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wake me up when september ends


The Clash

"Stay Free"

we met when we were in school
never took no shit from no one, we weren't fools
the teacher says we're dumb
we're only having fun
we piss on everyone
in the classroom

when we got thrown out i left without much fuss
an' weekends we'd go dancing
down streatham on the bus
you always made me laugh

got me in bad fights
play me pool all night
smokin' menthol

i practised daily in my room
you were down the crown planning your next move
go on a nicking spree
hit the wrong guy
each of you get three
years in brixton

i did my very best to write
how was butlins?
were the screws too tight?
when you lot get out
were gonna hit the town
we'll burn it fuckin' down
to a cinder

cos years have passed and things have changed
and i move anyway i wanna go
i'll never forget the feeling i got
when i heard that you'd got home
an' i'll never forget the smile on my face
'cos i knew where you would be
an' if you're in the crown tonight
have a drink on me
but go easy...step lightly...stay free

Jimmy Eat World

The World You Love

i got a story it's almost finished
all i need is someone to tell it too
maybe, thats you.

our time is borrowed and spent to freely
every minute i have needs to be made up
but how?
im looking for a nice way to say
"i'm out."
i want out.

i fall asleep with my friends around me
only place i know, i feel safe
im gonna call this home

the open road is still miles away
ain't nothing serious
we still have our fun
oh we had it once

but windows open and close
thats just how it goes

dont it feel like sunshine afterall
the world we love forever, gone
we're only just as happy
as everyone else seems to think we are

im in love with the ordinary
i need a simple space
to rest my head
and everything gets clear
well im a little ashamed for asking
but just a little helps
it gets me straight again
helps me get over it

it might seem like a dream
but it's real to me

dont it feel like sunshine afterall
the world we love forever, gone
we're only just as happy
as everyone else seems to think we are

you should the canals are freezing
you should see me high
you should just be here
be with me here
it doesnt seem theres hope for me
i let you down
but i wont give in now
not for a million nows

Sex Pistols

She was a girl from birmingham
She just had an abortion
She was a case of insanity
Her name was pauline she lived in a tree
She was a no one who killed her baby
She sent her letters from the country
She was an animal she was a bloody disgrase

Body I’m not an animal
Body I’m not an animal

Dragged on a table in factory
Illegitimate place to be
In a packet in a lavatory
Die little baby screaming fucking bloody mess
It’s not an animal it’s an abortion

Body I’m not animal
Mummy I’m not an abortion

Throbbing squirm, gurgling bloody mess
I’m not an discharge, I’m not a loss in
Protein, I’m not a throbbing squirm

Fuck this and fuck that fuck it all and
Fuck the fucking brat
She don’t wanna baby that looks like that
I don’t wanna baby that looks like that
Body I’m not an animal
Body I’m not an abortion

Body I’m not an animal
An animal
I’m not an animal...
I’m not an abortion...

Mummy! ugh!

icq 276954897

04.11.2004., četvrtak

Porezna uprava sucks!

Oups she did it again....Moja predraga majka je i jučer pribjegla nasilju da me makne s interneta.Aj barem sam uspjela objaviti post...Sada sam se sjtila vremena kada sam bila mlada i naivna.Mislila sam da ću jendog dana upoznati svog Justina i da ćemo mi živjeti happily ever after...E PA NE!!!Kao prvo jer je justin odvratan a kao drugo fairy tales ne postoje.Danas je nas petero iz jezične odlučilo otići u osnovnu da posjetimo profače.priključile su nam se Dijana I Ana(alternativka) koja je cijelo vrijeme blejila u moje marte.One su prave zavodnice...Samo profa iz engleskog je bila u školi.Kako je dobro čuti normalan engleski naglasak!Ova sada kao da je pobjegla iz St.Petersburga...Ima jedan vaterpolista koji izgleda isto kao Jeremy Sumpter...Da kažem Lei ili ne...?Jučer sam do dva ujutro pisala onaj seminarski rad iz likovnog i ispale su mi samo 4 stranice.Naravno da sam negdje između zaspala jer moj jadni mali mozak(mozak???)odbija raditi nakon 23h.Jednostavno padnem u duboku komu zvanu san.Jedan tip na bezenu ima gaće na kojima(odozada) piše ''brži sam''.Spaljen tip.Ali zgodan.Osjećam se zakinuto.Opet.Ne zbog MTV-a (ovaj put).Sandra zna svirati bubnjeve,Ritz bas, Lein brat violinu a ja? KLAVIR.Moćna sam.Al barem mogu svirati onaj dio sa klavijaturama iz ''I Miss You''. :))Upravo se prežderavam bakinim kolačima i mislim o skijajnu.Can't wait!!!Da bar sutra padne snijeg da u subotu mogu na Sljeme!!!Postala sam sama sebi dosadna...Ovo je fakat glup post...

We hate blink 182 haters!!!Ovaj tip je fakat pretjerao...