petak, 06.04.2007.

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Intervju s dečkima u kojem su opisivali pjesmu po pjesmu s albuma "Minutes To Midnight", te izvješće iz Kuala Lumpura na kojem je Chester promovirao pjesme.

WAKE (lagani instrumentalni intro)
Mike: To je intro pjesma kojoj se otvara ulaz u ostale pjesme - možete čuti male provokacije koje predstavljaju sve što dolazi iza te pjesme.

GIVEN UP (sjajna, riffheavy rock pjesma)
Brad: Imali smo veoma lošu pjesmu koju smo nazvali "Fire in The City" (požar u gradu), a refren je zbilja sadržavao riječi "fire in the city). Mike je bio jedina osoba kome se pjesma svidjela. Kako ne bi uništili pjesmu, izvukli smo dobre dijelove nje.
Mike: Osjećao sam se kao da mi je Brad ukrao auto i isčupao mu stereo.

Brad: Izrezao sam bas i bubnjeve i stvorio doista čudne zvukove od njih, koji su zapravo postali pjesma. Chester je vikao: Koji ku*** ne valja samnom? Izvucite me iz ove bijede.", pa bez prevelikog objašnjavanja o čemu pjesma govori, jasno je da on nije sretan.


Chester: Od samog početka smo znali da će ova pjesma biti singl, pa smo se zbilja trudili dok ne budemo sigurni da će imati savršene riječi. Pjevam: Pretending someone else can save me from myself (pravim se da me netko drugi može spasiti od mene samog) tokom pjesme jer se javlja osjećaj ko u oproštajnom pismu, misao da idem dalje, ali želim da ljudi pamte lijepe stvari a ne loše. Pjesma je o poniženjima.

BLEED IT OUT (počinje zvukovima ljudi koji razgovaraju i zvukom zatvaranja vrata prije nego Mike počne pjevati)
Mike: Riječi sam pisao oko 100-tinjak puta. Uvijek je frustrirajuće za pjesmopisca da iziđe s novom verzijom kada potrošite sate na nju i bend vam kaže da još nije dovoljno dobra. U jednom slučaju su slušali lyricse oko 30 sekuni i rekli mi da krenem ispočetka. To je bilo teško. Unosio sam se u lyricse i onda kao da sam bio udaren u lice pa bih se ponovno vraćao za crtaći stol. Kada sam na kraju uspio sve složiti zajedno, rekao sam dečkima "Mislim da nitko osim nas nije mogao napisati ovakvu pjesmu". To je jebeno bizarna death-party-rap-hoedown pjesma. (hoedown-vrsta američkog narodnog plesa?????)

SHADOW OF THE DAY (jedna od lakših pjesama koje Chester pjeva tihe vokale. Emotivna pjesma)
Brad: Ovu je pjesmu bilo najvjerojatnije najteže srediti do kraja. Zvučala je jako izvedeno ispočetka, ali smo nastavili stavljati različite elemente u nju. Stavili smo akustičnu gitaru, električni banjo i marimbu. Ovo je definitivno jedna od najboljih pjesama koje smo napisali.

Mike: Na drugim albumima Brad i ja smo počinjali pisati svaku pjesmu zajedno. Ali ovo je bila jedina pjesma koju smo napisali zajedno poslije zadnje koju smo dovršili. Željeli smo pjesmu koja bi u sebi sažela cijeli album i mislim da je to upravo ova pjesma. Svaki put kada je čujete čut ćete nešto drukčije.

HANDS HELD HIGHT (Shinoda ulazi u svoj FM osjećaj)
Mike: Rick je rekao ako nešto zvuči kao da fali rap-a, da pokušamo ubaciti rap preko otpjevanog dijela. To je razlog zašto ova pjesma ima rap-a u sebi.
Brad: Jedan od najčešćih slučajeva kada pokušavate kombinirati elemente i nijedan od njih ne zvuči dobro zajedno.

NO MORE SORROW (prožeta Chesterovim intenzivnim vokalima, sigurno će postati himna kao One Step Closer ili Lying From You s njihovih prethodnih albuma.
Rob: Ovo je vjerojatno najjača pjesma na albumu. Trebala se zvati "EBow Idea" jer je Brad koristio "EBow" efekt gitare na drukčiju pjesmu. Kada je to pokušao iživcirao se i došao s početkom ove pjesme.

Chester: Mislim da je to album koji bi trebali slušati na slušalice jer je stavljeno mnogo drukčijih stvari, a ovo je pjesma koja pokazuje dubinu ovog albuma.

VALENTINE'S DAY (nije kao što sam nalosv kaže)
Chester: To je definitivno jedna od drukčijih pjesama na albumu. Morali smo biti pažljivi da ne izgubimo integritet onog što radimo, sada smo zbilja dark bend i to nam se sviđa. Govorili smo o neugodnim stvarima i pokušali ih učiniti ugodnima za vas.

