O meni

Nejm: Dario
Lest nejm: nedam :P
Jir of brt: 08.02.1996.
Loukejsn: Zagreb, centar, ispred kompa u neudobnom stolcu namcor
Fejvrit bends:
-In Flames
-System of A Down
-Ill Nino

-volim slusat muziku al da nisu narodnjaci
-volim zajebavat profe
-volim jednu i jedinu IVONU
cerek ..
Not lavz:
-ne volim one koji jedno kazu drugo misle..


  lipanj, 2007 >
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Kolovoz 2007 (1)
Srpanj 2007 (2)
Lipanj 2007 (6)



Opis bloga

Blog o mom zivotu...iako jos nisam siguran XD

Bez lanaca srece molim..

Citani blogovi

Tajanstvena srca
Jos jedna Ana =)
Princess of Punk


četvrtak, 21.06.2007.

mladost-ludost =)

Uf danas zavrsila skola..
5 razred gotoooooooov
bilo je ludooooooooooooooooooooooo
gadjali smo se:
-bocama s vodom
-vodenim balonima
-jedni drugima XD
bacali smo se u fontanu..
pili pive..
druzili za kraj..
i radili tijesto od tih jaja i brasna XD
ajd neda mi se pisat..
ovo je ukratko bilo..
sad moram begat..
pozz ljudiii i komajtee mi punooomah

| K(28) | P | # |

utorak, 19.06.2007.


Zabrovih ovo dodat u prosli post a neda mi se editirat..od sada radim dizajnove po narudzbama..zato ak mozete bit tako dobri preporucit ovaj blog nekima koji traze dizajnove..fala to je sve od mene..

| K(7) | P | # |

ponedjeljak, 18.06.2007.

Nemam sta za radit..

..pa pisem post..
bolestan sam..
tak da nejdem u skolu..vec sam trebo bit u njoj..
prehlada, oh ta prehlada XD
hvala svima na komovima..

| K(17) | P | # |

četvrtak, 14.06.2007.

Nemogu smislit naslov..

Evo novi post..danas sam odgovarao zemljopis..ma laganica, pet za krajthumbup
Trenutacno sam dobro i jako sretan..valjda se nece promijenit..
Evo vam malo o Wihite Stripesima pa par videa..uzivajteee

Instruments and equipment

The White Stripes are famous for having only two musicians, which limits the instruments played live. Jack, the principal writer, has said this has not been a problem, and that he "always centered the band around the number three. Everything was vocals, guitar and drums or vocals, piano and drums." While Jack is the lead singer, Meg does sing lead vocals on four of the band's songs: "In the Cold, Cold Night" (from Elephant), "Passive Manipulation" (from Get Behind Me Satan), "Who's a Big Baby?" released on the "Blue Orchid" single, and "St. Andrew (This Battle is In The Air)" (from Icky Thump).

Early on, the band drew attention for their preference for antiquated recording equipment. The album Elephant was recorded on an eight-track machine that dated from the early 1960s. With few exceptions, Jack has shown a continued partiality towards amps and pedals from the 1960s.

Jack uses a number of effects to create his sound, notably a Digitech Whammy pedal to reach pitches that would otherwise not be possible with a regular guitar. For instance, without the pedal, "Seven Nation Army" would require a bass and "Black Math" would be very difficult to play without a 29th fret (which does not exist on most guitars) on the highest string.

The guitars Jack White uses live are a 1964 JB Hutto Montgomery Airline, a Harmony Rocket, a 1970s Crestwood Astral II, and a 1950s Kay Hollowbody. In concert with the Digitech Whammy pedal, MXR Micro-Amp, Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Pi Distortion/Sustainer (now custom modified), and Electro-Harmonix POG (Polyphonic octave generator), White can produce a very distinctive sound. He also uses a Boss TU-2 Tuner Pedal. He plugs this setup into a 1970s Fender Twin Reverb and two 100-Watt Sears Silvertone 6x10 combo amplifiers.

He also plays other instruments such as a black F-Style Gibson Mandolin, Rhodes Bass Keys, and a Steinway piano. Jack plays a custom-made red and white marimba on "The Nurse" and "Forever For Her (Is Over For Me)"

Ovaj mi je jeben:

Parodija na stripese..dolje vam je originalna pjesma..

Iz parodije na njih..

EVo to je sve pozz i pusee svima

| K(48) | P | # |

utorak, 12.06.2007.

Ajte ljudi..

Dajte komajte ljudi plizz..znam da nije blog nesto al bit ce dobar thumbup
uskoro cu stavit slike i bar fora yes
Uglavnom danas sam pisao test iz povijest i zacudo je bio lagan eekeekeek
matematiku odgovaro i dobio 4..samo jedna jebena greska namcor bangbangbangbang

pozz ljudi i komaaaajte miiiii mahwavemahwave

| K(32) | P | # |

ponedjeljak, 11.06.2007.

Prvi post...

Pozz ja sam Dario iz Zagreba..imam 11 godina zasad..
idem sad uredjivatwave

| K(6) | P | # |

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