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by MeNTaLkA :)

Opis bloga

Pozadina je posvecena zuli i meni...hahahaha

Zivot je avantura!
Samo jednom se zivi!
Onaj tko ljubi ima sve!

BOJA OCI: smede (zeleno)
BOJAKOSE:crvena (sa crnim pramenovima)
DATUM RODENJA: Halloween (31.10.)
NAJGRUPE: Nightwish, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Rammstein, Hammerfall, Heloween, Nirvana, die Ärtzte, Silbermond....
POSEBNI LJUDI:Dudo, Oliva, seka Sarah, Sime....
NAJDRZAVE: Hrvatska, Njemacka, Irska, Finska
NAJBOJE: crna, crvena, zelena(maslinasto)

MSN - black-daisy@net.hr
ljudi ako vas nes muci ili samo zelite pricat javite se na ovaj msn.... skoro sam uvijek online..... jedino ako nisam doma....

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blog trazilica i direktoriji...

Moj stup u Oluji
ome.... ljubav moja....
izgoretina moa....
prugasta pippica.... lol...
Velika (Adalia)
ma, velika moa.... uvik zna kad treba svratiti....
ako volite posteve "drugacije vrste" ovo morate obavezno citati...
nemam rijeci, procitajte pa zakljucite sami...

Linkovi ce se pomalo mijenjat, dok ne prode opasnost.... Nesto vreba iz mraka, a svi znate da ne volim mrak...

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"The Dirty Glass"

Murphy, Murphy, darling dear
I long for you now night and day
Your pain was my pleasure, your sorrow my joy
I feel now I've lost you to health and good cheer

Darcy, when I met you I was five years too young
A boy beyond his age, or so I'd tell someone
Anyone who'd listen and a few who couldn't care
Still I welcomed you with open arms, my love I did share

Darcy, Darcy darling dear,
You left me dying, crying there
In whiskey, gin, and pints of beer
I fell for you my darling dear

You shut me off and you showed me the door
But you always came crawling back begging me for more
I showed you kindness, a stool, and a tab
Then you poured me my pain in a dirty glass
(Yeah, you left him bloody, battered, penniless, and poor)
You know, I often stopped and wondered how you made it through my door
With my brother's new non-duplicate registry ID
Well you bit off more than you could chew the first day you met me.


You weren't the first to court me mister you won't be the last
Oh, I'm sure I wasn't honey, I know all about your past
Listen to the big shot with his pager on call
You spent most of those nights in my bathroom stall
(Yeah, you got him high, but you left him low)
Mind your own business, boy, how was I to know
That he was just a fiend and a no-good cheat
Well it's all in the past bitch 'cause now I've got it beat.

[Chorus x4]

My dear, my dear
Darcy, Darcy my darling dear.

"Boys On The Docks"

[Dedicated to the memory of John Kelly]

Say hey Johnny boy, the battle call.
United we stand, divided we fall.
Together we are what we can't be alone,
We came to this country, you made it our home.

This man so humble, this man so brave.
A legend to many, he fought to his grave.
Saved family and friends from the hardship and horror,
in a land of depression he gave hope for tomorrow.

Say Johnny me boy, this ones for you.
With the strength of many and the courage of few.
To what do we owe this man who's fight
was for the masses, he gave his life.

Say hey Johnny boy, the battle call
United we stand, divided we fall.
Together we are what we can't be alone,
We came to this country, you made it our home.

A friend to the locals who dabbled in crime.
He'd give you a job and he'd give you his time.
He wasn't a crook, but he couldn't be conned.
John knew the difference between right and wrong.

Say Johnny me boy, you live no longer,
Others forgotten, your memory's stronger.
Lets drink to the causes in your life:
Your family, your friends, the union, your wife.

Say hey Johnny boy, the battle call.
United we stand, divided we fall.
Together we are what we can't be alone.
We came to this country, you made it our home.

And the boys on the docks needed John for sure.
When they came to this country he opened the door.
He said "Man I'll tell ya, they don't like our kind.
Though it starts with a fist it must end with your mind."

Say hey Johnny boy, the battle call.
United we stand, divided we fall.
Together we are what we can't be alone.
We came to this country you made it our home.

"Never Alone"

You say its because we're boisterous
You hate us 'cause we got our dignity
There's a difference between the two of us
It's a sense of morality and what corrupts
We stand together so proud and strong
This is a place where we belong

We got loyal friends
We keep our heads held high,
We'll stick together you and I
Don't need no guns or no drugs on our streets
just a place to go and the boots on our feet.

Young skinhead they call you hooligan
Just because you don't make any sense to them
You're a hardworking man whose paid his dues
But they still call you racist on the evening news
But the blood that runs right down your wrist
Don't come from a knife, but the cuts on your fist

Your torn up knuckles and faded blue jeans
Are the colors you wear and the life that you've seen
You tell the truth look people in the eye
Don't live your life in no baggy disguise.

