With the Lights Out

utorak, 25.10.2005.

nothing to be worried about

Danas je dan iz snova... pišemo latinski, a to ak dobim dva bum slavil, roditeljsli je, a stara nezna za 4 ocjene, al dobro sve su pozitivne, hahahaha... i tak, inače je sve u redu, jena frendica danas ima rođendan, pa evo, JELENA SRETAN TI ROĐENDAN, neznam, nekak gubim kontakt prema društvu, i meni je žal, al jebiga... ve u subotu slavi rođendan pa bumo se napokon vidli pošteno, pa i napili... hehehehe... doma je za kurac, dosadno mi je i bez ikakve volje sam... a jedino kaj mi se da je tu i tam napisati koju pjesmu...

i wanna keep a piece for you,
when i have nothing,
walking in the dark,
seeing forward to the light...
i HATE you so much,
for taking me away...
i LOVE you so much,
for leting me stay...

25.10.2005. u 10:45 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 18.10.2005.

when shall this end?!

pa evo,nikaj se baš preveč nije dogodilo, al mi sve polako ide na kurac...
Irena ja bolesna, tak da ju nebrem videti duže od pol vure na dan, moram iti
zubaru, sutra pišem engleski, pita hrvatski... nema razloga za zbuditi se
ujutro, osim kaj bum prije škole otišel k Ireni, i to je vrhunac dana...
u petak idemo na nekši izlet u zagreb, tj., u dućan po cigare i onda u pivnicu
da se pošteno napijemo i pozabimo sve kaj treba pozabiti...ovaj tjedan je
inače stvarno za kurac: Irena je bolesna( ne vidim ju prek dana), u petak
idemo u zagreb( nebum ju onda videl), u subotu Irena ide u Budimpeštu rano
u jutro i vraća se kasno navečer(nebum ju videl celu fucking subotu)...

i ve je to pošteno?!

ma ubiti kaj serem, preživel bum, i onda bu drugi tjedan puno bolji,(osim
kaj onda imamo roditeljski.. hehehehe...)

- prehlađena moja, daj mi čim prije ozdravi... volim te...

18.10.2005. u 23:26 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 17.10.2005.

you know you're right

neznam, nekak se ve baš tak osjećam kak je jen lik napisal već prije mnogo godina...


I will never bother you
I will never promise to
I will never follow you
I will never bother you

Never speak a word again
I will crawl away for good

I will move away from here
You won’t be afraid of fear
No thought was put into this
I always knew it would come to this
Things have never been so swell
I have never felt this well

You know you’re right...

I’m so warm and calm inside
I no longer have to hide
Let’s talk about someone else
Steaming soup against her mouth
Nothing really bothers her
She just wants to love herself

I will move away from here
You won’t be afraid of fear
No thought was put into this
I always knew it’d come to this
Things have never been so swell
I have never felt this well

You know you’re right

17.10.2005. u 23:59 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 13.10.2005.

....neznam naslov....

pa u školi se ništ ne događa, jučer smo pisali njemački(naš dio razreda)...ve sam se baš učil informatiku, i još nisam prestal kunuti, koj će nam kurac to u životu... isto tak kak i latinski...
Irena, staroj sam jučer rekel za nas i odma me počela zajebavati... rekel sam joj da zna tvoju staru, i ve ona odma danas na rekreaciji misli nekaj ju pitati ... ubiti boli me kurac za nju...
Ja bum tak popizdil, vidim Irenu niti pol vure na dan, a to malo kaj smo skupa nije ništ... a jebiga, začas bu opet petak, a je, u petak imamo neku feštu u cezamu, tj. pijemo i zajebavamo se...hehehe... ve bu mi stari začas došel doma, tak damoram prekinuti, ajde ljudi( makar znam da vas je malo koji čitate moj blog), javim se još...

13.10.2005. u 11:22 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 11.10.2005.

when you aren't near me...

i fell so exicted and over-rated
there's no need to hyde,
don't sneak in the shadows,
just, feel free...

i feel safe for now,
no one is here,
to eat the air,
to eat the light,
i'm eaten from the inside,

this son of god...

i'm not as stabile as i used to be,
my mind is playing tricks on me,
i suffered so much damage...

i am happy for living,
but also sad and tired...

i know i'm not worth it,
i don't desirve it,
i won't feel it,
although i don't know it at all...

11.10.2005. u 23:29 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 10.10.2005.

leave the windows open...

ovaj lepi naslov je za moju "mamu" zrinku, nej se srditi...ubiti delaj kaj oćeš, al nej pozabiti ko ti daje cigarete dok ih nemaš...hehehe...
evo ponedeljak je gotov, napokon, izgleda da budu Irenini starci išli na more, sam ja neznam kad, možda ovaj ili pak drugi vikend... i još neznam kak dugo oni tam misle ostati...daj bože, makar ne vjerujem u tebe, daj nek ostanu bar sa subote na nedjelju...Irena, znam da nemamo puno vremena prek tjedna, al pošto ti sutra imaš informatiku, i znam da bu dosadno, onda evo nekaj kaj buš čitala...
već sam ti to napisal v poruki al moram još jenput... volim te, ljubavi moja, i nikaj to nebre promijeniti... jedva čekam da te vidim i da se nauživam tvoje blizine...


