četvrtak, 10.10.2013.

Past 30 Years Kissing photos In New York

For thirty years, photographer Matt Weber was to capture candid scenes of romantic passion in the streets of New York. His collection Urban Romance reveals the many tender moments of love that occur between couples who enjoy all the bustling city. The condition is accompanied or a simple kiss on the cheek lovingly lips near the middle of a crowded subway car .

Weber, who started documenting urban life in New York in 1978 , first, find a balance between the evidence of its recurrent image of an isolated city and refreshing well intimacy sometimes uncomfortable fire on land public . Although the details of the romance anonymous repair each pair remains unknown, Weber said: There are so many miserable people you see many people who do not seem very happy people happy , try not to worry are happy about it . . .

A book with an extensive collection of New York Bluetooth headset, Weber street photography , including images of an entire urban novel is available for purchase as The Urban Prisoner .

Oznake: Past 30 Years, Kissing, Photos, new york, art

- 10:15 -

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petak, 06.09.2013.

Organized Floral Arrangements Produce Rainbows of Color

In this series, titled The Garden Collection, Emily Blincoe photographer creates unique floral arrangements with a creative touch. Recently enjoyed his series of sugar and now she has properly applied its technology to a variety of flowers. Each photo has compositions full of flowers, leaves and stems organized in clay arranged. In contrast to the same dark background, the plants and the flowers appear in clusters as vivid colors.

With a methodical side Blincoe creates visually stunning work that shows the natural beauty of certain objects. When working with plants in this series, she was able to identify a symmetrical arrangement found in complex shapes and patterns in nature. His captivating designs transform ordinary flowers core elements of complex systems and offers its viewers the opportunity of the wonderful details that are all around us every day to inspect. Together produce the images a rainbow of flowers to brighten any day!

Emily Blincoe's website HP 4320s battery






Oznake: Floral, Arrangements, Rainbows, Garden Collection, art, flowers

- 08:37 -

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Organized Floral Arrangements Produce Rainbows of Color

In this series, titled The Garden Collection, Emily Blincoe photographer creates unique floral arrangements with a creative touch. Recently enjoyed his series of sugar and now she has properly applied its technology to a variety of flowers. Each photo has compositions full of flowers, leaves and stems organized in clay arranged. In contrast to the same dark background, the plants and the flowers appear in clusters as vivid colors.

With a methodical side Blincoe creates visually stunning work that shows the natural beauty of certain objects. When working with plants in this series, she was able to identify a symmetrical arrangement found in complex shapes and patterns in nature. His captivating designs transform ordinary flowers core elements of complex systems and offers its viewers the opportunity of the wonderful details that are all around us every day to inspect. Together produce the images a rainbow of flowers to brighten any day!

Emily Blincoe's website HP 4320s battery






Oznake: Floral, Arrangements, Rainbows, Garden Collection, art, flowers

- 08:37 -

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četvrtak, 25.07.2013.

Young Girl's Adorable Kiss Me Please Project

You may recognize the little girl in these photos as the younger daughter of Nagano Toyokazu, a photographer we featured here over two years ago. Lucky for us, the Japanese photographer has continued snapping adorable photos of his family, even expanding upon one particular series he calls the Kiss Me Please Project. In it, four-year-old Kanna shows us that some of life's most complicated matters of the heart can be solved by a simple, silly kiss.

As father Toyakazu tells us, "Whether it is a fight between a couple, countries, and people, it is quite possible that everything can be solved with a simple kiss. With this in mind, my second daughter is expressing this idea by kissing different people and things. This project is to show that love can be spread and shared among the people. We hope that it would bring peace to the world.

If you can't get enough of cute little Kanna, you can see a lot more of this mini movie-star-to-be

[Via : Nagano Toyokazu on Flickr PA3817U-1BRS]

Oznake: Girl, Adorable, Kiss, Project, art, life, Photos

- 05:04 -

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