Never alone...
The city streets are where we roam.
Never alone...
This is Boston it's our home.
Never alone...
The city streets are where we roam.
Never alone...
This is Boston it's our home.

Don't need no gang to watch my ass
Just loyal friendship and a pint of Bass
In the midst of the chaos and insanity
I'm a member of the working class society
We'll sweat in the ring and bleed in the streets
But our will and spirit can never be beat

You can shoot and you can kick but together we'll stick
Through thick and thin not stick or stone
Can break the bond that has here grown
Arm and Arm We Fight As One.

Never alone...
The city streets are where we roam.
Never alone...
This is Boston it's our home.
Never alone...
The city streets are where we roam.
Never alone...
This is Boston it's our home.

"Walk Away"

So you say you fell in love
And you're gonna get married
Raise yourself a family
How simple life can be
Somewhere it all went wrong
And your plan just fell apart
And you aint got the heart
to finish what you started

Yeah you fell in love
And you went and got married
Had yourself a family
How simple life can be
Somewhere it all went wrong
And your plan just fell apart
And you aint got the heart
to finish what you started

The ones that you loved
The ones that you left behind
The ones you said you'd try to find
Are they tryin' to find you?

Somewhere it all went wrong
And your plan just fell apart
And you ain't got the heart
to finish what you started
You walked out that door
To find out where you belong
To fulfill your own selfish dreams
I think you might have forgotten

The ones that you loved
The ones that you left behind
The ones you said you'd try to find
Are they tryin' to find you?

"Worker's Song"

Yeh, this one's for the workers who toil night and day
By hand and by brain to earn your pay
Who for centuries long past for no more than your bread
Have bled for your countries and counted your dead

In the factories and mills, in the shipyards and mines
We've often been told to keep up with the times
For our skills are not needed, they've streamlined the job
And with sliderule and stopwatch our pride they have robbed

We're the first ones to starve, we're the first ones to die
The first ones in line for that pie-in-the-sky
And we're always the last when the cream is shared out
For the worker is working when the fat cat's about

And when the sky darkens and the prospect is war
Who's given a gun and then pushed to the fore
And expected to die for the land of our birth
Though we've never owned one lousy handful of earth?

[Chorus x3]

All of these things the worker has done
From tilling the fields to carrying the gun
We've been yoked to the plough since time first began
And always expected to carry the can


I wish I had an angel
For one moment of love
I wish I had your angel
Your Virgin Mary undone
I'm in love with my lust
Burning angelwings to dust
I wish I had your angel tonight

Deep into a dying day
I took a step outside an innocent heart
Prepare to hate me fall when I may
This night will hurt you like never before

Old loves they die hard
Old lies they die harder

I wish...

I'm going down so frail 'n cruel
Drunken disguise changes all the rules

Old loves...

I Wish...

Greatest thrill
Not to kill
But to have the prize of the night
Wannabe friend
13th disciple who betrayed me for nothing!

Last dance, first kiss
Your touch my bliss
Beauty always comes with dark thoughts

I wish...


This is me for forever
One of the lost ones
The one without a name
Without an honest heart as compass

This is me for forever
One without a name
These lines the last endeavor
To find the missing lifeline

Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart
Lost in the dark
For hope I`d give my everything
Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
Oh how I wish to dream again
Once and for all
And all for once
Nemo my name forevermore

My flower, withered between
The pages 2 and 3
The once and forever bloom gone with my sins

Walk the dark path
Sleep with angels
Call the past for help
Touch me with your love
And reveal to me my true name

Oh, how I wish...

Nemo sailing home
Nemo letting go

Oh, how i wish...


It is the end of all hope
To lose the child, the faith
To end all the innocence
To be someone like me
This is the birth of all hope
To have what I once had
This life unforgiven
It will end with a birth

No will to wake for this morn
To see another black rose born
Deathbed is slowly covered with snow

Angels, they fell first but I'm still here
Alone as they are drawing near
In heaven my masterpiece will finally be sung

Wounded is the deer that leaps highest
And my wound it cuts so deep
Turn off the light and let me pull the plug

Mandylion without a face
Deathwish without a prayer
End of hope
End of love
End of time
The rest is silence

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Safely away from the world
In a dream, timeless domain
A child, dreamy eyed,
Mother's mirror, father's pride

I wish I could come back to you
Once again feel the rain
Falling inside me
Cleaning all that I've become

My home is far but the rest it lies so close
With my long lost love under the black rose
You told I had the eyes of a wolf
Search them and find the beauty of the beast

All of my songs can only be composed of the greatest of pains
Every single verse can only be born of the greatest of wishes
I wish I had one more night to live

A saint blessed me, drank me deeply
Spitting out the misery in me
Still a sinner rapes 1000 saints
Sharing the same hell with me

Sanest choice in the insane world:
Beware the beast but enjoy the feast he offers

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Heartborne, 7th Seeker
In me the Wishmaster


A dreamy-eyed child staring into night
On a journey to storyteller`s mind
Whispers a wish speaks with the stars the words are silent in him
Distant sigh from a lonely heart
"I`ll be with you soon, my Shalafi"
Grey Havens my destiny



Sla-Mori the one known only by Him
To august realms, the sorcery within
If you hear the call of arcane lore,
Your world shall rest on Earth no more
A maiden elf calling with her cunning song
"Meet me at the Inn of Last Home"
Heartborne will find the way!