IN BETWEEN (Shinoda pjeva iz svog srca:-D)
Chester: Znao sam da Mike treba otpjevati ovu pjesmu. Ja sam pokušao, bilo je dobro, ali nisam mogao otpjevati snagom kojom je Mike otpjevao jer je zbilja vjerovao u to šro pjeva. Sve zbog čega se ispričava u ovoj pjesmi je jebeno ozbiljno. Dolazi iz najiskrenijega dijela srca.

Chester: Nedavno sam se rastao i to je bilo veoma teško. Ali nakon toga sam se ponovno oženio i stvorio veliki kontrast u svom životu. Neko vrijeme nisam mogao biti sretan s Talindom kada sam krenuo naprijed, ali nisam mogao raskrstiti s prošlošću. To je pjesma o tome. Glazba ima malo reagge dijelova. Zbilja je cool gledati kako se pjesma iz popa razvija u rock pjesmu na samom kraju.

THE LITTLE THINGS GIVE YOU AWAY (ritmičnost, pjesma lako uđe u glavu)
Brad: To nam je najdraža pjesma na albumu. Najveća izjava svega što smo ikada napravili. Ništa nije moglo doći iza nje jer bi bilo potpuno zasjenjeno. Što je čini još boljom je solo na gitari,

Mike: Brad nikada ne voli solo. Ali kada ga odsvira mislim da su to bili najemotivniji trenuci našeg snimanja. Govori lyricse bez riječi...


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    I'm tired of being what you want me to be
    Feeling so faithless
    Lost under the surface
    I don't know what you're expecting of me
    Put under the pressure
    Of walking in your shoes

    (Cought in the undertow,
    Just cought in the undertow)
    Every step that I take is
    Another mistake to you
    (Cought in the undertow,
    Just cought in the undertow)

    I've become so numb,
    I can't feel you there
    Become so tired
    So much more aware
    I've becoming this
    All I wan't to do
    Is be more like me
    And be less like you

    Can't you see that you're smothering me
    Holding to tightly
    Afraid to lose control
    'cause everything that you thought I would be
    Has fallen apart right in front of you

    (Cought in the undertow,
    Just cought in the undertow)
    Every step that I take is
    Another mistake to you
    (Cought in the undertow,
    Just cought in the undertow)
    And every seconf I waste
    Is more than I can take

    I've become so numb,
    I can't feel you there
    Become so tired
    So much more aware
    I've becoming this
    All I wan't to do
    Is be more like me
    And be less like you

    And I know, I may end up failing to
    But I know you were just like me
    With someone disappointed in you

    I've become so numb,
    I can't feel you there
    Become so tired
    So much more aware
    I've becoming this
    All I wan't to do
    Is be more like me
    And be less like you

    I've become so numb
    (I'm tired of being
    what you want me to be)

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    I am a little bit of loneliness
    A little bit of disregard
    Handful of complaints
    But i can't help the fact
    That everybody can see these scars
    I am what I want you to want
    What I want you to feel
    But it's like no matter what I do
    I can't convince you
    To just believe this is real
    So I let go, watching you,
    Turn your back like you always do
    Face away and pretend that I'm not
    But I'll be here cause you want what I've got.

    I can't feel the way I did before
    Don't turn your back on me
    I won't be ignored
    Time won't heal this damage anymore
    Don't turn your back on me
    I won't be ignored

    I am a little bit insecure
    A little unconfident
    Cause you don't understand I do what I can
    But sometimes I don't make sense
    I say what you never wanna say
    But I've never had a doubt
    It's like no matter what I do
    I can't convince you for once just to hear me out
    So I let go watching you
    Turn your back like you always do
    Face away and pretend that I'm not
    But I'll be here 'cause you're all that I've got

    I can't feel the way I did before
    Don't turn your back on me
    I won't be ignored
    Time won't heal this damage anymore
    Don't turn your back on me
    I won't be ignored

    Hear me out now
    You're gonna listen to me, like it or not
    Right now
    Hear me out now
    You're gonna listen to me, like it or not
    Right now

    (I can't feel the way I did before)
    (Don't turn your back on me)
    (I won't be ignored)

    I can't feel the way I did before
    Don't turn your back on me
    I won't be ignored
    Time won't heal this damage anymore
    Don't turn your back on me
    I won't be ignored

    I can't feel
    I won't be ignored
    Time won't heal
    Don't turn your back on me
    I won't be ignored

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    (When this began)
    I had nothing to say
    And I get lost in the nothingness inside of me
    (I was confused)
    And I let it all out to find
    That I’m not the only person with these things in mind
    (Inside of me)
    But all the vacancy the words revealed
    Is the only real thing that I’ve got left to feel
    (Nothing to lose)
    Just stuck, hollow and alone
    And the fault is my own, and the fault is my own

