime doziva,
kao na strašnom sudu da me priziva..
Čini mi se,
nijedan put ne vodi od tebe nego k tebi,
i da izlaza iz sjećanja nema
mogu samo lagati samoj sebi...
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Klizila si niz obraz i
na usni stala,bila je
tako vruca i tako mlada.
U njoj se skrila tuga,
u njoj su usnule boli,
ta suza je znala da te srce voli!!

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Falling in love is when she falls asleep in your arms and wakes up in your dreams...
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Cold was my soul
Untold was the pain
I faced when you left me
A rose in the rain
So I swore to thy razor
That never, enchained
Would your dark nails of faith
Be pushed through my veins again
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kako tiho cvjeta
ruža mračnog srca
opijena dahom
neviđenog jutra
sa onoga svijeta
tu sam...
ali ne ni dušom ni tijelom
već nemirom što živi u meni
sve je to preliveno kapljom
toplijom od suze
sjajnijom od zvuka


Odi ima super slika!!!
...i odi ima super slika...
you tube
images hack

-evo i odi ima dobrih slika xD-
lady crow
amy morgan black tears
nadia sammet
deviant art

BLOGOVI KOJE ČITANthumbupthumbupthumbup

FaLlEn AnGeLburninmad
A OvO Je NeShTo Ka bLoGburninmad
MaLa KaTeburninmad
MrTvO sRcEburninmad
PaNiC QuEeNburninmad
DoRa-SrEtNo dIjEtEburninmad

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AbOuT mE:...I am human vampire
and it's not my foulght,
they killed me in de chilldhood
when I was poor,
I'm a human vampire,
and I am lost,
maybe I am dead,
but I'm still not a ghost...

IME: Petra
PREZIME:not important
ŠKOLA: Pitagora
-svog psayes
-gledati crtice(znam da je djetinjasto,al jbg)
-EMACHE(iako ih odi bash nema headbang)
-moje slipsice
-black roses
-slusat muziku(bez nje jednostavno NE MOGU!!!)
-jednog malog...hm...iako nije bash mal al eto cerekkiss
-rebatinke(ili ti traperice)
-buuble gumms xD
-crnu olovku
-svoj blog(hi,hi)
-brbljati na telsmijeh
-...i čitati...

-MESO!!!!!(vegetarijanac san,pa...)
-tokio hotel!!!
-"FANCY FUFICE"(znate na šta mislin)
-Britney & co.
-kazne ( iako mi svaku odgode ) heh
-bajadere(bolje da ne znate zashto!!!)
... ma ima toga josh...

System of a down
My chemical romance
Children of bodom
Jimmy eat world
Simple plan
The pink spiders

Molim vas, pomozite Zeki!!!
(> < )
Ovo je Gothik - Sado - Mazo Zeko. Kopirajte ga na svoj blog i tako mu pomognite na njegovom putu do

Punk je glazba izgubljene duše.

Metal je glazba ranjenih života.

Rock je glazba usamljenih srca.

Darkeri su ljudi koji shvaćaju život kakav jest i nose crno kao dokaz svoje boli !!!


Voze se dvoje mladih na motoru...
-Djevojka: ''Nemoj tako brzo''...
-On: ''Ne...baš je ludo!''
-Djevojka: ''Nije mi ugodno...molim te''
-On: ''Kazi da me voliš...''
-Djevojka: ''Znaš da te volim....''
-On: ''Zagrli me...'' (ona ga zagrli)
-On: ''Molim te uzmi moju kacigu sa glave,
meni je tijesna, i stavi sebi na glavu.''
-Slijedeće jutro u novinama:
motor je imao prometnu nesreću, jer su
očnice popustile...
Dvije osobe su bile na motoru......
Jedna je preživjela...a druga poginula...

ISTINA JE: On je znao da su kočnice popustile,
ali to nije želio reći svojoj djevojci.....
želio je posljednji put čuti njene riječi VOLIM TE....
želio je posljednji put osjetiti njen ZAGRLJAJ....
Zatim ju je zamolio da stavi njegovu kacigu
na svoju glavu,
iako je to značilo da će on poginuti............