Crusade for Your will
A child, dreamfinder
The Apprentice becoming...



I want to see where the sirens sing
Hear how the wolves howl
Sail the dead calm waters of the Pacific

Dance in the fields of coral
Be blinded by the white
Discover the deepest jungle

I want to find The Secret Path
A bird delivered into my heart, so

It`s not the end
Not the kingdom come
It is the journey that matters, the distant wanderer
Call of the wild
In me forever and ever and ever forever

I want to love by the Blue Lagoon
Kiss under the waning moon
Straying, claiming my place in this mortal coil

Riding the dolphins
Asking the mountains
Dreaming Alaska
The Earth can have but Earth

I want to find...

It`s not the end...

Drown into my eyes and see the wanderer
See the mirrors of a wolf behold the pathfinder

subota, 11.11.2006.


Znam da ne volite preduge postove (a ovaj je definitivno dug), ali nemojte procitati do kraja ako vam se ne da... Ja obozavam citate! S njima kratko ali kasno mozes reci svoje misljenje... Tako kome se da neka uziva u ovih 73 citata, porukica, stihova (kako god hcete)!

Svijet je lijep,
zivot dar s neba,
svaki novi dan donosi zbunjenost,
a prijatelji su ono najvece blago koji ce te uvijek braniti,
na koje se mozes osloniti.
Iako te uvijek razumiju, to nije potrebno,
jer te vole takva kakva jesi!
Nikad to nemoj zaboraviti....

Istrazivanja pokazuju da je jedan od cetvero ljudi neuravnotezen.
Misli na svoja tri prijatelja,
ako ti se oni cine ok ti si onaj!!!!!!!!!!

Ne budi uvjeren da si sam i da zivis za sebe,
za nekog si roden i netko je roden za tebe!!!!!!!!!

Odgoj je organizirana obrana odraslih protiv mladezi!

Always say what you know, but always know what you say!

Onaj tko odustaje nikad ne pobjeduje, onaj tko pobjeduje nikad ne odustaje!

Equi donat dentes non inspipciuntur! (Poklonjenom konju ne gleda se u zube!)

Alea iacta est! (Kocka je bacena!)

Cogito, ergo sum! ( Mislim, dakle jesam!)

Iuventus- ventus! (Mladost- ludost!)

Erare humanum est! (Grijesiti je ljudski!)

Imperare sibi maximum, imperium est! (Vladati sobom, najveca je vlast!)

De mortuis nil nisi bene! ( O mrtvima treba pricati samo dobro!)

In vino veritas! ( U vinu lezi istina!)

Mundus vult decipi! ( Neka svijet bude prevaren!)

Non plus ultra! ( Najbolji!)

Per aspera ad astra! ( Po hrapavom putu do zvijezda)

Vivere militare est! ( Zivot znaci borba!)

Historia est magistra vitate! (Povijest je uciteljica zivota!)

Odustajem od cokolade ali nisam pouzdana!

Mladost traje casak,
ljepota je cvijet,
al´ ljubav je dragulj sto osvajja svijet!

Bog nije mogao biti svugdje, zato je stvorio baku i djeda!

Ne pokusaj me shvatiti samo me voli!

Spasite zemlju, ona je jedini planet na kojem ima cokolade!

Daleko je teze ugasiti glad za ljubavlju, nego glad za kruhom! (Majka Terezija)

Ako budemo kaznjavali one koje se vole, kakve ce biti kazne za one koje se mrze?!? (Pizistrat)

Nije tesko zaljubiti se. Tesko je to reci. (Jacqes Prevert )

Born to be wild!

Nitko te ne volino.................... vise od mene!winkcerekkiss

We are the champions!

Tko se tuce taj se voli!

Tko tebe kamenom, ti njega kruhom!

Sto ne zelis da tebi neko cini, to ne cini nekom drugom!