    I wanna heal, I wanna feel what I thought was never real
    I wanna let go of the pain I’ve held so long
    (Erase all the pain till it’s gone)
    I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I’m close to something real
    I wanna find something I’ve wanted all along
    Somewhere I belong

    And I’ve got nothing to say
    I can’t believe I didn’t fall right down on my face
    (I was confused)
    Looking everywhere only to find
    That it’s not the way I had imagined it all in my mind
    (So what am I)
    What do I have but negativity
    ’Cause I can’t justify the way, everyone is looking at me
    (Nothing to lose)
    Nothing to gain/ hollow and alone
    And the fault is my own, and the fault is my own

    I wanna heal, I wanna feel what I thought was never real
    I wanna let go of the pain I’ve held so long
    (Erase all the pain till it’s gone)
    I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I’m close to something real
    I wanna find something I’ve wanted all along
    Somewhere I belong

    I will never know myself until I do this on my own
    And I will never feel anything else, until my wounds are healed
    I will never be anything till I break away from me
    I will break away, I'll find myself today

    I wanna heal, I wanna feel what I thought was never real
    I wanna let go of the pain I’ve held so long
    (Erase all the pain till it’s gone)
    I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I’m close to something real
    I wanna find something I’ve wanted all along
    Somewhere I belong

    I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I’m somewhere I belong
    I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I’m somewhere I belong
    Somewhere I belong

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    I don't know who to trust
    No surprise
    Everyone feels so far away from me
    Heavy thoughts sift through dust
    And the lies
    Trying not to break
    But I'm so tired of this deceit
    Every time I try to make myself
    Get back up on my feet
    All I ever think [I...] about is this
    All the tiring time between
    And how trying to put my trust in you
    Just takes so much out of me

    Take everything from the inside
    And throw it all away
    Cause I swear for the last time
    I won't trust myself with you

    Tension is building inside
    Everyone feels so far away from me
    Heavy thoughts forcing their way
    Out of me
    Trying not to break
    But I'm so tired of this deceit
    Every time I try to make myself
    Get back up on my feet
    All I ever think [I...] about is this
    All the tiring time between
    And how
    Trying to put my trust in you
    Just takes so much out of me

    Take everything from the inside
    And throw it all away
    Cause I swear for the last time
    I won't trust myself with you

    I won't waste myself for you,you,you
    Waste myself for you

    Take everything from the inside
    And throw it all away
    Cause I swear for the last time
    I won't trust myself with you
    You, you

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    It starts with one thing
    I don't know why
    It doesn't even matter how hard you try
    Keep that in mind
    I designed this rhyme
    To explain in due time
    All I know
    Time is a valuable thing
    Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
    Watch it count down to the end of the day
    The clock ticks life away
    It's so unreal
    Didn't look out below
    Watch the time go right out the window
    Trying to hold on, but didn't even know
    Wasted it all just to watch you go
    I kept everything inside and even though I tried,
    It all fell apart
    What it meant to me will eventually
    Be a memory of a time when

    I tried so hard
    And got so far
    But in the end
    It doesn't even matter
    I had to fall
    To lose it all
    But in the end
    It doesn't even matter

    One thing, I don't know why
    It doesn't even matter how hard you try,
    Keep that in mind
    I designed this rhyme, to explain in due time
    I tried so hard
    In spite of the way you were mocking me
    Acting like I was part of your property
    Remembering all the times you fought with me
    I'm surprised it got so (far)
    Things aren't the way they were before
    You wouldn't even recognize me anymore
    Not that you knew me back then
    But it all comes back to me (in the end)
    You kept everything inside and even though I tried,
    It all fell apart
    What it meant to me will eventually
    Be a memory of a time when I

    I tried so hard
    And got so far
    But in the end
    It doesn't even matter
    I had to fall
    To lose it all
    But in the end
    It doesn't even matter

    I've put my trust in you
    Pushed as far as I can go
    And for all this
    There's only one thing you should know

    I tried so hard
    And got so far
    But in the end
    It doesn't even matter
    I had to fall
    To lose it all
    But in the end
    It doesn't even matter

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    Why does it feel like night today?
    Something in here's not right today
    Why I'm so uptight today?
    Paranoia's all I got left
    I don't know what stressed me first
    Or how the pressure was fed
    But I know just what it feels like to
    Have a voice in the back of my head

    It's like a face that I hold inside
    A face that awakes when I close my eyes
    A face watches every time I lie
    A face that laughs every time I fall
    (And watches everything)
    So I know that when it's time to sink or swim
    That the face inside is hearing me,
    Right underneath my skin

    It's like I'm, paranoid lookin' over my back
    It's like a, whirlwind inside of my head
    It's like I, can't stop what I'm hearing within
    It's like the face inside is right.
    Beneath my skin...