10.10.2005. u 23:31 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

nedjelja, 09.10.2005.

it's not right colored

evo,dva skoro perfektna dana su prešla, i sve kaj mi ostaje je uživati u nedjelji... u petak sam imal dva malo manja problema s Ireninom sestrom, al to sam preživel,(Tomislav,ti jedini znaš o čemu govorim,i pliz nek ostane tak...), jučer je bilo isto tak lepo, sam kaj su problem ovaj put bili 2 pedera koja nemaju privatan život, pa im je veliko zadovoljstvo sudjelovati u tuđim... a jebiga... nije bitno...
Irena,nej se bedirati ni zbog čega, imali bumo još puno prilika... pogotovo ak ti starci ideju na more ve za 2 tjedna... hehehe... idem sad učit, za bolji život, to jest, idem učit latinski...


09.10.2005. u 15:31 • 2 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 06.10.2005.

With the Lights Out...

... it's less dangerous...

Danas je opet dosada harala...a jebiga...četvrtak je gotov, sutra je petak, a tome sam se ja veselil cela 2 tjedna...jedva čekam kaj se maknem od doma i lude stare koja sve kaj zna, je srati...danas sam opet užival u blizini svoje drage,i to više od 2 sata,kaj po mojem nije dosta...a jebiga opet, sutra bu bolje...fala bogu kaj sam se bar na tri dana rešil svojega razreda, koji inače zna biti čist vredu, al sad nije bil taj slučaj...ni to nije baš preveč bitno, tak da, dok se bu nekaj zanimljivo dogodilo se javim, a do onda, pozdraf...

06.10.2005. u 22:57 • 2 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 05.10.2005.


You Alone

I don't think I've got a brain for two,
Simply, I don't have a mind,
And, my mind wasn't mine...
My thoughts were lost...

Although I'm blind,
I see you clearly...
Although I can't hear,
I hear your voice...

I'm happy and also sad,
When I'm with you and when I'm not.
If the sun doesn't shine,
If snow is falling,
I feel a strange warmth.

You are always there,
When I need you,
Thanks for that...

to je pjesma napisana zbog inspiracije koju mi je Irena dala...

05.10.2005. u 23:51 • 2 KomentaraPrint#

tek početak...?!

evo,začas bu četvrtak, al ko jebe četvrtak,sad je petak važan...u petak nema nastave, a to znači da sam ja celi dan slobodan,bez onoga zanovijetanja od strane starci...sutra još treba preživeti školu a onda u petak,odma ujutro idem k Ireni ( moja "žena"( jedino kaj je tu vredno pisati velkim slovom)),nakon nadam se 4 il 5 sati idemo nekam na ručak,zahvaljujući iksici i restoranima kaj ih primaju...inače prek dana vlada dosada i nije vrijedna spomena...ajd, to bi bilo sve za sad,al bum se valjda još javil...

05.10.2005. u 23:38 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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To see you when I wake up
Is a gift I didn’t think could be real.
To know that you feel the same as I do
Is a three-fold, utopian dream.
You do something to me that I can’t explain.
So would I be out of line if I said,
I miss you.
I see your picture,
I smell your skin on the empty pillow next to mine.
You have only been gone ten days,
but already I’m wasting away.
I know I’ll see you again
Whether far or soon.
But I need you to know that I care
And I miss you.


It’s been a while
Since I could...
Hold my head up high
It’s been a while
Since I first saw you
It’s been a while
Since I could stand
On my own two feet again
And it’s been a while
Since I could call you

And everything I can remember
As fucked up as it all may seem
Consequences that I’ve rendered
Have stretched myself beyond my means

It’s been a while
Since I could say
That I wasn’t addicted
It’s been a while
Since I could say
I loved myself as well and...
It’s been a while
Since I’ve gone and fucked things up
Just like I always do
It’s been a while
But all that shit seems to disappear when I’m with you

And everything I can remember
As fucked up as it all may seem
Consequences that I’ve rendered
Gone and fucked things up again... again

Why must I feel this way?
Just make this go away
Just one more peaceful day
But then I go an fuck things up again

It’s been a while
Since I could...
Look at myself straight
It’s been a while
Since I said I’m sorry
It’s been a while
Since I’ve seen the way
The candles light your face
It’s been a while
But I can still
Remember just the way you taste

Everything I can remember
As fucked up as it all may seem
To me... I know this pain
Can I blame this on my father?
He did the best he could for me

It’s been a while
Since I could...
Hold my head up high
It’s been a while
Since I said I’m sorry


And you bring me to my knees, again
All this time that I could beg you please, in vain
All the times that I felt insecure, for you
And I leave my burdens at the door

I’m on the outside
I’m looking in
I can see through you
See your true colors
’cause inside you’re ugly
Ugly like me
I can see through you
See to the real you

All this time that I felt like this wont end
It’s for you
And I taste what I could never have
Was from you
All those times that I tried
My intentions
Full of pride
And I waste more time than anyone

I’m on the outside
I’m looking in
I can see through you
See your true colors
Cause inside you’re ugly
Ugly like me
I can see through you
See to the real you

All the times that I cried
All this wastin
It’s all inside
And I feel all this pain
Stuffed it down
It’s back again
And I lie here in bed
All alone
I cant mend but I feel
Tomorrow will be okay

I’m on the outside
I’m looking in
I can see through you
See your true colors
Inside you’re ugly
Ugly like me
I can see through you
See to the real you