Nitko ne zna koliko je mocan, dok ne iskusi svoju moc!
(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

Kako cu najbolje doci do vrha brijega?
Samo se popni i nemoj misliti o tome (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Dubina covjekove duse krije neobjasnjivu moc, jer sam Bog u njoj zivi. (Franz von Assisi)

Svaka moc se prepoznaje samo po preprekama koje moze preci. (Immanuel Kant)

Svako uvijek ima toliku moc, da uradi ono u sto je uvjeren. (Johann Wlofgang von Goethe)

Usporedivanje je kraj srece i pocetak nezadovoljstva. (Sören Kierkegaard)

Najvisa covjekova sreca je oslobodenje od straha. (Walther Rathenau)

Bez unutarnjeg mira se ne moze zamisliti sreca. (Willhelm von Humboldt)

Zivite i razmnozavajte se!

Ne vjeruj mu, ne zaljubi se- znas da boli!
Zivi brzo, umri mlad, boli te kurac gdje i kad!
Jebi se, loci, kupaj u pivi i imaj na umu:

Zelja mi je da te srusim na krevet i da tamo ostanemo sto duze, da te natjeram da buncas i da ti tijelo gori zbog mene................
Voli te tvoja GRIPA

Dva cvijeta rastu za mudrog covijeka, zovu se nada i uzivanje. (Friedrich Schiller)

Tu sam covjek, tu smijem biti. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

Knjiga je poput vrta kojeg nosi u torbi. (Arapska poslovica)

Kompromis je umjetnost da podijelis kolac tako da svatko misli da je dobio najveci komad. (Ludwig Ehard)

Zivot bez feste je daleki put bez gostione. (Demokrit)

Samo nikad nemojte ometati mir zaljubljenih. (Hölderlin)

Tesko je nekome reci da ga volis i da mu zelis dati sve,
a jos je teze voljeti nekoga tko ti je dva puta bez osjecaja rekao NE!

Prva ljubav ne ubija, umires od zadnje....

Ne budi uvjeren da si sam i da zivis za sebe,
za nekog si roden i netko je roden za tebe!

Ako smo mogli poslati jednog muskarca na mjesec, zasto ne mozremo svih?

I hear the sounds in a metal way, I felt the power rolling in the stage....... ´cause only thing really sets me free: Heavy metal loud it can be!

7 je svijetskih cuda,
6 kontinenta,
5 krakova zvijezde,
4 lista dijeteline,
3 su oceana,
2 oka...,
Ali samo 1 si Ti!

Ti imas nesto osobito lijepo ,
sarmantno, uzviseno, jedinstveno,
nesto sto drugi nemaju
i nece nikad imati!
Ti imas MENE!

Jedna je rijec malo,
100 rijeci je mnogo,
3 rijeci kazu sve :
„Ljubavi volim te!”

Ako te gnjavim zovi 92,
ako te prestrasim 93,
ako te povrijedim 94,
Ako mene zelis nazovi moj broj...

Mozda slovo - volim zbog rime,
a mozda zato sto slovom - pocinje tvoje ime...

Ako tko uspije na suncu kockom leda ispisati tvoje ime,
priznat cu mu da te voli vise od mene!

Nezdravo, neshvatljivo, totalno,
nezamisljivo, nemoguce, nenormalno,
ludo, carobno, nedoljivo, iskreno,
mi ne dostajes...

Bole ti noge?
Ne, zasto?
Zato sto si mi cijelu vecer setao po mislima...

Zeljela sam ti poslati nesto zgodno,
lijepo i pametno,
ali im jeden problem:
Nisam stala u Display!

Nekomu je tesko dignuti 10 kg.,
nekomu kopati kukuruz ili se ujutro buditi,
a tebi je tesko nazvati moj broj.

Neki su dani duzi od drugih dana,
neko je vrijeme bolje od drugog vremena,
neki su snovi lijepsi od drugih snova,
a moj najlijepsi san upravo cita ovu poruku!

Lasta voli lastavicu,
golub golubicu,
a ja volim onoga kome je posvecena ova poruka!

U tihoj noci,
dok ce vjetar svirati posljednju notu svoje sinfonije,
sjeti se da nisi samo slucajni prolaznik u mom zivotu.

Kazu da je polubac najlijepsi surset na svijetu.
Hajde da se nademo!

Kad more preplavi kopno,
kad u pustinji padne snijeg,
kad se ledenjaci otope,
kad usret noch zasja sune,
- ni tat te necu prestati vojeti!

Na ovom ekranu zelene boje
nemogu stati sve zelje moje.
Ali mogu statt 24 slova:
Previse te volim, ljubavi moja!

Porukica ova nek te razveseli,
pise ti je netko tko te mnogo zeli!
Zelim te vise nego sto bi dusa htjela,
jer se do sad volimo sam preko mobitela!

Ne zivi za proslost,
ne zivi u buducnosti,
zivi samo za trenutak,
jer nema garancije, cak i raj so samo posudili!

Cestitam onima koji su dosli do kraja!!! Stvarno je bilo dugo.... Jel bilo dobro???

- 21:51 - komentiraj... (12) - printaj - reFrEsh..

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