    I know I've got a face in me
    Points out all my mistakes to me
    You've got a face on the inside too
    And your paranoia's probably worse
    I don't know what set me off first but I know what I can't stand
    Everybody acts like the fact of the matter is i can't
    add up to what you can
    But everybody has a face that they hold inside
    A face that awakes when they closer eyes
    A face watches everytime they lie
    A face that laughs everytime they fall
    (And watches everything)
    So you know that when it's time to sink or swim
    That the face inside is watching you too,right inside your skin

    It's like I'm, paranoid lookin' over my back
    It's like a, whirlwind inside of my head
    It's like I, can't stop what I'm hearing within
    It's like the face inside is right.
    Beneath my skin.

    (the face inside is right beneath your skin)

    The sun goes down
    I feel the light betray me
    The sun goes down
    I feel the light betray me

    The sun...
    It's like I'm, paranoid lookin' over my back
    It's like a, whirlwind inside of my head
    It's like I, can't stop what I'm hearing within
    It's like the face inside is right.
    Beneath my skin.
    I feel the light betray me
    The sun...
    It's like I'm, paranoid lookin' over my back
    It's like a, whirlwind inside of my head
    It's like I, can't stop what I'm hearing within
    It's like I, can't stop what I'm hearing within
    It's like I, can't stop what I'm hearing within
    It's like the face inside is right.
    Beneath my skin.

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    I cannot take this anymore
    I'm saying everything I've said before
    All these words they make no sense
    I find bliss in ignorance
    Less I hear the less you'll say
    But you'll find that out anyway

    Just like before...

    Everything you say to me
    Takes me one step closer to the edge
    And I'm about to break
    I need a little room to breathe
    Cause I'm one step closer to the edge
    And I'm about to break

    I find the answers aren't so clear
    Wish I could find a way to disappear
    All these thoughts they make no sense
    I find bliss in ignorance
    Nothing seems to go away
    Over and over again

    Just like before

    Everything you say to me
    Takes me one step closer to the edge
    And I'm about to break
    I need a little room to breathe
    Cause I'm one step closer to the edge
    And I'm about to break

    Shut up when I'm talking to you
    Shut up, shut up, shut up

    I'm about to BREAK

    Everything you say to me
    Takes me one step closer to the edge
    And I'm about to break
    I need a little room to breathe
    Cause I'm one step closer to the edge
    And I'm about to BREAK!

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    Memories consume
    Like opening the wound
    I'm picking me apart again
    You all assume
    I'm safe here in my room
    Unless I try to start again

    I don't want to be the one
    The battles always choose
    cause inside I realize
    That I'm the one confused

    I don't know what's worth fighting for
    Or why I have to scream
    I don't know why I instigate
    And say what I don't mean
    I don't know how I got this way
    I know it's not allright
    So I'm
    Breaking the habit
    I'm breaking the habit

    Clutching my cure
    I tightly lock the door
    I try to catch my breath again
    I hurt much more
    Than anytime before
    I had no options left again

    I don't want to be the one
    The battles always choose
    cause inside I realize
    That I'm the one confused

    I don't know what's worth fighting for
    Or why I have to scream
    I don't know why I instigate
    And say what I don't mean
    I don't know how I got this way
    I'll never be allright
    So I'm
    Breaking the habit
    I'm breaking the habit

    I'll paint it on the walls
    cause I'm the one at fault
    I'll never fight again
    And this is how it ends

    I don't know what's worth fighting for
    Or why I have to scream
    But now I have some clarity
    To show you what I mean
    I don't know how I got this way
    I'll never be allright
    So I'm breaking the habit
    I'm breaking the habit
    I'm breaking the habit

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    Crawling in my skin
    These wounds they will not heal
    Fear is how I fall
    Confusing what is real

    There’s something inside me that pulls beneath the surface,
    Consuming, confusing
    This lack of self control I fear is never ending,
    Controlling, I can’t seem

    To find myself again
    My walls are closing in
    (Without a sense of confidence and I’m convinced
    That there’s just too much pressure to take)
    I’ve felt this way before
    So insecure

    Crawling in my skin
    These wounds they will not heal
    Fear is how I fall
    Confusing what is real

    Discomfort, endlessly has pulled itself upon me
    Distracting, reacting
    Against my will I stand beside my own reflection
    It’s haunting how I can’t seem..

    To find myself again
    My walls are closing in
    (Without a sense of confidence and I’m convinced
    That there’s just too much pressure to take)
    I’ve felt this way before
    So insecure

    Crawling in my skin
    These wounds they will not heal
    Fear is how I fall
    Confusing what is real