-LONLEY DAY- pjeva

Such a lonely day
And it's mine
The most loneliest day of my life

Such a lonely day
Should be banned
It's a day that I can't stand

The most loneliest day of my life
The most loneliest day of my life

Such a lonely day
Shouldn't exist
It's a day that I'll never miss
Such a lonely day
And its mine
The most loneliest day of my life

And if you go, I wanna go with you
And if you die, I wanna die with you

Take your hand and walk away

The most loneliest day of my life
The most loneliest day of my life
The most loneliest day of my life

Such a lonely day
And it's mine
It's a day that I'm glad I survived


Perfect by nature
Icons of self indulgence
Just what we all need
More lies about a world that

Never was and never will be
Have you no shame? Don't you see me?
You know you've got everybody fooled

Look here she comes now
Bow down and stare in wonder
Oh how we love you
No flaws when you're pretending
But now I know she

Never was and never will be
You don't know how you've betrayed me
And somehow you've got everybody fooled

Without the mask, where will you hide?
Can't find yourself lost in your lie

I know the truth now
I know who you are
And I don't love you anymore

It Never was and never will be
You don't know how you've betrayed me
And somehow you've got everybody fooled

It never was and never will be
You're not real and you can't save me
Somehow now you're everybody's fool


(Death, be not proud, though some have called thee mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so.)

Losing the war I'm feigning to win
though I never tried to strive deep from within.

Life could be beautiful for anybody it's for
but I'd swear this mothafuckin' shit is rotten to the core

The portal has been past and it's
time to make a turn, to follow the reaper
until the point of no return

When your blindly death-raying blade
sweeps the griefs and fears away
I cross my heart and hope to die
thy freedom will be mine

Sinking down in the ocean of severe emotions
Grab a bottle to drink up the pain-relieving potion
But after all, that got boring too so no matter
what happens I couldn't give a damn or two

The portal has been past 'til the
point of no return
No more lines to cross
no more bridges to burn

Now when your blindly death-raying blade
swept my griefs and tears away
I'd never go back to cross that line
I cross my heart and hope to die...die

(I was only 21 when I died)


Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place?
Like somehow you just don't belong
And no one understands you
Do you ever wanna run away?
Do you lock yourself in your room?
With the radio on turned up so loud
That no one hears you screaming

No you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels all right
You don't know what it's like
To be like me

To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life

Do you wanna be somebody else?
Are you sick of feeling so left out?
Are you desperate to find something more?
Before your life is over
Are you stuck inside a world you hate?
Are you sick of everyone around?
With their big fake smiles and stupid lies
While deep inside you're bleeding

No you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels all right
You don't know what it's like
To be like me

To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life

No one ever lied straight to your face
And no one ever stabbed you in the back
You might think I'm happy but I'm not gonna be okay
Everybody always gave you what you wanted
You never had to work it was always there
You don't know what it's like, what it's like

To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like (what it's like)

To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life
Welcome to my life
Welcome to my life


Lead to the river
Midsummer I wait
A "V" of black swans
On with hope to the grave
All through red September
With skies fire-paved
I begged you appear, like
A thorn for the holy ones

Cold was my soul
Untold was the pain
I faced, when you left me
A rose in the rain
So I swore, to the razor
That never enchained
Would your dark nails of faith
Be pushed through my veins again

Bared on your tomb
I'm a prayer for your loneliness
And would, you ever soon
Come above unto me?
For once upon a time
From the binds of your lowliness
I could always find
The right slot for your sacred key

Six feet deep is her incision
In my heart the barless prison
Discolours all with tunnel vision
Sick and weak from my condition
This lust, this vampiric addiction
To her alone in full submission
None better

Nymphetamine nymphetamine
Nymphetamine girl
Nymphetamine nymphetamine
My nymphetamine girl

(Wracked with your charm
I am circled like prey
Back in the forest
Where whispers persuade
More sugar trails
Where white lady laid
Than pillars of salt)

Fade to my arms
Hold their mesmeric sway
A dancer to the moon
As we did in those golden days

Christening stars
I remember the way
We were needle and spoon
Mislaid in the burning hay

Bared on your tomb
I'm a prayer for your loneliness
And would, you ever soon
Come above unto me?
For once upon a time
From the binds of your lowliness
I could always find
The right slot for your sacred key

Six feet deep is her incision
In my heart the barless prison
Discolours all with tunnel vision
Sick and weak from my condition
This lust, this vampiric addiction
To her alone in full submission
None better

None better

Nymphetamine nymphetamine
Nymphetamine girl
Nymphetamine nymphetamine
My nymphetamine girl

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Shot at 2007-06-26
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Shot at 2007-06-26
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utorak, 25.04.2006.


Evo da se javin prije ekskurzije!!!U školi sve po starom...A,e dobila san 4 iz matematike!!Zakon!!!
U subotu je bia tulum u Vlatke!...dobro je bilo...samo šta je Vlatka zaboravila ključ od kućebangbangbang
kad smo izlazili,ali je srećom ostavila otvoren prozor od balkona kraj sobe pa smo se popeli i ušli u kuću.thumbupthumbupthumbup

| - 17:02 - ...komentiraj me.... (17) | print.... | # |

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